Cowherd: Seattle Owes Russ

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Sep 29, 2009
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I think some may have forgotten that Russell is his own worst critic, he's got areas to improve, there's some things in his game he can't get away with anymore, but he's going to keep getting better and he's known as a leader through his work ethic, he's not the squeaky wheel. I've lost some respect for some of the players who are no longer here, we need some of that attitude/brashness/confidence on our team, all the talk isn't necessary, the talk is self promotion for the most part. Like the point about the Ravens, his point about Sherm in his first year isn't great as he didn't start immediately. I for one am ready to move on, I really like the youth movement, and I love me some Russell Wilson. I also think we're going get right against the bears on mnf.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Disclaimer: I love Russ. He has been a huge part of our surge since his rookie year.

But.... I also think it's fair to wonder... is he really "going to keep getting better"? Is he, in fact, getting better? Before people come unglued, it's a fair question. He is now in his 7th NFL season. He is showing some very concerning tendencies and habits, and the worst part about that is defenses know them and prepare for them.

In his defense, lack of a running game and our infamous O line issues have severely hampered his development. I know it frustrates people when he goes whirling dervish and spins into sacks (and that habit MUST be broken), but the guy has been harassed like no other QB the last few seasons and he is desperately trying to make plays. Maybe trying TOO hard.

No other QB currently in the league could have done what #3 did last season with a ghost town RB corps and a terrible line. He balled out. But, he also seems to have acquired residual scar tissue and some "shellshock-itis", which is understandable considering .5 seconds after the snap he is being assaulted from every direction.

I long to see what he can do behind an elite line, with a devastating running game, and more consistent and viable receiving threats other than just Doug.


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Jan 8, 2013
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You have to look at the alternatives.

Is Seattle going to replace Russ? With what?

Almost all of the #1 overall picks that were QBs are worse than Russ.

If we acknowledge that while Russ can carry a team in a game or two, but not a season, we can get to a better place with him. He will never be Young or Montana, Rodgers or Brady. He won't even be what Brees or Rivers is. But he can do things that most QBs cannot and he can do things that many defenses struggle with.

However, the idea he can be the guy to take us to a SB has to go. We don't have the defense for it. We won't. And with a better defense, he couldn't.

We probably have to do what the Saints did. Pay your QB. Stumble around for a few years as you cannot pay people because your QB takes most of your resources. Eventually, rebuild your defenses and have a shot at a run in the playoffs because your QB is still on a long-term contract and is relatively inexpensive compared to what most of the rest of the league is paying.

It means 3-4 years of treading water with Wilson in order to get to that point though. And that assumes we can get a long enough term contract to make it a viable strategy.

If we were not going to do this, the time to trade him would have been last year - to someone like the Jets for a boatload of picks and solid defensive players. But there is no move forward without him that does not end with us being a cellar dweller. And there is no reasonable way to believe the Seahawks can be a playoff team with Wilson + a new contract.

So we are stuck either waiting for Wilson to become less expensive (and hopefully better but this is unlikely after year 7 - he is what he is) or just going into the toilet and hoping to rebuild completely.


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Nov 5, 2011
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I dont really think that he needs to get better. I think he needs the tools that other teams have to be more successful. They have a pocket that is worthy. They have a receiver corp that is worthy...and they have a running game that is even marginal. I know that Coach Pete built this team on time management. Controlling the ball, and not letting the other team have time to score. Hence the running game controlling the time of the game. But I am just a fan.....Hope the Chi game is fun Greg.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Those articles about Russell not being held to a standard are BS from whiny people.

What QB in the NFL doesn't get treated differently than defensive players? ALL QBs get treated differently.

Russell has set records for Touchdowns, what exactly is he supposed to be held accountable for?

Ridiculous. Whiny players that aren't here anymore can stop crying about Russell Wilson. You guys shit in your bed, and now you're gone. Take responsibility.

I said this the other day, but Russell has been taking a beating as the QB of this team, carrying it to victory after victory. Setting a record for 4th Quarter TDs.

So if, in the first game of the season, he gets lit up by Von Miller, I won't blame him for falling in to old habits. He still has to learn to trust that offensive line. Just ask David Carr how much getting hammered effects your game. His team set a record for giving up sacks in a season. Russell sustained two major injuries behind a Tom Cable OLine, yet never said a word about them.

I blame last weeks loss and sacks on poor playcalling. We were going against Von Miller and Bradley Chubb for crying out loud! Where were the roll outs and running game? Because that's what you do when you face ELITE PASS RUSHERS. You protect your QB by calling plays that limit a DEs success. Not pocket passes....smh...

To blame an Elite, once in a lifetime QB for our troubles is absolute nonsense. Meanwhile, our defense, the one that was always running their mouths about holding out, about "getting paid," and blaming everyone except themselves for that Superbowl loss, was allowing opposing offenses walk all over them.

So they just need to stop showing their asses and shut the hell up.

Russell will take us to another Superbowl. And he NEVER threatened to hold out, NEVER said he needed to protect himself, NEVER claimed he needed more money so that he could take care of his family. He just played. Even though he was getting hammered because we couldn't afford to pay decent offensive linemen.

So, despite all the noise they made about how they need to get paid, those selfish defensive players will retire in to obscurity, while Russell goes on to the Hall of Fame. If they had kept quiet and just done their job, maybe they could have made it there too.


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
FlyingGreg":2vlqwvhh said:
Disclaimer: I love Russ. He has been a huge part of our surge since his rookie year.

But.... I also think it's fair to wonder... is he really "going to keep getting better"? Is he, in fact, getting better? Before people come unglued, it's a fair question. He is now in his 7th NFL season. He is showing some very concerning tendencies and habits, and the worst part about that is defenses know them and prepare for them.

In his defense, lack of a running game and our infamous O line issues have severely hampered his development. I know it frustrates people when he goes whirling dervish and spins into sacks (and that habit MUST be broken), but the guy has been harassed like no other QB the last few seasons and he is desperately trying to make plays. Maybe trying TOO hard.

No other QB currently in the league could have done what #3 did last season with a ghost town RB corps and a terrible line. He balled out. But, he also seems to have acquired residual scar tissue and some "shellshock-itis", which is understandable considering .5 seconds after the snap he is being assaulted from every direction.

I long to see what he can do behind an elite line, with a devastating running game, and more consistent and viable receiving threats other than just Doug.

I love Pete Carroll. He has been a huge part of our surge since coincidentally when Russell Wilson showed up.

But.... I also think it's fair to wonder... if Pete is "going to keep getting better"? Is he, in fact, getting better? Before people come unglued, it's a fair question. He is now in his 13th NFL season as head coach, and is the oldest in the league. He has showed some very concerning tendencies and habits over the years, and the worst part about it is opposing teams know Pete and prepare for his simplistic schemes.

Pete's inability to build a running game to go along with an infamous O line has severely hampered Wilson's development. The guy has been harassed like no other QB the last few seasons and has had to carry an inept squad.

No other QB currently in the league could have done what #3 did last season with a ghost town RB corps and a terrible line. He balled out. It also seems he has acquired a bit of David Carr Syndrome due to Pete Carroll's mismanagement.

I long to see what Wilson can do when Pete gets out of the way. So they can build an elite line, with a devastating running game, and have more consistent and viable receiving threats other than just Doug before it is too late.



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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Fade":32r31t0l said:
FlyingGreg":32r31t0l said:
Disclaimer: I love Russ. He has been a huge part of our surge since his rookie year.

But.... I also think it's fair to wonder... is he really "going to keep getting better"? Is he, in fact, getting better? Before people come unglued, it's a fair question. He is now in his 7th NFL season. He is showing some very concerning tendencies and habits, and the worst part about that is defenses know them and prepare for them.

In his defense, lack of a running game and our infamous O line issues have severely hampered his development. I know it frustrates people when he goes whirling dervish and spins into sacks (and that habit MUST be broken), but the guy has been harassed like no other QB the last few seasons and he is desperately trying to make plays. Maybe trying TOO hard.

No other QB currently in the league could have done what #3 did last season with a ghost town RB corps and a terrible line. He balled out. But, he also seems to have acquired residual scar tissue and some "shellshock-itis", which is understandable considering .5 seconds after the snap he is being assaulted from every direction.

I long to see what he can do behind an elite line, with a devastating running game, and more consistent and viable receiving threats other than just Doug.

I love Pete Carroll. He has been a huge part of our surge since coincidentally when Russell Wilson showed up.

But.... I also think it's fair to wonder... if Pete is "going to keep getting better"? Is he, in fact, getting better? Before people come unglued, it's a fair question. He is now in his 13th NFL season as head coach, and is the oldest in the league. He has showed some very concerning tendencies and habits over the years, and the worst part about it is opposing teams know Pete and prepare for his simplistic schemes.

Pete's inability to build a running game to go along with an infamous O line has severely hampered Wilson's development. The guy has been harassed like no other QB the last few seasons and has had to carry an inept squad.

No other QB currently in the league could have done what #3 did last season with a ghost town RB corps and a terrible line. He balled out. It also seems he has acquired a bit of David Carr Syndrome due to Pete Carroll's mismanagement.

I long to see what Wilson can do when Pete gets out of the way. So they can build an elite line, with a devastating running game, and have more consistent and viable receiving threats other than just Doug before it is too late.


No, not fixed. My post stands. If you want to make a separate post about Pete, knock yourself out.



Mar 5, 2007
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Moses Lake, WA

Truer words have never been spoken. People seem to forget that we’d still be irrelevant without Russ, and we damn sure wouldn’t have sniffed a Super Bowl without him.

Yes, I’ll concede that he’s regressed a bit over the last two seasons, and yes, he does need to be held accountable, just like every other quarterback in this league. However, his support system has failed him miserably, and I defy anyone to name another QB that could do any better behind that garbage offensive line.

Russ has earned every penny he’s ever made, and to insinuate that he hasn’t is utterly ridiculous.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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FlyingGreg":3uea4mxj said:
Disclaimer: I love Russ. He has been a huge part of our surge since his rookie year.

But.... I also think it's fair to wonder... is he really "going to keep getting better"? Is he, in fact, getting better? Before people come unglued, it's a fair question. He is now in his 7th NFL season. He is showing some very concerning tendencies and habits, and the worst part about that is defenses know them and prepare for them.

In his defense, lack of a running game and our infamous O line issues have severely hampered his development. I know it frustrates people when he goes whirling dervish and spins into sacks (and that habit MUST be broken), but the guy has been harassed like no other QB the last few seasons and he is desperately trying to make plays. Maybe trying TOO hard.

No other QB currently in the league could have done what #3 did last season with a ghost town RB corps and a terrible line. He balled out. But, he also seems to have acquired residual scar tissue and some "shellshock-itis", which is understandable considering .5 seconds after the snap he is being assaulted from every direction.

I long to see what he can do behind an elite line, with a devastating running game, and more consistent and viable receiving threats other than just Doug.
IF you see Bevell, working with Cables' failed Offensive Line & Schottenheimer, with Solari's Offensive acumen as equals, then yes, RW has probably peaked, But I don't see Russell Wilson as a 'One Trick Pony'.
What you are not taking into consideration, is that the Offensive Line (with Ifedi) is still shitting the bed....You're expecting that Russell Wilson should flourish, regardless of who's pass Blocking, protecting his blind side, OR, when his Run Game is still CRAPPY??, C'mon Gregg, Year After Year, all he's ever done is keep on proving his doubters WRONG.....I know you don't truly believe that he's hit a wall.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
scutterhawk":2r4etetr said:
FlyingGreg":2r4etetr said:
Disclaimer: I love Russ. He has been a huge part of our surge since his rookie year.

But.... I also think it's fair to wonder... is he really "going to keep getting better"? Is he, in fact, getting better? Before people come unglued, it's a fair question. He is now in his 7th NFL season. He is showing some very concerning tendencies and habits, and the worst part about that is defenses know them and prepare for them.

In his defense, lack of a running game and our infamous O line issues have severely hampered his development. I know it frustrates people when he goes whirling dervish and spins into sacks (and that habit MUST be broken), but the guy has been harassed like no other QB the last few seasons and he is desperately trying to make plays. Maybe trying TOO hard.

No other QB currently in the league could have done what #3 did last season with a ghost town RB corps and a terrible line. He balled out. But, he also seems to have acquired residual scar tissue and some "shellshock-itis", which is understandable considering .5 seconds after the snap he is being assaulted from every direction.

I long to see what he can do behind an elite line, with a devastating running game, and more consistent and viable receiving threats other than just Doug.
IF you see Bevell, working with Cables' failed Offensive Line & Schottenheimer, with Solari's Offensive acumen as equals, then yes, RW has probably peaked, But I don't see Russell Wilson as a 'One Trick Pony'.
What you are not taking into consideration, is that the Offensive Line (with Ifedi) is still shitting the bed....You're expecting that Russell Wilson should flourish, regardless of who's pass Blocking, protecting his blind side, OR, when his Run Game is still CRAPPY??, C'mon Gregg, Year After Year, all he's ever done is keep on proving his doubters WRONG.....I know you don't truly believe that he's hit a wall.

You didnt read what I said about the line. I said exactly that.


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Dec 13, 2016
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He’s definitely right about the Primetime games, for what that’s worth. We don’t get the national attention with Matt Flynn, Mathew Stanford, or even Derek Carr as our QB

Russell scored 3 TDs in an average game. A better game as some have stated with their hot takes and he’d have about 5 TDs. If he comes even close to averaging this for the year and keeps his completion % up, turnovers down, and a record above .500 that’s elite territory


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Oct 30, 2016
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SNDavidson":19pqx2u0 said:

I think some may have forgotten that Russell is his own worst critic, he's got areas to improve, there's some things in his game he can't get away with anymore, but he's going to keep getting better and he's known as a leader through his work ethic, he's not the squeaky wheel. I've lost some respect for some of the players who are no longer here, we need some of that attitude/brashness/confidence on our team, all the talk isn't necessary, the talk is self promotion for the most part. Like the point about the Ravens, his point about Sherm in his first year isn't great as he didn't start immediately. I for one am ready to move on, I really like the youth movement, and I love me some Russell Wilson. I also think we're going get right against the bears on mnf.

Completely validates (yet again) what I shared years earlier about some serious locker-room tension on the team. I had heard about it first hand. Shared it. Some dismissed it. Others wanted me punished for saying what was clearly fact. Not hearsay - fact.

Many of the big name D players were not RW fans. This also included Beast who was sort of lukewarm regarding Russ. Now they are all gone and Russ remains yet this in turn has only increased expectations for Russ and so far he has failed to meet those. See: Pete Carroll comments.

To have doubts regarding Russell Wilson's ability to improve, which he must, are valid. For this team to succeed, he must do better. Failing to do so pushes him ever closer to moving on to another team and a true reset button being pushed.

There were some Seahawks who thought that without them Russell Wilson is a mid-tier QB who would not be able to start on a lot of teams. Well, that might be a bit harsh but there's some truth to it as well. Hoping Russ can quiet the critics (myself included) with some improved play but what he showed last week was far too inconsistent.

P.S. - Cowherd is a moron. :177692:


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
semiahmoo":cv05b1eq said:
SNDavidson":cv05b1eq said:

I think some may have forgotten that Russell is his own worst critic, he's got areas to improve, there's some things in his game he can't get away with anymore, but he's going to keep getting better and he's known as a leader through his work ethic, he's not the squeaky wheel. I've lost some respect for some of the players who are no longer here, we need some of that attitude/brashness/confidence on our team, all the talk isn't necessary, the talk is self promotion for the most part. Like the point about the Ravens, his point about Sherm in his first year isn't great as he didn't start immediately. I for one am ready to move on, I really like the youth movement, and I love me some Russell Wilson. I also think we're going get right against the bears on mnf.

Completely validates (yet again) what I shared years earlier about some serious locker-room tension on the team. I had heard about it first hand. Shared it. Some dismissed it. Others wanted me punished for saying what was clearly fact. Not hearsay - fact.

Many of the big name D players were not RW fans. This also included Beast who was sort of lukewarm regarding Russ. Now they are all gone and Russ remains yet this in turn has only increased expectations for Russ and so far he has failed to meet those. See: Pete Carroll comments.

To have doubts regarding Russell Wilson's ability to improve, which he must, are valid. For this team to succeed, he must do better. Failing to do so pushes him ever closer to moving on to another team and a true reset button being pushed.

There were some Seahawks who thought that without them Russell Wilson is a mid-tier QB who would not be able to start on a lot of teams. Well, that might be a bit harsh but there's some truth to it as well. Hoping Russ can quiet the critics (myself included) with some improved play but what he showed last week was far too inconsistent.

P.S. - Cowherd is a moron. :177692:

Replace Russell Wilson with Andy Dalton and the Seahawks are competing with the Buffalo Bills for the #1 pick in the NFL Draft.

Russell Wilson is nowhere near the mid-tier. He is the one propping up this operation. The operation that continues to get worse every year under Pete Carroll. All I see is the talent level dropping around the franchise QB, and fans are crying because Russ can't wave a magic wand and make all the problems go away.

Like Drew Brees, Russ will be going 7-9, 8-8, 9-7 until the roster significantly improves.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2013
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There is some substance to what is being discussed here but keep in mind - ONE GAME. This team has played one game, on the road. It is a team of many new parts. Should there be concerns? There should always be concerns. But don’t get ahead of things.

FWIW: I never heard Russell Wilson complain about all the money going to the Defense when they blew a 10 point lead in 49.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
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moving the pocket sounds like a good idea.

in 1986, krieg was getting killed in the pocket. chuck knox had the sense to start rolling krieg out, etc. (moving the pocket), and the rest -- 5 game win streak to end up at 10-6 -- is seahawks history.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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Wilson is still trying to figure it out after 6 seasons. You worshipers saw his best years come and go and you're still waiting for his next big benchmark. LOL In fairness he helped get to 2 superbowls winning one,but that defense was the number one reason for those good years not Wilson,and don't forget Lynch. Wilson was along for the ride. Yes he can scramble and improvise ,but he is hardly the only QB to do that past or present. Hell ---Doug Flutie could run circles around Wilson,or Vick or RG3-Cuningham-Tarkington-Steve young? Wilson is not some unique talent. He's good at times but not gr8. He might have been better if not for Carroll coddling him and covering for him. Now he isn't coachable...I bet the new coaches are frustrated about how Wilson goes off script not to mention the OL who Wilson leaves in the dark every 3rd play. Wilson has been told so many times that he is "ALL THAT" he thinks he can carry the team....he can; right to a losing season. :irishdrinkers:

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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xray":2mgfbew3 said:
Wilson is still trying to figure it out after 6 seasons. You worshipers saw his best years come and go and you're still waiting for his next big benchmark. LOL In fairness he helped get to 2 superbowls winning one,but that defense was the number one reason for those good years not Wilson,and don't forget Lynch. Wilson was along for the ride. Yes he can scramble and improvise ,but he is hardly the only QB to do that past or present. Hell ---Doug Flutie could run circles around Wilson,or Vick or RG3-Cuningham-Tarkington-Steve young? Wilson is not some unique talent. He's good at times but not gr8. He might have been better if not for Carroll coddling him and covering for him. Now he isn't coachable...I bet the new coaches are frustrated about how Wilson goes off script not to mention the OL who Wilson leaves in the dark every 3rd play. Wilson has been told so many times that he is "ALL THAT" he thinks he can carry the team....he can; right to a losing season. :irishdrinkers:

This is an absurd post on many, many levels.

First, supporting the team's QB and being a fan of what he has done and is doing is not "worshipping" so pump the brakes on name calling.

Secondly, comparing Wilson to a bunch of other QBs simply because they could run underlies how little you are giving to the subject.

You don't like Wilson. Fine. You want to compare him to those QBs? good... show the stats.

I'll start (guess which one is Wilson and which one is Flutie)

Games: 97/92
Completions: 1834/1171
Yards: 22474/14715
TDs: 164/86
INTs: 58/68
Rushing Yds: 3280/1634
QBR: 98.7/76.3

One is literally half the qb of the other

Wilson is not unique.. he's special. You dont have to like his style. But calling him "trash" at every opportunity is base ignorance or trolling.

Just to point out the absurdity further, here are Young's stats

Games: 169
Completions: 2667
Yards: 33124
TDs 237
INTs 107
Sacks 358 (Wilson: 254)
Rushing: 4239
QBR: 96.8

Wilson is on pace to be as good, if not better than Steve Young. Many, many Seahawks fans will take that


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Nov 16, 2015
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Uncle Si":3ksx0vgi said:
.....One is literally half the qb of the other

Wilson is not unique.. he's special. You dont have to like his style. But calling him "trash" at every opportunity is base ignorance or trolling.

Sorry....I had to cutout the stats as they likely will just confuse the OP, but half the QB is pretty accurate. He did say Flutie can run circles around Wilson.....and that may be true. The circles are him going down the drain while Wilson signs his 3rd contract HERE in Seattle.
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