Trade 5 or stay put


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Apr 5, 2022
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Drafting the 4th ranked QB doesn't prevent 3-10 years of non-competitiveness. You are wasting the next 3 years by not drafting for immediate need when you're already a playoff team. Draft a top QB when you need a QB.
This is an unusual year for QB prospects. There’s a legit argument for each of the 4 to be ranked anywhere 1-4.

Of course that doesn’t mean you reflexively take whichever QB is sitting at #5, but if he meets your team‘s standards it’s the best play.

There are no defenders who scream future HOF and there are still plenty of picks later to build up the defense.

James in PA

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Dec 4, 2013
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My latest update: IF Carter is off their board (I trust Pete & John with whatever decision they make on him), I'm going with Anderson or Richardson. If both of those guys are gone, I'm trying to get as much as I can in a trade. If the offers all suck, I'm taking Levis.


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Mar 14, 2023
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The only trade back scenario that seems to make sense is #5 to the Jets for #13 and #43. Trade calculators have that as fairly even value (1700 to 1620).

It would give the Hawks the chance to take players like Kancey and Zay Flowers in the 1st, and then have three 2nds to pick another player for the D-line, a LB (maybe someone like Trenton Simpson), and possibly either a RB, OG, or even a QB of the future like Hendon Hooker.

For example, if the Hawks end up with a haul like Kancey, WR Flowers, Edge Keion White, LB Simpson, and QB Hooker from the first two rounds - a fairly reasonable result with those 5 picks - I'd be pretty damn happy. But I can also see the appeal of hoping that someone like Tyree Wilson turns into a real star.

All of this is assuming that Anderson is off the board. If he's still there at #5, you keep the pick.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
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The only trade back scenario that seems to make sense is #5 to the Jets for #13 and #43. Trade calculators have that as fairly even value (1700 to 1620).
I like the idea but the Jets are likely going to have to part with one of those two picks for Rodgers. If they can get away with a conditional 2024 then their priority is not going to be QB at #5 but rather getting a tackle at #13 to protect Rodgers.


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Mar 14, 2023
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I like the idea but the Jets are likely going to have to part with one of those two picks for Rodgers. If they can get away with a conditional 2024 then their priority is not going to be QB at #5 but rather getting a tackle at #13 to protect Rodgers.
Yeah, you're probably right. I'm not sure that the Jets would do it. I was just trying to come up with realistic trade down opportunities that would still give the Hawks some chances at getting impact players in the 1st or 2nd rounds this year, and that's about the only one that seemed to work.

Edit: Actually, I found another one that I might do (if Anderson is gone at #5), but again, not sure about the other team. #5 to the Steelers for #17 and #32 is actually calculated as lower value for the Hawks, but would be interesting. It would give the Hawks lots of flexibility to really go after some late-1st guys they might want with #17, 20, 32 and 37.
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Oct 24, 2013
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They have done a great job of filling holes in free agency, allowing them to let the draft come to them.

If Anderson is gone and Carter is off there board. I am good with moving back to 7 or 8 and taking Devon Witherspoon. Witherspoon on one side and Woolen on the other would free up the safeties for blitzing or covering the TE's and RB's out of the flat that have plagued this defense.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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They have done a great job of filling holes in free agency, allowing them to let the draft come to them.

If Anderson is gone and Carter is off there board. I am good with moving back to 7 or 8 and taking Devon Witherspoon. Witherspoon on one side and Woolen on the other would free up the safeties for blitzing or covering the TE's and RB's out of the flat that have plagued this defense.

Completely agree with the first part...

I just personally would be disappointed if we selected a CB with the first pick. Witherspoon is a hell of a player, but we need interior pressure more than anything. If the only substantive pressure we get is with safety blitzes, it would take about two seconds for NFL offenses to adjust.

I don't care how good your corners are, they can't cover forever in league that officiates with offensive production priority. You have to get some sort of pressure from the trenches to give even the most gifted corner a shot, and quite frankly, it seems like a hot minute since we have been able to do that.

We need a pass rusher. Inside. Outside. Whatever. We need to pressure the QB and barring a QB (I trust JS) anything else with the first pick would be a disappointment.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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John has revealed his hand. He likes the 2024 quarterback pool more than the 2023 quarterbacks that are available at pick 5. He likes Lock more than he likes the 2023 quarterbacks that are available at 5. If the team flops next year, then they draft a QB in round one. If they enjoy great success, they might even delay a high pick QB until 2025.

The draft day angst on this board over trading down with Levis on the board is kind of predictable and will be enjoyable to witness.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2023
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Completely agree with the first part...

I just personally would be disappointed if we selected a CB with the first pick. Witherspoon is a hell of a player, but we need interior pressure more than anything. If the only substantive pressure we get is with safety blitzes, it would take about two seconds for NFL offenses to adjust.

I don't care how good your corners are, they can't cover forever in league that officiates with offensive production priority. You have to get some sort of pressure from the trenches to give even the most gifted corner a shot, and quite frankly, it seems like a hot minute since we have been able to do that.

We need a pass rusher. Inside. Outside. Whatever. We need to pressure the QB and barring a QB (I trust JS) anything else with the first pick would be a disappointment.
It sounds like you're willing to gamble on Carter?

I don't think Witherspoon is a match from a measurables standpoint. Less than 32" arms. Smaller frame.
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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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It sounds like you're willing to gamble on Carter?

I don't think Witherspoon is a match from a measurables standpoint. Less than 32" arms. Smaller frame.

I'm just confused with Carter TBH Cactus.


Quite simply, I don't understand the game nor follow CFB like most of you, which is why I've been coming here for more than 15 years.

I understand his OF issues and the perceived lack of effort. What I don't understand is how he went from a consensus top 3 pick and someone most .netters would have given their right nut for to a guy who many now insist has sucked all year and whose hype "they never understood".

Bottom line is I know what deficiency I'd like to see the top draft capital address. I think the biggest weakness is the abilty to put pressure on the QB with the D line. If JS thinks that's Carter at 5, I'm in. If he thinks it's Carter at somewhere else via trade, I'm in. If it's another DT or DE at 5, I'm in.

I'm just tired of us making average QB's look great and below average QB's look good by giving them time to shower, chit, and shave before needing to get rid of the ball.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2023
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I'm just confused with Carter TBH Cactus.


Quite simply, I don't understand the game nor follow CFB like most of you, which is why I've been coming here for more than 15 years.

I understand his OF issues and the perceived lack of effort. What I don't understand is how he went from a consensus top 3 pick and someone most .netters would have given their right nut for to a guy who many now insist has sucked all year and whose hype "they never understood".

Bottom line is I know what deficiency I'd like to see the top draft capital address. I think the biggest weakness is the abilty to put pressure on the QB with the D line. If JS thinks that's Carter at 5, I'm in. If he thinks it's Carter at somewhere else via trade, I'm in. If it's another DT or DE at 5, I'm in.

I'm just tired of us making average QB's look great and below average QB's look good by giving them time to shower, chit, and shave before needing to get rid of the ball.
Carter is probably the most talented Defensive Tackle prospect to come out in the last 5 years. He's that good.

The problem is his off field issues & maturity. I've heard that he had a tough upbringing & hangs around the wrong kind of people. Grew up around gangs. Which is a major red flag for any prospect. Especially one that is expected to be a top 5 pick.

The kid has been described as lacking a true work ethic & is lazy. Thus you're seeing all of the stuff regarding his weight & being out of shape, etc. Teams question whether he really loves Football.

It's tough. He's definitely a gamble.

The history recently with Malik McDowell is a sore subject around here. So it's completely fair for people to question his character.

After Anderson & Carter, there just isn't another D-line prospect near as good as those guys. So you'd basically be reaching for someone at 5. Assuming those two aren't options. If that's the direction that you plan to go.

Trading down would likely be the best alternative. But that may not be a reality, if no one is willing to be a trade partner.
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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Trade down. We’re not taking a QB with the 5th pick.

See what we can get for it!
And I flip flop again. I have no damn idea what we’re taking.

If they like a QB from next years draft….well, you don’t always get a pick as high as 5.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
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I'll take Anderson or Carter(assuming he checks out) or trade down. Tyree Wilson just doesn't seems like a fit.


Well-known member
Mar 19, 2015
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how so... please notate where that quote "aged well" Full dumb on this board.

Only muppets listen to the media to base their opinions on.

All while trying to claim they watched all of the college tape so they know
I think this is the 3rd time I've pasted this quote lol

Anyways, here it is, and this is well before he showed up to his pro day overweight and gassed

We’ve got the reported character concerns, we’ve seen the poor conditioning, we see how much he is spelled and can legitimately ask whether he’ll be ready for the battle of endurance that is the NFL.

After half-time in the National Championship game, ESPN ran a sideline report that revealed he was ’embarrassed’ by how gassed he was against Ohio State, so he spent the week doing morning sprints.
I cringed when I heard that. You can’t significantly improve your stamina in a week. You don’t try and improve your conditioning between the playoff semi-final and final with the biggest prize on the line. You have to be ready to go in the summer. You need to be ready for the season. Conditioning isn’t something you ‘have a bit of a go at’ ahead of your last game.

If he isn’t taking this seriously when millions of dollars are on the line as he prepares to turn pro — why will he do it when those millions are banked?
I did a bit of digging today and found this press conference from last April. Carter was asked this opening question:

“Coach (Kirby) Smart was just in here talking about how he wants you to step up as a leader, work on conditioning…”
Carter answered:

“I’ve started running more after practise and all that because they told me I could be a top-10 pick and all that, so I’ve done a lot that I didn’t usually do my freshman year and I’ve just been working harder.”
Later in the interview, when he was asked about the areas of his game he was working on, he again reiterated that conditioning was his main focus — specifically doing some extra running because he expected to ‘get a lot of reps’.

Conditioning was raised by the coaches as an area for improvement or greater dedication long before the 2022 season began. Carter acknowledged it and talked about being motivated to act because he wanted to be a high draft pick.
Despite the prompting by coaches and the clear motivation of millions of dollars to earn, his conditioning was a problem during the season culminating, in his words, in an ’embarrassing’ performance against Ohio State.

This is a concern. When Georgia were telling him to work on his stamina he didn’t deliver with millions at stake. What motivation will he have when the millions are banked?
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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2022
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how so... please notate where that quote "aged well" Full dumb on this board.

Only muppets listen to the media to base their opinions on.

All while trying to claim they watched all of the college tape so they know
Aged well = Declaring no work ethic issues right before Carter shows up unprepared for pro day and gasses out from a handful of drills. Pathetic

The media has been hyping Carter as a generational talent so my take runs counter to that.

Never claimed to be a tape guy, but I did watch Carter sleep walk through their playoff run.


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Sep 3, 2022
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Let’s say Young, Stroud, Anderson, and Richardson are drafted 1-4, and Commanders want to trade up to #5 to draft Levis.

They are offering #16 and #118 in 2023 and their first round pick in 2024.

Are you interested?

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