SNUBBED by Baldwin!!

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Oct 31, 2009
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WOW, yeah, the first thing I thought about when he shidoubied in the EZ was 'strike 2' 'cause he 'snubbed' one in a sea of 1 million hawk fans eons ago. You really need to learn to move past that sort of thing, traumatic as it was.


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Jan 28, 2011
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RussWILSON3":2ml80z3s said:
Hey guys, after the outbursts, the poo poo in the endzone. and everything else.. Do we STILL love Doug like we did last year...? I took an awful lot of flack from the net for simply saying "Hey Doug Go hawks." Some how I was in the wrong according to most of you...

With everything going on, has your attitude changed on Doug?

It wasn't Doug-love, for the record. Most of us thought, and still think, that a shake of the head was completely justified from Doug. Some guy yells from his car at him while he stands on a populated street corner with his girlfriend, and then gets mad when he doesn't get waved and smiled at.

Ludicrous. Your expectations are silly and your hurt feelings are silly. Just take the fact that almost no one here thinks that your outrage is justified.


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Aug 17, 2013
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If it's true that ADB shook his head, that's kind of an unnecessary gesture.

But I don't get the people who are so starstruck and delusional they actually think they're going to forge a mini-relationship with a celebrity who doesn't know they exist. Waving or saying "Go Hawks" is one thing; doing the 5-7-second spiel on how you think his season went and your rundown of he and the team etc. is another.

It still would have been polite of him to tip his hat, but I'm just demure at these times and I understand these guys NEVER want to be bothered. IMO there is a seriously sad amount of desperation inherent to trying to get a famous person to acknowledge your existence. Even if you succeed, it's a hollow gesture because on some level you know he just wants you to get out of his face.

My brother saw Marshawn Lynch a couple of months back at a restaurant. My brother happened to have a rather large piece of Seahawks paraphernelia, and he approached Marshawn's table asking him to sign it. Marshawn just looked at him and said, "Naw, no thanks boss." My brother walked away dejected. As much as I feel bad for my brother, Marshawn is famously antisocial--I can't imagine why my brother felt thought he had a chance of having this shallow interaction with ML.

Just enjoy these guys' game and leave them be. Even big-timers like Tom Cruise who shake hands and sign autographs for hours don't do it because they fundamentally want to.


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Nov 30, 2010
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Bobblehead":g3tvw6iz said:
I don't know why Deuce gets such a pass on his penalty, that was huge.

There was an entire thread about his "celebration" and pretty much everyone said that it was selfish act that hurt the team.


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Oct 2, 2012
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Baldwin is a douche. People here only defend him because he is a Seahawk. He is mediocre at best.


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RussWILSON3":2wzt8fe7 said:
With everything going on, has your attitude changed on Doug?

Well, recently my attitude towards you has taken quite a bit of turn for the worse.


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Apr 11, 2010
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twisted_steel2":1yn8plka said:
I don't know.... it's part of the gig though when you're a famous celebrity/athlete. (The attention I mean)

All ADB had to do was smile and nod, give a thumb's up, something, takes 2 seconds. Not a big deal.

You're not an anonymous rookie free agent anymore ADB, you're big time now. :Dunno:
Yep ^, it ain't like he was asking him to autograph a picture of him shitting a football, or anything like that eh?
The 12's only matter when it's during the Season.


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Apr 11, 2010
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hawknation2014":355rc4n5 said:
ImTheScientist":355rc4n5 said:
hawknation2014":355rc4n5 said:
No offense, but I think it's kind of rude to bother someone when they're trying to spend time with their girlfriend. It was innocent enough. Just saying, it could get annoying having strangers yelling things at him through their car windows all day long like they know him on a personal level.

What did you want him to say in return to the stranger yelling through his car window? Granted, I know other players might have reacted differently. Russell Wilson would have probably said "Go Hawks!" Still, you can't presume every player will react so graciously to the sudden intrusion by the loud stranger.

They are entertainers....its part of the job. Pay me what ADB makes and I'll waive to anyone yelling my name.

That being said, the head nod would have satisfied me.

Where in his contract does it say he has to acknowledge strangers who yell at him through their vehicles? I don't think most "entertainers" are required to respond on command in that situation. But again, that's just my perspective. I don't think he has any obligation to entertain anonymous yelling motorists. It's frankly a rude way to approach someone you don't know personally.

Yeah, it was only one of HIS fans, maybe Doug shoulda just gave him the finger eh?


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Apr 11, 2010
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HawkWow":2tym340z said:
I wouldn't be offended, OP. Doug shouldn't have been either. Some people are naturally uncomfortable with unsolicited attention. Doesn't make him a bad guy, maybe just a bit confused. IE: Unhappy when unrecognized, unhappy when recognized. It's Doug.
^A Most Reasonable Post^


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Jul 10, 2013
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ImTheScientist":x2sljh6u said:
Baldwin is a douche. People here only defend him because he is a Seahawk. He is mediocre at best.

At one of the Training Camps this off season, I went with a friend who was 9 months pregnant literally about to pop (I think she gave birth a few days later, so there was some risk she could go into labor there, but she still wanted to go).

Anyway, she was out there enjoying herself and she did make it a point to be one of the first people in line so she could have a good spot at the gate for autographs. DB came up the crowd obviously mobbed around us. I shouted I said something like "Hey Doug! can you sign my pregnant friend's jersey" as the mob started pushing her away from the gate since I knew DB was her favorite player and she really did deal with a lot to be there.

His answer was "why should that matter?". He did sign her jersey. But I'll admit despite whatever truth there was to his statement, I did find that a little douchey for him to say. Especially since most athletes tend to put women and children first when it comes to autographs. So...take that for what it's worth.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Outrage over athletes' behavior towards fans who approach them in public only exists in those who feel they are entitled something from the athlete. There are hundreds of thousands of people who think they are entitled to some form of casual courtesy from each player should they chance upon a casual interaction. For each of us, the 5 seconds we see a Marshawn Lynch or a Doug Baldwin is incredible - but for a Marshawn Lynch or a Doug Baldwin, random strangers likely approach them multiple times a day when they're out in public.

The OP took Baldwin's reaction super personally. For all he knows, he was the 15th dude to shout at him that day, and he wanted a little peace and quiet on a walk with his girlfriend. I'm sure it's a little annoying to be called out repeatedly in a crowd, and probably makes a guy feel exposed when he might be trying to play it cool.

Fans and media love to judge celebrities and athletes for anything they possibly can. They also love to believe they're entitled to something from them. If a guy is a loner, never wants to talk or sign jerseys when he's not at work, and doesn't want to give interviews, he's rejecting his responsibility to the fans. If a guy is extremely outgoing and goes out of his way to make every public appearance he can, he's a glory hound. We love to make judgments about their very character based on tiny little snippets of information we see with absolutely no context, and we expect them to give a rip about how we react to them.

But what's missing from the OP's rant is any ounce of acknowledgment for the fact that sometimes human beings just don't like to be yelled at by strangers. "It comes with the territory" and "he gets paid $X" become excuses to pretend that our favorite players are not people who can have bad days or get annoyed, but rather entertainers who job every day of their lives is to be their most affable self.

For our sake.

Because they owe us at least that much.


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
The absolute maximum recognition you should give famous people if you see them in public.

and even this is a bit much. Anything more and you're a big dopey fanboy worthy of shame and ridicule.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I ran into Louis Gosset Jr in Malibu once, he had parked his RV next to my truck and had his dog out guarding the door, I could not get buy or go around due to the proximity. He was eating and I had to go, I walked up and basically said sorry to interrupt your Lunch but I need to leave and your dog is next to my door, he was very cool about it. said one second put his meal down got up and walked with me to the RV and took his dog by the leash so I could get by. I said thanks and he shook my hand and said it's cool and said thanks for not be afraid to ask me to move him.

I didn't ask for a autograph or anything, I was happy he offered his hand, meant more then a dumb autograph on a sales receipt or something, and I think he liked being treated as a person and not a celebrity.


May 15, 2012
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Too bad you don't have a video to send Tosh to roast.


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Mar 5, 2007
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This guy is normally a good citizen and he screwed up with a juvenile 'look at me' celebration. Now many here want to demonize Doug as somehow unworthy of any regard. He's apologized and acknowledged his act was a mistake, it's time to move on.

As far as recognizing anyone or blowing people off, I doubt that Baldwin would intentionally 'big time' any fan. Who knows what he was in the middle of or what was going on when the above poster believes he was snubbed. At any rate why do we as fans believe we own a piece of any of these guys and they need to always be on. I know this guy is a bight sensitive guy and he takes his role model duty seriously which made his celebration somewhat inexplicable. He is a young man and who of us when we were young or even now doesn't or hasn't screwed up and done something we regretted.

It's time to move on, and talk of coaches who throw players under the bus or make stupid play calls or the combine, the draft or FA.


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May 2, 2009
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RussWILSON3":7cdbztqk said:
Hey guys, after the outbursts, the poo poo in the endzone. and everything else.. Do we STILL love Doug like we did last year...? I took an awful lot of flack from the net for simply saying "Hey Doug Go hawks." Some how I was in the wrong according to most of you...

With everything going on, has your attitude changed on Doug?

I couldn't care less if he... *edit* :lol:

Dude plays his heart out every game. He's a #3 pressed into a #1 WR role .. no idea where this hate brigade for Baldwin originated from, but after the Super Bowl.. it sure seems to have picked up some speed.


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Nov 26, 2012
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jkitsune":2sa6xe46 said:
Outrage over athletes' behavior towards fans who approach them in public only exists in those who feel they are entitled something from the athlete. There are hundreds of thousands of people who think they are entitled to some form of casual courtesy from each player should they chance upon a casual interaction. For each of us, the 5 seconds we see a Marshawn Lynch or a Doug Baldwin is incredible - but for a Marshawn Lynch or a Doug Baldwin, random strangers likely approach them multiple times a day when they're out in public.

The OP took Baldwin's reaction super personally. For all he knows, he was the 15th dude to shout at him that day, and he wanted a little peace and quiet on a walk with his girlfriend. I'm sure it's a little annoying to be called out repeatedly in a crowd, and probably makes a guy feel exposed when he might be trying to play it cool.

Fans and media love to judge celebrities and athletes for anything they possibly can. They also love to believe they're entitled to something from them. If a guy is a loner, never wants to talk or sign jerseys when he's not at work, and doesn't want to give interviews, he's rejecting his responsibility to the fans. If a guy is extremely outgoing and goes out of his way to make every public appearance he can, he's a glory hound. We love to make judgments about their very character based on tiny little snippets of information we see with absolutely no context, and we expect them to give a rip about how we react to them.

But what's missing from the OP's rant is any ounce of acknowledgment for the fact that sometimes human beings just don't like to be yelled at by strangers. "It comes with the territory" and "he gets paid $X" become excuses to pretend that our favorite players are not people who can have bad days or get annoyed, but rather entertainers who job every day of their lives is to be their most affable self.

For our sake.

Because they owe us at least that much.

I didn't even read your post past the first sentence, because what you said has already been mentioned multiple times. Throw out the fact that you guys ALL hold Doug B. on this incredibly ridiculous pedestal. Look at the humanity aspect. He shouts out the 12's, thanks the 12's..... But he's to big to waive??? I mean COME ON people, the guy was ALONE with his GF, no one was even around to hear.
I love these guys probably way more than the average fan, and I follow the team down to every signing even to the practice squad. But the point is, I feel like some of these guys lose site on what the team means to us as a community. It's amazing, that all he SHOULD have done was just waive and acknowledge my presence. That's all it takes. I get what you guys are saying, but part of why this team is so loved is that they are perceived as different than the normal professional franchise.. And Angry Doug just makes them look typical.


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Mar 5, 2007
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RussWILSON3":yibo3igi said:
I didn't even read your post past the first sentence, because what you said has already been mentioned multiple times. Throw out the fact that you guys ALL hold Doug B. on this incredibly ridiculous pedestal. Look at the humanity aspect. He shouts out the 12's, thanks the 12's..... But he's to big to waive??? I mean COME ON people, the guy was ALONE with his GF, no one was even around to hear.
I love these guys probably way more than the average fan, and I follow the team down to every signing even to the practice squad. But the point is, I feel like some of these guys lose site on what the team means to us as a community. It's amazing, that all he SHOULD have done was just waive and acknowledge my presence. That's all it takes. I get what you guys are saying, but part of why this team is so loved is that they are perceived as different than the normal professional franchise.. And Angry Doug just makes them look typical.

I can tell.
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