Wilson files for divorce?

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A book or Oprah appearance by Ashton scares the hell out of me. 49ers fans would eat that up. Depending on the amenability of the break up and whether or not it was was financially motivated she may be looking to cash in. For gods sake its not every day you get dumped by the superbowl winning QB.

And RW probables plays this all night so he doesn't fall asleep



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Feb 17, 2014
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JZ#1":3b9oop3q said:
m0ng0":3b9oop3q said:
Throwdown":3b9oop3q said:
I don't know why this is news, it's none of our business

It is news and does concern us, or the Seahawks wouldn't have felt the need to publicly release a statement.

I always have felt concerned with whether Wilson's work ethic was crossing the line of being unhealthy. Smart people don't jeopardize their sleep long term.

That's purely speculative. There's no evidence that this is what happened. It could easily be that they weren't compatible as a married couple, made the wise decision to end the marriage before they had children, and instead elected to stay the close friends they have been since high school. Or it could be something else entirely that is none of our damn business.

The Seahawks released this to GET AHEAD OF THE STORY. Imagine TMZ or another gossip site getting word of a separation, deciding to publish a bunch of bullshit anonymous claims from let's say 49er fans (i.e. Wilson beats his wife or Wilson sleeps with prostitutes or something equally defamatory). Now the team and Wilson's PR are playing catchup. They would have to both discredit the defamatory reports and announce that the divorce rumors are in fact true. It was smart of the team and the Wilson's to stay ahead of the game by making the announcement in a respectful way, while at the same time requesting respect for their privacy.


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May 6, 2012
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having been through a crappy divorce myself...

First I say, I feel for Russell and Ashton...divorce ain't for the weak. After the big announcement, their lives will no longer be the same. Mutual friends will take sides, people will make judgements about their character that aren't right, and lawyers will make some serious money getting the parties to argue over the recliner in the living room. Lucky there are no kids to play tug of war with for them. Not to mention this divorce will be the topic of every NFL sportscast. Sucks to go through it and my heart goes out to them regardless of the reason.

15 years of marriage to my "new" wife and I couldn't be happier, but if you dig a little, all that baggage and hurt from the divorce is still deep in there. I hope it works out for them and they can be decent to each other through this.


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Feb 17, 2014
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King Dog":2rniws56 said:
Yep. I do. I've been married for 9 years. It's not easy. You got to work at it to be successful. It's easy to give up. What has he been married for? 2 years? lol :141847_bnono:

To think your familial situation is the same as everyone else's is the pinnacle of social ignorance, narcissism, and judgmental behavior.

If your spouse happened to come home tonight and suddenly decided to divorce you for good, should we look down on YOU and tarnish YOUR reputation?

This their business alone. None of us know how they are feeling or who initiated it. To judge them without knowing the facts is beyond stupid.


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TheRealDTM":1j9y57gh said:
When this thread had 2 pages I went to webzone and they had 6.

That is because they all want to pick up on him now that he is single!


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Jan 11, 2014
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Eh its honestly not that uncommon my dad got married to his high school sweatheart and divorced a year later before marrying my mom 30 plus years ago. People change that is really all there is to it until we hear something else that is what likely happened. People change massively from high school to college and beyond I sure as hell did.

There is a reason there is a massive rate of divorces for first time marriages in this country supposedly around 50% whether true or not I can't say but people change period. Better to end it now then in 15 years with kids in high school in a rage filled split that scars the kids for life. One of my friends still has issues with self worth since his parents used all their money trying to hurt each other and attempted to use him and his brother against the other one as pawns in their game of marital strife.

King Dog

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hawknation2014":1vwjvpsv said:
King Dog":1vwjvpsv said:
Yep. I do. I've been married for 9 years. It's not easy. You got to work at it to be successful. It's easy to give up. What has he been married for? 2 years? lol :141847_bnono:

To think your familial situation is the same as everyone else's is the pinnacle of social ignorance, narcissism, and judgmental behavior.

If your spouse happened to come home tonight and suddenly decided to divorce you for good, should we look down on YOU and tarnish YOUR reputation?

This their business alone. None of us know how they are feeling or who initiated it. To judge them without knowing the facts is beyond stupid.

What can I say? I've watched him like everyone here since he was drafted. He had the perfect image. It's a little tarnished now imo. Sorry, he made the decision to marry her. He made the vows (if he didn't I stand corrected)..... If it comes out that she cheated on him or there was some other major problem, then fine. Otherwise, they made the commitment and then only gave it two years. This doesn't mean I think he's a bad guy, or she's a bad girl, it just means that I think they threw in the towel too easily. That's how I feel. I take the marriage vows seriously....

Marriage isn't easy. Not everyone can make it work.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
The_Z_Man":3u89qdal said:
hawknation2014":3u89qdal said:
To think your familial situation is the same as everyone else's is the pinnacle of social ignorance, narcissism, and judgmental behavior.

If your spouse happened to come home tonight and suddenly decided to divorce you for good, should we look down on YOU and tarnish YOUR reputation?

This their business alone. None of us know how they are feeling or who initiated it. To judge them without knowing the facts is beyond stupid.

No #($)(*#, I've been married 21 years - I consider myself a metaphorical war veteran,and the last thing I feel like doing is judging or disrespecting everyone who fell in battle.
Which is why I have said nothing other then Damn. And refuse to judge either way because I have no idea what the real situation is.


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Feb 17, 2014
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King Dog":124v9knt said:
What can I say? I've watched him like everyone here since he was drafted. He had the perfect image. It's a little tarnished now imo. Sorry, he made the decision to marry her. He made the vows (if he didn't I stand corrected)..... If it comes out that she cheated on him or there was some other major problem, then fine. Otherwise, they made the commitment and then only gave it two years. This doesn't mean I think he's a bad guy, or she's a bad girl, it just means that I think they threw in the towel too easily. That's how I feel. I take the marriage vows seriously....

Marriage isn't easy. Not everyone can make it work.

It can also be unilaterally revoked by one party.

Just sayin'. . . you know what they say about people in glass houses.

King Dog

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Phoenix, AZ
hawknation2014":283devg1 said:
King Dog":283devg1 said:
What can I say? I've watched him like everyone here since he was drafted. He had the perfect image. It's a little tarnished now imo. Sorry, he made the decision to marry her. He made the vows (if he didn't I stand corrected)..... If it comes out that she cheated on him or there was some other major problem, then fine. Otherwise, they made the commitment and then only gave it two years. This doesn't mean I think he's a bad guy, or she's a bad girl, it just means that I think they threw in the towel too easily. That's how I feel. I take the marriage vows seriously....

Marriage isn't easy. Not everyone can make it work.

It can also be unilaterally revoked by one party.

Just sayin'. . . you know what they say about people in glass houses.

No worries. No glass houses here (married for 9 years).....


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Feb 17, 2014
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King Dog":3h25ul44 said:
hawknation2014":3h25ul44 said:
King Dog":3h25ul44 said:
What can I say? I've watched him like everyone here since he was drafted. He had the perfect image. It's a little tarnished now imo. Sorry, he made the decision to marry her. He made the vows (if he didn't I stand corrected)..... If it comes out that she cheated on him or there was some other major problem, then fine. Otherwise, they made the commitment and then only gave it two years. This doesn't mean I think he's a bad guy, or she's a bad girl, it just means that I think they threw in the towel too easily. That's how I feel. I take the marriage vows seriously....

Marriage isn't easy. Not everyone can make it work.

It can also be unilaterally revoked by one party.

Just sayin'. . . you know what they say about people in glass houses.

No worries. No glass houses here (married for 9 years).....

Good for you, man. I genuinely hope it always stays that way for you. That doesn't mean people with less ideal situations than yours should be "tarnished."

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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Sounds like a kid that just realized his role model isn't exactly who he thought he was


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Mar 1, 2012
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She hadnt been in any of his pictures in months. Also he never mentioned her ever. He talked about his love for God, his dad, but never his wife that i can recall.


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Kansas City, MO
Seaswab":wskc0y31 said:
She hadnt been in any of his pictures in months. Also he never mentiotned her ever. He talked about his love for God, his dad, but never his wife that i can recall.
I have noticed that but put it down as she's a private person. I am so that may be the issue simple as that.


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Mar 3, 2007
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JZ#1":2qwtqaa5 said:
It is news and does concern us, or the Seahawks wouldn't have felt the need to publicly release a statement.

The Seahawks releasing a statement had nothing to do with us. Why do you suppose this came out today of all days? What's been dominating the NFL news cycle since 5pm Pacific Time? Do you think it's a coincidence that this came out on the day the schedule was released?

Seattle released a statement to get ahead of the story. They released a statement TODAY so that the schedule release would overshadow the news and push it onto the back pages. Outside of Seattle I don't think anyone is really talking about this anymore, whereas if it had come out on a slow news day it would have been a much bigger story.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Releasing it and setting the boundries as he did makes it as much of a one and done deal as can be, the questions won't be coming up at every opportunity, the slander of whys may still go on, but being open about it from the beginning he can just say no comment it's been addressed and move on.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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chris98251":2xq1ph9k said:
Releasing it and setting the boundries as he did makes it as much of a one and done deal as can be, the questions won't be coming up at every opportunity, the slander of whys may still go on, but being open about it from the beginning he can just say no comment it's been addressed and move on.

Yup... Which is exactly how he ended his statement: "Moving forward, I will have no further comment on this matter"
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