Best writer on .Net


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
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Wenhawk":2mztz7uh said:
How much do solid free lance writer make per article? Seem like over the years we have had people who could make a handful of dollars on their writing skills put it all out here simply for their love of the Seahawks

It may not be enough for most of the people to make it worth their time. If you freelance write you have to meet certain requirements/expectations on what you're writing and it may take the fun out of it. I would guess the best posters would rather have the freedom to do what they want and probably make enough money that the kind of money it pays isn't worth it to them.

Aussie Seahawk

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2015
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Adelaide, South Australia
I love Aros'/Todd's posts, for sheer humanity. For me, the joy of the Internet is not "just" about information, it is about people.

NOT original words, but simply quoting a signature a guy I've known via email for almost 25 years uses.

Also PMedic/Lon, GeekHawk/Patrick and LymonHawk/[don't know/forgot your real name, sorry] for the same reasons, Sutz/Steve for "sciency stuff", and for people who have educated me about the finer points of American football on this forum. I've learnt a heck of a lot (eg, linebacker terminology, which I had no idea of the subtleties thereof)... but nothing will shake me from above all being a keen student of offensive line play.

IMHO the most terribly under-rated athletes in contact team sport. And... why not suck up to guys who are big and strong enough to rip you apart! :D