So this is Geno on Shane-Ball?


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2013
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At this point, your Pete meddling theory has been thoroughly debunked and yet you keep trotting it out post after post.
he's just a troll. pay him no mind.

remember he goes from this:
Geno Smith is trash.
A dream would be thinking Geno Smith will ever be a serviceable starter in the NFL.
Watching Wilson in Denver is going to be a shock to the system for those on .NET.
to this:
Waldron and Geno are carrying Pete
Geno is saving Pete's job right now.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2013
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That should have happened last season, after Russ rushed back from finger injury, Pete should have benched him at half time.
benching wilson for geno last season would have sabotaged a potential deal. and seahawks won that broncos trade, and the returns are early. pete knew geno had this in him. geno's not a star, but he's an adequate qb nonetheless, atleast until we find the long term solution. i'm still hoping to see lock at some point, maybe in garbage time.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
benching wilson for geno last season would have sabotaged a potential deal. and seahawks won that broncos trade, and the returns are early. pete knew geno had this in him. geno's not a star, but he's an adequate qb nonetheless, atleast until we find the long term solution. i'm still hoping to see lock at some point, maybe in garbage time.
I was so sure that we will get to see Lock today, but that was sabotaged by our ineffective defense.


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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
I think we need to take something into consideration here. We were facing two bottom tier defenses the last two weeks. Detroit was ranked 31st even before this game and Atlanta was ranked 27th. This is just purely based on points allowed. In most other metrics they are close to the bottom as well.

Geno Smith had some serious issues against the 49ers and the Broncos. In the 49ers game he realistically could have been picked off several times. His completion percentage looks good, but his depth of field has been the lowest in the NFL, until the last two weeks. Granted, the 9ers and Broncos are tough defenses.

OK, the Lions were ranked very low on defense. But that same defense gave up 38 to the Eagles, who might be the best team in the NFC, 27 to the Commanders, and 28 to the Vikings, considered a serious playoff contender. The Seahawks are the only team that has put up 40 against them this season, and they did it by a lot - the 48 they scored is much closer to 50 than to 40.

This is like when @keasley45 and @Maelstrom787 were arguing, based on Geno Smith's actual performance in games last season plus preseason games this year that Smith might actually be a decent stopgap this season (the haters are constantly trying to transform this into "they're Smith fans" or "they think Smith is great" or equally silly things that @keasley45 and @Maelstrom787 have repeatedly said they don't believe), and the group of fans here on .NET rooting for Seahawks failure post-Wilson wanted to throw out Smith's performance against the Jaguars, because the Jaguars sucked. Yes, the Jags sucked. But no other quarterback had even close to the number of consecutive completions against the Jags as Smith did. Smith performed better against the Jags than a bunch of more-highly regarded QBs like, say, Josh Allen, whose Bills LOST TO those awful Jags a week after Smith picked them apart.

Yes, the quality of the opponent matters, but that doesn't mean the performance of the Seahawks offense (and Smith in particular) shouldn't count when it's better than those of more-highly regarded teams' offenses.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Next Sunday will be a much tougher test. Saints defense is a hell of a lot better than Detroit. But, the game was a blast.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Next Sunday will be a much tougher test. Saints defense is a hell of a lot better than Detroit. But, the game was a blast.
"Are you not entertained?" Seriously, the Lions game was one of the most entertaining games in a long time, not gonna say it was up there with Beastquake, but the plotline was very similar--score now to make this a two-score game, or punt and watch the opponent immediately go on a drive for a game-winning score. Penny's 3rd-and-16 TD run may not have been Beastquake, but it was sure a delight in its own right.

My GF pointed out the 2014 season NFCCG vs the Packers as the all-time most entertaining game, and I had to point out that 3-1/2 quarters were absolute suckitude, 4 picks by Russell, and then the 1/2 quarter sequence of miracle plays that sent the Hawks to the Super Bowl. Certainly the most entertaining half of a 4th quarter ever, but 3-1/2 quarters of depressing slog to get to those glorious moments.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2014
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OK, the Lions were ranked very low on defense. But that same defense gave up 38 to the Eagles, who might be the best team in the NFC, 27 to the Commanders, and 28 to the Vikings, considered a serious playoff contender. The Seahawks are the only team that has put up 40 against them this season, and they did it by a lot - the 48 they scored is much closer to 50 than to 40.

This is like when @keasley45 and @Maelstrom787 were arguing, based on Geno Smith's actual performance in games last season plus preseason games this year that Smith might actually be a decent stopgap this season (the haters are constantly trying to transform this into "they're Smith fans" or "they think Smith is great" or equally silly things that @keasley45 and @Maelstrom787 have repeatedly said they don't believe), and the group of fans here on .NET rooting for Seahawks failure post-Wilson wanted to throw out Smith's performance against the Jaguars, because the Jaguars sucked. Yes, the Jags sucked. But no other quarterback had even close to the number of consecutive completions against the Jags as Smith did. Smith performed better against the Jags than a bunch of more-highly regarded QBs like, say, Josh Allen, whose Bills LOST TO those awful Jags a week after Smith picked them apart.

Yes, the quality of the opponent matters, but that doesn't mean the performance of the Seahawks offense (and Smith in particular) shouldn't count when it's better than those of more-highly regarded teams' offenses.
I've become a Geno Smith fan. I am happy stating that. If the wheels fall off for one game, that won't change my opinion. If he regularly loses and is the clear cause of losses going forward my opinion could change, but as of today GENO! GENO! GENO!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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All this talk of Pete-Ball, but to me this looks like Shane-Ball, finally, as Waldron drew it up, but we never really saw with Wilson. Waldron seems to have a scheme for keeping Geno out of trouble, putting him in position to make throws that are his strength (lots of lasers in the intermediate 10-15 yd range, many in the center of the field). Also, Waldron and Geno seem to be on the same page, like that designed run Geno did for a first down, where the corner went with the receiver. I'm guessing Waldron saw it on film, told Geno to look for it, Geno saw it and executed.

Also, kudos to Waldron for Penny's 2 big TD runs on 3rd down... and to the O-Line and Penny as well, not to mention that game-clinching 3rd down run by Penny. On the 2 TDs, Waldron's play-calls caught the Lions in a blitz, defenders got trapped inside, and Penny took it to the house. Again, something I'm betting Waldron noticed on film and in tendency analytics on the opponent, and was ready for with the right play, and the players executed brilliantly.

Even Pete-haters have to see this isn't your father's Pete-ball, it looks like Waldron is calling the shots, and not feeling bound by the old "impose our will" garbage, and instead the offense is looking for opponent weaknesses to exploit, and then going after them.

So, does Waldron deserve as much credit as I'm giving him, or perhaps even more? Can we call it Shane-Ball now, on the offensive side?
Call it what you want.

I love it. The TE game is amazing.

Dissly. TD. Fing amazing. Every. Single. Time. I've said it 3 times now. He needs a TD every game, and 1 to makeup for the game that he didn't have one.

If you watched PC and Waldron on the sidelines - they looked like they were on their first date in high school. The Fing energy is amazing.

We got what we need - in BOTH. AND, PC stepping out of the way to let both them, geno, DK, lockett and Waldron ACTUALL RUN AN EFFECTIVE OFFENSE WITHOUT HANDCUFFING THEM.

Priceless. I'm stoked. We're like an adams/clark/breakout guy on defense away from being contenders. AND, they're happy about it.

See anyone tell Geno "you suck?". See anyone tell Waldron that he's full of shit, and that his playcalling sucks (Sherman). Nope.

Neither did I. I just call it a functional offense. WTH else could we ask for?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Count me in as a Geno denier. I thought Lock would've proved a better starter until the double whammy covid & crap-the-bed at the end of pre-season. Honestly, best case scenario is Geno is a legit starter that can win games. Never would have thunk it...but open to the possibility. He's been respectable to awesome so far this year.

Solidify as a legit starter by end of season and we have 5 picks in the top 80 to bolster the D & build the foundation. Supporter at this point and hope I was wrong about him.
So are you going to start the official Geno Smith apology thread? Or am I late to the party once more and said thread already exists? (I will have to post in it too, as a Geno-doubter, though it's still a bit early, but if Geno and the Hawks O drops 40+ on the Saints, it definitely will be time)

Pandion Haliaetus

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2013
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benching wilson for geno last season would have sabotaged a potential deal. and seahawks won that broncos trade, and the returns are early. pete knew geno had this in him. geno's not a star, but he's an adequate qb nonetheless, atleast until we find the long term solution. i'm still hoping to see lock at some point, maybe in garbage time.

I do think Russ rushed back 1-2 games too quick. Not because he wanted to help this team win but during the Jags game, he had an ego check, and realized he was losing this team to Geno Smith. And I think from after the Packers game to after the Redskins game, Russ made his decision that he 100% needed a change of scenery and new team that would buy into him.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2022
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Bournemouth, UK
When the team scores 45 points there's plenty of credit and kudos to be passed around.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
This YOUNG team has a legit shot on Sunday. Being that they are so YOUNG, they'll take their lumps. But, I think this YOUNG team can get it done.
3-2, coming home for a matchup against the extremely overrated Kyler and the Cards would be sweet. But, anything is possible for this YOUNG team. Right, Fade?


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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Pete's got his hands full with the defense, he doesn't have time to meddle with the offense.

Shane Ball all of the way. Even had a zoom sweep with Eskridge.
Well, that meddling looked pretty good yesterday.

But let’s not let a positive outcome interfere with a constantly negative agenda.

If the team wins against the Rams next Sunday they will have a 9-8 record, and will have done far better than anyone expected them to do.

It’s time to acknowledge the season while very uneven has been a heck of a lot positively different than expected.

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