Harvin thread (Play nice) *To practice this week*

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May 1, 2009
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Arlington, Washington
All the crap in this thread is fine, but IMO... Seeing Harvin in playoff mode, playing for our beloved team, and himself craving a ring... You're all going to be amazed at the effect he has relaxing the rest of the offense. His mere presence will open everything up to let the rest of the O move at will. Then there's that whole #1 Defense thing. Is it Jan 11th yet?? This is taking excruciatingly LONG! After we destroy our first opponent in the playoffs, with Percy being a huge part of it, all you guys are gonna fall back in line with the "Unbeatable" Seahawks. THIS IS OUR YEAR! We will prevail and finally have our parade through Downtown Seattle! I just sense it. And I'm not normally a rose-colored glasses guy. So, take what you want from that. If I'm wrong and we do stumble... I'll be shocked... as well as saying "if we don't do it this year, we never will". This is our window of opportunity, the rebuild is complete. It's time to bring it home... To Seattle.



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Nov 21, 2013
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Eastern Flank of the Cascades
Funny not one of us really know what is going on exactly. With that said we all know he is a special athlete and if he is able to go and help us finish this journey, very cool.

Heard Paul Moyer talking about PH today and he said it was amazing how fast he is. He says you can not appreciate till you see it live. He also made a statement that seems very logical to me, that being such an extreme athlete even in comparison to other athletes that getting his hip repaired and the all the mechanics of motion he now has may be playing a bit of havoc on his body. He need to learn how to play with his new range of motion.

If this is go time I am excited and think it will be a great bonus to have him for the playoffs. I hope for him this is the next step will not hinder him.


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May 26, 2012
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Danny O'Neil of 710 ESPN Seattle asked Carroll if it was his plan to unleash Harvin in the playoffs? Carroll immediately answered: "no."

Reporters such as O'Neil and Moyer believe that Carroll is a pretty honest coach when it comes to the public. He has a track record at his press conferences of building trust. The reporters actually do trust him.

As someone who reads Carroll's body language at press conference and has been accurate about things he's said, I would say there's a really good chance Harvin will be playing (maybe like 75%). And with Harvin's tweet I would say it is even greater then 75%. Worst case scenario is that Harvin goes out and his hip gets really sore again.


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May 5, 2011
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BlueThunder":30azce86 said:
All the crap in this thread is fine, but IMO... Seeing Harvin in playoff mode, playing for our beloved team, and himself craving a ring... You're all going to be amazed at the effect he has relaxing the rest of the offense. His mere presence will open everything up to let the rest of the O move at will. Then there's that whole #1 Defense thing. Is it Jan 11th yet?? This is taking excruciatingly LONG! After we destroy our first opponent in the playoffs, with Percy being a huge part of it, all you guys are gonna fall back in line with the "Unbeatable" Seahawks. THIS IS OUR YEAR! We will prevail and finally have our parade through Downtown Seattle! I just sense it. And I'm not normally a rose-colored glasses guy. So, take what you want from that. If I'm wrong and we do stumble... I'll be shocked... as well as saying "if we don't do it this year, we never will". This is our window of opportunity, the rebuild is complete. It's time to bring it home... To Seattle.


BOOM!! .. Go Hawks


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Oct 31, 2009
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Throwdown":2jymlyso said:
HawKnPeppa":2jymlyso said:
I'm not going to overreact about him not being on the sidelines lending support to his teammates because I suppose he doesn't have the bond that they have developed over the years by 'going to war' along side one another. Maybe he's just doing the whole 'injured high-profile signing trying to avoid the press' sort of thing, I dunno.

I'm not going to say it doesn't bother me at all though. I think it would be cool to see him at least patrol the sidelines with Sidney Rice during games, but, hey, that's just me. I waver between getting impatient and wanting to give him a clean slate with Seattle, and right now I'm leaning in the direction of 'clean slate.' That said, he strikes me as standoffish at the very least and Prima Donna at worst, though I probably don't have enough info to be sure of that call.

To the die-hard Percy fans that support him unconditionally, I get it. Most of you probably followed him since he was a Gator, but that doesn't mean you can't look at him with a critical eye sometimes, no? I really don't have a problem with the whole rehab thing because there are so many variables involved, but I do get slightly concerned when I see potential team-unity issues. Then again, I was concerned with Marshawn not showing for voluntary OTA's for that same reason, but that turned out OK :D

I don't know what it is, I just have a hard time believing the dude is purposely not playing and out here throwing bands at strippers and eating at Benni Hanna's every night, comes home and feeds his 5 $2500 pet Hawaiin Dragon Moray Eels and laughs at a picture of Pete with the words "sucka" written on it.

If people want to get on him about his past transgressions, I guess thats fair whatever, do you. But if you don't have a shred of proof of whats happening here? I got an issue with that. It also pisses me off when certain "fans" hate on a player for being hurt, just because of how much the player makes. How horrible is your life to feel that way? And how petty do you have to be? Its a ridiculous stance.

But for me ultimately? this regime has done NOTHING to make me question them or their personnel decisions, and it will continue until I see a trend that concerns me. They haven't steered us wrong once, and I don't see that happening any time soon, if they say Percy is dealing with pain that's keeping him out? then by God I believe that pain is something serious, specially when he's working with a whole new hip practically.

I agree with most of this. Just to be clear, I've never doubted his desire to play and never, EVER thought he was malingering. I tried my best to downplay my own thoughts about the team-unity aspect in my last post. Those thoughts are really not based on anything other than subjective reasons and we are talking about intangibles, but, whether right or wrong, those thoughts will prolly be there until I get that 'warm, fuzzy feeling' from seeing him together with his teammates. I suppose I'm just a sucker for the whole 'I got your back' mentality and think it will help a team persevere when the chips are down. This is most likely a conditioning process from many seasons of watching disjointed Seahawks teams of the past. I acknowledge that Pete and Co. have been a complete turnaround from that so for, but some not-so-awesome memories linger. :mrgreen:


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Sep 17, 2012
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If Harvin has one catch, one block, one run that gets us a Superb Owl... He will be worth a tenth of what we paid for him.

ChrisB Bacon

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Apr 18, 2012
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I really need to stop watching highlight tapes of him. Dude can FLY...and also stop/cut on a dime. He's going to be incredible to watch.


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Oct 31, 2009
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GoldenTater81":hmdafo11 said:
If Harvin has one catch, one block, one run that gets us a Superb Owl... He will be worth a tenth of what we paid for him.

If we win the Superb Owl, and he contributes significantly to that and the playoffs, I'm sure I will develop an amnesia that wipes out anything prior to that. :th2thumbs:


After only seven measly pages of excellent Percy Harvin discussion, we now start another thread.

Nothing more to see here, so please, post your responsible and pleasant PH thoughts in this new thread:


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