I'm devastated


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Oct 23, 2011
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I mean I wish you told me this before I got emotionally invested. I would have never watched the nfl because lately its been a horrible product that isnt fun to watch. I only watch to see the seahawks win.
The product hasn't changed but your teams success has.

When the Seahawks were winning you watched other games because you wanted to compare your team against thiers.

Now that the Seahawks are losing the excitement for whats goning on in the rest of the league is gone. That's normal.

You will be back to loving the NFL should the Seahawks turn thier franchise around.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2011
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The product hasn't changed but your teams success has.

When the Seahawks were winning you watched other games because you wanted to compare your team against thiers.

Now that the Seahawks are losing the excitement for whats goning on in the rest of the league is gone. That's normal.

You will be back to loving the NFL should the Seahawks turn thier franchise around.
Lol Nice try but the NFL is trash. However, I still want the Seahawks to win so I keep watching.


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2022
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This is a good point, really.

A few years ago a switch got flipped for me where I no longer have high expectations, so I don't really get too torn up about losses.

I still yell and cuss at certain horrible plays, and still want the Seahawks to win, but I'm more of a casual observer now. I don't take losses personally and don't grieve like I used to.
This is me as well. MANY great posts in this thread, like yours, that sum up my feelings about our beloved Hawks...and pro sports in general. One poster talked about his love for the draft. My Gawd I love the NFL draft! So with the Hawks continuing to slide under this regime, I take solace in our upcoming draft positioning. I just had to pause after writing that. Like really?? KNowing there's zero chance of winning another SB at this time, the best I can hope for is that we don't win TOO many games? That is the antithesis of sports fan, imo. I sure didn't want for this feeling and I sure didn't will it to happen. The great news is I do understand how cyclical this all is. And I believe better times lie ahead.

Seattle, despite the warts, is a great city. We have a great stadium and great fans. I hope this makes us very attractive to a potential buyer that wants to win football games. I am very sorry, Mr. Allen. You were / are a god to us. But ownership of this franchise has to change. I see no other way to separate us from this mediocrity that your great fans have been forced to endure since your passing. And with all the money you left, I'd hope Vulcan would outbid all other suiters and permanently rename the stadium 'Paul Allen field'.

Patience, JerHawk.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
What a gut punch of a game to watch, on Thanksgiving no less.

My heart is sick and sad. My head hurts. My knuckles are bleeding.

Why is this happening? Why do we seem to be getting worse, year after year?

I'm embarassed. I'm beyond humbled. I'm just... Lost
This is why I've adapted a somewhat pessimistic attitude. I was disappointed, yes, but not 'devastated', didn't suffer a gut punch, and my knuckles still have skin on them. I expected us to lose by 2+ TD's, and that's exactly what happened.

Had we won, I would have been more ecstatic than had I gone into the evening expecting a win.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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What a gut punch of a game to watch, on Thanksgiving no less.

My heart is sick and sad. My head hurts. My knuckles are bleeding.

Why is this happening? Why do we seem to be getting worse, year after year?

I'm embarassed. I'm beyond humbled. I'm just... Lost
That was brutal.

I had the game on PVR and I'm glad I did. I had a couple drinks, and mostly fast forwarded the game after it was like what 14-3.

Just brutal. It's ******* criminal how much talent we're pissing away on this team. Criminal. Said it before and I stand by it.

Teams would KILL for some of the players that we're bad coaching down the toilet bowl.




Well-known member
Sep 23, 2011
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My passion for the NFL has slowly died each season. Not just because of the Seahawks - they’ve done their share - but with the crappy officiating and move toward “entertainment” - it’s become relatively uninteresting and banal.

The predictability of the Seahawks makes it very easy to not watch. If you want to understand it from a neuropsychological angle -oh and I bet you do! - check out the concept of “inhibition of return”

It’s just not interesting anymore. I absolutely love the draft. And I really like what we did - I love watching the young players develop - but our system, mainly offense, seems to stunt growth. I feel for JSN. At least Witherspoon has a chance as our D isn’t as inept as our offense

But all in all, this season continues to make it easier to not keep track of the schedule. And each week I’m less likely to watch than the previous. Eventually I’ll take up online karate instead and call it a good run.
My vote for post of the day. EXACTLY how I have been feeling the last few years. Peteball is really hard to watch. It's just not fun watching a team play down to inferior teams year after year. Bad defense for the last 6 years is really brutal. I love Pete but it's probably time. Do you really trust him to select and tutor the next QBOF?


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2011
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You are not on the team, why are you embarrassed? The team isn't great. Why would you gamble actual life happiness on something you can't control?

I get it. It sucks watching your favorite team suck, but if it gets that serious turn the TV off. It's not worth taking years off your life
took me WAAAY too long to figure this out. I'm now there and its liberating. When you care more that they guys doing the actual playing, it's time to move on.


Active member
May 5, 2011
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What a gut punch of a game to watch, on Thanksgiving no less.

My heart is sick and sad. My head hurts. My knuckles are bleeding.

Why is this happening? Why do we seem to be getting worse, year after year?

I'm embarassed. I'm beyond humbled. I'm just... Lost
Don't let it ruin you..I could have told you we would lose. It puppies playing with the big dogs.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2022
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On the other hand, Dolly Parton looks pretty amazing for 77, if anyone saw the halftime show in the Dallas/Washington game.



Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
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Seattle, WA
I feel bad for the young guys on the team. Even players like DK and Tyler - total studs and completely hung out to dry. Our entire offense - but our QB and OC believe in each other - and the HC. It’s like a schizophrenic holy trinity.


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2013
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It definitely bothers me that some of these guys don't seem to take it to heart and transfer that into upping their game the next game.

It feels like that at least.
It would be nice to have a JJ Watt or his brother on the team. Someone who is all effort and heart. Can anyone name a player on the team that will "donate an organ" to succeed? Anyone remember Paul Moyer? He was cleated in the nut sack, and finished the game. He was a MAD DOG, with slightly above talent. A winner type that the team does not have on the roster.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2023
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Port Angeles Washington in the mountains
It would be nice to have a JJ Watt or his brother on the team. Someone who is all effort and heart. Can anyone name a player on the team that will "donate an organ" to succeed? Anyone remember Paul Moyer? He was cleated in the nut sack, and finished the game. He was a MAD DOG, with slightly above talent. A winner type that the team does not have on the roster.
I feel your angst, but I don’t think our players quit. They were hamstrung. Even geno didn’t quit, he might of had no business being out there but he didn’t quit


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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took me WAAAY too long to figure this out. I'm now there and its liberating. When you care more that they guys doing the actual playing, it's time to move on.
The guys playing don't have time to carry that grief. They have to play the next game


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2012
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On the other hand, Dolly Parton looks pretty amazing for 77, if anyone saw the halftime show in the Dallas/Washington game.

Really? I don't know which was worse....the amount of plastic in her face that gives her the perma-smile or the diaper under the shorts....that just wasn't right.