Bush new role


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Mar 3, 2007
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My guess is that he'll be more like a third LB than a third safety.

Back in the day ...... Nickle Linebacker was a familiar term.

I had looked for Ben Burr-Kirven in that role but injury got in the way.

Delighted with the thought that they will now look at Devin Bush.
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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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That's what I'm thinking, too. But Hurrt did say "heavy nickel" which implies his assignment will be more SS oriented in his current bastard scheme.
I hope not. If they're going to be dropping their "heavy nickel" into coverage a bunch I would rather see Cobe Bryant playing than Devin Bush. I suppose we could see Bush on early downs with Bryant subbing in on passing downs.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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Back in the day ...... Nickle Linebacker was a familiar term.
From what I remember, that was when they'd bring out a tweener like Bush to replace a run-stuffer like Bobby on 3rd down. Haven't seen that in a while.

I forgot all about that strategy!

Apparently PC has also. :confused:


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
I hope not. If they're going to be dropping their "heavy nickel" into coverage a bunch I would rather see Cobe Bryant playing than Devin Bush. I suppose we could see Bush on early downs with Bryant subbing in on passing downs.
I am more intrigued by Bush as SS.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I hope not. If they're going to be dropping their "heavy nickel" into coverage a bunch I would rather see Cobe Bryant playing than Devin Bush. I suppose we could see Bush on early downs with Bryant subbing in on passing downs.
I haven't looked at matchups yet but I don't recall TEN having fast pass-catching TEs. That would be a weakness in Bush's game that could be exploited if they do. But I'd still rather Bush cover the short-middle zone over Bobby.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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I would think a nickle linebacker would be advantageous verses a run oriented offense with a really good running back.


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Dec 29, 2023
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It appears you all have not figured out that Bush is a complete fraud yet. I am guessing none have you have actually watched what he does during a game. Barely serviceable in the pass game, negative 1 to 2 players in the run game.

I watched only him during your Titans game and he was the same disaster as he was with Pittsburgh.

I am a Steeler fan and just wanted to peek in and see what the opinions were of him as the season winds down.

This is a post I started on our board. No disrespect to the Seahawks…just disrespect for Bush:


How to Beat SEA…Run at Bush, and Run at Bush Often

Looks like Bush will be elevated due to injury and will be playing a bunch of snaps!

If they do not run at him every play Tomlin is the biggest fool!

If there is anyone on this board that thinks Bush wasn’t that bad or it was exaggerated think again. He was a complete fraud and coward of a football player. Bush will do whatever it takes to avoid tackling Harris and Warren. I can’t wait to watch this. Watch for incorrect on purpose angles to the tackle. Late jumping on to a pile to act like he was part of the play. Sprints to the sideline to help push the ball carrier out of bounds. Watch for completely getting removed from running lanes as if the wash from the ocean was too strong. And another classic Bush move, watch for the side car tackle where he never challenges a runner head on, and will attempt to let them go buy and then grab the runner from the side as if he was a sidecar on a motorcycle!

Harris and Warren should both average 5 yards per run at Bush and most likely for the game. Would not be surprised if Bush leaves the game with an injury too.

Whether Pickett or Rudolph plays an easy victory can be had by running at Bush every snap until they replace him. He is that much of a liability. If I knew that was the game plan I would put $1000 on the Steelers to win and cover the spread.

I suppose there is always the chance he could decide to have a PCP game against us to get revenge…I doubt it!


Nov 29, 2015
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It appears you all have not figured out that Bush is a complete fraud yet. I am guessing none have you have actually watched what he does during a game. Barely serviceable in the pass game, negative 1 to 2 players in the run game.

I watched only him during your Titans game and he was the same disaster as he was with Pittsburgh.

I am a Steeler fan and just wanted to peek in and see what the opinions were of him as the season winds down.

This is a post I started on our board. No disrespect to the Seahawks…just disrespect for Bush:


How to Beat SEA…Run at Bush, and Run at Bush Often

Looks like Bush will be elevated due to injury and will be playing a bunch of snaps!

If they do not run at him every play Tomlin is the biggest fool!

If there is anyone on this board that thinks Bush wasn’t that bad or it was exaggerated think again. He was a complete fraud and coward of a football player. Bush will do whatever it takes to avoid tackling Harris and Warren. I can’t wait to watch this. Watch for incorrect on purpose angles to the tackle. Late jumping on to a pile to act like he was part of the play. Sprints to the sideline to help push the ball carrier out of bounds. Watch for completely getting removed from running lanes as if the wash from the ocean was too strong. And another classic Bush move, watch for the side car tackle where he never challenges a runner head on, and will attempt to let them go buy and then grab the runner from the side as if he was a sidecar on a motorcycle!

Harris and Warren should both average 5 yards per run at Bush and most likely for the game. Would not be surprised if Bush leaves the game with an injury too.

Whether Pickett or Rudolph plays an easy victory can be had by running at Bush every snap until they replace him. He is that much of a liability. If I knew that was the game plan I would put $1000 on the Steelers to win and cover the spread.

I suppose there is always the chance he could decide to have a PCP game against us to get revenge…I doubt it!
Welcome.. also, your darling Steelers are going to get their mediocre asses kicked in.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2012
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I am on-line with toffee's comment about Bush at SS and also Jville's comments regarding the "Nickle Linebacker" position.

Kam is the ultimate example of a Seahawks Strong Safety. Jamal Adams might have been really good if he had not been injured. But now, it looks like Julian Love might even be better suited to the Seahawks defensive plans.

Maybe Devin Bush has also found his home in the "Pete Carroll defensive scheme" in a similar way, like a combination of Safety and Linebacker...I'm an old guy. We used to call that position "Rover".

EDIT: Jamal Adams is out for the "Stealers" game...
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New member
Dec 29, 2023
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Welcome.. also, your darling Steelers are going to get their mediocre asses kicked in.
Steelers are are worse than mediocre.

We probably will lose when Rudolph regresses to mean. However, if Bush plays enough and we target him with Harris and Warren watch out; this should happen if our coaches were smart, but it is not guaranteed to happen.

And as with the Tits and Henry last week, run game was too little too late against the Seahawks, when the game was/is on the line, passes are needed. Will probably be a very similar game Sunday. Good luck. Keep your eye on Bush!


New member
Dec 29, 2023
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Did you all watch Bush during the game?

You all have a virus on your defense until you get rid of him. With him on the field it is like having only 9 players. He doesn’t do anything and then others have to run around him missing the play.

Go back and watch him in isolation on the film; a middle linebacker not in on the action and rarely on the ground; imagine that!

You will see the classic over pursues because he doesn’t want to do mano e mano type of hits in the hole for fear of head damage. You will see the faux setting the edge so he doesn’t have to tackle. You will see him standing around when Harris moves the pile into the end zone. He is a middle linebacker and he was out of so many plays up the middle and blocked like he is in a shopping cart!

He is the worst player in the history of the NFL! You all probably lost yesterday because of him. He can’t stop the run! He can’t make the run go horizontally even! You stop the Steelers run game by 50% yesterday and we end up with 15ish points!


Active member
Mar 15, 2010
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Did you all watch Bush during the game?

You all have a virus on your defense until you get rid of him. With him on the field it is like having only 9 players. He doesn’t do anything and then others have to run around him missing the play.

Go back and watch him in isolation on the film; a middle linebacker not in on the action and rarely on the ground; imagine that!

You will see the classic over pursues because he doesn’t want to do mano e mano type of hits in the hole for fear of head damage. You will see the faux setting the edge so he doesn’t have to tackle. You will see him standing around when Harris moves the pile into the end zone. He is a middle linebacker and he was out of so many plays up the middle and blocked like he is in a shopping cart!

He is the worst player in the history of the NFL! You all probably lost yesterday because of him. He can’t stop the run! He can’t make the run go horizontally even! You stop the Steelers run game by 50% yesterday and we end up with 15ish points!
Yes, he's trash. I saw the sidecar tackle also. Our whole front 7 was bullied. Pushing stood-up piles 10 extra yards. Embarrassing. Brooks not playing was probably a major factor


Well-known member
May 1, 2009
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Yeah, Bush was a disaster. It's telling he didn't get on the field regularly until Brooks got injured.


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Dec 29, 2023
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He is so bad! How bad was he for the Steelers? He was decent his rookie year and then after he blew out his knee something happened to him. He found out he was mortal or something. I believe he was friends with Achilles in another life. His name then was Anterior Cruciate!

It was not long after his injury…he was the Steelers green dot middle linebacker again. I personally, went through his entire game because we were exposed with a soft underbelly that game. I watched every play of his and he touched the turf with another part of his body, besides his feet, twice the entire game! How is that possible as a middle linebacker? He was literally avoiding contact. Taking stupid angles, letting other people do the work..then sprinting in late. Game after game was like this…our Steeler Fury board would go nuts about him. It took several weeks of this behavior and many losses due to not being able to stop the run at critical times until Bush was benched.

I don’t know how he made it thru film sessions without getting ridiculed out of the room. He got his LB coach fired. He made Myles Jack look bad last season. He ruined Robert Spillane’s career with the Steelers too.

Steelers cleaned house in the Middle LB crew at the end of the season…but it was really all Bush and our HC coach and talent evaluators were too stupid to know.

1: Cut the whole crew essentially except Mark Robinson.
2. Brought your LB coach, Aaron Curry over.
3. Spillane went to the Raiders and is thriving.
4. Myles Jack retired after not getting resigned.
5. Bush went to you guys and is still a fraud!

The whole new IMLB crew all were majorly injured this year. And we resigned Myles Jack who is actually still pretty good and performed very well his first game back 2 weeks ago.

All of our signings were good once Bush was gone. But our team is snake bitten at middle linebacker since Ryan Shazier was paralyzed.

Bush is a cancer!

And someone in your team lazily signed him without watching film! He sticks out like a sore thumb if one does their job as a coach.

Just goes to show…bad coaches and players get passed around this league like bad priests got passed around!

Peace out Seattle board! If you have a 1-800-Pete-Carroll hotline…call and let him know about Bush. Hopefully he is cut in the offseason and never sees another snap in the NFL again.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I think that might have been the worst display of football from the linebacker position that I've ever seen.

Dude need hypnotherapy. He's mentally broken. No longer a football player.


Active member
Nov 15, 2020
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So soft and lazy. Somebody should be fired for getting and playing this guy. He checked out long time ago

Dvl Dug

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2023
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Devon Bush seemed to be on the field watching yesterday's game almost more than I was.
Can't say I saw him do one positive thing on the field, but then I looked at the stats afterwards.

Devin Bush Vs Steelers

Those have to be some cheap "He's down, I'll put my hand on him, and get the stat" type of tackles.
Jordan Brooks has made a career doing the exact same.

Julian Love, outstanding effort!
Leonard Williams, outstanding effort!
Devon Witherspoon, outstanding effort!

Bobby Wagner, once he tackles somebody, they stay tackled, season after season!