Harvin thread (Play nice) *To practice this week*

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May 1, 2009
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I don't think Pete is directly trolling the league and I do believe there's been some pain for Percy and due reason for caution. But I also wonder, frankly, whether Percy really just could have played before now and that the pain was a convenient excuse for Pete to ice him for the playoffs without technically lying about his status.


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Hawknballs just read your long post, good stuff. Really it's not unfair to rule out anything at this point. For all we know as Seahawks fans it could have been anything from the hip taking longer to heal to perhaps re-aggravating it after the Vikings game. All we can do as fans is take Pete's word for what it is. I do however feel like Pete is a smart guy and he wants whats best for the team long term regardless and even more so because of Percy's contract but I think more so just for the benefit of the team, that being said knowing what Percy's contract is, continuing to play on a still ailing hip jeopardizes his longevity and ultimately his career in the NFL.

After all this still I have to think Pete kinda knew what he was doing I mean, this is still PC, he is constantly cracking jokes on members of the media, during press conferences and what not. I wouldn't put it by him to drag something out like this. On the other hand it may just be, that old adage that it's our time. I mean seriously did anyone see this coming? I guess a few of us guessed something like this would happen, but I had settled with IR last week and was done with it.



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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
chris98251":vgxcrlro said:
Injury aside, remember the function of his hip joint was never quite right, that whole joint has to learn to operate correctly. the strain on things may be the casue of pain that he is feeling for the tendons and muscles as well as the range of motion having to be re learned or learned for the first time correctly. Anyone that has had a joint or tendon worked on knows this feeling and what it takes in normal life to get back to the NEW normal.
I have and you're 100% correct.


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Jan 19, 2011
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Admittedly this is niave thinking but when Harvin talks about haters maybe he wasn't referring to Hawk fans and meant bitter Viking fans trolling him on twitter


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
chris98251":2ma404bi said:
If he can play 10 meaningful snaps a game it could make a difference. I am not expecting anything, the story said try to practice, it also means recovery from stress of practice and hope to go forward. This is one step at a time again with a possible setback at every turn and cut he makes till that hip begins to function normally with it's new motion range and muscle reaction.
I can live with 10-15 plays a game given he totally tilts the field by just running down the seam.


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Jan 2, 2013
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The_Z_Man":1fibb4rd said:
I think it's flat out gamesmanship.

If anyone here believes that Pete is fully "open and honest" and that there are no psychological games being played with playoff opponents, or that the Seahawk offense the past few weeks is the same offense that you will see in the playoffs, you haven't been paying attention to how the NFL works.

"Well, a sure and steady hand did this. This ain't no squirrelly amateur. This is the work of a salty dog." --- Sheriff Earl McGraw, Kill Bill pt1

so you're saying they are wasting a roster spot for the sole purpose of wasting a few hours of the 5 days that a team eventually might spend preparing for them?


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Arlington, Washington
I do find it nice that my predictions came true. I stated many times before on here that Pete was punking the rest of league, and making everybody have to guess what was going to happen with him. Pete is as smart as I had "hoped" he was. So many people on here were SO frustrated with his injury and him not making their dreams come true, that they just started making up crap. "Oh, he's done"... "What a waste of money he was!"... "He'll never play another down for the hawks!"... "He's going on IR for sure"... Then people started making up crap about why he hadn't been IR'd, where common sense would say "Duh, because if we IR'd him, there's zero chance for him to kick ass in the playoffs, which would make us almost unstoppable in Pete's quest to deliver Seattle it's first NFL Championship".... Not some stupid thing to ensure we wouldn't have to pay him his guaranteed contract. That's the problem with making crap up as opposed to having actual, insider knowledge of the running of the franchise. I know I never had any insider knowledge, so I didn't make crap up. I relied on good 'ol common sense...logic. And it paid off. Percy is comin' back, as I always suspected. Now, whether or not he holds up and can go the distance to the Promised Land is a whole different thing. At least he's coming back. And I suspect we're in for a treat that none of us can quite imagine yet... (crossing fingers).

I just got so incensed at these nonsense, outta their butts posts... Like they had a hidden mike on the walls of Pete's office. Now that Pete has brought out what I freakin' KNEW was gonna happen all along (well, 90% sure), all these naysayers are alllllll jumpin' off the hater wagon. Hey, welcome back. Remember this experience for the next time you think you actually know what's really going on. And most of all.... WELCOME BACK PERCY! TURN US ON MAN!!! :0190l:


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Aug 22, 2013
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Watch Harvin be the Superbowl MVP. LOL.

SOOOOOOO many people here that have been the ultimate haters would be on his nuts faster than chipmonk at hempfest.


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Oct 28, 2012
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Non value added material

Edited by Chris98251

If you want to troll and be a stir stick we can accomadate you !


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
I think we need another picture of Wilson and Harvin on the Bad Boys II movie cover.

C'mon Photoshop guru's


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Sep 13, 2009
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Throwdown":9jz0t5vm said:
I think we need another picture of Wilson and Harvin on the Bad Boys II movie cover.

C'mon Photoshop guru's

By no means a guru but...



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May 1, 2009
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Arlington, Washington
NFSeahawks628":ht3n7kax said:
By no means a guru but...

HOO RAH Buddy! Great job! I love our guys here! Ask and you shall receive... quickly!

This actually jacks me up! C'mon everybody... ALLOW yourselves to get excited about this Percy Harvin thing... Looking back on this season in a few months, this "could" be the HUGE thing that defines our entire season... Percy coming in and making our offense the juggernaut to go with our juggernaut D. This could be a defining moment. Let yourself dream, like winning the lottery, only WAY more likely! :179417:


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Dec 12, 2009
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Issaquah, WA
To me Harvin allows our offense to complete in shootout type games against teams like DEN, GB, and NO if for some reason our defense had a letdown.

Right now the only real threats are Wilson and Lynch on offense, getting Harvin back for the Playoffs if he is even 75% himself could help run away from our competition like never seen before in route to a SB win.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Middle of Nowhere, Washington
chris98251":3hoeij5m said:
Injury aside, remember the function of his hip joint was never quite right, that whole joint has to learn to operate correctly. the strain on things may be the casue of pain that he is feeling for the tendons and muscles as well as the range of motion having to be re learned or learned for the first time correctly. Anyone that has had a joint or tendon worked on knows this feeling and what it takes in normal life to get back to the NEW normal.

Exactly. For those who missed it about 3 weeks back, Danny O'Neil said the exact same thing on 710 ESPN. Percy Harvin has always had this hip joint issue. That was well known ever since he came in to the league, even dating back to the draft. This hip impingement has been causing him pain his entire career, as that hip has never fully operated correctly ... and it would have been something that probably eventually would have led to a potential serious injury. This surgery wasn't simply just to cut off a bone spur or something. In essence, he has had the joint reconstructed, as the surgeon made the joint so that it would function like any other normal human being. For those who are having a hard time grasping the magnitude of what he had done here consider this: he's been walking and running on this for 25 years. Now all of a sudden, all his muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc. are having to get used to a completely new range of motion. You don't just undo something in a matter of a few months that your body has been doing all your life. Pete Carroll told Brock and Danny here 2-3 weeks ago IIRC -- sure Harvin MIGHT be able to get through a game. The question is though, what about the next day? His body will probably punish him the next day (and maybe for several weeks) afterwards. I'd say that's exactly what happened after the Minnesota game. Give this guy the entire offseason and next training camp though ... and I believe he'll be fine. As far as this year is concerned, Carroll basically admitted a few weeks back that Harvin could be a 1 game and then that's it for this year kind of player. If that's the case, the question is -- which 1 game do you want him for? Now we'll see what happens Thursday and Friday (that will be the key day). If he feels great on Friday and keeps feeling good in to next week, then it could be all systems go. Honestly, I'd say that's the deal and where we're at this point in time.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Something Wicked This Way Comes!

Just imagine the bunch formation headaches for the bad guys.
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