-- Am I watching the wrong video. All I see is Wilson throwing a pick, then running laterally across the field to make a tackle. Matthews blows him up, but was clearly lowering himself to go shoulder to shoulder. Wilson dips a little near the end almost making it helmet to helmet. He is going for a powerful knockout shot, but not at all outside the rules for then.
-- Now would be different. There are newer rules about blindside blocks and blocks towards the line of scrimmage. I love the big shots, the Darryl Williams on Rickey Dudley, the Kam on Davis, but I understand the goal. The league knew about the affects of concussions long before it became "public", although you were a little stupid if you weren't already aware of it. They had to be preemptive.
-- This league has enough attrition from the violence of the game and increasing length of the season. And although I miss the "NFL Greatest Hits" tapes, I do understand, that no one wants the best players in the game, sitting on the sidelines.