"Hi My Name Is Aros And I Am...


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
...an overly sensitive 12."

I spent a disgustingly embarrassing amount of time in front of the TV this past week taking this whole Munich Seahawks/Bucs pregame coverage thing in. I couldn't get enough. It legit felt like it was the week leading up to the Super Bowl and the Seahawks were in the big game. The sheer amount of Seahawks love and coverage for hours on end this past week was so dripping in over the top I surely thought I was having one long, fanciful dream.

From analysts to broadcasters to players to fans, the love shown this Cinderella Seahawks team was so beyond I was left speachless.

Yet, even with all of that collective love. With all of that Bandwagon Fervor, here I was tonight, watching Gameday Picks (not the real name of the show, I don't care to look it up) on NFL Network where three people sit around making their picks for each game this Sunday and what gets me all fired up like we've suddenly become the red-headed stepchild once again in the NFL?

Cynthia Frelund. The network's "analytical expert". She's a numbers gal and she's damn good at it. Smart as a whip, but I swear every time it's her turn to pick the Seahawks games she almost always picks against them. I've watched this network for years now and it's a real trend with her. So tonight when it was the Seahawks / Bucs segment, all three guys picked the Seahawks. Cool. Here's the funny part. I was watching with my girl and I said, "Oh, it's time for her to pick. She will pick against us. You watch."


The point of this thread is not to say I was right. The point of this thread is to try to figure out the psychological reason why I STILL give a flying crap what anyone says against my team, even when 98% are in agreement with my feelings? Why am I so damn sensitive? Is it because I have NFLPTSD from all those years I endured in the 1990's? Is it the derogatory and once ubiquitous term "SeaChickens" that still calls out into the recesses of my synapsis from time-to-time?

Even when nearly the entire world agrees with my take on the Seahawks do I give a rip what a few outliers have to say to the contrary?

"Hi my name is Aros and I am an overly sensitive 12."

Who's next?


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md

Great Post!

And I agree. It used to frustrate me to no end to watch pregame shows and particularly when we were pretty good, see the experts talk us up... how much potential we had...how many 'quietly great' players we had on our roster, playing in the wasteland of South Alaska... how surprisingly good this or that other aspect of our team was, only to see them wrap with 'but not today, team x will win this one handily 31 to 17'.

And when we were average, it was even worse. No coverage of our team's strengths, just a dismissive, 'meh, it's the Seahags...'. Especially Boomer on ESPN. I'd get so pissed because I could understand the media being down on the team in the 90s, but even during those years, we had some pretty dynamic players that were worth some media recognition. And no one cared.

But after our superbowl appearance in 05, and even more so when Pete took over and I saw the monster he was constructing, I actually relished in the disrespect. I came to enjoy all of the ' who knew the Hawks were this good... ' talk. There was no better example than our superbowl win against the Donks.

So yeah, I'm with you. It's comical. That's why in so many ways, it's almost poetic that Geno is paired with Pete. Both guys were left for dead in their careers. Pete when he came here 12 years ago, and Geno, dismissed right up until this year. It's great to watch the media begrudgingly give the team respect. And like you said, even now, their collective reflex is to give us a nod, but then summarily set us aside to acknowledge the greatness of whatever 'real' contender we are playing. I love it. And I love the fact that the team feeds off of the disrespect. I've wondered whether Pete and John have a conduit to the outlets that they push to maintain the negative chatter so that their guys keep their edge. The only thing I can see derailing our push is for them to start believing the headlines that they are as good as they might seem.

BTW, I just hopped on the train from Nürnberg to Munich for the game today. Hawks fans are out early!

It does feel like a championship environment! And no matter how many times I've seen the Hawks following here over the years, it never ceases to amaze.


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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
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...an overly sensitive 12."

I spent a disgustingly embarrassing amount of time in front of the TV this past week taking this whole Munich Seahawks/Bucs pregame coverage thing in. I couldn't get enough. It legit felt like it was the week leading up to the Super Bowl and the Seahawks were in the big game. The sheer amount of Seahawks love and coverage for hours on end this past week was so dripping in over the top I surely thought I was having one long, fanciful dream.

From analysts to broadcasters to players to fans, the love shown this Cinderella Seahawks team was so beyond I was left speachless.

Yet, even with all of that collective love. With all of that Bandwagon Fervor, here I was tonight, watching Gameday Picks (not the real name of the show, I don't care to look it up) on NFL Network where three people sit around making their picks for each game this Sunday and what gets me all fired up like we've suddenly become the red-headed stepchild once again in the NFL?

Cynthia Frelund. The network's "analytical expert". She's a numbers gal and she's damn good at it. Smart as a whip, but I swear every time it's her turn to pick the Seahawks games she almost always picks against them. I've watched this network for years now and it's a real trend with her. So tonight when it was the Seahawks / Bucs segment, all three guys picked the Seahawks. Cool. Here's the funny part. I was watching with my girl and I said, "Oh, it's time for her to pick. She will pick against us. You watch."


The point of this thread is not to say I was right. The point of this thread is to try to figure out the psychological reason why I STILL give a flying crap what anyone says against my team, even when 98% are in agreement with my feelings? Why am I so damn sensitive? Is it because I have NFLPTSD from all those years I endured in the 1990's? Is it the derogatory and once ubiquitous term "SeaChickens" that still calls out into the recesses of my synapsis from time-to-time?

Even when nearly the entire world agrees with my take on the Seahawks do I give a rip what a few outliers have to say to the contrary?

"Hi my name is Aros and I am an overly sensitive 12."

Who's next?
I mean i have to believe that Pete is using every second of the attention to motivate his team. Every game is a championship game and any negativity he uses to create that chip onbthe shoulder to fire his team up to get to that next level of championship football. I havent been watching any of it at all but i can say one thing i would be shocked if the Seahawks were not fired up for this one ya know Pete is playin his cards to the fullest extent. Lol


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
And I remember one segment where they were pontificating how the Bucs could possibly be favored against the red hot, 4-game winning streak Seahawks, their only response? "Well, Tom Brady." 45-year-old Tom Brady who has looked like hot garbage all year but God bless him for some magical fluke final 53 seconds he wins a game this year.



Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
If you are a Seattle fan you are a sensitive 12.

We have endured a losing Mariners team for years, no NHL team because the league rigged it against Seattle (yes I have the proof).

A basketball team stolen from us.

A NFL that, until PC came was always terrible even when we were good, never good enough. Then the League and NFL refs taking the SB away in 05.

So I think any fan of Seattle sports is a sensitive fan who feels sighted every time some shit writer or sports site from the EAST puts the team down.

BUT Pete will get the last laugh and I will try to lose some of my 40 plus years of hate against all the wankers who constantly put down the Sea Chickens.

Go Hawks, the good feelings are back again after 5years of doldrums.


Well-known member
May 9, 2009
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...an overly sensitive 12."

I spent a disgustingly embarrassing amount of time in front of the TV this past week taking this whole Munich Seahawks/Bucs pregame coverage thing in. I couldn't get enough. It legit felt like it was the week leading up to the Super Bowl and the Seahawks were in the big game. The sheer amount of Seahawks love and coverage for hours on end this past week was so dripping in over the top I surely thought I was having one long, fanciful dream.

From analysts to broadcasters to players to fans, the love shown this Cinderella Seahawks team was so beyond I was left speachless.

Yet, even with all of that collective love. With all of that Bandwagon Fervor, here I was tonight, watching Gameday Picks (not the real name of the show, I don't care to look it up) on NFL Network where three people sit around making their picks for each game this Sunday and what gets me all fired up like we've suddenly become the red-headed stepchild once again in the NFL?

Cynthia Frelund. The network's "analytical expert". She's a numbers gal and she's damn good at it. Smart as a whip, but I swear every time it's her turn to pick the Seahawks games she almost always picks against them. I've watched this network for years now and it's a real trend with her. So tonight when it was the Seahawks / Bucs segment, all three guys picked the Seahawks. Cool. Here's the funny part. I was watching with my girl and I said, "Oh, it's time for her to pick. She will pick against us. You watch."


The point of this thread is not to say I was right. The point of this thread is to try to figure out the psychological reason why I STILL give a flying crap what anyone says against my team, even when 98% are in agreement with my feelings? Why am I so damn sensitive? Is it because I have NFLPTSD from all those years I endured in the 1990's? Is it the derogatory and once ubiquitous term "SeaChickens" that still calls out into the recesses of my synapsis from time-to-time?

Even when nearly the entire world agrees with my take on the Seahawks do I give a rip what a few outliers have to say to the contrary?

"Hi my name is Aros and I am an overly sensitive 12."

Who's next?
Watch that Broussard guy talk about Geno and be ready to lose you shit:ROFLMAO: Start at 4:10. I love when the one guy calls Russell Mr. quite limited:ROFLMAO:. That Broussard guy sounds like a complete moron.

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
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And I remember one segment where they were pontificating how the Bucs could possibly be favored against the red hot, 4-game winning streak Seahawks, their only response? "Well, Tom Brady." 45-year-old Tom Brady who has looked like hot garbage all year but God bless him for some magical fluke final 53 seconds he wins a game this year.

View attachment 55690
The Hawks are going to destroy Tampa... its going to be ugly¡


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2017
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And I remember one segment where they were pontificating how the Bucs could possibly be favored against the red hot, 4-game winning streak Seahawks, their only response? "Well, Tom Brady." 45-year-old Tom Brady who has looked like hot garbage all year but God bless him for some magical fluke final 53 seconds he wins a game this year.

View attachment 55690
I live in Reno and love the betting odds and the disrespect they give our Hawks. I’ve been doing quite well betting the Hawks and took them today paired with the under.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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And I remember one segment where they were pontificating how the Bucs could possibly be favored against the red hot, 4-game winning streak Seahawks, their only response? "Well, Tom Brady." 45-year-old Tom Brady who has looked like hot garbage all year but God bless him for some magical fluke final 53 seconds he wins a game this year.

View attachment 55690
There was an entire 10 or 12 minute segment on GMF the other day when I watched it that was exactly this. "well, he's tom". "it's tom brady "he's the goat".

I love your line: "magical fluke final 53 seconds". So true. Literally the only thing he's done all season - and a Team3 impression at that.

The coverage got too syrupy for me - so had to go into ignore mode.

The press is the press is the press. I've seen our games this year. I've seen TB12 look like a narcissistic washed up idiot who wears tshirts with PICTURES OF HIMSELF ON IT from school TO THE GAME. He's an idiot. Go back to tanking your crypto business, and leave the football to the youngsters. Maybe do some more cliff diving ;)

Honestly I get 1000000X more actual real information and 'take' on things simply by watching the regular hawks pressers. It's all there to be seen - and it's not sugarcoated. There's alot to be gleaned, and the only 'agenda' is typically 'go hawks'. Plus - they are all in 5 or 10 minute chunks - easily consumable. I used to watch Fox pregame on sunday - and honestly - I tape it and FF through pretty much anything that isn't hawks. AND, the Geno piece from last week was complete garbage. Horrible interview, well, aside from Geno being present. And, when the 'hey you're on a roll' interview was done - back to the studio "GREAT piece". Barf.

I have to say - the media actually completely LOST me when, against all evidence, JJ on Fox pregame 'picked' the hawks to lose by the published line. That was his 'outlier pick'. Pretty gutsy stuff. Stayed up all night on that one, did he? The rest of coverage lately - no matter the channel - seems to be a bunch of fidgety middle aged dudes middle all trying to outdo each other with 'something'.

I hope we absolutely crush the retread and his team and come back with the W. I could care less what the talking heads mostly say - I know our team is on a run. Screw them all. Since Ariens left, and TB lost his toys - he's being revealed for the washed up dude he is. Good on him.

"The media is owned - so know who you get your news from." - Protoje.

Go hawks - screw the press - and bring home the win boys!

And, oh yea, Geno for Prez. Bitches. I want that poster off the building! I know it's not a poster. I want it anyways!


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2016
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Eastern Washington
I have a unique perspective on this topic. See, I lived on the east coast for a total of 16 years (1996-2012). For us long time Hawk fans, those weren't exactly great years, at least at first. Sports bars covering all of the NFL games on Sundays really got going in the late 90's which was great for me since my beloved Seahawks were never on TV out there unless they were playing the local team. Even with the advent of covering all the games on Sunday, the Seahawk games were usually relegated to the old black and white TV in the far corner with no sound. Still, I'd go, all docked out in Hawks gear and watch them play. Inevitably, every Sunday, I would be told by random people walking by, "Seahawks? You guys SUCK", or some inebriated variation shouted in my direction. They felt entitled to do it. What I learned from that was the mindset and perspective of the east coast sports fan when it came to the west coast and the PNW:

A. We're all a bunch of dope smoking hippies.

B. The Seahawks were, at best, a CFL team who could be criticized by anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Even when we won, it was because the other team had injuries or played poorly. Credit was NEVER given to Seattle. This attitude and disrespect was the most consistent and common perspective about the Seahawks I observed my entire time there. I was working in Louisiana during the Beast Quake game, not a single Cajun credited Seattle for the win. They were only critical of the playcalling by Sean Payton.
What I'm getting at is for those of us who remember the "east coast bias" years, which was alive and well until Richard Sherman's NFCCG rant, Marshawn Lynch and arguably the most lopsided Super Bowl victory in history put us on the map, we'll never fully let it go. Aros describing it as "NFLPTSD" is right. I would only add that sports writers are the laziest piss-flaps in all of journalism. All they amount to is spicy takes that get a reaction, no further thought goes into what they vomit out of the top of their collective necks. Outside of Howard Cosell and the late, great, John Clayton, they're all a diluted version of Skip Bayless. Obtaining a sports journalism degree is only a matter of buying enough boxes of Cracker Jacks.

So, count me in. I'm an overly sensitive 12 as well.
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Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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It took awhile, but I look at the Seahawks as a team that just doesnt pay any attention to any of that stuff. They just go and play their game whether they win or lose (thankfully they have been winning). Its as if they dont have an identity and they dont want one. They dont care.

I've seen a lot of analysts state that the NFL wont let Tom Brady lose on the international stage. I'm curious to see if the refs call a crooked game. I'm usually not one of those people, but my interest is piqued.


Jul 12, 2013
Reaction score
On the lake, Livingston Texas
...an overly sensitive 12."

I spent a disgustingly embarrassing amount of time in front of the TV this past week taking this whole Munich Seahawks/Bucs pregame coverage thing in. I couldn't get enough. It legit felt like it was the week leading up to the Super Bowl and the Seahawks were in the big game. The sheer amount of Seahawks love and coverage for hours on end this past week was so dripping in over the top I surely thought I was having one long, fanciful dream.

From analysts to broadcasters to players to fans, the love shown this Cinderella Seahawks team was so beyond I was left speachless.

Yet, even with all of that collective love. With all of that Bandwagon Fervor, here I was tonight, watching Gameday Picks (not the real name of the show, I don't care to look it up) on NFL Network where three people sit around making their picks for each game this Sunday and what gets me all fired up like we've suddenly become the red-headed stepchild once again in the NFL?

Cynthia Frelund. The network's "analytical expert". She's a numbers gal and she's damn good at it. Smart as a whip, but I swear every time it's her turn to pick the Seahawks games she almost always picks against them. I've watched this network for years now and it's a real trend with her. So tonight when it was the Seahawks / Bucs segment, all three guys picked the Seahawks. Cool. Here's the funny part. I was watching with my girl and I said, "Oh, it's time for her to pick. She will pick against us. You watch."


The point of this thread is not to say I was right. The point of this thread is to try to figure out the psychological reason why I STILL give a flying crap what anyone says against my team, even when 98% are in agreement with my feelings? Why am I so damn sensitive? Is it because I have NFLPTSD from all those years I endured in the 1990's? Is it the derogatory and once ubiquitous term "SeaChickens" that still calls out into the recesses of my synapsis from time-to-time?

Even when nearly the entire world agrees with my take on the Seahawks do I give a rip what a few outliers have to say to the contrary?

"Hi my name is Aros and I am an overly sensitive 12."

Who's next?
I think they call it confirmation bias.

Consciously or subconsciously we all tend to look for it, or have it (something along those lines)

Bottom line is, we tend to like it when others agree with us, and we don’t like the opposite.


You’re perfectly normal, nothing to see here.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
I loathe that Cynthia was right.



Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
still gotta' lace em up. I was never buying in to the Brady is done, TB sucks, this will be a blowout etc. Nope. TB is still a good team, regardless what the record says. Might not be better than the Hawks, but they CLEARLY were yesterday. Came out fired up, prepared and wanted it from the get.