Andrew Luck or Russell Wilson?


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Jan 13, 2013
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Luck vs. Wilson is a tough comparison to make objectively, and it's all moot considering Luck, regardless of whether he's truly the better QB of the two or not, would get killed on our team.


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Aug 17, 2012
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Riverside, California
HawkWow":2urlzy08 said:
jagforlife85":2urlzy08 said:
Good Morning Seahawk fans,

I've been debating with my fellow Jaguar fans on our message board.

I didn't know there's enough Jaguar fans to even have a debate. How about mass debation? .....but that's not even funny.

RW is my second favorite player in the game today (Lynch). As a person, I'd be happy if he married my daughter (not Lynch). I would trade my new son in law straight-up for Luck tomorrow. Don't be fooled by mere stats. Both players are remarkable, but there's a saying in boxing that applies almost everywhere else too: "a good little man seldom beats a good big man". I believe Luck will have a longer career than RW, that the sole reason for my decision.

Just 10% of this board would make that trade, I'd bet 90% of all GMs would. I believe Pete would be in that group, too. Someone commented "Pete likes a more mobile QB". That is incorrect and no better way to gauge this than by looking at the QBs he recruited at SC. In fact, and coincidently, I think Andrew Luck was the most mobile QB he ever recruited.

I am incredibly happy we have Wilson and Luck is the only QB alive, inc Rodgers, I would take in trade for him.
"a good little man seldom beats a good big man". See Gentleman Jim Corbett...!!
I'll stick with the little guy....


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Sep 3, 2012
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The 5-0
Good to read someone with a grasp on boxing, Donn. But (as you know) I could give 100 examples of where the bigger man proved to be better than the smaller man. As for NFL QBs? Certainly 100 more.


Sep 9, 2013
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Paducah, Kentucky
HawkWow":20ugcop1 said:
c_hawkbob":20ugcop1 said:
Why do you want the thread to die? You don't really suppose the final word on this matter has been spoken do you?

The Wilson/Luck comparison is gonna be relevant for a very long time.

A voice of reason.

Isn't this fun people?? Why so sensitive to the topic? Let us hope these two battle for the top spot for the next decade and beyond. Do you think this pitting QB vs QB was invented to detract from RW's greatness? Whether it was Starr vs. Stabauch or Marino vs. Elway, debating QBs is what fans (of the sport, not team) do. With new posters like C-Hawkbob rolling in, such debates are sure to educate while providing entertainment.

Hey Bob...knew you a couple years back at the PI. I was Chuckwow then. Which is slang for masturbation (in Thai). Hawkwow gives me a similar thrill, though. ; )

BTW Bob...Luck or Wilson?

Cool! Good seeing folks here I recognize.

Luck and Wilson are neck and neck in just about all ways as I see it. On the field, in the locker room and in the press. Luck may get a few more nods as the single best but Russ gets his too. Besides, I think it's about appropriate that way, even in light of our O-line issues Luck doesn't have as good a supporting cast as Russ does. As for who I personally prefer; I'll take our guy of course! I just love that he's as in love with Seattle and the 12th man as Seattle and the 12th man are in love with him. I also love his story, love that he was a 3rd round pick (and a "reach" at that) and that he played baseball and that he's too damn short to play QB in the NFL. I wouldn't change things if I could.

I think Russ and Luck are going to be linked for their careers, and I couldn't be happier about it. It's better to be the best among the best competition. A warrior measures his greatness by the strength of his enemies.


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Apr 24, 2013
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OH give it a break with this running game argument. I have seen this pointed out OVER and OVER and OVER again. If a running game was so damn helpful why have the Vikings QBs looked like absolute shit with the greatest RB OF ALL TIME on their team. AP had one of the best Seasons of all time last year and the passing game still looked like crap. Lynch didnt do shit against the Vikings until the end of the game when we had allready won. Wilson completely took care of business without much help from him last week. Where was the help from the rushing game in that Atl playoff game down 20. Sure looked like Wilson took the team on his back and had a hell of a 2nd half. OBV it helps but it also takes away TDs and Yardage, yet somehow Wilson is still doing pretty well in that. I dont see how we fault Wilson because some of his teammates dont suck. Also the Seahawks seem to WANT to be a power running football team which once again Wilson doesnt have control over.

Ya Lynch is great. Our Oline is pretty good at RUN BLOCKING, but in Pass Blocking they are not very good and we had backups at BOTH tackle positions for most of the year. Rice was also obv not 100% and the WR core is now better with him not playing. I love our WRs but we still do not really have that #1 type WR like AJ Green, Calvin Johnson, Andre Johnson, Fitzgerald etc.

Maybe Luck will be great one day and Wilson will fall off, who knows. But I cant believe all the talk about Luck its rediculous. All this talk about a QB who has been maybe just above average at best for his career. There are 13 other QBs who have a better rating than Luck THIS season, and 24 or so last year. You would think with all this Hype and Talk he is getting he would be tearing the league up but hes not. Face it, he has merely been average to above average. Sure he has had his comebacks and game winning drives but Wilson has done the EXACT same thing.

I cant believe some of you so called fans would prefer Luck over Wilson. I guess Wilson having the best rating in the history of the seahawks as a rookie, tieing mannings TD record as a rookie, winning a road playoff game twice (defense blew the ATL game), and now leading this team to a 10-1 record with an even higher rating of 105, and WILL have the most wins EVER for a qb in their first 2 years can STILL want Luck. It makes me sick :pukeface:

The colts were a better team than the Seahawks until Manning got hurt and they tanked the season for Luck. Like I have said before its not like Wilson walked onto a team that had been winning 10+ games for several seasons and had that winning culture and leadership there. He came in after the Seahawks had just commited to Flynn with some big money, and TOOK the job from him. Wilson was not handed anything, he earned it and had to do everything exceptionally well to be named starter IMO. Wayne is also way better than Sidney Rice will ever be. Outside of his 1 year with Favre Rice has been Average to Below Average and injury ridden.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Hasselbeck":dtuaztzu said:
I love Luck. I think when it's all said and done he can be one of the all-time greats.

But the choice is Wilson. Russell Wilson was the perfect fit for this franchise. No question.

That's how I see it, too. I really like Andrew Luck for a lot of reasons, including non football, off field stuff, and he's the only QB that I'd even consider trading for RW.

But I'd still take Russell.


Sep 9, 2013
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Paducah, Kentucky
WilsonMVP":2old0qt3 said:
OH give it a break with this running game argument. I have seen this pointed out OVER and OVER and OVER again. If a running game was so damn helpful why have the Vikings QBs looked like absolute shit with the greatest RB OF ALL TIME on their team. AP had one of the best Seasons of all time last year and the passing game still looked like crap. Lynch didnt do shit against the Vikings until the end of the game when we had allready won. Wilson completely took care of business without much help from him last week. Where was the help from the rushing game in that Atl playoff game down 20. Sure looked like Wilson took the team on his back and had a hell of a 2nd half. OBV it helps but it also takes away TDs and Yardage, yet somehow Wilson is still doing pretty well in that. I dont see how we fault Wilson because some of his teammates dont suck. Also the Seahawks seem to WANT to be a power running football team which once again Wilson doesnt have control over.

Ya Lynch is great. Our Oline is pretty good at RUN BLOCKING, but in Pass Blocking they are not very good and we had backups at BOTH tackle positions for most of the year. Rice was also obv not 100% and the WR core is now better with him not playing. I love our WRs but we still do not really have that #1 type WR like AJ Green, Calvin Johnson, Andre Johnson, Fitzgerald etc.

Maybe Luck will be great one day and Wilson will fall off, who knows. But I cant believe all the talk about Luck its rediculous. All this talk about a QB who has been maybe just above average at best for his career. There are 13 other QBs who have a better rating than Luck THIS season, and 24 or so last year. You would think with all this Hype and Talk he is getting he would be tearing the league up but hes not. Face it, he has merely been average to above average. Sure he has had his comebacks and game winning drives but Wilson has done the EXACT same thing.

I cant believe some of you so called fans would prefer Luck over Wilson. I guess Wilson having the best rating in the history of the seahawks as a rookie, tieing mannings TD record as a rookie, winning a road playoff game twice (defense blew the ATL game), and now leading this team to a 10-1 record with an even higher rating of 105, and WILL have the most wins EVER for a qb in their first 2 years can STILL want Luck. It makes me sick :pukeface:

The colts were a better team than the Seahawks until Manning got hurt and they tanked the season for Luck. Like I have said before its not like Wilson walked onto a team that had been winning 10+ games for several seasons and had that winning culture and leadership there. He came in after the Seahawks had just commited to Flynn with some big money, and TOOK the job from him. Wilson was not handed anything, he earned it and had to do everything exceptionally well to be named starter IMO. Wayne is also way better than Sidney Rice will ever be. Outside of his 1 year with Favre Rice has been Average to Below Average and injury ridden.

Well ain't you a peach? Lookin' for a fight no matter how minute the level of disagreement eh? you really think the world (or this forum) would be a better place if everyone in it thought exactly as you do? Get over yourself already.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I don't even think most will remember Lucks name outside being picked #1 overall when it's all said and done. He'll be an average QB for his entire career.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
WilsonMVP":3vragxaz said:
OH give it a break with this running game argument. I have seen this pointed out OVER and OVER and OVER again. If a running game was so damn helpful why have the Vikings QBs looked like absolute shit with the greatest RB OF ALL TIME on their team. AP had one of the best Seasons of all time last year and the passing game still looked like crap. Lynch didnt do shit against the Vikings until the end of the game when we had allready won. Wilson completely took care of business without much help from him last week. Where was the help from the rushing game in that Atl playoff game down 20. Sure looked like Wilson took the team on his back and had a hell of a 2nd half. OBV it helps but it also takes away TDs and Yardage, yet somehow Wilson is still doing pretty well in that. I dont see how we fault Wilson because some of his teammates dont suck. Also the Seahawks seem to WANT to be a power running football team which once again Wilson doesnt have control over.

Ya Lynch is great. Our Oline is pretty good at RUN BLOCKING, but in Pass Blocking they are not very good and we had backups at BOTH tackle positions for most of the year. Rice was also obv not 100% and the WR core is now better with him not playing. I love our WRs but we still do not really have that #1 type WR like AJ Green, Calvin Johnson, Andre Johnson, Fitzgerald etc.

Maybe Luck will be great one day and Wilson will fall off, who knows. But I cant believe all the talk about Luck its rediculous. All this talk about a QB who has been maybe just above average at best for his career. There are 13 other QBs who have a better rating than Luck THIS season, and 24 or so last year. You would think with all this Hype and Talk he is getting he would be tearing the league up but hes not. Face it, he has merely been average to above average. Sure he has had his comebacks and game winning drives but Wilson has done the EXACT same thing.

I cant believe some of you so called fans would prefer Luck over Wilson. I guess Wilson having the best rating in the history of the seahawks as a rookie, tieing mannings TD record as a rookie, winning a road playoff game twice (defense blew the ATL game), and now leading this team to a 10-1 record with an even higher rating of 105, and WILL have the most wins EVER for a qb in their first 2 years can STILL want Luck. It makes me sick :pukeface:

The colts were a better team than the Seahawks until Manning got hurt and they tanked the season for Luck. Like I have said before its not like Wilson walked onto a team that had been winning 10+ games for several seasons and had that winning culture and leadership there. He came in after the Seahawks had just commited to Flynn with some big money, and TOOK the job from him. Wilson was not handed anything, he earned it and had to do everything exceptionally well to be named starter IMO. Wayne is also way better than Sidney Rice will ever be. Outside of his 1 year with Favre Rice has been Average to Below Average and injury ridden.

It's called personal preference, and it's based on a number of factors that can't be measured by stats, such as effectiveness over a 15 or so year career or susceptibility to injury. Is Russell going to be able to sustain his current level of play over 15 years and remain healthy in doing so? As time goes on, he's going to have to adjust his game to compensate for the diminishing physical skills every human being has to face. How well is he going to adapt? Will Andrew Luck have to adjust his game to the same degree as Russell will? Like anything else in life, the longer you project something out into the future, the more unknowns there are.

Today, I'd definitely take Russell, but I'm not as certain that he's going to be a top tier quarterback 10 years from now, or at least be a better choice than Luck. It's not some sort of sacrilege to express an objective opinion about a Seahawk player that others might not hold. You must have a pretty weak stomach if that's all it takes to make you sick.


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Mar 15, 2012
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At a McDonald's inside a Walmart.
Wilson = Luck

They're both very good QBs and both will have successful careers... I'm just glad we found a good QB in the draft...

Now, If the question was, 'Who is the better deal?', The answer would have to be Wilson he is easily a top 6 QB in the league and only making a little over $600k is a bargain for what he brings to this team.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
AF_Hawk":279ax3f8 said:
I don't even think most will remember Lucks name outside being picked #1 overall when it's all said and done. He'll be an average QB for his entire career.

I have a hard time getting on this bandwagon. Luck's a good QB.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
theENGLISHseahawk":2psbfxmc said:
Amazingly, given that Luck is a once in a generation talent, I think every Seahawks fan would still rather have Wilson.

I agree and add in Luck has a HOF wr he is throwing to and an offense built around him. RW does not have a HOF wr, and the offense is not built around him....yet!

Rw all the way


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Johnny":3md46xtc said:
Wilson = Luck

They're both very good QBs and both will have successful careers... I'm just glad we found a good QB in the draft...

Now, If the question was, 'Who is the better deal?', The answer would have to be Wilson he is easily a top 6 QB in the league and only making a little over $600k is a bargain for what he brings to this team.

True, but that advantage will disappear shortly. Russell is going to be making a huge amount of money and we're going to have some tough decisions to make a few years down the road. That's why I'm in such a "the future is now" mode, as I'm not sure how long we can hold things together.


Sep 9, 2013
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Paducah, Kentucky
RiverDog":9jcwxp7c said:
Johnny":9jcwxp7c said:
Wilson = Luck

They're both very good QBs and both will have successful careers... I'm just glad we found a good QB in the draft...

Now, If the question was, 'Who is the better deal?', The answer would have to be Wilson he is easily a top 6 QB in the league and only making a little over $600k is a bargain for what he brings to this team.

True, but that advantage will disappear shortly. Russell is going to be making a huge amount of money and we're going to have some tough decisions to make a few years down the road. That's why I'm in such a "the future is now" mode, as I'm not sure how long we can hold things together.

True that! Seahawks fans are going to be shocked at how much we wind up paying Wilson for his second contract.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
AF_Hawk":yc8shzsh said:
I don't even think most will remember Lucks name outside being picked #1 overall when it's all said and done. He'll be an average QB for his entire career.

Why are so many of you so down on Andrew Luck? Is belittling him or his ability somehow going to elevate your favorite son above him? I might somewhat understand your passion to denigrate his ability of he played for a division rival like the Niners, but he doesn't even play in the same conference let alone the same division.

I see absolutely no evidence that Luck is going to be a bust, nor do many other objective football followers. The guy has incredibly gifted physical talent, superior intellect, and has a great attitude both on and off the field, and to argue to the contrary is just plain ignorant.


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Apr 30, 2009
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RiverDog":5t3vfx23 said:
AF_Hawk":5t3vfx23 said:
I don't even think most will remember Lucks name outside being picked #1 overall when it's all said and done. He'll be an average QB for his entire career.

Why are so many of you so down on Andrew Luck? Is belittling him or his ability somehow going to elevate your favorite son above him? I might somewhat understand your passion to denigrate his ability of he played for a division rival like the Niners, but he doesn't even play in the same conference let alone the same division.

I see absolutely no evidence that Luck is going to be a bust, nor do many other objective football followers. The guy has incredibly gifted physical talent, superior intellect, and has a great attitude both on and off the field, and to argue to the contrary is just plain ignorant.
He's only going to be considered a bust if he doesn't live up to the hype machine ESPN and all the rest of the "experts" gave him (including fans). I think he'll be an average but serviceable QB, but not a bust. I don't believe the hype. I think a great QB finds a way and makes everyone around him better, I don't see that in Luck. I'm not on the bandwagon for Luck, just because I don't agree doesn't make me ignorant.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
AF_Hawk":3p5f6zh5 said:
RiverDog":3p5f6zh5 said:
AF_Hawk":3p5f6zh5 said:
I don't even think most will remember Lucks name outside being picked #1 overall when it's all said and done. He'll be an average QB for his entire career.

Why are so many of you so down on Andrew Luck? Is belittling him or his ability somehow going to elevate your favorite son above him? I might somewhat understand your passion to denigrate his ability of he played for a division rival like the Niners, but he doesn't even play in the same conference let alone the same division.

I see absolutely no evidence that Luck is going to be a bust, nor do many other objective football followers. The guy has incredibly gifted physical talent, superior intellect, and has a great attitude both on and off the field, and to argue to the contrary is just plain ignorant.
He's only going to be considered a bust if he doesn't live up to the hype machine ESPN and all the rest of the "experts" gave him (including fans). I think he'll be an average but serviceable QB, but not a bust. I don't believe the hype. I think a great QB finds a way and makes everyone around him better, I don't see that in Luck. I'm not on the bandwagon for Luck, just because I don't agree doesn't make me ignorant.

I didn't mean to imply that you were ignorant, that is unless you fail to recognize Luck's talent, which to me is very apparent. But I do disagree completely with your analysis and I can't see where you're coming from. I see absolutely no evidence that Luck is going to be simply a "serviceable" quarterback.

Failure to "live up to the hype" isn't my definition of a bust. A bust is someone like JaMarcus Russell and Ryan Leaf IMO. Out of the league within 5 years or so. Otherwise, you'd have to classify Reggie Bush as being a bust as he never lived up to expectations.