Halftime Show



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Sep 9, 2012
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Pink sang the national anthem a couple years ago, killed it.

I rarely love the halftime acts, but most years I'm thoroughly impressed with the production and performances. Other than the Grammys, it's the only time we get to see this level of production, guest appearances and spectacle.

Everything you need to know about the Grammys can be found sprinkled throughout the first 10 seasons of The Simpsons.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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Yes, Rhianna is for women in their 30's and 40's (and young men struggling with their sexuality), because that's when she was relevant, in the mid 2000's.

Just so happens to be one of the prime advertising demographics that companies who are paying 5M a spot for their SuperBowl ads are targeting. Not a coincidence.

And you and other dude's aren't fooling anyone with your "I don't even know who this is!" comments. That's as old as time, too cool to know silly pop music or bands.

As I said, it's not for you, and hasn't been for you in 20 years.

As a guy in my 50's, I actually love the production of the SB halftime shows now. Last year with all the LA hip hop and rap I loved 20 years ago? That was amazing IMO.

I'd much rather see a young at least somewhat relevant pop artist or band doing a massive production full of energy than another geezer rock group warbling through a sleepy boring set, cause they need another vacation home off the coast of France.

I'm aware of all of this. I'm still going to fight what I don't like. Just like people fight for people like Rhianna to be on the halftime show, I'm gonna fight for people like her to not be. We are all trying to get what we can out of this world.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
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Federal Way, WA
It's so funny that old dudes think not knowing who well know mainstream artists and bands are is some sort of flex.

The Super Bowl is now a global event, it's not a regional sports event anymore that only men in the United States enjoyed watching. So the NFL figured out that in order to attract the largest possible global audience, they needed larger appealing artists.

So it's OK if you're an old dude and don't like the halftime show. It's not for you. The game is for you. The halftime show is for everyone around the world, our wives, girlfriends and kids to enjoy the music and production.

Well, I could understand young people not knowing who The Weeknd was when he performed. He wasn't as big a name as JLo/Shakira, Rihanna, last year's group, etc.

Somos doces

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Jan 8, 2020
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Southeast Washington
As someone who has never been haughty enought to believe the media/culture/nation/world/anything needs to cater to my particular tastes, I am happy to accept whatever performers are selected to appear during the Super Bowl Halftime Show. I admit the target demographic for these performances is frequently not the categories into which I fit, but that is just fine with me. I enjoy examining society through, and learning about, other people's perspectives; observing what other folks consider to be musical artistry helps me gain some of that understanding.

To be frank, I have never really enoyed Rihanna's music — to me her songs are derivative and her voice (although impressive) is intenably nasally — but I still watched/listened to the full halftime show. I admired her poise and professionalism throughout the set; was impressed by the way the producers weaved her many hits together; and was repeatedly amused by the increasing numbers of oompa-loompas (especially appreciating how well they all seeemed to remember the routine and move in relative unison).

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Well, I could understand young people not knowing who The Weeknd was when he performed. He wasn't as big a name as JLo/Shakira, Rihanna, last year's group, etc.

The Weeknd has more Spotify and Apple music streams than all these other artists combined.

He is far more relevant to Gen Y and Z than any other SB performer.

It's why they asked him, he's popular with everyone from Gen X down to Gen Z.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
I’d rather see a classic marching band preform some amazing formations, or even some dogs catching frisbees, than watch any of the recent “artist” we’ve seen.

But I “get it” for all the reasons mentioned.
I just go do something in the kitchen, I made a huge mess cooking chicken fry, was a great time to clean up.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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Until this past Sunday...

I love Stapleton, and his rendition was awesome.

But nothing compares to Houston because of the unifying feelings and heavy emotion of that time period in our country. Post 9-11, Gulf War was going on.

That elevates Houston's IMO to the greatest of all time. Hell, that's probably the last time our country was unified.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Bournemouth, UK
I needed a nap, so I took it. That's a reflection of me, my age, and geo-location time zone, rather than the half-time show which may or may not, have been excellent...or complete crap. Half-time would probably have required a porn show by aliens or a "One Night of Rehabilitation" spectacular to keep me from that nap.


Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
I can't believe there are actually people on this planet that enjoy these halftime shows. I had the unfortunate experience of being around some people who were all excited about Rhianna or whatever her name is.

"Who?" I asked... And everyone made a big deal about me not knowing who that is, or her music, because I actually listen to music that I want, and not just whatever gets shoved down my throat because it's 'cool'.

Then, during the performance, I asked "who's singing? Because it's clearly not her..." Again, I was shot a couple glares from the women in the room, who obviously didn't want to face the reality that their favorite musical "artist" can't even sing live.

Like, seriously, most of that show was horrible choreographed and poorly executed dancing, which is already boring to watch. It just absolutely baffles me how some of these so-called musicians become famous when they are clearly so untalented they can't even sing live. Even Paul McCartney who's like 80 years old still sings live. That's a good indication of the decline of popular music since the 1960s when people actually had to be able to sing and play their instruments properly, not just live, but in the recording studio too as there were slim to no cheating methods around during that time, other than doing another take.

Its not the act that bothers me, it's the fact that there's people who actually get hyped up for it. Makes me lose faith in humanity.
You don't like watching a pregnant Satanist grab her snapper in front of billions around the world ?

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Well-known member
May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
Don’t forget the sniff. Had to check if the Kardashian gummies are working.

View attachment 57457
I have no doubt that people should be able to watch or listen to her. She is a
Pretty woman . However for her to act
Out like that on a world wide broadcast
Is poor judgement and disgusting and
Pushes the limits of poor taste .


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2022
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Upon learning how much money this person has banked I vowed to never again say Russell Wilson is overpaid.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2013
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I have only heard Bruno at our SB. I thought he was awesome. Kind of like Justin Timberlake. Dude has it. I'm a Dead Head so I obviously don't listen to the radio. I thought Rhianna was interesting like watching foreign stuff or some documentary on society. There were a ton of dancers and she was high in the air, but so was Gaga. Bruno definitely #1 All time. I thought Snoop and MnM were cool last year, but I don't listen to that stuff either. Besides Bruno, the best were the Stones, Tom Petty, and Springstine. I love McCartney, but that was lost to me. The wardrobe malfunction was cool. I saw The Who with Keith Moon so that was less. Let's face it. The well is dry. Time for repeats.