Aldon Smith gets drunk and fired shots towards others


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Lynnwood, Wa
Marvin49":3lwgq8bf said:
...There is a reason people call them the Seadderall Seahawks. I don't play that game so I'm not gonna use that lame term (outside of just using the reference right there). I could make the EXACT SAME "Where there's smoke there's fire" argument and kinda suggest that there is cheating going on in the locker room in Seattle. Team santioned?

Just to be clear here, that is NOT what I'm saying...

Tonight during dinner I'll tell my wife "There is a reason why people say you are fat. I don't play that game so I'm not going to use that lame term. Just to be clear, that is NOT what I'm saying." Maybe I'll start it off with a "don't be offended, but" just to make sure it goes well.

If I tell her this, she will know for certan that I don't think she is fat.


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Mar 12, 2013
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Not sure what happened so I am not going to judge. I will however say if it were my house and I was having a party that got crashed and the crashers didn't want to leave when asked, and stabbed me on top of crashing the party, someone would have definately got shot and I wouldn't be aiming for the sky.

As for the stupid CA law limiting magazine capacity and requiring a special tool to remove it, I say screw that. It is this type or moronic thinking that made me want to leave CA.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Kakaww":1j1lplhi said:
Marvin49":1j1lplhi said:
...There is a reason people call them the Seadderall Seahawks. I don't play that game so I'm not gonna use that lame term (outside of just using the reference right there). I could make the EXACT SAME "Where there's smoke there's fire" argument and kinda suggest that there is cheating going on in the locker room in Seattle. Team santioned?

Just to be clear here, that is NOT what I'm saying...

Tonight during dinner I'll tell my wife "There is a reason why people say you are fat. I don't play that game so I'm not going to use that lame term. Just to be clear, that is NOT what I'm saying." Maybe I'll start it off with a "don't be offended, but" just to make sure it goes well.

If I tell her this, she will know for certan that I don't think she is fat.

So in this scenario you are a fat wife?

Sorry...couldn't resist.

My point is about glass houses. Nothing more. It has nothing to do with what my opinion is of the seahawks and the PED issue. Is the wife fat? Not the point.

What I'm saying is that if she's fat she shouldn't be preaching to you about being out of shape.

Glass houses.


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Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":2x7d8weg said:
Marvin Marvin Marvin, please show me where I am defending Sherman.

The smoke and fire is directed at your whole team because this isn't an isolated incident. There's also rape and assault charges in question. Multiple rape I guess. I only knew about Crabs rape but your guy volunteered the other. I'm sure there is plenty we don't know about also.

Your glass house it pure bullshit because I am not defending anyone or excusung it away and even if I were it wouldn't be on your teams website.

...and neither were PED suspensions.

You spoke in generalities about Niner FANS and I responded in kind. Didn't say you specifically.

Is this too difficult a concept or do you simply refuse to admit I have a point? Wait...nevermind. I already know the answer.

Also...the rape charges....1) one was found not guilty before he signed in SF. To be honest I don't know what happened there and I wasn't a fan of the signing(Perrish Cox). 2) The other was Crab and was proved to be BS. "I'm sure there are plenty we don't know about". LOL. There you go again. Painting the entire team with that brush...just like I can with the Seahawks. Seeing how many Seahawks tested positive I can only conclude that there are MANY more who used and just haven't been caught.

In both cases it would be incorrect. At least I can admit that. Seriously ain't complicated. You have to try hard here to miss the point this completely. All this talk about going to the 'zone or where I'm saying this is just a red herring. It has nothing to do with the argument. You are just trying to destract.

I can sum it ALL up in 2 words I have uttered several times here.

Glass. Houses.


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May 25, 2011
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So do you throw your glass house term around on the Niner forums? Yeah I didn't think so. I guess it only applies to Seahawk fans huh?

I see your glass house and raise you a hypocryte.


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Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":o9r9j2d7 said:
So do you throw your glass house term around on the Niner forums? Yeah I didn't think so. I guess it only applies to Seahawk fans huh?

I see your glass house and raise you a hypocryte.


YOU made the accusation about 49er fans defending their team and where there is smoke there's fire. YOU. It doesn't matter where you did it or where I responded to it.

Own up dude.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Funny MARV! For a guy that claims he never brings up he PED issue, you sure bring it up a lot. Talk about all you want for all I care, but that makes you a giant hypocrite! Can't wait for the spin on this!


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Dec 18, 2012
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Sports Hernia":11786e9u said:
Funny MARV! For a guy that claims he never brings up he PED issue, you sure bring it up a lot. Talk about all you want for all I care, but that makes you a giant hypocrite! Can't wait for the spin on this!

Sigh. Context dude. Context. Look it up.


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May 25, 2011
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Marvin look up denial. You say glass house and in the same thread defend your boys and again bring up PEDs.

And yes where we are (you and me) does matter unless you are on your web site saying the same thing and you know your not.

You can stop trying to imply we don't get it. It is obvious to everyone but you and probably mretrade that you are the one not getting it. Just stop trying to spin it. It's not working.


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Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":1e8j8xjn said:
Marvin look up denial. You say glass house and in the same thread defend your boys and again bring up PEDs.

And yes where we are (you and me) does matter unless you are on your web site saying the same thing and you know your not.

You can stop trying to imply we don't get it. It is obvious to everyone but you and probably mretrade that you are the one not getting it. Just stop trying to spin it. It's not working.


I give up.

Go ahead and accuse 49er fans of being homers and defending their players while 'hawk fans do the EXACT SAME THING. It's your right to be a hypocrite. Have at it.

It never had anything to do with where it took place until you started inventing stuff to argue about. It was always about me calling you out for being hypocritical. No matter how you "spin it" as you are so fond of saying, it is still you being a hypocrit. I've never at any point denied that 49er fans on the Webzone and other places do stuff similar. That was never the point. I was calling YOU out for making a hypocritical comment about all Niner fans and the team. Period.

I'm done talking about it because I've made my point and I think if anyone objectively went through this thread they'd see that. That won't happen tho because objectivity is dead in sports fandom and because nobody but the two of us really gives a sh*t about this conversation to begin with.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Good Grief :34853_doh: Somebody pull the drapes.

You guys are welcome to use the PM button.

For public exhibitionists there is the "Smack Shack Forum".

The ever popular "Politics, War and Religion Forum" welcomes lies, spin and hypocrites.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Marvin49":31wxn1s2 said:
Sports Hernia":31wxn1s2 said:
Funny MARV! For a guy that claims he never brings up he PED issue, you sure bring it up a lot. Talk about all you want for all I care, but that makes you a giant hypocrite! Can't wait for the spin on this!

Sigh. Context dude. Context. Look it up.
Let me dumb it down for you dude! Lets say there is a rumor that this guy, we will call him CK, that likes to have relations with turtles I don't think we should even discuss it. But now MARV don't get me wrong I don't think this guy CK REALLY has relations with turtles but there are folks out there that swear CK has relations with turtles. Even though I think it's silly that people think that this CK has relations with turtles. I don't even think its possible for CK to have relations with turtles.

See what I did there MARV?


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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
Sports Hernia":zzhgvibc said:
Marvin49":zzhgvibc said:
Sports Hernia":zzhgvibc said:
Funny MARV! For a guy that claims he never brings up he PED issue, you sure bring it up a lot. Talk about all you want for all I care, but that makes you a giant hypocrite! Can't wait for the spin on this!

Sigh. Context dude. Context. Look it up.
Let me dumb it down for you dude! Lets say there is a rumor that this guy, we will call him CK, that likes to have relations with turtles I don't think we should even discuss it. But now MARV don't get me wrong I don't think this guy CK REALLY has relations with turtles but there are folks out there that swear CK has relations with turtles. Even though I think it's silly that people think that this CK has relations with turtles. I don't even think its possible for CK to have relations with turtles.

See what I did there MARV?

Hell yeah.. I just wonder how Sammy feels about this whole gun thing.



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Jul 30, 2013
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I say again " From the team that continued to employ Jeremy Stevens" for years, a known serial rapist!


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Dec 18, 2012
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Sports Hernia":286wewj8 said:
Marvin49":286wewj8 said:
Sports Hernia":286wewj8 said:
Funny MARV! For a guy that claims he never brings up he PED issue, you sure bring it up a lot. Talk about all you want for all I care, but that makes you a giant hypocrite! Can't wait for the spin on this!

Sigh. Context dude. Context. Look it up.
Let me dumb it down for you dude! Lets say there is a rumor that this guy, we will call him CK, that likes to have relations with turtles I don't think we should even discuss it. But now MARV don't get me wrong I don't think this guy CK REALLY has relations with turtles but there are folks out there that swear CK has relations with turtles. Even though I think it's silly that people think that this CK has relations with turtles. I don't even think its possible for CK to have relations with turtles.

See what I did there MARV?

RichNhansom: "The sky is Purple"
Me: "The sky is blue"
You: "Yeah, but we don't have that much Jello".

You don't even understand the conversation enough to understand that I was simply using it as an example. I don't think it's a systemic issue in Seattle. I could easily make the "where there is smoke there is fire" argument, but I DON'T because I don't believe that to be the case. It was simply an EXAMPLE. Is that too complicated? Apparently so.

You are jumping on one part of one example of a conversation you weren't here for the beginning of and all you are doing is arguing a point that I'm not making and pounding your chest as if you've accomplished something. Congratz for defeating your own straw man.

It's just silly.


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May 25, 2011
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941 post's already. do you have a job or even a life? You have a higher post count on .net then I do since you joined in December.

Marvin you are beyond ridiculous. Do you have this many post's on the Webzone? I'm convinced you are a Raider convert based on your posting style and inability to have a coherent conversation, so do you still post on Raider websites too?

My point with you the whole time has been pretty simple. Your a hypocrite. Plain and simple. No straw man needed. You don't grasp that things going on here are going on much worse on your home web site of which you are part of and participate in yet you come in here to try and sell glass houses and then run back to your webzone to participate in exactly the same thing happening here, it's the epitome of hypocrisy and yet you don't even see it.

I thought you were done posting on this subject? Well I guess we can take that as seriously as everything else you post. A load of crap.

I have proven you are a hypocrite and offered you the chance to be man enough to do the same but you can't do it because I have never done exactly what you are doing. Please show me where I have defended my players. You can't prevent yourself from doing it. Any negative comment and you immediately make excuses for your poor victims. Your the one on the webzone accusing Pete of cheating and saying Sherman is guilty and then coming over here and telling us we shouldn't live in glass houses. That is a hypocrite. Do you not know what a hypocrite is? Get off your couch and open a dictionary. God knows you aren't doing anything else.


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Dec 18, 2012
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RichNhansom":37v860lk said:
941 post's already. do you have a job or even a life? You have a higher post count on .net then I do since you joined in December.

Marvin you are beyond ridiculous. Do you have this many post's on the Webzone? I'm convinced you are a Raider convert based on your posting style and inability to have a coherent conversation, so do you still post on Raider websites too?

My point with you the whole time has been pretty simple. Your a hypocrite. Plain and simple. No straw man needed. You don't grasp that things going on here are going on much worse on your home web site of which you are part of and participate in yet you come in here to try and sell glass houses and then run back to your webzone to participate in exactly the same thing happening here, it's the epitome of hypocrisy and yet you don't even see it.

I thought you were done posting on this subject? Well I guess we can take that as seriously as everything else you post. A load of crap.

I have proven you are a hypocrite and offered you the chance to be man enough to do the same but you can't do it because I have never done exactly what you are doing. Please show me where I have defended my players. You can't prevent yourself from doing it. Any negative comment and you immediately make excuses for your poor victims. Your the one on the webzone accusing Pete of cheating and saying Sherman is guilty and then coming over here and telling us we shouldn't live in glass houses. That is a hypocrite. Do you not know what a hypocrite is? Get off your couch and open a dictionary. God knows you aren't doing anything else.

Jeez. This guy.

I wasn't even talking to you on that last post. You say I'M ridiculous!?!

1) You called 49er fans homers for defending the players on their teams.
2) I said that was calling the kettle black.

Then you went all nuts and started talking about things that were or weren't said on other forums. I never said they weren't said there. I never said that I didn't talk about the PED issue on other forums. Nowhere anywhere did I deny any of that...BUT THAT WASN'T WHAT I CALLED YOU OUT ON. I called you out on saying Niner fans did it as if the same thing didn't happen here. That's it. Plain and simple. I'm sure you could go to a Niner site and make the same argument I just did...and you'd be RIGHT.

I dunno how this got all complicated. I dunno how I can be a hypocrite if I have never even denied it happens on Niner sites. You are gonna have to explain that one to me....but then again I won't see it.

As for not posting again, I was talking about responding to YOU...and I wasn't going to...until you just went all nutty and called me a Raiders fan. Seriously dude? Is THAT the best you can do? Sad.

This WILL be my last post to you because as of about 30 seconds from now you'll be on my ignore list. Gratz.

BTW...To answer your question I have over 11,000 posts on the Webzone so don't go all thinkin' yer special.

Sports Hernia

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The pit
Vandelay":3ja40niv said:
I say again " From the team that continued to employ Jeremy Stevens" for years, a known serial rapist!
To steal a line from your pal MARV, "You missed the point!"


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May 25, 2011
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Hypocrite. Someone who tells one fan base glass house while participating on another cite in the exact same thing. If you looked it up in a dictionary you would probably find your picture.

Note, we don't need idiot fans of another team telling us what we should or shouldn't discuss. Now if you were on the web zone doing the same it might be tolerated but that is not the case.

If I were making excuses for my players I would also be a hypocrite but I haven't done that. Not here or anywhere else. O