Wyman’s Football 101: Eddie Lacy’s run vs Washington


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
710 ESPN Seattle’s Dave Wyman normally breaks down moves from defensive playmakers, but he switched things up this week to instead examine a run play from the Seahawks’ offense.

In the video above, Wyman highlights a play in the final two minutes of the first quarter. The Seahawks are in an old-fashioned personnel grouping with two running backs, and lead back Eddie Lacy successfully finds a crease in the line to pick up eight yards. Wyman calls this, for lack of a better term, the hallway of blue butts: if you can see your lineman’s back, that means he has his defensive player turned and is blocking him.

“You don’t need a hole you can drive a truck through,” Wyman explains. “You just need something you can fit through.”

The Seahawks clearly have the personel to execute run plays like this; the only problem with this play last week was that an illegal substitution penalty negated most of the gain. This week, the Seahawks will get another chance to establish the run in what will hopefully be a cleaner execution.

http://sports.mynorthwest.com/363994/wy ... ddie-lacy/

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