To the Out With Pete people


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Oct 1, 2010
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JayhawkMike":a49y9ul3 said:
I suppose if you don’t make the playoffs at all you can’t factor that into your playoff record.
That is one reason why playoff winning percentage is not the best stat for this context. You're positing this as a negative, but 1) teams that don't make the playoffs at all can't lose in them, 2) every team that makes playoffs loses but the one that wins the Super Bowl and 3) I'm sure you are not actually trying to define "contender" as "winning the Super Bowl". Contenders can lose in the playoffs, and do so quite a lot.

Would you agree that the winner of a NFL game is not necessarily the better team? Last season there was a week in which the underdog team won 60% of the games (week 4).

When you consider that the NFL playoffs are a single game, single elimination tournament in which the better team often loses, then that becomes another reason not to put too much stock into playoff records.


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TwistedHusky":k70h1itu said:
Pete is frustrating. So yes, there is plenty to complain about as he leaves chips on the table.

He is old. He is on the downside of his career. He has surrounded himself with below-par assistants, or maybe just hamstrung them. But he is a winning coach. True, the chances he even reaches another SB are near zero. Every day he edges closer to turning into a 'less dirty Jeff Fischer' territory. But the day they remove him, the Seahawks lose the consistency of being a playoff team for near a decade.

Pete won't change. So the idea that we can jettison some part (like the incompetent coordinator penchant) is unlikely.

Yes, this team will almost certainly never really be a serious playoff contender while he is here. (At least SB/Conference championship type). Honestly, I doubt he wins another division playoff game again. But he will reach the playoffs regularly until he leaves.

To jettison him you must be OK with suddenly losing much more for the 10-20% chance that you might find a coach that can really use Wilson. For that slim chance that we might get another SB or at least win a meaningful playoff game since the SB loss.

This team has been a consistent winner, though a bit of playoff dud admittedly since the SB loss. There is a great deal of payoff for fans in the regular season you would be trading away on a low chance gamble.

Norton, I can see firing. I honestly don't care who you replace him with. I do not think you can do worse. I don't think he has the intelligence or acumen for the job. That has been clear for some time as he has never once even flashed a moment of understanding the tactics or strategy necessary to succeed at the job.

But Pete?

As much as there is little future with him, little chance of playoff success, and almost no possibility of long-term success given he will get worse over time - you go with him as long as possible because winning coaches tend to win while mediocre coaches tread water. The chances of getting a winning coach are tremendously low. The chances of getting a long-term winning coach are even worse.

We still have a winning program (even though it fizzles out in the playoffs). The day we remove him the odds are we won't.

even if for some reason they fired Pete and found another coach you would be losing an organization and starting from ground 0.... Pete Carroll created that organization and it won't work without Pete... JS is not going to stick around he will find something else.... it makes no sense from just that perspective...winning football isn't just won on the field or schematically...

I disagree with most of this post... I believe you don't get far in this league without good people around far as Pete's record he is one of the hottest coaches in the NFL since 2010 the only team I believe made the playoffs more was Bill belichick... I could be wrong on that there might be more.. I understand your frustration around not going to the SB but I fail to see being Carroll has been there twice in ten years how you could believe he isn't going back... I don't understand that...

I try to talk about Pete Carroll's Philosophies more off the field than on... I don't think many understand how that plays in, and why it is so special...Carroll is an expert at developing young players in his philosophy and its a main reason why he is successful

See one of the reasons why there is parity in the NFL is because the winning teams have to pick way back in the draft... it's a drastic disadvantage ... So why is it that the Jets have had how many coaches in the last ten years? a lot... how many top ten picks? a lot and why is it that they are not drafting as well as Carroll? or at least it appears that way because Seattle has been one of the hottest teams in the last ten years...if your not drafting well your not winning for long periods of time...

As far as going back to the big dance that's a tough thing to do and it used to be that we saw dynasty's like the 9ers, the steelers, the cowboys... those days are gone because of FA and the salary nowadays being in 2 SB in ten years thats productive...If I were a betting man I would bet that Carroll goes to 1 if not 2 SB before he retires and quite frankly I don't want to miss it... :snack:



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May 19, 2017
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LTH":1efgo1em said:
even if for some reason they fired Pete and found another coach you would be losing an organization and starting from ground 0.... Pete Carroll created that organization and it won't work without Pete... JS is not going to stick around he will find something else.... it makes no sense from just that perspective...winning football isn't just won on the field or schematically...

I try to talk about Pete Carroll's Philosophies more off the field than on... I don't think many understand how that plays in, and why it is so special...Carroll is an expert at developing young players in his philosophy and its a main reason why he is successful

As far as going back to the big dance that's a tough thing to do and it used to be that we saw dynasty's like the 9ers, the steelers, the cowboys... those days are gone because of FA and the salary nowadays being in 2 SB in ten years thats productive...If I were a betting man I would bet that Carroll goes to 1 if not 2 SB before he retires and quite frankly I don't want to miss it... :snack:

As long as Russell Wilson is here. the Hawks would be competitive no matter who the coach is. If Pete left the Seahawks would lose that 'Rah Rah' father figure atmosphere, but that type of motivation only takes you so far. Thats already been proven by all the players that quit buying into it from the Super Bowl club. With the exit of Carroll, JS would sure to follow and that would be fine also. He's been painfully average for a long time now also.

Pete does do a good job with young players with development and building them up, but that quickly disappears sooner than later when those players realize he never practices what he preaches. Assistants and coordinators are never held accountable like the players are. That doesnt go unnoticed after so long.

The Seahawks under Carroll will never see another Super Bowl. The game has passed him up and his philosophy and strategies are old and stagnant. Wilson has covered up the coaching deficiencies for years, but he's getting older, slower, and more beat up every year and its clear that when he doesnt play out of this world and struggles, Pete is lost and has no idea how to fix it. Its going to get worse in the upcoming years.

If a poll were made to see if people believed the Seahawks would see another Super Bowl with Pete Carroll, I guarantee the 'No's' would have a large majority of the votes.


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Mar 5, 2007
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The anti-Pete group remains strong here and despite 10 years of success and building a perpetual contender the usual and somewhat continuous ‘we won, BUT’ argument continues. Success has bred a sense of entitlement where reality is skewed., and it is conveniently forgotten there are 31 other teams trying to win each game each week. Each of those teams have coaches who are professional coaches and each of those team have good players who deserve to play in the NFL.

Some here have viewpoints that wouldn’t change even if every game resulted in 43-3 drubbings of opposing teams, they’d still have the ‘BUT‘.

Ownership has renewed his contract and will renew JS’s deal again too, they see the long term picture and the delivery of excellence to the team provided by the regime. This fire Pete argument is tired and continuous w/o genuine basis except a desire for change. As fans we pretend to know all but likely know much less than we think. The Hawks are succeeding in the toughest Div in the league staying competitive despite always drafting late in the draft. It’s easy to criticize and at times there is much to criticize but I agree with LTH and othersPete is a great coach and he the coach of my team and will find the magic again to go to the big game.

I am happy he was renewed. He deserved it.


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Nov 5, 2011
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The hate pete group just wants a lot more fantasy football points from our players. :roll:


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I have to think someone approached R.W. about signing Pete long-term to get R.W.'s approval. No way did we sign Pete to 5 more years if Russ wasn't on-board.

I support Pete Carroll. But, BUT...if we had to find a new head coach, I want it to be Jim Harbaugh. He's about run his course at Michigan, and I hear he wants back into the NFL. I loved what he did to turn around the struggling 9ers...made them relevant again.


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May 19, 2017
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HagFaithful":qwldf7qx said:
I have to think someone approached R.W. about signing Pete long-term to get R.W.'s approval. No way did we sign Pete to 5 more years if Russ wasn't on-board.

I support Pete Carroll. But, BUT...if we had to find a new head coach, I want it to be Jim Harbaugh. He's about run his course at Michigan, and I hear he wants back into the NFL. I loved what he did to turn around the struggling 9ers...made them relevant again.

I dont think Russ was approached by anybody honestly. I think ownership resigned Pete because it was the easy thing to do. Honestly, I think the team gets sold before Petes contract is up. Did Jody Allen ever come out and say she actually wanted the team? I know she accepted the sports franchises when Paul died, but lets face it, those were Pauls hobbies, not hers. How long before she bails on something she probably has no interest in? I could easily be wrong, but its a very real possibility.

I wouldnt hate the Harbaugh idea.


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Los Angeles
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.


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Dec 25, 2014
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ludakrishna":1ebwfp3f said:
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.

Claiming the drafts were horrible because only 2 players remain ignores all of the other factors involved. Some players were offered more money elsewhere or traded. I would be much more critical of the trade deals


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cymatica":389znguu said:
ludakrishna":389znguu said:
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.

Claiming the drafts were horrible because only 2 players remain ignores all of the other factors involved. Some players were offered more money elsewhere or traded. I would be much more critical of the trade deals

Both are true. Thats is how drafts are measured. Specifically firsst round picks. We havent given a second contract to any of or first round draft picks since Earl Thomas. Thats a horrendous stretch. The trades have been total failures as well.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Seahawkfan80":3qvqxvd7 said:
The hate pete group just wants a lot more fantasy football points from our players. :roll:

DK's killing it for me.

So I'm confused with the "Pete's ruining (or ruined) Russell" crowd.

For the first five weeks Russell was on fire, cookin' and the MVP front runner...................WITH Pete. Last 4-5 weeks Russell hasn't played well, WITH Pete.

So which is it? Could it be Russell is Russell's problem most of the time, and not Pete? Because right now with Russell's command of the offense, he has just as much input into how it's run, schemed and playcalled (and executed) as Pete or Schotty.


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Los Angeles
cymatica":1r5ft1ex said:
ludakrishna":1r5ft1ex said:
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.

Claiming the drafts were horrible because only 2 players remain ignores all of the other factors involved. Some players were offered more money elsewhere or traded. I would be much more critical of the trade deals

Only player in the league from the following draft still playing

2013: Luke Willson (below average role player)
2014: No one
2015: Frank Clark (hit but traded), Tyler Lockett (hit), Mark Glowinski (Sucked in SEA)
2016: Ifedi (sucked), Jarran Reed (Average), Prosise (Twisted an ankle as I typed), Vannett (terrible), Alex Collins (re-signed but nothing special), Quentin Jefferson (Borderline Average)

Minus Frank Clark, who was traded, who else is noteworthy that has left the team?


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Dec 3, 2011
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ludakrishna":9i4uxurv said:
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.

Yeah, this team is in a horrible position. 8-4 and control their destiny for an NFC West Championship as well as a 9th trip to the playoffs in Petes 11 years. Other than NE, give me one other team that has shown consistency like the Seahawks! FYI, the draft is not the only means for player acquisition. I would be interested to see statistics on the overall quality of the 2013, 14, 15, 16 drafts before absolutely bashing Pete and John for their drafting. Did they make some mistakes? Sure. Name a team that hasn't made a drafting mistake.

As far as replacing Pete...absolutely not! Who?! Who is going to be able to match his success? There are no guarantees on coaching success. Pete is the closest guarantee we have. Every damn year there are hot coaching prospects. Most of them are fired within 2-3 years. Hot coaching prospects are much the same as hot draft prospects. There are duds and busts every year in draft prospects as well as coaching prospects. If you really hate the idea of winning more games than you lose with an almost guarantee of the playoffs every year, then by all means get rid of his ass but be prepared for the very real possibility that these Seahawks might not see another winning season for a few years, might not sniff the playoffs for awhile and as sure as hell won't be competing for a Super Bowl.

The playoffs are a completely new season every year. A team cannot compete for a Super Bowl if it doesn't first make the playoffs. Who hasn't heard the mantra that "anything can happen in the playoffs"? Playoff time becomes a time of which team is healthy, which team gets hot, and which team gets a little luck. Rarely do we go into a playoff season with an absolute lock to win it all.

My advice to all of the "fire Pete" crowd...quit looking at the style and start looking at the substance. If they don't win the way you want them to, then just appreciate that they win more than they lose. I want them to win the Super Bowl this year for more reasons than before. One of them is to silence the "fire Pete" crowd. Now that would be a sweet win.


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Los Angeles
oldhawkfan":3jxb7tkg said:
ludakrishna":3jxb7tkg said:
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.

Yeah, this team is in a horrible position. 8-4 and control their destiny for an NFC West Championship as well as a 9th trip to the playoffs in Petes 11 years. Other than NE, give me one other team that has shown consistency like the Seahawks! FYI, the draft is not the only means for player acquisition. I would be interested to see statistics on the overall quality of the 2013, 14, 15, 16 drafts before absolutely bashing Pete and John for their drafting. Did they make some mistakes? Sure. Name a team that hasn't made a drafting mistake.

As far as replacing Pete...absolutely not! Who?! Who is going to be able to match his success? There are no guarantees on coaching success. Pete is the closest guarantee we have. Every damn year there are hot coaching prospects. Most of them are fired within 2-3 years. Hot coaching prospects are much the same as hot draft prospects. There are duds and busts every year in draft prospects as well as coaching prospects. If you really hate the idea of winning more games than you lose with an almost guarantee of the playoffs every year, then by all means get rid of his ass but be prepared for the very real possibility that these Seahawks might not see another winning season for a few years, might not sniff the playoffs for awhile and as sure as hell won't be competing for a Super Bowl.

The playoffs are a completely new season every year. A team cannot compete for a Super Bowl if it doesn't first make the playoffs. Who hasn't heard the mantra that "anything can happen in the playoffs"? Playoff time becomes a time of which team is healthy, which team gets hot, and which team gets a little luck. Rarely do we go into a playoff season with an absolute lock to win it all.

My advice to all of the "fire Pete" crowd...quit looking at the style and start looking at the substance. If they don't win the way you want them to, then just appreciate that they win more than they lose. I want them to win the Super Bowl this year for more reasons than before. One of them is to silence the "fire Pete" crowd. Now that would be a sweet win.

Facts and Data
2013: Travis Kelce selected right after Christine Michael
2014: Davante Adams selected after we picked Paul Richardson
2015: Shaq Mason selected right after we picked Terry Poole
2016: Chose Ifedi over Jaylon Smith, Hunter Henry, Myles Jack, Derrick Henry and Michael Thomas
Percy Harvin Trade: Failure
Sheldon Richardson Trade: Failure
Clowney Trade: Failure
Jimmy Graham Trade: Failure
Duane Brown: Good trade, but over paid in value and he may retire next year

Scouting department and poor selections during those years put us in a depleted roster state we are in now.
Drink the :179422: if you want. The substance of the selection has sucked.


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Nov 5, 2011
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Sgt. Largent":22sjzcbb said:
Seahawkfan80":22sjzcbb said:
The hate pete group just wants a lot more fantasy football points from our players. :roll:

DK's killing it for me.

So I'm confused with the "Pete's ruining (or ruined) Russell" crowd.

For the first five weeks Russell was on fire, cookin' and the MVP front runner...................WITH Pete. Last 4-5 weeks Russell hasn't played well, WITH Pete.

So which is it? Could it be Russell is Russell's problem most of the time, and not Pete? Because right now with Russell's command of the offense, he has just as much input into how it's run, schemed and playcalled (and executed) as Pete or Schotty.

Honestly....I would say it is on both. For one, Pete wanting to get the big play and keeping that as a priority after the running game is cooking taking valuable time off the clock so the other team can not score 3000 points. The other part is Russell not going off script and tossing shorter passes.

One thing I noted in the last game at the first score, why did they not go for the first down instead of the TD. They threw 3 into the endzone and nothing happened. Hence the field goal. It would have been at the 3 yard line...but still gives us 3 more chances. I dunno....I am a Monday Morning Quarterback uh Fan. :stirthepot:


Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Seahawkfan80":kx8f724c said:
Sgt. Largent":kx8f724c said:
Seahawkfan80":kx8f724c said:
The hate pete group just wants a lot more fantasy football points from our players. :roll:

DK's killing it for me.

So I'm confused with the "Pete's ruining (or ruined) Russell" crowd.

For the first five weeks Russell was on fire, cookin' and the MVP front runner...................WITH Pete. Last 4-5 weeks Russell hasn't played well, WITH Pete.

So which is it? Could it be Russell is Russell's problem most of the time, and not Pete? Because right now with Russell's command of the offense, he has just as much input into how it's run, schemed and playcalled (and executed) as Pete or Schotty.

Honestly....I would say it is on both. For one, Pete wanting to get the big play and keeping that as a priority after the running game is cooking taking valuable time off the clock so the other team can not score 3000 points. The other part is Russell not going off script and tossing shorter passes.

Russell shouldn't be going off script to complete short passes, those should BE the script.

I see a stubborn O-coordinator and QB not scheming and playcalling to what the defense is doing, which is playing two high safeties and press covering.

That means you should be calling more up tempo, more screens, more sweeps, more quick slants..........and most importantly more between the tackles runs. That's how you beat that defense. That's how you get those safeties to come down into the box, to help stop the run and short passing game.

Then guess what opens up? That's right, play action and taking your shots downfield.


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Dec 3, 2011
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ludakrishna":zqqgkori said:
oldhawkfan":zqqgkori said:
ludakrishna":zqqgkori said:
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.

Yeah, this team is in a horrible position. 8-4 and control their destiny for an NFC West Championship as well as a 9th trip to the playoffs in Petes 11 years. Other than NE, give me one other team that has shown consistency like the Seahawks! FYI, the draft is not the only means for player acquisition. I would be interested to see statistics on the overall quality of the 2013, 14, 15, 16 drafts before absolutely bashing Pete and John for their drafting. Did they make some mistakes? Sure. Name a team that hasn't made a drafting mistake.

As far as replacing Pete...absolutely not! Who?! Who is going to be able to match his success? There are no guarantees on coaching success. Pete is the closest guarantee we have. Every damn year there are hot coaching prospects. Most of them are fired within 2-3 years. Hot coaching prospects are much the same as hot draft prospects. There are duds and busts every year in draft prospects as well as coaching prospects. If you really hate the idea of winning more games than you lose with an almost guarantee of the playoffs every year, then by all means get rid of his ass but be prepared for the very real possibility that these Seahawks might not see another winning season for a few years, might not sniff the playoffs for awhile and as sure as hell won't be competing for a Super Bowl.

The playoffs are a completely new season every year. A team cannot compete for a Super Bowl if it doesn't first make the playoffs. Who hasn't heard the mantra that "anything can happen in the playoffs"? Playoff time becomes a time of which team is healthy, which team gets hot, and which team gets a little luck. Rarely do we go into a playoff season with an absolute lock to win it all.

My advice to all of the "fire Pete" crowd...quit looking at the style and start looking at the substance. If they don't win the way you want them to, then just appreciate that they win more than they lose. I want them to win the Super Bowl this year for more reasons than before. One of them is to silence the "fire Pete" crowd. Now that would be a sweet win.

Facts and Data
2013: Travis Kelce selected right after Christine Michael
2014: Davante Adams selected after we picked Paul Richardson
2015: Shaq Mason selected right after we picked Terry Poole
2016: Chose Ifedi over Jaylon Smith, Hunter Henry, Myles Jack, Derrick Henry and Michael Thomas
Percy Harvin Trade: Failure
Sheldon Richardson Trade: Failure
Clowney Trade: Failure
Jimmy Graham Trade: Failure
Duane Brown: Good trade, but over paid in value and he may retire next year

Scouting department and poor selections during those years put us in a depleted roster state we are in now.
Drink the :179422: if you want. The substance of the selection has sucked.

Need plays a huge part in drafting.
2013: Travis Kelce selected right after Christine Michael TE was not a need.
2014: Davante Adams selected after we picked Paul Richardson If they had a crystal ball. Richardson was a good pick at the time.
2015: Shaq Mason selected right after we picked Terry Poole Mason is a guard, Poole was a Tackle. Might have needed or wanted a Tackle more.
2016: Chose Ifedi over Jaylon Smith, Hunter Henry, Myles Jack, Derrick Henry and Michael Thomas Smith-LB, Henry-TE, Jack-LB, Thomas-WR. They picked Ifedi over the others because they wanted/needed OT over LB, and WR.
Percy Harvin Trade: Failure Yes, in retrospect. At the time it filled a need.
Sheldon Richardson Trade: Failure This trade was made because of the idiot Malik McDowell. Was a need.
Clowney Trade: Failure Didn't really give up a lot. The failure might have been in not resigning him, but as of now it appears to be a good non resign.
Jimmy Graham Trade: Failure Only in how he was used.
Duane Brown: Good trade, but over paid in value and he may retire next year Debatable on price.

Any pick can be scrutinized after the fact. Need and value play a huge part of the draft process. Hindsight is 2020 but it does nothing for how or when a teams gets a player.


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May 2, 2009
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Los Angeles
oldhawkfan":1rscixp9 said:
ludakrishna":1rscixp9 said:
oldhawkfan":1rscixp9 said:
ludakrishna":1rscixp9 said:
What’s being overlooked is the crap drafting and free Pass John Schneider gets. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 drafts....only two players still on the team. Jaran Reed and Tyler Lockett. That is pathetic. Pete needs to get talent on the team to continue his success...and Schneider failed from 2013-2016 to provide that to Pete. He has done average the last 3 drafts....but his complete stinkers put the team in the position it is in now. Terrible replenishment of talent through the draft.

Yeah, this team is in a horrible position. 8-4 and control their destiny for an NFC West Championship as well as a 9th trip to the playoffs in Petes 11 years. Other than NE, give me one other team that has shown consistency like the Seahawks! FYI, the draft is not the only means for player acquisition. I would be interested to see statistics on the overall quality of the 2013, 14, 15, 16 drafts before absolutely bashing Pete and John for their drafting. Did they make some mistakes? Sure. Name a team that hasn't made a drafting mistake.

As far as replacing Pete...absolutely not! Who?! Who is going to be able to match his success? There are no guarantees on coaching success. Pete is the closest guarantee we have. Every damn year there are hot coaching prospects. Most of them are fired within 2-3 years. Hot coaching prospects are much the same as hot draft prospects. There are duds and busts every year in draft prospects as well as coaching prospects. If you really hate the idea of winning more games than you lose with an almost guarantee of the playoffs every year, then by all means get rid of his ass but be prepared for the very real possibility that these Seahawks might not see another winning season for a few years, might not sniff the playoffs for awhile and as sure as hell won't be competing for a Super Bowl.

The playoffs are a completely new season every year. A team cannot compete for a Super Bowl if it doesn't first make the playoffs. Who hasn't heard the mantra that "anything can happen in the playoffs"? Playoff time becomes a time of which team is healthy, which team gets hot, and which team gets a little luck. Rarely do we go into a playoff season with an absolute lock to win it all.

My advice to all of the "fire Pete" crowd...quit looking at the style and start looking at the substance. If they don't win the way you want them to, then just appreciate that they win more than they lose. I want them to win the Super Bowl this year for more reasons than before. One of them is to silence the "fire Pete" crowd. Now that would be a sweet win.

Facts and Data
2013: Travis Kelce selected right after Christine Michael
2014: Davante Adams selected after we picked Paul Richardson
2015: Shaq Mason selected right after we picked Terry Poole
2016: Chose Ifedi over Jaylon Smith, Hunter Henry, Myles Jack, Derrick Henry and Michael Thomas
Percy Harvin Trade: Failure
Sheldon Richardson Trade: Failure
Clowney Trade: Failure
Jimmy Graham Trade: Failure
Duane Brown: Good trade, but over paid in value and he may retire next year

Scouting department and poor selections during those years put us in a depleted roster state we are in now.
Drink the :179422: if you want. The substance of the selection has sucked.

Need plays a huge part in drafting.
2013: Travis Kelce selected right after Christine Michael TE was not a need.
2014: Davante Adams selected after we picked Paul Richardson If they had a crystal ball. Richardson was a good pick at the time.
2015: Shaq Mason selected right after we picked Terry Poole Mason is a guard, Poole was a Tackle. Might have needed or wanted a Tackle more.
2016: Chose Ifedi over Jaylon Smith, Hunter Henry, Myles Jack, Derrick Henry and Michael Thomas Smith-LB, Henry-TE, Jack-LB, Thomas-WR. They picked Ifedi over the others because they wanted/needed OT over LB, and WR.
Percy Harvin Trade: Failure Yes, in retrospect. At the time it filled a need.
Sheldon Richardson Trade: Failure This trade was made because of the idiot Malik McDowell. Was a need.
Clowney Trade: Failure Didn't really give up a lot. The failure might have been in not resigning him, but as of now it appears to be a good non resign.
Jimmy Graham Trade: Failure Only in how he was used.
Duane Brown: Good trade, but over paid in value and he may retire next year Debatable on price.

Any pick can be scrutinized after the fact. Need and value play a huge part of the draft process. Hindsight is 2020 but it does nothing for how or when a teams gets a player.


“Honestly, (Schneider’s) chasing ghosts,” the league evaluator said


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Sep 5, 2016
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Ahh the anonymous league evaluator. I’m convinced now. Care to make a comparison to any other GM in the league


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Dec 1, 2009
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Flyingsquad23":uydgdcw4 said:
Ahh the anonymous league evaluator. I’m convinced now. Care to make a comparison to any other GM in the league

I totally agree with your assessment's that post you made about all the coaches in the league and their success rates said it all... and yeah I would like to see those numbers if you have it...

Losing pete is more than just losing a coach its losing a whole organization and starting over from scratch and that means years of rebuilding typically and years of losing's not like JS is going to stick around... People are even down on JS saying he doesn't draft well and his trades suck. but the truth is if a team is drafting in the bottom 10 for 10 years that's a clear disadvantage, that's one reason there is such parity in the league but that's not the case with the Seahawks they are drafting good enough or they wouldn't have success and be in the playoffs for 8 of ten years...


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