With the SF game on the horizon, and Harbaugh still talking


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Jul 8, 2013
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Hawkpower":14tzgidj said:
Any whiner fans gonna jump in here and defend this clown?

I didnt think so.

Harbaugh seems to have the maturity of an 11 year old boy.

And thats pushing it.

Ok, I typically stay away from these sort of topics and stay in NFL talk, but since you requested, I will oblige.

I love Harbaugh. He is extremely intelligent and everything he does has a motive behind it. He takes no s*** from nobody and supports his players no matter what. The greater percentage of people outside of the 49ers organization and fanbase dislike him. But guess what, the opinion of opposing fans means absolutely nothing and the opinion of opposing coaches means absolutely nothing. All that matters to him is the success of his team and the organization. He loves his players and his players love him.

I love his attitude and how he keeps the attention of the media on him instead of the players. The media is trying to get to Kap, but Harbaugh is keeping the attention on him.

His sideline antics show his passion. I wish I could find people as passionate about their job as he is about his. His reactions are extreme because he cares. He cares about his team and his players. If you have issues with that, than you have issues with yourself.

Sports Hernia

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The ninnies trolls defending anything and everything critical about their team is amusing and sad at the same time.


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Comeinpeace":2ly6i0t5 said:
Hawkpower":2ly6i0t5 said:
Any whiner fans gonna jump in here and defend this clown?

I didnt think so.

Harbaugh seems to have the maturity of an 11 year old boy.

And thats pushing it.

Ok, I typically stay away from these sort of topics and stay in NFL talk, but since you requested, I will oblige.

I love Harbaugh. He is extremely intelligent and everything he does has a motive behind it. He takes no s*** from nobody and supports his players no matter what. The greater percentage of people outside of the 49ers organization and fanbase dislike him. But guess what, the opinion of opposing fans means absolutely nothing and the opinion of opposing coaches means absolutely nothing. All that matters to him is the success of his team and the organization. He loves his players and his players love him.

I love his attitude and how he keeps the attention of the media on him instead of the players. The media is trying to get to Kap, but Harbaugh is keeping the attention on him.

His sideline antics show his passion. I wish I could find people as passionate about their job as he is about his. His reactions are extreme because he cares. He cares about his team and his players. If you have issues with that, than you have issues with yourself.

He takes sh*t from nobody? LMAO. As previously mentioned, Ditka, who could also be a pr*ck, treated him like a little girl and did so frequently AND publicly. You 9er fans are trying to portray him as something he is not. You had a "tough" coach that "took sh*t from nobody", including Ditka. You hired Harbaugh to replace him. I'm not saying that was a bad move, but Harbaugh is only "tough" when not facing confrontation. He's as devious, but no tougher, than Lane Kiffin.


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Sports Hernia":1vrn8nm8 said:
The ninnies trolls defending anything and everything critical about their team is amusing and sad at the same time.

I'm far from a troll. I like to have discussions with fans who support my team and with fans from our biggest rival. I live in Seattle, so I have more invested in this rivalry than most. I love talking friendly smack with my coworkers and friends and some people on this forum like Throwdown.

One of your other fans had a comment about no 49ers fan supporting their coach, so I gladly took him up on the offer. Nothing I said was troll. Everything I said was on topic and I didn't even say anything about the Seahawks. You guys/gals have an amazing team and if the 49ers make it out of Seattle with a "W" I will be surprised. Your stadium is the best home field advantage in the NFL, and if I expected the 49ers were going to go in there and stomp, I would be an idiot.


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HawkWow":3tbf65od said:
Comeinpeace":3tbf65od said:
He takes sh*t from nobody? LMAO. As previously mentioned, Ditka, who could also be a pr*ck, treated him like a little girl and did so frequently AND publicly. You 9er fans are trying to portray him as something he is not. You had a "tough" coach that "took sh*t from nobody", including Ditka. You hired Harbaugh to replace him. I'm not saying that was a bad move, but Harbaugh is only "tough" when not facing confrontation. He's as devious, but no tougher, than Lane Kiffin.

Is that the best you have? Referencing his interactions with his coach 20 years ago.... :laugh:

Are you the same person you were 20 years ago?


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Comeinpeace":dg6so9y5 said:
Hawkpower":dg6so9y5 said:
Any whiner fans gonna jump in here and defend this clown?

I didnt think so.

Harbaugh seems to have the maturity of an 11 year old boy.

And thats pushing it.

Ok, I typically stay away from these sort of topics and stay in NFL talk, but since you requested, I will oblige.

I love Harbaugh. He is extremely intelligent and everything he does has a motive behind it. He takes no s*** from nobody and supports his players no matter what. The greater percentage of people outside of the 49ers organization and fanbase dislike him. But guess what, the opinion of opposing fans means absolutely nothing and the opinion of opposing coaches means absolutely nothing. All that matters to him is the success of his team and the organization. He loves his players and his players love him.

I love his attitude and how he keeps the attention of the media on him instead of the players. The media is trying to get to Kap, but Harbaugh is keeping the attention on him.

His sideline antics show his passion. I wish I could find people as passionate about their job as he is about his. His reactions are extreme because he cares. He cares about his team and his players. If you have issues with that, than you have issues with yourself.

This might be a candidate for delusional post of the year.

Harbaugh is passionate, and he has won for sure.

But if you think there is some kind of calculated method to his antics you are fooling yourself. He makes childish comments and acts like a 6 year old even when the media isnt listening.

The guy is a straight up douche, end of story.

Im sorry that hurts your feelings.


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Comeinpeace":2xry5olv said:
HawkWow":2xry5olv said:
Comeinpeace":2xry5olv said:
He takes sh*t from nobody? LMAO. As previously mentioned, Ditka, who could also be a pr*ck, treated him like a little girl and did so frequently AND publicly. You 9er fans are trying to portray him as something he is not. You had a "tough" coach that "took sh*t from nobody", including Ditka. You hired Harbaugh to replace him. I'm not saying that was a bad move, but Harbaugh is only "tough" when not facing confrontation. He's as devious, but no tougher, than Lane Kiffin.

Is that the best you have? Referencing his interactions with his coach 20 years ago.... :laugh:

Are you the same person you were 20 years ago?

In the context we speak of here?
Yes, I am absolutely the same person today that I was 20 years ago. Your question suggests you are not. Tell us about these changes you've made. Were you a Cowboy fan back then? Did you dress in drag? Did you put firecrackers in the butts of kittens? I suddenly find you much more interesting. Carry on.


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Beaverton, Oregon
muxpux":2ytjs2t1 said:
that does not even LOOK healthy. dude needs to be on meds.


that picture makes me think he probably viciously beats his wife, children, pets, parents, and grandparents.


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Jul 28, 2012
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FWIW, an old college buddy of mine is friends with former Bears FB Brad Muster. I am sure no one here remembers who Muster was, but he was a pretty damn good FB for several years in the late 80's/early 90's. Anyway, he was on the Bears when Harbaugh was the starting QB. He told my friend that a bunch of guys on the team (himself included) didn't care for Harbaugh. He said that he came off as a "Rudy on steriods/uber-competitive" jerk who was always getting into petty arguments/conflicts with people. Just as an example, he said that when Harbaugh would routinely play poker with the guys in the locker room. Whenever he lost, he would lose his mind, throwing the cards/chips, punching the table, throwing the chair he was sitting in against the wall, cursing like a mad man, etc. He said that most of the guys thought that he was kind of "touched" in the head. I am sure we all know someone like that. The uber-competitve jerk who feels the need to "coach people up" and "get in people's faces" when playing a "friendly" pick up basketball game. The type of guy who will proudly run over a catcher to score a run in a church/rec league over-40 softball game. The type of guy who instructs his 11-year old pitcher to throw at any batter who crowds the plate in a little league game, etc.


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This is consistent with every thing I have stated...and yes, I remember Muster well. It's become clear there are 3 types of people not aware of this VERY common knowledge about Harbaugh...the young, the disinterested and the 49er fan.

But John knows. Let's not forget, Harbaugh didn't speak to, let alone congratulate, brother John on his SB win for an entire week after. How can anyone defend such a character? Call him a "great coach" if you want. That can be accepted or at least debated. Calling him anything resembling a good human only raises questions about you.

Sports Hernia

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Comeinpeace":sjzdu6ck said:
Sports Hernia":sjzdu6ck said:
The ninnies trolls defending anything and everything critical about their team is amusing and sad at the same time.

I'm far from a troll. I like to have discussions with fans who support my team and with fans from our biggest rival. I live in Seattle, so I have more invested in this rivalry than most. I love talking friendly smack with my coworkers and friends and some people on this forum like Throwdown.

One of your other fans had a comment about no 49ers fan supporting their coach, so I gladly took him up on the offer. Nothing I said was troll. Everything I said was on topic and I didn't even say anything about the Seahawks. You guys/gals have an amazing team and if the 49ers make it out of Seattle with a "W" I will be surprised. Your stadium is the best home field advantage in the NFL, and if I expected the 49ers were going to go in there and stomp, I would be an idiot.
You were not the only one I was referring to. Outside of your dopey sig, and your D-baugh man crush you are one of the better behaved 9'er fans. It was more of a general statement of your fanbase.


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Jul 28, 2012
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HawkWow":3sxfsccy said:
This is consistent with every thing I have stated...and yes, I remember Muster well. It's become clear there are 3 types of people not aware of this VERY common knowledge about Harbaugh...the young, the disinterested and the 49er fan.

But John knows. Let's not forget, Harbaugh didn't speak to, let alone congratulate, brother John on his SB win for an entire week after. How can anyone defend such a character? Call him a "great coach" if you want. That can be accepted or at least debated. Calling him anything resembling a good human only raises questions about you.

HawkWow, you seem to know your football. I respect that. Kudos. Harbaugh is just an arrogant, confrontational, immature, uber-competitive jerk. Basically, he is proud of the fact that most people think he lacks perspective in life. You know, the type of guy who walks around with the proverbial chip on his shoulder, just daring someone to knock it off. He seems to me to be the type of guy who views everything as a "challenge" of some sort. You remember the old Seinfeld episode with the "Mandelbaums." You know, the family of old dudes who always thought Jerry was challenging them to see who was stronger (i.e. who could lift the heaviest object over their head). That basically is Harbaugh. He is the prototypical, "WHAT, YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME OR SOMETHING?!!!" guy.


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Jul 8, 2013
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HawkWow":1h2iavvt said:
In the context we speak of here?
Yes, I am absolutely the same person today that I was 20 years ago. Your question suggests you are not. Tell us about these changes you've made. Were you a Cowboy fan back then? Did you dress in drag? Did you put firecrackers in the butts of kittens? I suddenly find you much more interesting. Carry on.

LOL I was 12 years old.... damn right I've changed since then.

Since this conversation has resulted to you trying to lash out personal insults, I'm done. I thought you were a mature poster like Radish, Jseahawks, Throwdown, or (as much as it hurts to say) Roland..... but guess I was wrong. GL in the game and if you see me at the stadium, hit me up I'll buy you a beer buddy. You're on ignore.

Our newly formed rivalry is great, it's people like you that ruin it unfortunately. :(


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Sep 9, 2013
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HawkWow":1tbaset7 said:
But John knows. Let's not forget, Harbaugh didn't speak to, let alone congratulate, brother John on his SB win for an entire week after. How can anyone defend such a character? Call him a "great coach" if you want. That can be accepted or at least debated. Calling him anything resembling a good human only raises questions about you.

Their midfield exchange after the Super Bowl doesn't count? That wasn't just a cold handshake.

The only thing that matters to me is the locker room. Do the players play hard for Harbs? Yes.


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FrankTheTank21":2ihewhr4 said:
HawkWow":2ihewhr4 said:
But John knows. Let's not forget, Harbaugh didn't speak to, let alone congratulate, brother John on his SB win for an entire week after. How can anyone defend such a character? Call him a "great coach" if you want. That can be accepted or at least debated. Calling him anything resembling a good human only raises questions about you.

Their midfield exchange after the Super Bowl doesn't count? That wasn't just a cold handshake.

The only thing that matters to me is the locker room. Do the players play hard for Harbs? Yes.

LOL...it wasn't a cold handshake he offered Jim Schwartz, either (you sorta' set yourself up for that). Just further proof the guy is a class A jackass.

His players are professional football players. That means they play for money. It is in their be$t intere$t to play hard for whomever they are playing for. I am unaware of any special detection device that determines whether a player plays hard for coach, team, money or love for the game.

Did his boys play hard for him at Stanford? Hell yeah...they also wanted to play for money at the next level. Did Richard Sherman play hard at Stanford? Hell yeah, and he will be the first to tell you he didn't play hard for "Harbs" and that the guy was a class A jackass. Next.


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Sep 9, 2013
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HawkWow":1skykyhf said:
FrankTheTank21":1skykyhf said:
HawkWow":1skykyhf said:
But John knows. Let's not forget, Harbaugh didn't speak to, let alone congratulate, brother John on his SB win for an entire week after. How can anyone defend such a character? Call him a "great coach" if you want. That can be accepted or at least debated. Calling him anything resembling a good human only raises questions about you.

Their midfield exchange after the Super Bowl doesn't count? That wasn't just a cold handshake.

The only thing that matters to me is the locker room. Do the players play hard for Harbs? Yes.

LOL...it wasn't a cold handshake he offered Jim Schwartz, either (you sorta' set yourself up for that). Just further proof the guy is a class A jackass.

His players are professional football players. That means they play for money. It is in their be$t intere$t to play hard for whomever they are playing for. I am unaware of any special detection device that determines whether a player plays hard for coach, team, money or love for the game.

Did his boys play hard for him at Stanford? Hell yeah...they also wanted to play for money at the next level. Did Richard Sherman play hard at Stanford? Hell yeah, and he will be the first to tell you he didn't play hard for "Harbs" and that the guy was a class A jackass. Next.

1. LOL the handshake with Schwartz isn't even remotely comparable.


2. I don't think Richard Sherman's experience with Harbaugh is indicative of the majority of players he coached there. You don't take a program from 2 wins to 12 without players buying in. BTW Sherman has to take some responsibility, too. I think he was suspended multiple times at Stanford. I wonder if any player Pete Carroll ever coached with the Jets, Pats, or Trojans dislikes him.

3. If the coach's personality/likability doesn't affect the team, how is it relevant?


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BuddyRyans46":25m6cmbh said:
FWIW, an old college buddy of mine is friends with former Bears FB Brad Muster. I am sure no one here remembers who Muster was, but he was a pretty damn good FB for several years in the late 80's/early 90's. Anyway, he was on the Bears when Harbaugh was the starting QB. He told my friend that a bunch of guys on the team (himself included) didn't care for Harbaugh. He said that he came off as a "Rudy on steriods/uber-competitive" jerk who was always getting into petty arguments/conflicts with people. Just as an example, he said that when Harbaugh would routinely play poker with the guys in the locker room. Whenever he lost, he would lose his mind, throwing the cards/chips, punching the table, throwing the chair he was sitting in against the wall, cursing like a mad man, etc. He said that most of the guys thought that he was kind of "touched" in the head. I am sure we all know someone like that. The uber-competitve jerk who feels the need to "coach people up" and "get in people's faces" when playing a "friendly" pick up basketball game. The type of guy who will proudly run over a catcher to score a run in a church/rec league over-40 softball game. The type of guy who instructs his 11-year old pitcher to throw at any batter who crowds the plate in a little league game, etc.

This is my understanding of Harbaugh. He's more or less an undignified loudmouth who believes he is dignified with the pride of a warrior. I think he is truly delusional. My gut tells me that after they lose this season and the honeymoon period truly wears off, the 49ers will have a train wreck scenario of a lost locker room - similar to the Singletary pants-dropping episode.


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nsport":7odkcprl said:
BuddyRyans46":7odkcprl said:
FWIW, an old college buddy of mine is friends with former Bears FB Brad Muster. I am sure no one here remembers who Muster was, but he was a pretty damn good FB for several years in the late 80's/early 90's. Anyway, he was on the Bears when Harbaugh was the starting QB. He told my friend that a bunch of guys on the team (himself included) didn't care for Harbaugh. He said that he came off as a "Rudy on steriods/uber-competitive" jerk who was always getting into petty arguments/conflicts with people. Just as an example, he said that when Harbaugh would routinely play poker with the guys in the locker room. Whenever he lost, he would lose his mind, throwing the cards/chips, punching the table, throwing the chair he was sitting in against the wall, cursing like a mad man, etc. He said that most of the guys thought that he was kind of "touched" in the head. I am sure we all know someone like that. The uber-competitve jerk who feels the need to "coach people up" and "get in people's faces" when playing a "friendly" pick up basketball game. The type of guy who will proudly run over a catcher to score a run in a church/rec league over-40 softball game. The type of guy who instructs his 11-year old pitcher to throw at any batter who crowds the plate in a little league game, etc.

This is my understanding of Harbaugh. He's more or less an undignified loudmouth who believes he is dignified with the pride of a warrior. I think he is truly delusional. My gut tells me that after they lose this season and the honeymoon period truly wears off, the 49ers will have a train wreck scenario of a lost locker room - similar to the Singletary pants-dropping episode.

LOL I doubt it. But anything's possible.

After Pete Carroll's stints in New York and New England, people said his personality wasn't suited for the pro game, but he's doing fine in Seattle.

I understand people hating Harbaugh, but all the extra stuff is overblown, IMO.


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Comeinpeace":2x77z9vh said:
HawkWow":2x77z9vh said:
In the context we speak of here?
Yes, I am absolutely the same person today that I was 20 years ago. Your question suggests you are not. Tell us about these changes you've made. Were you a Cowboy fan back then? Did you dress in drag? Did you put firecrackers in the butts of kittens? I suddenly find you much more interesting. Carry on.

LOL I was 12 years old.... damn right I've changed since then.

Since this conversation has resulted to you trying to lash out personal insults, I'm done. I thought you were a mature poster like Radish, Jseahawks, Throwdown, or (as much as it hurts to say) Roland..... but guess I was wrong. GL in the game and if you see me at the stadium, hit me up I'll buy you a beer buddy. You're on ignore.

Our newly formed rivalry is great, it's people like you that ruin it unfortunately. :(

Which means you were 2 when he started his career. The career I informed you I have watched in it's entirety. With the mountain of evidence you've been provided...why do you wish to keep defending this clown? Because he's your team's coach? Who cares? I didn't like Mora...he was our coach.

Please point out where I attacked you with "personal insults". I asked you a couple tongue in cheek questions. If the answer was "no" to those questions, why so butt hurt?

You won't put me on ignore. I complete you.

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