Random Musings...


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
-- It's hard to quantify this season in terms of the years of mediocrity and disappointment that any long time Seahawks diehard can relate to. We've had glimpses of success and came damn close in 2005 but this team could one day be looked back upon as historically good. I feel strongly that Schneider and Carroll have put together a team that is built to last, and sustain success for many years to come. I've spent countless seasons dreaming about being this special and now here we are. For those of you younger or new to being a Seahawks fan, savor these moments. They don't last forever in the NFL, and in fact, Super Bowls are very rare indeed for most teams.

-- Temple Billiards has been restoring itself lately as the Official .NET Prefunk Watering Hole. Of course, success doesn't hurt the cause but more and more I've been seeing old .NET friends from years gone by and meeting new faces that I only until recently knew by their moniker in the forum. If you are a .NET regular, you really need to make a pilgrimage to not only a game but Temple to commune with fellow NETTERS. To see the bonds of friendships that have formed via .NET is my single most proud accomplishment of creating the site back in 1998. And now to see her heart beating as strong as ever thanks to Mark and Neil and all of the wonderful mods and volunteers just illustrates what a special bond we all do share. That 12th Man bond with the team is real, and it extends to this forum community and has for 16 years now.

-- One thing success has taught me this year is that it is the natural tendency for many reporters/talking heads/media shlubs to want to shoot us down. From Cris Carter's disgusting comments about our receivers to Pam Oliver's horrific unprofessionalism last night, to all the Dilfers and Cowhers and so on...There seems to be this need to keep the Seattle Seahawks from achieving the ranks of that special class of elite or storied franchises. Old habits die hard I guess, so all of this success has been obviously difficult for some of these media folks to swallow. And I goddamn love every minute of it. WE ALL WE GOT! WE ALL WE NEED!

-- Watching Fox 13's Ian Furness interview of Kam after the game on the field was awesome. He had the biggest grin on his face and was so excited to be in the Super Bowl. The excitement was contagious and I couldn't have been happier for him. He played a hell of a game last night and I'm quite sure Vernon Davis is happy he doesn't have to see Kam for another 8 months.

-- I love me some Doug Baldwin. His post game press conference was stellar. Loved every word. He deserves to see more Baldwin jerseys in the stands. The guy is clutch, money, stone cold bad ass. I think I need to get me a Baldwin jersey. Yep, gonna do it, it's settled.

-- When I first watched Sherman's infamous interview on the field after the game last night, I admit I cringed a bit. He came off way over the top and that stupid reporter's responses didn't help any. However, if you put it all in context, it makes perfect sense. First of all, he single-handedly insured our trip to New York on that one play and he IS THE BEST CORNERBACK IN THE NFL. Crabtree must have been jawing up a storm to have him that fired up and to make it personal like that. At the end of the day, for all of those who want to hate the Seahawks and root for the Broncos because of Sherman being caught up in the moment, be my guest. I could care less.

-- I may take some heat for this but it's how I feel. First of all, I am the LAST person you would call sexist. For one, I would love to see a female President and I think women are every bit as capable as men in most anything they want to achieve. However, I am tired of the female sideline reporters. With the rare exception I see they add very, very, very little to the broadcast. I've been finding myself getting more and more pissed off by the unprofessionalism, the snarkiness or flat out pointless drivel. Why do they have to be female? I don't care if you are female or male, but be professional and do your job well. Personally, I can't remember the last time I was pleased with a female sideline reporter's commentary or professionalism.

-- My wife and I were very disappointed that we were unable to get any of the towels they passed out at the game. We arrived almost an hour before kickoff and they were all out. I thought they were supposed to hand out 55,000? It didn't look like that in the stands. Also, what was with the confetti only being shot off on the East side? In the 2005 NFCCG, the confetti seemed to rain down on us all from EVERYWHERE. Just two minor complaints in what was a historic, incredible game I will never forget.

-- Does anyone know if the Seahawks are going to send out commemorative NFCCG tickets to STH's? I heard from someone that they were considering it. I sure hope so. That whole "Just print your tickets out" for the playoff games was a mistake. All 12's attending the games deserved better than that. Come on Hawks, step it up.

-- My preliminary Fearless SB pick? Seahawks win their first Championship in two weeks. I love our match ups, love the weather conditions which will favor the Seahawks. Let this magical season end the way we all know it should and will! GO HAWKS!


Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
Excellent thoughts man. Agree with you on all aspects. Thanks for taking the time. And yeah, the female sideline 'reporter' thing has long since run its course.


Active member
May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
I think it's actually more sexist that they're remanded to being sideline reporters. Seems like a: We have to have a women, so I guess we'll put you here.


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
That's true. It definitely feels that way for sure. Regardless, the point stands. Do your job and do it well or get cut! Just like Pete preaches! Competition! :)


New member
Sep 21, 2013
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South Seattle
As for the towels, I saw the workers at the North gate giving out handfuls to each person. This would probably explain why there was a shortage.


Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
Aros":nw2gfmig said:
-- It's hard to quantify this season in terms of the years of mediocrity and disappointment that any long time Seahawks diehard can relate to. We've had glimpses of success and came damn close in 2005 but this team could one day be looked back upon as historically good. I feel strongly that Schneider and Carroll have put together a team that is built to last, and sustain success for many years to come. I've spent countless seasons dreaming about being this special and now here we are. For those of you younger or new to being a Seahawks fan, savor these moments. They don't last forever in the NFL, and in fact, Super Bowls are very rare indeed for most teams.

-- Temple Billiards has been restoring itself lately as the Official .NET Prefunk Watering Hole. Of course, success doesn't hurt the cause but more and more I've been seeing old .NET friends from years gone by and meeting new faces that I only until recently knew by their moniker in the forum. If you are a .NET regular, you really need to make a pilgrimage to not only a game but Temple to commune with fellow NETTERS. To see the bonds of friendships that have formed via .NET is my single most proud accomplishment of creating the site back in 1998. And now to see her heart beating as strong as ever thanks to Mark and Neil and all of the wonderful mods and volunteers just illustrates what a special bond we all do share. That 12th Man bond with the team is real, and it extends to this forum community and has for 16 years now.

-- One thing success has taught me this year is that it is the natural tendency for many reporters/talking heads/media shlubs to want to shoot us down. From Cris Carter's disgusting comments about our receivers to Pam Oliver's horrific unprofessionalism last night, to all the Dilfers and Cowhers and so on...There seems to be this need to keep the Seattle Seahawks from achieving the ranks of that special class of elite or storied franchises. Old habits die hard I guess, so all of this success has been obviously difficult for some of these media folks to swallow. And I goddamn love every minute of it. WE ALL WE GOT! WE ALL WE NEED!

-- Watching Fox 13's Ian Furness interview of Kam after the game on the field was awesome. He had the biggest grin on his face and was so excited to be in the Super Bowl. The excitement was contagious and I couldn't have been happier for him. He played a hell of a game last night and I'm quite sure Vernon Davis is happy he doesn't have to see Kam for another 8 months.

-- I love me some Doug Baldwin. His post game press conference was stellar. Loved every word. He deserves to see more Baldwin jerseys in the stands. The guy is clutch, money, stone cold bad ass. I think I need to get me a Baldwin jersey. Yep, gonna do it, it's settled.

-- When I first watched Sherman's infamous interview on the field after the game last night, I admit I cringed a bit. He came off way over the top and that stupid reporter's responses didn't help any. However, if you put it all in context, it makes perfect sense. First of all, he single-handedly insured our trip to New York on that one play and he IS THE BEST CORNERBACK IN THE NFL. Crabtree must have been jawing up a storm to have him that fired up and to make it personal like that. At the end of the day, for all of those who want to hate the Seahawks and root for the Broncos because of Sherman being caught up in the moment, be my guest. I could care less.

-- I may take some heat for this but it's how I feel. First of all, I am the LAST person you would call sexist. For one, I would love to see a female President and I think women are every bit as capable as men in most anything they want to achieve. However, I am tired of the female sideline reporters. With the rare exception I see they add very, very, very little to the broadcast. I've been finding myself getting more and more pissed off by the unprofessionalism, the snarkiness or flat out pointless drivel. Why do they have to be female? I don't care if you are female or male, but be professional and do your job well. Personally, I can't remember the last time I was pleased with a female sideline reporter's commentary or professionalism.

-- My wife and I were very disappointed that we were unable to get any of the towels they passed out at the game. We arrived almost an hour before kickoff and they were all out. I thought they were supposed to hand out 55,000? It didn't look like that in the stands. Also, what was with the confetti only being shot off on the East side? In the 2005 NFCCG, the confetti seemed to rain down on us all from EVERYWHERE. Just two minor complaints in what was a historic, incredible game I will never forget.

-- Does anyone know if the Seahawks are going to send out commemorative NFCCG tickets to STH's? I heard from someone that they were considering it. I sure hope so. That whole "Just print your tickets out" for the playoff games was a mistake. All 12's attending the games deserved better than that. Come on Hawks, step it up.

-- My preliminary Fearless SB pick? Seahawks win their first Championship in two weeks. I love our match ups, love the weather conditions which will favor the Seahawks. Let this magical season end the way we all know it should and will! GO HAWKS!

Aros, I remember back in 2005 when you made your Fearless Prediction for the NFCC you added that you also predicted we would beat the Broncos in the SuperBowl.

You may have just been a few years too early.


Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Aros, if you want a towel still as souvenier let me know and I will send you mine. I am more into programs as my main keepsake and have that plus other stuff I got.


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Sultan, WA
Ross that would be awesome my man! I wanted to get one for my daughter actually. Thank you!


May 2, 2009
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Aros":3b4vjq9i said:

-- My wife and I were very disappointed that we were unable to get any of the towels they passed out at the game. We arrived almost an hour before kickoff and they were all out. I thought they were supposed to hand out 55,000? It didn't look like that in the stands. Also, what was with the confetti only being shot off on the East side? In the 2005 NFCCG, the confetti seemed to rain down on us all from EVERYWHERE. Just two minor complaints in what was a historic, incredible game I will never forget.!

Towels were everywhere for the 05 championship. Heck I walked out with three of em, at least two were stuffed in my hands by staff at the stadium! And your memory is correct about the confetti after we beat the Panthers. It came down from both sides.