Why should we dislike the 49ers?


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Portland, OR
BBHawks":viqipo2h said:
And Hans Gruber, you're full of crap as usual. San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area is filled with Niner fans. You must just run with a weird crowd down there.

I have a buddy down in the Bay Area, and he's always telling me how the 49ers are a passing interest in SF because it's a baseball town. It's like Boston.


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Jan 13, 2013
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And even if you guys aren't making assumptions about an entire fan-base because of some who appear to be bad apples, them being Giants fans first makes them lesser people? That's like saying the people of Seattle are all scum because we don't support the Storm as much as we should (and the Storm are winners and not just contenders). Or we're all band-wagoners because the fan support of the mariners is less than what it was during the run in '95 or '01.


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Jul 30, 2012
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Because everyone in that organization touches themselves at night!!!


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Jan 13, 2013
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Guardian":muv3wa2p said:
I haven't liked the 49ers since the day their fans sprayed beer all over my then 9-year-old brother.

That's terrible but it wasn't a 49er employee spraying your brother with beer. It was a single or a select group of drunken, idiotic fans. Is it really reasonable to dislike an entire franchise for what a few drunken idiots did? We have our share of drunken idiots too but it doesn't stop us from cheering on the Seahawks. We just say "oh, those guys aren't about what we're about" when it comes to our bad apples. Why isn't it the same with the 49ers' bad apples?

SoulfishHawk":muv3wa2p said:
I can't think of one reason that I should like ANYTHING about the 39ers

I can. Jennifer Garner, a 49er fan, has currently made donations to 19 charities, most of which are centered around helping children. The 49ers organization also gave Bill Walsh the chance to implement the WCO which paved the way for our offensive success in the Holmgren era. I bet we can we find something more impressive if we look into the charitable donations of their players from the Superbowl winning teams.


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Jan 13, 2013
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CaptainSkybeard":28hh8nag said:
Because we don't have to battle saber tooth tigers or mammoths or rival tribes anymore, but those part of our brains still exist, particularly in men. We do our best to stimulate that primal drive in a civilized way, football does a good job and part of that is the whole "us vs them" mentality that has served to bind groups of humans through struggle for thousands of years. It simultaneously stimulates the higher functioning strategic part of our brains that allowed humans to eventually form complex civilization and leave the Stone Age behind.

But really, why pick it apart? It's part of who we are as humans because of our evolutionary history. Just go with it. We want our team to win, they have 2-3 chances every year to derail that, they are an obstacle.

There are an unlimited number of reasons to pick it apart. All those reasons you name for the biological urge to embrace rivalries and be confrontational in football are reasons to be that way in anything. We can, and some of us likely do, take that attitude into work, politics, sports we play, other sports we watch, board games, video games, movie critique, the gym, how we cook, and anything else where we can be the least bit competitive. People can stimulate that primal drive in other civilized ways but some of us are almost religious about doing it in football. If football is so good at satisfying these less evolved parts of our brain that all people have, then that doesn't explain why it isn't as popular in other countries as it here. They have the same desires as we do and they choose something else. Why do you think we choose football?


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May 2, 2009
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ok, I spent 28 years in northern California, went to many whiner and rayduh gams. the reason we hate the whiners....cause we can! let's not make it harder than it is.


Mar 31, 2013
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BirdsCommaAngry":1b0f4pem said:
And even if you guys aren't making assumptions about an entire fan-base because of some who appear to be bad apples, them being Giants fans first makes them lesser people? That's like saying the people of Seattle are all scum because we don't support the Storm as much as we should (and the Storm are winners and not just contenders). Or we're all band-wagoners because the fan support of the mariners is less than what it was during the run in '95 or '01.

I don't think it's really all that complicated. A geographic area houses team 1, another geographic area houses team 2. By proximity, the people in one area identify with one team versus another. It's a little bit of an artificial division or distinction, but humans love to break things down and distinguish between (for example) one bird and another (even though both really are just simply birds), and they sometimes distinguish these two similar animals based on something as simple as being a vegetarian bird or a meat eating bird. Why not geographic location?

Now I know there are fans of both teams located in the opposite teams location, but the point being is that *most* of the fans of one team or another are located near their particular teams. The other point being is that these divisions are artificial and are usually undertaken in the name of *fun* and *competition.* It's really harmless, unless you are a raider fan.


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
BirdsCommaAngry":33awcvsn said:
I can. Jennifer Garner, a 49er fan, has currently made donations to 19 charities, most of which are centered around helping children. The 49ers organization also gave Bill Walsh the chance to implement the WCO which paved the way for our offensive success in the Holmgren era. I bet we can we find something more impressive if we look into the charitable donations of their players from the Superbowl winning teams.
I think her allowing Ben Affleck to continue his gene pool more than negates any good she could have possibly done.


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Aug 12, 2011
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Bitter":3oki1ngw said:
BirdsCommaAngry":3oki1ngw said:
I can. Jennifer Garner, a 49er fan, has currently made donations to 19 charities, most of which are centered around helping children. The 49ers organization also gave Bill Walsh the chance to implement the WCO which paved the way for our offensive success in the Holmgren era. I bet we can we find something more impressive if we look into the charitable donations of their players from the Superbowl winning teams.
I think her allowing Ben Affleck to continue his gene pool more than negates any good she could have possibly done.



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Feb 1, 2013
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HagFaithful":f7ar6gp8 said:
BBHawks":f7ar6gp8 said:
Hate is too strong a word for sports. Save your hate for murderers, rapists, terrorists, people who beat up women and racists. There are lots of nice Niner fans and their team is filled with great young athletes just like ours is. Calm down.

And Hans Gruber, you're full of crap as usual. San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area is filled with Niner fans. You must just run with a weird crowd down there.

And I agree with this. 9'er fans DO exist and they have a legit team. I would like to add "adults who dress up like clowns and perform at children's parties" to the hate list.

Thank you. I've been up here for 25 years now, but I still have lots of family down there. What people need to understand is that the SF Bay Area has 7 to 8 million people and SF itself only has about 800K. Most Niner fans by far don't live in SF. And, SF is filled with new arrivals, young high-tech employees of internet-based firms largely, who don't care about sports in general and if they do, they've just jumped on the Giants bandwagon because of that beautiful park and all the success lately. But don't kid yourselves. The NFL just announced that the Niners sold more gear than any other NFL franchise last year. They're popular. Maybe a lot of their long-time fans are a little jaded, but they know their football and they know their history. I've got family that still complains about playoff games in the early 70's and argues about what was wrong with Dick Nolan's defenses and Red Hickey's offensive formations.


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Apr 6, 2013
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Clacton On Sea, Britain
Since I'm new I don't have much to add except this...

A few weeks before last years Superbowl came along I was talking to one of my younger sisters. I was talking about getting into football and the Hawks when she told me she is a 9ers fan and had been for years.

Will I disown her for this? No. Did she give a fig when I told her I was gonna back the Ravens, even though I couldn't watch the game as I was working? No. In fact it's something else we can talk about and there'll be some banter in there too. It's all fun and its good practice for me cause my football sass talk is very much in its infancy! :D

I don't hate the 49ers. Like many here have already said they are our divisional rivals a big obstacle to overcome so our boys can get hold of SB rings of their own.


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Jan 13, 2013
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Bitter":2s8mx3yx said:
BirdsCommaAngry":2s8mx3yx said:
I can. Jennifer Garner, a 49er fan, has currently made donations to 19 charities, most of which are centered around helping children. The 49ers organization also gave Bill Walsh the chance to implement the WCO which paved the way for our offensive success in the Holmgren era. I bet we can we find something more impressive if we look into the charitable donations of their players from the Superbowl winning teams.
I think her allowing Ben Affleck to continue his gene pool more than negates any good she could have possibly done.

His work as a director and charitable contributions to 23 organizations says otherwise to me. Besides, if we're removing people from adding to the gene pool because they had a big part in a few bad movies, then no man or woman in Hollywood would be allowed to have kids. Laggards aside, the Ben Affleck jokes stopped for the same reason the "NFC Worst" jokes stopped. He got good and so did we.

Winterfell":2s8mx3yx said:
Now I know there are fans of both teams located in the opposite teams location, but the point being is that *most* of the fans of one team or another are located near their particular teams. The other point being is that these divisions are artificial and are usually undertaken in the name of *fun* and *competition.* It's really harmless, unless you are a raider fan.

I think we're all at least loosely aware of the importance of the geography but we don't all say, "The 49ers suck because where they are from and our current division alignment says we should express dislike of them for fun and the sake of competition!" Some of us just say they suck, then grasp for reasons why, and then don't question those reasons very much to the point where it's a real belief founded on supposedly truthful reasons. Is the idea that we're kind of silly for doing it too undermining to the whole rivalry process for people to accept? We're basically grown-ups playing a grown-up, socially acceptable version of cowboys and Indians and it's fun as hell, no? Somewhere in this process we seem to forget that the people we're "playing" with are people just like us and we chose these roles for the sake of a certain kind of fun.


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Oct 17, 2012
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This whole thread just sickens me.

I just cannot understand your guys' narrow-mindedness on this whole subject. You guys hate the city, the fans, the players and the whole organization? Please... Lets look into this shall we, although I am sure most of which will say "Nope, not gonna do it" But those types of people are exactly the type of people us 49ers fans hate.

I keep hearing, oh they are division rivals, yeah.. because just a few years ago the Seahawks where in another division (prior to 2002 namely). So this whole, oh they come from another division theory, false. Just because a team comes from the same division just shows the bandwagon-ey mentality modern america has. The FO of the NFL eats this kind of stuff up and you new football fans are the ones spoon feeding Goddell. So how come a team that only has been in our division for 11 years can become all of a sudden the biggest rivalry in sports? You guys..

The city? Because California and the city of San Francisco is a Blue state and are out-most supportive of gay marriage, is that your reason for hating the city? Okay, so for real the people that hate San Francisco just for that are just ridiculous and way to ignorant. Hell, I remember strolling into Seattle one time wearing my colors and kept getting called F** and many other names you can come up with. So yeah its ridiculous.

So the hate of the players? Because Kaepernick looks like a so called "alien" because Crabtree is a "diva". C'mon, at least we aren't taking to twitter and talking smack about your players.. "Oh Richard Sherman looks like a Goat." I mean that alone boils your blood right, insulting one of your own? I just do not get the hate for the players, I have not seen any way any player has disrespected one of your guys on or off the field.

Now the organization, we have been classified as one of the most classy FO's in the league from Jed York down, so I am not even going to get into that.

So here is what it boils down to..

The hate comes from your own ignorance, you play the role of a bully and call names but jump on people when they call you out. You hear one thing a player says and you jump on it and try to use it as bait to hate the fans of the 49ers. Your anger boils from the jealousy you have of the 49ers, I keep hearing your team preach the 42-17 game, but really? If you wanted me to go into that I'd bring up 2010, 40-21. Your organization is so bent on the fact they want to copy the 49ers image. You want the same physical defense but don't understand that fundamentally physical and overly physical are two different things. I question the actual fandom some of these so called "fans" of yours actually have, and same with my own fan base, most people don't remember what its like to go through the tough times because they just jump on when things are going good. But I am going to leave you guys with one final thought, if you want to hate on our guys, look at Carroll and Sherman as a fan of the game not a fan of the Seahawks, then look at our organization then properly analysis the 49ers.

And since I probably will get banned for this since lots of people have warned me about this kind of talk on here, this is my final statement.

My hate boils from this last season, I have never once hated a team as much as the Seahawks Rams and Saints. I don't usually hate teams, but when I do, its because of overly aggressive play. When a team plays to injure and not play just to play the game, it really gets me going. As a coach I do not condone this kind of behavior on the field. I like fire not bullets. I do not like seeing smug looks on players faces when a player goes down with a big injury, I don't like seeing cocky behavior on and off the field, in fact I got unsure of Harbaugh when he was jumping up and down celebrating the Lions game, now I love the guy for his passion for the game. So go ahead flame me, bite me, kick me, claw me, do your worst this will be my last post regardless of wether or not I get banned. Go ahead and do your worst, but do me the favor and ask yourselves.

What is your deal?


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Nov 29, 2012
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Ventura, CA
SF players got hurt last year during our game, but it most certainly wasn't because we played to injure. How you read that into the plays is beyond me. Kam broke up a pass and Manningham just got unlucky.


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Aug 15, 2011
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kbreitkreutz":3cgxp6f7 said:
This whole thread just sickens me.

I just cannot understand your guys' narrow-mindedness on this whole subject. You guys hate the city, the fans, the players and the whole organization? Please... Lets look into this shall we, although I am sure most of which will say "Nope, not gonna do it" But those types of people are exactly the type of people us 49ers fans hate.

I keep hearing, oh they are division rivals, yeah.. because just a few years ago the Seahawks where in another division (prior to 2002 namely). So this whole, oh they come from another division theory, false. Just because a team comes from the same division just shows the bandwagon-ey mentality modern america has. The FO of the NFL eats this kind of stuff up and you new football fans are the ones spoon feeding Goddell. So how come a team that only has been in our division for 11 years can become all of a sudden the biggest rivalry in sports? You guys..

The city? Because California and the city of San Francisco is a Blue state and are out-most supportive of gay marriage, is that your reason for hating the city? Okay, so for real the people that hate San Francisco just for that are just ridiculous and way to ignorant. Hell, I remember strolling into Seattle one time wearing my colors and kept getting called F** and many other names you can come up with. So yeah its ridiculous.

So the hate of the players? Because Kaepernick looks like a so called "alien" because Crabtree is a "diva". C'mon, at least we aren't taking to twitter and talking smack about your players.. "Oh Richard Sherman looks like a Goat." I mean that alone boils your blood right, insulting one of your own? I just do not get the hate for the players, I have not seen any way any player has disrespected one of your guys on or off the field.

Now the organization, we have been classified as one of the most classy FO's in the league from Jed York down, so I am not even going to get into that.

So here is what it boils down to..

The hate comes from your own ignorance, you play the role of a bully and call names but jump on people when they call you out. You hear one thing a player says and you jump on it and try to use it as bait to hate the fans of the 49ers. Your anger boils from the jealousy you have of the 49ers, I keep hearing your team preach the 42-17 game, but really? If you wanted me to go into that I'd bring up 2010, 40-21. Your organization is so bent on the fact they want to copy the 49ers image. You want the same physical defense but don't understand that fundamentally physical and overly physical are two different things. I question the actual fandom some of these so called "fans" of yours actually have, and same with my own fan base, most people don't remember what its like to go through the tough times because they just jump on when things are going good. But I am going to leave you guys with one final thought, if you want to hate on our guys, look at Carroll and Sherman as a fan of the game not a fan of the Seahawks, then look at our organization then properly analysis the 49ers.

And since I probably will get banned for this since lots of people have warned me about this kind of talk on here, this is my final statement.

My hate boils from this last season, I have never once hated a team as much as the Seahawks Rams and Saints. I don't usually hate teams, but when I do, its because of overly aggressive play. When a team plays to injure and not play just to play the game, it really gets me going. As a coach I do not condone this kind of behavior on the field. I like fire not bullets. I do not like seeing smug looks on players faces when a player goes down with a big injury, I don't like seeing cocky behavior on and off the field, in fact I got unsure of Harbaugh when he was jumping up and down celebrating the Lions game, now I love the guy for his passion for the game. So go ahead flame me, bite me, kick me, claw me, do your worst this will be my last post regardless of wether or not I get banned. Go ahead and do your worst, but do me the favor and ask yourselves.

What is your deal?

Too long. Didn't read. :49ersmall:


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Oct 4, 2009
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Tri Cities, WA

I will just assume the Whiner post was more full of shit than the diaper I wear to bed after Indian food for dinner.