Wilson files for divorce?

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Jan 8, 2010
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Rumor on Facebook is that she had an affair with John Legend


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Jan 8, 2013
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The_Z_Man":2iwz3til said:
I knew this was coming for awhile.

One look at all the those foul comments posted about her on Youtube and crap - especially those insanely jealous, FREAK 49er fans.

Pretty sure she wanted out and who could blame her? This guy is going to get more famous, and win more Superbowls and be known everywhere -- just ask Brenda Warner about the kind of crap she had to go through... Rival fans and press tweet and write NASTY crud about her all the time, they are still making fun of her on the Youtube video - and she seems like a pretty sensitive and low key person. She is not a Supermodel like Gisele, nor a war hardened survivor like Brenda Warner. Some people just can't handle that kind of scrutiny, pressure, and venom directed at them, nor should they have to - she fell in love with a boy in high school with no concept that millions of people would watch video's of everything she does.

My guess is that Wilson filed for divorce because he is being a man and taking the lead and protecting her, and I would expect nothing less of him.

I wish them both happiness, and that it drives him to win 5 or 6 Superbowl trophies just to shut the critics up.

uh. I guess you could think that. Probably absolute bollocks, but have at it.


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Apr 11, 2010
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It's likely this story is going to get picked up, and make a bunch of twists and turns.
I say that because, if you leave all the 'Up In The Air Speculations' it to the imaginations of most people, there's a good chance it gets blown way out of proportion.
It's like some people can't wait for the real answers, so they start making stuff up, and it picks up speed and crap like a snowball rolling downhill from there.

Pretty sad really.


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Mar 6, 2007
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Availability is a big deal to women. Couples get divorced all the time because the husband spends too much time on his computer, playing games, drinking with friends, working too much, etc. The fact is that attention really matters to a lot to most of them, and for some that need for attention does not wane even after marriage. Hollywood couples are notorious for splitting quickly because actors and actresses will go months straight without an ounce of free time. It's ironic, but despite being the fairer sex women put a hell of a lot more effort into impressing men than men do for women. We might think up a few clever one liners, whereas women rack up a ridiculous number of hours working on their hair, makeup, and wardrobe every week, putting a lot of thought and effort into it. It doesn't feel good to work hard to make an impression only to feel ignored.

I am honestly very surprised that divorce is relatively uncommon among NFL QBs, who put in ridiculous hours at work and if so desired would not find it hard to find other women on the side. Even the most faithful NFL star still probably has an agitated and insecure wife (and I don't blame her for it).

One of the first things I thought of when I heard Wilson say "no time to sleep" was "that doesn't sound healthy" and my second thought was "I hope his marriage does okay." Well, I guess we now know that it wasn't okay.

That said, this news still really surprises me. When I saw the topic I just assumed it was a hoax or a bait and switch. It's very hard to see Russell as the cheating type, and though I'm sure his workload put a big strain on their marriage, he's been a huge work ethic guy his whole life and their relationship goes back almost 10 years. So it's kind of odd that this wouldn't have been a problem a year ago when they got married, but it's a problem now? That seems off.

Sometimes the dynamic of a relationship changes after marriage and it is very possible that the explanation for this divorce could end up just being that simple. At least, I hope it is.


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May 1, 2009
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CaptBennett":3fbv6foc said:
My dad knows a couple people with the Seahawk staff. They say she is a borderline gold-digger.

Donk70":3fbv6foc said:
Rumor on Facebook is that she had an affair with John Legend

Nice to see the direction this thread is taking...


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Well since he filed I am wondering, in a divorce the injured party is typically the one to file or in many ways those who strike first are in control making the other have to react rather then dictate terms.


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Aug 11, 2011
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Why has no one mentioned the "maybe she wanted to start a family and he didn't want to until after football" angle.... thats what i'd put my money on.

Ashton: Lets start a family
RW: When I retire
Ashton: We could be 40?
RW: Hopefully 50.


Oct 26, 2013
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I was kinda shocked when I saw that headline on ESPN earlier today, had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't like Willson or something haha. Normally I would never want to start gossip and get into someone's personal business like this but I'm just bored right now and I have a few ideas of what could be the cause of this:

1) Best case scenario is Wilson REALLY DOES want to be the GREATEST QB OF ALL TIME. His wife just wasn't OK with the amount of time he was spending to reach his goal. It might have gotten to the point where she was continuously nagging at Wilson and trying to get him to change his priorities and time management. She may have felt that Wilson would get to spend a lot of time with her this off-season so they could relax and have fun, and I totally understand how much she would look forward to that especially after watching her husband become a Super Bowl Champion.

So my best guess is she just became increasingly frustrated and vocal about how he wasn't spending enough time with her. Eventually they got in a big fight about it and Wilson realized that this just wouldn't work for him anymore, she was too negative and distracting with her complaints for him to remain focused and to become the greatest of all time.

I think that's the most likely scenario and the best one for Wilson since he was the one who decided this just wasn't working out for him.

2) She wanted to have kids, and he just wasn't ready for that kind of commitment. He wants to be there and spend a lot of time with his kids and family and he is still too young and needs to focus on his game.

3) I'm just a horrible person for this one... I can't help it my mind is too overactive I think of all the most ridiculous scenarios.

Russell simply does not want to EVER have kids with her...

His dad was a borderline professional athlete (I think he tried out for NFL teams as a Wide Receiver or something?) and Russell Wilson is an amazing athlete. Is it possible that Wilson wants his kids to have the best chance possible to continue this family tradition of love and dedication for sports and to have the best chance possible to become a great professional athlete?

I don't know if his wife was a good athlete or if she even ever played sports. But if she's like a total clutz who can't even dribble a basketball or catch a football or runs like an 8 second 40 yard dash... maybe Russell just wants to eventually marry some really great athlete so he can raise his kids to play at a high level? I know I'm a horrible person for saying that but it seems reasonable to me that he would want his kids to be great athletes.

4) There's all kinds of scandalous possibilities which I think are very unlikely. I don't even wanna get into that junk but hopefully if that's the case Russell won't get too distracted and he should know he's WAY better off if she was the offender.

Ugh... I just feel dirty now after listing some possibilities, frankly it's none of our business I think we all just hope things work out for Russell. How do those TMZ guys sleep at night doing this kinda thing for a living? I almost just wanna delete this post right now it feels wrong but oh well.


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Aug 20, 2013
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CaptBennett":176cij9h said:
My dad knows a couple people with the Seahawk staff. They say she is a borderline gold-digger.

Dating a 5'10" kid in high school on the chance he'd end up an NFL QB is some high-risk gold-digging. That takes some smarts. But then again divorcing 12 months before he signs for 20 million a year requires some real stupidity. But then again tricking him into being the one to file for divorce requires some smarts. Sheesh this is confusing. :)

Seriously though, Russell Wilson is certainly not the first and definitely won't be the last person to divorce their spouse shortly after achieving fame. It's way too common, and a situation in which 99.99% of the population is way too unfamiliar, for anyone to judge, IMO.


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Nov 28, 2012
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Throwdown":3tgeck8l said:
I don't know why this is news, it's none of our business
It becomes our business when the team and player issue a formal statement about it. And just because something isn't perceived to be "our business" doesn't mean it isn't news-worthy. Was Tiger Woods' unfaithfulness to his wife any of your business? Was it news?


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
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All of the stupid people will come out in this topic. Saying stupid things about people they really know nothing about.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
NorthDallas40oz":3pth2w1x said:
Throwdown":3pth2w1x said:
I don't know why this is news, it's none of our business
It becomes our business when the team and player issue a formal statement about it. And just because something isn't perceived to be "our business" doesn't mean it isn't news-worthy. Was Tiger Woods' unfaithfulness to his wife any of your business? Was it news?

Nope it wasn't our business. I'm not the type for all the gossip stuff, so I genuinely don't get the whole being enthralled in another persons business.


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Feb 17, 2014
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NorthDallas40oz":at9erxxz said:
Throwdown":at9erxxz said:
I don't know why this is news, it's none of our business
It becomes our business when the team and player issue a formal statement about it. And just because something isn't perceived to be "our business" doesn't mean it isn't news-worthy. Was Tiger Woods' unfaithfulness to his wife any of your business? Was it news?

Tiger Woods broke the law by soliciting dozens of prostitutes and illegally paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars for sex.

Deciding to get a divorce after a one and half year marriage that wasn't working? That's completely normal and healthy in certain relatively amicable situations. In fact, it's sometimes the responsible thing to do before children are brought into the equation.


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Nov 28, 2012
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Throwdown":2v9d6vay said:
Nope it wasn't our business. I'm not the type for all the gossip stuff.
Exactly. It's not anyone's "business," per se, but it was certainly news....because it greatly impacted Tiger's career. I certainly doubt this will have much if any impact on RW's career, but the point is that personal matters can be - and often are - newsworthy, whether you're into gossip or not.

Zebulon Dak

Mar 4, 2007
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Tokadub":zawc5eiw said:
I was kinda shocked when I saw that headline on ESPN earlier today, had to do a double take to make sure it wasn't like Willson or something haha. Normally I would never want to start gossip and get into someone's personal business like this but I'm just bored right now and I have a few ideas of what could be the cause of this:

1) Best case scenario is Wilson REALLY DOES want to be the GREATEST QB OF ALL TIME. His wife just wasn't OK with the amount of time he was spending to reach his goal. It might have gotten to the point where she was continuously nagging at Wilson and trying to get him to change his priorities and time management. She may have felt that Wilson would get to spend a lot of time with her this off-season so they could relax and have fun, and I totally understand how much she would look forward to that especially after watching her husband become a Super Bowl Champion.

So my best guess is she just became increasingly frustrated and vocal about how he wasn't spending enough time with her. Eventually they got in a big fight about it and Wilson realized that this just wouldn't work for him anymore, she was too negative and distracting with her complaints for him to remain focused and to become the greatest of all time.

I think that's the most likely scenario and the best one for Wilson since he was the one who decided this just wasn't working out for him.

2) She wanted to have kids, and he just wasn't ready for that kind of commitment. He wants to be there and spend a lot of time with his kids and family and he is still too young and needs to focus on his game.

3) I'm just a horrible person for this one... I can't help it my mind is too overactive I think of all the most ridiculous scenarios.

Russell simply does not want to EVER have kids with her...

His dad was a borderline professional athlete (I think he tried out for NFL teams as a Wide Receiver or something?) and Russell Wilson is an amazing athlete. Is it possible that Wilson wants his kids to have the best chance possible to continue this family tradition of love and dedication for sports and to have the best chance possible to become a great professional athlete?

I don't know if his wife was a good athlete or if she even ever played sports. But if she's like a total clutz who can't even dribble a basketball or catch a football or runs like an 8 second 40 yard dash... maybe Russell just wants to eventually marry some really great athlete so he can raise his kids to play at a high level? I know I'm a horrible person for saying that but it seems reasonable to me that he would want his kids to be great athletes.

4) There's all kinds of scandalous possibilities which I think are very unlikely. I don't even wanna get into that junk but hopefully if that's the case Russell won't get too distracted and he should know he's WAY better off if she was the offender.

Ugh... I just feel dirty now after listing some possibilities, frankly it's none of our business I think we all just hope things work out for Russell. How do those TMZ guys sleep at night doing this kinda thing for a living? I almost just wanna delete this post right now it feels wrong but oh well.

YOU might be a crazy person.


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Nov 28, 2012
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hawknation2014":3masmcr1 said:
NorthDallas40oz":3masmcr1 said:
Throwdown":3masmcr1 said:
I don't know why this is news, it's none of our business
It becomes our business when the team and player issue a formal statement about it. And just because something isn't perceived to be "our business" doesn't mean it isn't news-worthy. Was Tiger Woods' unfaithfulness to his wife any of your business? Was it news?

Tiger Woods broke the law by soliciting dozens of prostitutes and illegally paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars for sex.

Deciding to get a divorce after a one and half year marriage that wasn't working? That's completely normal and healthy in certain relatively amicable situations. In fact, it's sometimes the responsible thing to do before children are brought into the equation.
Completely agree that getting a divorce is normal. The point was that personal matters - however normal - are often newsworthy. Clearly RW and the Seahawks felt so in this case, by taking the unusual step of issuing a formal statement about it.


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Dec 21, 2012
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Graham, WA
HawkNuts":w8vtzzbe said:
All of the stupid people will come out in this topic. Saying stupid things about people they really know nothing about.

Couldn't agree more.

All this over-analysis is ridiculous...

...it's obviously because he's too short, he's too short, he's too damn short!


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Feb 17, 2014
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NorthDallas40oz":2g0ids8l said:
hawknation2014":2g0ids8l said:
NorthDallas40oz":2g0ids8l said:
Throwdown":2g0ids8l said:
I don't know why this is news, it's none of our business
It becomes our business when the team and player issue a formal statement about it. And just because something isn't perceived to be "our business" doesn't mean it isn't news-worthy. Was Tiger Woods' unfaithfulness to his wife any of your business? Was it news?

Tiger Woods broke the law by soliciting dozens of prostitutes and illegally paying them hundreds of thousands of dollars for sex.

Deciding to get a divorce after a one and half year marriage that wasn't working? That's completely normal and healthy in certain relatively amicable situations. In fact, it's sometimes the responsible thing to do before children are brought into the equation.
Completely agree that getting a divorce is normal. The point was that personal matters - however normal - are often newsworthy. Clearly RW and the Seahawks felt so in this case, by taking the unusual step of issuing a formal statement about it.

The team is just getting ahead of the story and requesting privacy for the Wilson's before TMZ publishes some insidious lies and gossip.
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