That was criminal.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
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I have thought there is the possibility that the NFL IS fixed. What keeps me from believing that is why would Carroll who is what,71, want to continue in the NFL if he believed it was fixed? He doesnt need the money nor do i believe he is there for the money. If it is obvious enough for the fans to figure out that the Nfl is fixed you would think that Carroll would know it was fixed. If it is fixed why would he continue to contribute? It makes no since. If i were him i would just retire rather than spin my wheels trying to win in an impossible situation.

Thats just the way i see it


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
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Referees for all sports should have to be an independent 3rd party, especially in sports where gambling is prolific.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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And how exactly do they relay the info to the ref? What real time comms technology do you know of that doesn't need monitoring and repair?

Again billionaire owners aren't going to devalue their own brand so other billionaires can have theirs increase in value.
You're assuming they have to relay info in real time to have refs steer a game.

Funny you say billionaires won't devalue their brand, yet assuming the refs are just making mistakes and nothing nefarious, they have been doing just that by not improving training practices for officials and making decisions and changing rules that have gradually made the games a flag fest. They also devalue their brand when they inject politics into their product.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
I think most would agree that NFL officiating sucks and it negatively effects the non “legacy teams” or teams with the non “golden boys” on them.

If the NFL viewed officiating as a “problem”, why wouldn’t they correct said problem?

My obvious answer is if they know it’s a perceived problem, and they do nothing about it, then they must like the results of said problem. Aka desired results.

I don’t believe the NFL fixes games much, with the exception of XL* which was an obvious fix (did you know Jerome Bettis was from Detroit?)…… but I believe the NFL “steers” game’s via officiating every week. Now if the desired team doesn’t take advantage of a steer, that’s on them.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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I think most would agree that NFL officiating sucks and it negatively effects the non “legacy teams” or teams with the non “golden boys” on them.

If the NFL viewed officiating as a “problem”, why wouldn’t they correct said problem?

My obvious answer is if they know it’s a perceived problem, and they do nothing about it, then they must like the results of said problem. Aka desired results.

I don’t believe the NFL fixes games much, with the exception of XL* which was an obvious fix (did you know Jerome Bettis was from Detroit?)…… but I believe the NFL “steers” game’s via officiating every week. Now if the desired team doesn’t take advantage of a steer, that’s on them.
They sure as hell fixed the Rams Saints playoff game. If someone thinks that non call on the PI wasn't nefarious, then I'm sure they also think politicians tell the truth


Well-known member
May 2, 2021
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"When someone gives a presentation, they give a formal talk, often in order to sell something or get support for a proposal. She gave bosses a Powerpoint presentation of what she planned to do. I always ask how much time I have to make my presentation."

it means to sell the game to us. It does not always mean its fake or a play.
That is 1 defination. Many words have mutiple definations.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
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You're assuming they have to relay info in real time to have refs steer a game.

Funny you say billionaires won't devalue their brand, yet assuming the refs are just making mistakes and nothing nefarious, they have been doing just that by not improving training practices for officials and making decisions and changing rules that have gradually made the games a flag fest. They also devalue their brand when they inject politics into their product.
I didn’t assume there’s nothing nefarious. Just the absurd notion of a league mandated narrative that’s somehow enforced. Biases and corruption certainly exist among refs, they’re human.

As for politics, there’s always a vocal minority uproar when they “go woke” or Cheeto Benito gets mad at them, but 5’the league still make me bank every season because it’s all a bunch of hot air.

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
They sure as hell fixed the Rams Saints playoff game. If someone thinks that non call on the PI wasn't nefarious, then I'm sure they also think politicians tell the truth
You’re correct, I forgot about that one.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2014
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I didn’t assume there’s nothing nefarious. Just the absurd notion of a league mandated narrative that’s somehow enforced. Biases and corruption certainly exist among refs, they’re human.

As for politics, there’s always a vocal minority uproar when they “go woke” or Cheeto Benito gets mad at them, but 5’the league still make me bank every season because it’s all a bunch of hot air.
So the missed PI in the Rams Saints playoff game was just an honest mistake in your opinion.


Active member
May 7, 2020
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All these conspiracy theories about the NFL/National Media hates the Seahawks and the Pacific NW, the ref's plot against the Seahawks, the Seahawks lost today because the NFL wants to see Brady in one more SB, and all the other theories are absolutely insane and ridiculous!

It was clear from the outset today, Intergalactic Aliens wanted their leader (TB12) to get the W so they jammed the Seahawks communications.

Thank God. At least we didn't get outplayed/outcoached. Especially in the first half. That would have been horrible.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
Trust me the Kraken game was far more rigged than the the Hawks game. 5 phantom penalties to allow the jets to score. Tan a penalty with 25 sec left to create a 7 on 4 and the Jets scored 3.9 seconds from full time to tie the game 2 2 and then won in OT so a sure win became an overtime loss.


Nov 29, 2015
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All these conspiracy theories about the NFL/National Media hates the Seahawks and the Pacific NW, the ref's plot against the Seahawks, the Seahawks lost today because the NFL wants to see Brady in one more SB, and all the other theories are absolutely insane and ridiculous!

It was clear from the outset today, Intergalactic Aliens wanted their leader (TB12) to get the W so they jammed the Seahawks communications.

Thank God. At least we didn't get outplayed/outcoached. Especially in the first half. That would have been horrible.
Ok I’ll bite.
1) Seattles game vs the Bucs like XL, Steered
2) it’s not just a conspiracy or NFL hates Seattle shit, it’s a league wide issue where the officiating is so INCONSISTENT that it does raise questions and makes it hard to believe. It’s not hard for the NFL to want and push their Cinderella stories.
Last year is was the Rams, hell they didn’t even hide with their hype of the Rams, and Kurt warners movie etc etc.

But hey god forbid some people who watch remove rose colored glasses go against the common grain for believing everything they’re fed and start asking questions.

Also a lot do people in entertainment industry sign NDA’s and those NDA’s are pretty damn secure. Reality TV shows with contestants have plenty of NDAs in place. You don’t hear them afterwards blabbing about pay or much. Example .. A&Es 60 Days in. That just one example.


Active member
May 7, 2020
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Ok I’ll bite.
1) Seattles game vs the Bucs like XL, Steered
2) it’s not just a conspiracy or NFL hates Seattle shit, it’s a league wide issue where the officiating is so INCONSISTENT that it does raise questions and makes it hard to believe. It’s not hard for the NFL to want and push their Cinderella stories.
Last year is was the Rams, hell they didn’t even hide with their hype of the Rams, and Kurt warners movie etc etc.

But hey god forbid some people who watch remove rose colored glasses go against the common grain for believing everything they’re fed and start asking questions.

Also a lot do people in entertainment industry sign NDA’s and those NDA’s are pretty damn secure. Reality TV shows with contestants have plenty of NDAs in place. You don’t hear them afterwards blabbing about pay or much. Example .. A&Es 60 Days in. That just one example.
I'm sensing sarcasm.


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May 7, 2020
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I spent almost 25 years working for the #2 cable network(s) world wide. I know shit get scripted. I don't go thru life in rose colored gasses; quite the opposite, but I am a realist. I will always call it as I see/believe it. Referees are human. They blow calls. I remember Vinny Testaverde being awarded a touchdown while being clearly tackled on the 2. That doesn't mean the world is out to get us. Every team believes they are being persecuted for some reason.


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
Even if the nfl isn't steering the games I put this proposition you. What % of the population would not compromise their morals or honesty for money?

Obviously not 100% . So you have to be brain dead to not think that some officials through proxies have money on the games and are not honest.

All one has to do is call or not call certain penalties to manipulate the spread. This happens in every game in the NFL because at least every game has some official with money on the game.

Now you have NY talking to the Refs through headphones telling them to call something or pick up a flag.

Not a conspiracy theory. Just logic and human nature.

Every game is rigged in one way or another.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
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Even if the nfl isn't steering the games I put this proposition you. What % of the population would not compromise their morals or honesty for money?

Obviously not 100% . So you have to be brain dead to not think that some officials through proxies have money on the games and are not honest.

All one has to do is call or not call certain penalties to manipulate the spread. This happens in every game in the NFL because at least every game has some official with money on the game.

Now you have NY talking to the Refs through headphones telling them to call something or pick up a flag.

Not a conspiracy theory. Just logic and human nature.

Every game is rigged in one way or another.
I’m sure I wrote that there’s corruption, but I would of course expect you to make up something so you can react how you want to. Reality isn’t quite your forté


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
And I don't care what Fatty just said cause I cant read it but I will bet it is an attack on my post and opinion.

I watched 3 blatantly corrupt officiated games today in 2 different sports!


Active member
May 7, 2020
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Even if the nfl isn't steering the games I put this proposition you. What % of the population would not compromise their morals or honesty for money?

Obviously not 100% . So you have to be brain dead to not think that some officials through proxies have money on the games and are not honest.

All one has to do is call or not call certain penalties to manipulate the spread. This happens in every game in the NFL because at least every game has some official with money on the game.

Now you have NY talking to the Refs through headphones thing them to call something or pick up a flag.

Not a conspiracy theory. Just logic and human nature.

Every game is rigged in one way or another.

First of all; be careful what you post. Big Brother may be watching. Actually they may be peeking in your curtains or monitoring your phone right now! I hope you're wearing pants!

I'd be naive to say the world is 100% pure.

In terms of sport betting, part of the thrill is the risk. Everybody wants to bet the sure thing but gamblers mostly enjoy the thrill of danger or suspense. The same goes largely for sports viewing. You gotta watch because because you never know which way this game may go. If you knew, would you watch? TV/Cable is where the money is.

I don't believe professional sports are steered. That's their mysterious allure that keeps folks guessing and curious to watch. That's where the big money is.