Wilson starting to piss off Bronco fans


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Jan 6, 2013
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Don't you all recognize the terrible clock management? Russ can't read Ds. He takes all of the clock and the D is ready to rumble with 2 seconds left on the clock. We had that problem all the time! They thought they were getting 2015 Russ. People in the PNW know that guy is long gone. Russ still has skills, but he's light years from 2015 Russ! His mojo has dropped off and the great start a few years ago was the aberration. The Raiders are probably better.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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I was able to watch some of the bronco game and seem more of the blame goes to the coaches. Also lots of penalties 13 if i remember correctly. WR are dropping a lot of passes too.

Wilson doesnt seem to have that killer instinct he has in the 4th like his first 9 seasons. Still had a good fourth. Im sure when they play more Wilson will be able to do his hurry up offense eventually which i have yet to see.


Can I get a hoyyaaa
Sep 8, 2021
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I suspect Wilson will not be good this year. But next year he will be a playoff threat.

He dragged this team on his back to the playoffs for 6-7 years. He probably isn't a great guy to hang out with but just being self-absorbed does not magically make you a terrible QB.

But his whole thing is based on knowing where his people will be on the field, and in timing his throws to get that accuracy. That won't happen overnight. Likely not even most of this season.
That's perfectly fine considering after next year's draft we won't really have to worry about how he plays, considering we'll have OUR QB of the future.


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Mar 15, 2017
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Yet they won. Also, we didn’t “win” the game last week, Denver lost it.

But…I still like what we did trade wise. It’s going to take patience but I have no doubt PC and JS have a long-term plan to get us back in the right track.

As for Russ, 340 yards in game one. Lots of dropped passes in Week 2. Unfortunately, I think he’s going to pull it together soon.

I’d much rather them go 1-16 though.
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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2013
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Kind of seems like we have our own issues to deal with right now.

I guess the draft pick would help but they won, that doesn't help us.

We would be better with Wilson vs whatever we are now. And I suspect Wilson has a better future with the Broncos than this team has in the same time period.

But of all things to worry about, whether Wilson is having a good game or not...low on my list.
It's a number 1 and a number 2 from the Russ trade.
They will help a lot with the other 1 and 2 also.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Vancouver, Wa
It's no different than it is here, when the QB is good it's all them, when the QB does not win it's coaching and everybody else. It's the same thing dean says when it's a good play Russ audibled into it, when it's a bad play it's coaching.


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Jan 9, 2021
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It's no different than it is here, when the QB is good it's all them, when the QB does not win it's coaching and everybody else. It's the same thing dean says when it's a good play Russ audibled into it, when it's a bad play it's coaching.
It's true. On the Seahawks side, there is more to our offense looking good so far then Smith and there is more to the Broncos troubles than Wilson.

But the reality is: The problems the Broncos have now on offense are some of the exact same ones we had in Seattle during Wilson's last couple of seasons. They are ones that some of us specifically said were problems with HIS game and some posters on here assured us this was not the case.

It was Pete Carroll, it was the offensive line, it was this OC or that OC... and now that we don't have Russ, those problems have magically moved halfway across the country to a different state. And now, for a subset of the above folks, the excuses are getting trotted out once more, only now it's a whole new set of coaches and linemen and coordinators who are failing.


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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
For perspective, these from Russ' defender:

Y'know, at some point earlier, when @John63 was still pretending to be a Seahawks fan (for example, back in April and into May, while he was on the Broncos fan boards, I don't think he was referring to the Broncos as "we" yet, like he has been for at least a month now), somebody here could have trolled him by saying something outrageous and ridiculous like, say, "Geno Smith will play better than Wilson over at least one four-game stretch this season," and I would have thought it wasn't fair to use such an almost-certain-not-to-happen example like that. I probably would have laughed at the silliness if some other troll had suggested, y'know, just to get @John63 riled up and in full-on Russ-defend mode (the only mode he has on .NET and on the d*nverbronc*s.com forum, from what I've seen), the even-more-outrageous idea that it would happen over the first four weeks of the season.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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The Broncos fans didn't watch Wilson seize the job in 2012 as a lowly rookie third stringer.

The Broncos fans didn't watch him help elevate a team to a championship.

The Broncos fans didn't watch Russ for YEARS make the impossible seem automatic.

They're not going to have the same patience Seahawks fans did. Not even close. He's going to get the Jamal Adams treatment if he doesn't get his shit in gear pronto.

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