Marshawn Lynch not expected back next year


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theENGLISHseahawk":1zxqpkyh said:
Cartire":1zxqpkyh said:

Anonymous informants. Unverifiable facts. Remember when King and Mort reported about the Rice Tape back in April... Sources.

You can literally say whatever you want, and no one can say you are lieing because of sources. And if someone asked for proof, you say you have to "protect" your source.

So easy to be a sports journalist today.

Of course it's sources.

Any sports journalist who named his source wouldn't get any information for the rest of their career.

We're not talking about some schmuck here -- it's Mort. This is legit.

OMG, it's MORT!!!! LOL GIve me a break.

My problem with this story is that in order for this story to be legit, the "sources" have to be from the Seahawks front office. OK, so why would someone in the Seahawks front office tell any reporter this information, knowing that it could damage team chemistry?

This is the way I look at any "anonymous source" story. I ask, "What is the motive for the anonymous source to say this stuff to a reporter?" If I cannot think of a legit motive, then I have to question the truthfulness of the reporting. And right now, I cannot think of any reason a Seahawks front office person would say this to a reporter, and I can think of all sorts of reasons nobody in Seahawks front office would say anything like this to a reporter. And I don't care if it's MORT, Steve Kelly, or Art Thiel. If their anonymous source sounds fishy, then their story is fishy too.

And BTW, lots of folks don't expect Lynch to be back next year. That would not exactly be earth-shattering, and it's something VERY easy for any reporter to report, and just imply that he had a front office source.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
This is a non-story meant to stir people up. Marshawn not being here in 2015 is nothing new. It's why John Schneider bumped his pay LAST SPRING.

This story started shortly after the Superbowl and one dIdn't need a source to come up with it EVERY contact has a non-binding final year, and it's understood by player and F.O. alike that the player is unlikely to see that final year. That's why their is guaranteed money.

EVERY article announcing a new contract should have the caveat, "but the player is unlikely to see the final year(s) of the contract."

Non story regurgitated for hits.


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Sep 1, 2011
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theENGLISHseahawk":3md2kz3v said:
truehawksfan":3md2kz3v said:
Ok. Stop! Again.

No sh@t, Capt. Obvious. There's a good chance Beast Mode will not be here next year, but it's cap related.

Percy Harvin's friendship is not even close to what BeastMode hade with Justin Forsett. Not even close when the Cal Bears had Beast mode, Forsett and Aaron Rogers in the same backfield. And Mike Silver knows this. So, if Beast Mode was ever going to be really upset, it's when the Hawks let Forsett go. And there was no back story about lockerroom issues when this happened.

It wasn't the first time Marshawn Lynch wore a suit.

It was just the second such occasion, though. So when Lynch donned a tie and jacket to stand as one of Justin Forsett's groomsmen at his wedding this summer it was just one more example of a friendship that is as deep as it is unlikely.

"We weren't going to let him wear his tennis shoes," Forsett said.

"Batman and Robin," said Kevin Parker, Cal recruiting assistant.

They are the Seahawks' new "Odd Couple," two friends whose differences haven't gotten in the way of a friendship and two teammates who've found success working together. ... awk21.html

This type of over media hype happens when teams get in the spotlight.

The report isn't just relating to Lynch being upset because of Harvin though is it?

It's about his non-existent relationship with key members of this team, the feeling he's partly responsible for some of the unrest in the locker room, him feeling hard done to on his contract, the way he's had more rope than most over the years and the team has had enough.

Those things might all be true, but it still raises the question why would a Seahawks front office guy tell Rappaport "We are tired of Lynch and we don't expect him back next year"? What would the motive be for a front office guy to tell Rappaport that? Sorry, this is Rappaport speculating on stuff that lots of people already think are true (and they may indeed be), then reporting it and claiming some front office guy confirmed it. And since people already believe it, Rappaport can get away with claiming it was confirmed by front office "source" even if it wasn't.


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Jan 2, 2013
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There's nothing to this story that makes me think it's legit. All just speculation.


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Jul 1, 2012
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The Rain Forest
How could you cut anyone who looks this good in a Tux. Seriously.


Not the one in the front, we cut him. The dude in the back.


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Sep 13, 2009
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I've always liked Lynch and don't think he will be as easily replaced as so many seem to think.

I'd hate to see him leave, but understand needing to make cap space for others and his expected decline in production as he gets older.

I'll always love me some Beast Mode, forever.

Will probably get a Lynch wolf grey jersey, regardless of what happens.


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
I know first hand there has been tension between Lynch, Pete and Bevell for quite some time and I have stated this, in this forum, more than once in the past.

Many of you just thought it was kinda' cute when Lynch went to Pete on the sideline of the SB and mockingly says to Pete "Can we score more points, Pete? Is it OK to score more points, can we"? Re-watch that soundFX clip and tell me now that you still don't pick up on what Lynch is actually getting at.

Clearly, even at the apex of the biggest win in franchise history, Lynch was unhappy with Pete's unwillingness to go for the throat in previous games, instead choosing to sit on a lead and kill clock. No offensive player wants to play that game. They all want to score more points.

Did Lynch in fact flip off Bevell from formation because of an admittedly shitty play call? I believe he did (and love him for it). Just as players don't like piss-poor play calls, or sitting on small leads, coaches don't like being shown up by players on national TV.

This FO opened themselves up for this in drafting Lynch's replacement (and Ware) instead of getting Lynch some help. That blew up in their faces and ours too. Our RBs are still jolted at the LOS and our FQB still runs for his life.

Pissing a player off is fine, but only as long as you can get your new toy out of it's box. Had Michael been capable, I believe Lynch would have been traded in the off-season. But Michael was / is incapable, so Lynch decided to play hardball with the FO. I applaud that move by Team Lynch, but again, he showed up the FO. I've not even touched on his talk of retirement last year or his apparent displeasure with the Harvin deal this year. I understand this was in the making before any of that.

Love me some Marshawn and always will. He shaped this team, he made us tough and he gave us both the greatest play in hawk history and a championship. That said, I doubt we will get offers higher than a 5th for him, but if we are offered a 3rd, I do want that 3rd. Will we find another Beast? Probably not. I've watched this game (like a Hawk) for decades and I've seen only a few like Marshawn, but I've seen countless backs better. So have you.


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May 1, 2009
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Thinking back to that game Marshawn sat out the first series. Pete said his back tightened up. Thought it was a pretty lame explanation. Now, I'm I'm even more sure there was more to him sitting out than his back. I'm guessing he pulled a Harvin but at the beginning rather than the end of the game.


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Apr 22, 2012
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The media is obsessed with us, but some fans need to take off their Seahawk blinders. Trading Harvin was a drastic move. Drastic moves aren't done unless major stuff is going on. We kept all the Harvin stuff in house and it might be the same with Beast. Lynch is one of the greatest Seattle Seahawk players of all time, but there has to be some fire with all this smoke coming out from connected NFL guys.

I like Lynch, but he would be a very difficult player to coach. Its not like he "kicks" it with players on the team, communicates to coaches and the whole declaration hey I want more money the night before you report for training camp probably doesn't sit well. Would not surprise me the least if the divided locker room is more about Wilson vs. Lynch more than anything else. What other player would have enough pull to persuade management to suggest to Russ to limit your endorsement deals. What other player would be paranoid enough to worry about Russ being more connected to the coaches than the players. I'm not even going to touch the "Black enough" one.

Something happened leading up to the Cowboys game. Either that week in practice or pre game. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised that the "back tightening up" excuse was to cover up for some type of discipline and Lynch didn't like it. Wilson played great in the first two series in the Dallas game, then things got awkward/tense. Dallas' defense is ok, but its not that good. Worst game of Wilson's career. Bottom line, if Lynch wasn't such a popular player in Seattle I think he would probably be gone. Lynch is not happy. Harvin being sent out didn't help. Winning helps, but things will still be tense from day to day.


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May 23, 2009
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HawkWow":3ocpbdq0 said:
I know first hand there has been tension between Lynch, Pete and Bevell for quite some time

Come on now... are you just going to tease us, or share your first hand knowledge and the juicy details?


Mar 13, 2013
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I would agree with the sentiment that that is old news. It has always been a question of "how much" they will put up with Lynch's weirdness and quirks. I don't know if he would still be here right now if their running back situation was more solid than it is. He is still a very good player so it's not like we should be lobbying to have him kicked off the team or anything. It's simply a question of how long he "clicks" with the current locker room settings and coaches.


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Dec 4, 2013
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Largent80":3laiy63u said:
Personally, I am tired of hearing all this crap, and just want to watch football.

Between this shit and the refs, I am about ready to throw in the towel.

Longtime lurker here: just want to second this.

Seahawks games are tough enough and somehow we haven't even been involved in the worst officiated messes this year.

Watching non-Seahawks games for enjoyment is nearly out the window.

Card Eagles and Packers Saints just yesterday were flag fests. Multiple games this year have been ruined by the refs. I find myself siding with teams I can't even stand and root against.

It's unreal how unwatchable the NFL is making these games. I guess it's all good for them since the Manning type 51-44 type games are all anyone talks about, but it's terrible for hardcore fans of the game.


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Kent, Washington
Great investment for mid-round draft picks. He helped re-establish some credibility for the team and gave them an identity 180 degrees from the cream puffs they had been late with Holmgren and Mora's one year. The team's FO has to be a little ruthless, no different than the other 31 teams.

The pro-athlete listens to a different drummer with a little bit of entitlement but it seems Lynch's time here will end before next season. You could see this coming if true. Even the most open-minded organization has to balance individualism vs good of the team. Lynch has served his purpose and maybe the team will be better for it when he is gone but his impact will not be forgotten.


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Tonasket, WA to Temecula, CA
Speculative reporting by the media is what they get paid to do and is expected... Speculative posting by fans on a message board is also expected and is just funny as hell.


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DavidSeven":2xwvyaur said:
You got a lot of camps with various agendas leaking various things since the Harvin trade. You got a national media contingent of vultures hoping to capitalize on the "Seahawks downfall" narrative while it's hot. I'll happily pass out the grains of salt.

Except that a good deal of those reports have been confirmed as true by the players.

I'm all for skepticism. But let's not stick our heads in the sand either. Awareness and being open-minded are good things.

The Harvin story and all the things that came from it are a reminder that there are things going on all the time behind the scenes without the public having knowledge of it. Doesn't mean that every rumor we hear is true, but especially right now, reports we hear are at least worth making note of.

As far as Lynch, we'll just have to wait and see. I very much doubt he'll be traded before the deadline. Even if the rumors are true, I just can't see a deal working out that fast, and Seattle can't really afford to lose him right now either.

What will be far more revealing is how Seattle goes about the next offseason.

Now, personally I do find the rumor just a little odd. Back in February Pete went on and on about how Lynch completed the circle of toughness for our team and genuinely spoke of Lynch as though he were the face of the franchise. Could things really have changed that much in two months?


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Jan 21, 2014
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Vancouver, WA
Being a fan of this team, I'll watch whoever they put on my TV. For better or worse I'll watch 'em. And believe me, things are muuuch better than a few short years ago.

We all we got!


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Jan 18, 2013
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But what is there to "be aware" of? I don't think it would come as a surprise to anyone that Lynch doesn't see eye-to-eye with management. Does that mean they'd move him after the season? I'm not even sure they know that yet, but even if they did, it would confirm what a majority of this message board was predicting anyway. None of that info is new and is only being repeated now because it conveniently pushes the "downfall" narrative.

The players have confirmed reports of Harvin fights. Those reports likely came from the Seahawks PR camp to justify the trade. A subsequent report came out about Wilson being a divisive figure in the locker room. Who stands to gain from that? Probably the guy whose character has been assassinated and who also has no more guaranteed money coming due (i.e. Harvin -- "I'm not the one with issues!"). His camp also stands to gain from releasing any other piece of info that paints Seattle as an organization in disarray. How do you do that? You leak info that suggests Seattle's two biggest offensive stars are causing their own issues in the lockerroom and that the Seahawks FO has no idea how to fix it.

Simply put, there are camps with axes to grind and things to gain from leaking selective info. The media, sniffing a juicy narrative, is more than willing to oblige them. Being open-winded and aware is definitely important. In this case, however, we need to be aware and mindful of the timing of these reports and who stands to gain from them.