20 Reasons why the Cards will win via one of their fans


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Jul 30, 2012
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Found this little Jewel while browsing the enemy forum. http://forums.azcardinals.com/showthrea ... e-Seahawks

Twenty Reasons Why The Cardinals are Destined to Wallop the Seahawks. . . . .
This discussion forum is invaluable for the in-depth discussion of the NFL in general and the Arizona Cardinals in particular. Since I always try to edify myself on important matters, here's what I've learned this last week or so; twenty reasons why Arizona is destined to wallop them Seahawks on Sunday. . .

1. The Seahawk fans talk way too much about themselves and don't respect how great a team the Cardinals have become.

2. Bruce Arians is about the best NFL coach that ever was. He was NFL coach of the year last year and should be again, and could very well be the NFL coach of the year every year for the next ten years.

3. Pete Carroll is about the worse NFL coach that ever was. Just look how badly he sucked when he coached the Jets and the Patriots back in the 90's!! He even sucked as a college coach -- look how Jim Harbaugh schooled him while he was at Stanford.

4. And Carroll's players don't like him either. . . he even did stuff like setup a basketball goal in the Jet's parking lot twenty years ago to play three on three basketball.

5. Besides that, Pete Carroll is a horrible cheat, and everybody knows that cheaters never win.

6. The Seahawks offensive line is fragile and subject to injuries. Three of the five positions now have different starters now as opposed to the first time they played. The Cardinals offensive line, on the other hand, has been rock steady with the only change coming about as a result of a trade.

7. Russell Wilson is too small to make it as a NFL quarterback. . . that's why nobody bothered to draft him until the third round. He hasn't grown any since he got to the NFL and never will be tall like former all-Pro Cardinal quarterback Derek Andersen.

8. Russell Wilson struggles whenever he plays against the Cardinals with their smash mouth defense. Just consider; against the Cardinals he had the lowest qb rating he ever had -- 62.5 for one game, and his overall quarterback rating against the Cardinals is only 89.5, which is a 13 points below his career average of 102.4.

9. Likewise, Wilson is averaging less than 170 yards a game passing against the Cards and their smash mouth defense -- far beneath his season average of 220 yards a game.

10. A whole bunch of them Seahawks use drugs. Hardly any Cards use drugs.

11. The Seahawks "12th man" is really just a bunch of women, and there ain't no way that the Cards will be bothered in the least by all the screaming they do in Seattle. After all, the Cardinals are consummate professionals.

12. The Cardinals are taking inspiration from Tyrone Mathieu, and have vowed to "win one for the Honey Badger". . . . . . .

13. Everybody knows that the reason the 49er's were so improved two years ago in Harbaugh's first year was because of the turnover ratio, and everybody also knows that getting turnovers is almost completely a matter of luck. This year the Seahawks lead the league in turnover margin -- and again, that's completely a result of the ball just bouncing the right way for them. They are long overdue to lose some turnovers, so don't be surprised if they lose 16 turnovers or so on Sunday, which would even them up for the year. . . . . .

14. Arizona has a much, much better run defense than the Seahawks. . . . in fact, the Cardinals are best in the league, giving up only 83.2 yards a game! The Seahawks, on the other hand, give up well over a hundred yards a game. In the first game at UOP the Cardinals were able to hold Seattle to over five yards less than their normal rushing average.

15. Carson Palmer has the Seahawks number; in the first game, he threw for over 30 yards more than the Seahawks normally allow per game. Don't be surprised if he does that again, and more. . . . . maybe even forty or fifty yards more than what the Seahawks normally give up!

16. Russell Wilson fears the Cardinals smash mouth defense and especially the Cardinals blitz. That's why he said he hoped the Cardinals would blitz . . . .he was a communications major in graduate school and is trying to use some of that "reverse psychology" stuff on Arizona. But Arians and Bowles are way too smart to fall for those Seahawk mind tricks. . . . .

17. Even if Fitz doesn't get to play because of concussion issues, he will prove to be an incredible inspiration on the sideline for the Cardinals. The Seahawks don't have anyone to rally around like that.

18. The Cardinals remember how Cheatin' Pete ran up the score on them last year, and how the Seahawks refused to take a knee when they were up 31-0 in the first half but continued to make touchdowns. They remember how the Cardinals defense continued to intercept John Skelton instead of just knocking down his passes. They remember Cheatin' Pete even played some of his first string players in the second half. It's revenge time, baby!!

19. Two letters and one number. . . . .PP21. In his rookie year he showed that he was good for four punt returns for TD per year. He hasn't had any since then, which means he's due for about seven or eight to get him back to his proper yearly average -- and he could very get all of them in the game Sunday against the Seahawks!!

20. The Seahawks are in a panic because they know that their window of opportunity for having a championship team is rapidly closing on them, and that soon all their best players are going to want $100 million contracts which the Seahawks won't be able to give them, and so they will all leave! The Cardinals, on the other hand, are to a man dedicated to the team concept and all are willing to play for $1 million - $2 million a year on one year contracts. So the Cardinals are confident of the future, and the Seahawks are in a panic. This can't help but be reflected on the field. . . .


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Mar 6, 2007
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Scottemojo, did you slow clap this one out?


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Sep 13, 2013
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Sounds like the Cards inverse of Coach Shitano.

Can't tell if this guy is the ultimate homer or is just so pessimistic that his sarcasm has come around full circle to delusion.


Active member
Nov 23, 2009
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San Antonio, TX
I don't see how anyone can think he's being anything but sarcastic. You don't even need the emoticons for this one.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
The fact that some haven't gotten overwhelmed by the dripping sarcasm means they needs to get checked at the door. This is beautiful.


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Aug 21, 2010
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I like him. I really hope he doesn't take his own life after the Cards get crushed on Sunday. His "humour" could be the last dregs of his sanity trickling away.


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
I love how 3, 4, 5 and 18 are basically all the same thing.

And, Let's win one for the hunny badger!!1!!1

So much lolz. Thank you for the find OP.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
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Hahaha! Bravo to that author. Very witty. I just about cried when I read this one:

18. The Cardinals remember how Cheatin' Pete ran up the score on them last year, and how the Seahawks refused to take a knee when they were up 31-0 in the first half but continued to make touchdowns. They remember how the [Seahawks] defense continued to intercept John Skelton instead of just knocking down his passes. They remember Cheatin' Pete even played some of his first string players in the second half. It's revenge time, baby!!


New member
Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
Missing_Clink":3orsjs3o said:
Hahaha! Bravo to that author. Very witty. I just about cried when I read this one:

18. The Cardinals remember how Cheatin' Pete ran up the score on them last year, and how the Seahawks refused to take a knee when they were up 31-0 in the first half but continued to make touchdowns. They remember how the [Seahawks] defense continued to intercept John Skelton instead of just knocking down his passes. They remember Cheatin' Pete even played some of his first string players in the second half. It's revenge time, baby!!

Lol. Yup. like there's anyone in the world who would ever knock down a gimme int for the sake of somebody's feelings. Let alone a goofy inbred looking mutha trucka like John Skelton...