Russell's goddaughter passes away

seahawk Dan

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HawkFan72":19j188dl said:
Recently Russell Wilson accepted an invitation to become the godfather to one of the girls he visits in the Children's hospital every week. I read about this just a few days ago. Sadly, the little girl passed away this morning.

I know some people get tired of some of the stuff Wilson does/says, but stuff like this shows what a great person he really is by bringing hope to these kids and their families.

Hopefully Ailynn's family can find some comfort in this difficult time. If any of you know her family, perhaps you could pass on that all of us at .NET are thinking of her and praying for them.

From Russell's Facebook page:
My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to my goddaughter, Ailynn, and her family, as she is now with our Heavenly Father. I know you'll be swinging your 12 flag over Centurylink this Sunday sweetie.
More on Ailynn's brave story here...


What a Humble human being he is my blessing to her up in heaven cheering you on Russell


seahawk Dan

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ZorntoLargent":eavji6ru said:
erik2690":eavji6ru said:
seesurfers":eavji6ru said:
I know some people get tired of some of the stuff Wilson does/says, but stuff like this shows what a great person he really is by bringing hope to these kids and their families.

Nobody is tired of what Wilson does. We all wish he would do even more. Many people in position to help do many wonderful things for people of less fortune. I just wonder why Wilson is the only one that feels the need to let all of us know every single time he does something good. Can't he just let the deed alone be good enough. Why tell the world everytime he does something good. It comes across as if he's doing it more for the attention then to actually help. I'll bet you many NFL players helped people this week. Why is Russel the only one screaming "look at me"? That is what is annoying. Do more good Russell. Tell us about it less.

Do you not see how dumb you sound here. Your whole base point is flawed beyond logic.

" feels the need to let all of us know every single time he does something good" would you know it's every single time? You would only know about the times he shares it. So you're just overlaying your preconceived notion on his actions...'if I don't hear about it then he hasn't done it'. You see how that makes no sense. And when you keep referring to this idea of "telling" everyone do you just mean posting a couple pics?

I hope so bad you are just a troll because finding a negative to pick out here says so much about you.

One of the main reasons I was drawn to Russ, his visits to Children's.

In 1993 my 13 yo nephew who was a HUGE sports fan, was living there for MONTHS.
I used to take him sportscards all the time. It made his day. I can't imagine if Russ visited him.
He received a live transplant that year and lived 12 years with it until dying at age 25.

He was a very quiet kid. He died before social media got huge, but I can promise you he would have LOVED it if Russ took pics with him and tweeted and "instagrammed" them.

Aaron Rodgers may have jabbed Russ the other day, but when I was sitting in the seat once owned by my nephew (my sister still retains that seat) at the CLINK when we beat the Niners to go onto our first SB win, I FELT my nephews presence that night. It was like it was destiny.
It may not have been God willing us to win lately............
RIP Donny Swanstrom

I AGREE My daughter was one of the Jr sea gales this year we saw Russell before they went out on the field what a terrific human being he is . I know lots of pro athletes and believe me Russell is one of a kind we are so lucky to have in not just on the Hawks but serving the Pacific northwest and up here in Vancouver BC he comes up every July for his clinic he is just the most professional nicest person you would ever meet.


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He's the only football player my 3 and 6 year old kids recognize and know the name of for a reason. Also a player on the current roster who's jersey I own for a reason. The Hawks have several very charitable players. Russ is a player I would like my kids to emulate. That is a big deal in my book. :th2thumbs:

two dog

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Doin' time in Yakima
It's the worst kind of sadness. Our children are not supposed
to go before we do.

Being a Godparent is no small deal. It connects you in a very
singular way to a child.

God speed


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Mar 5, 2007
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You have to be a special kind of person to have the strength to get to know these kids so close knowing that any day could be the last time you see them. Breaks my heart to think about it. Wilson is the greatest when it comes to this!


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Dec 21, 2011
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We are lucky to have RW, and this is just another reason why. Yes, he has made some strategic mistakes that call to question motivation (the water...yea) and is diligent in praising god / religion every chance he gets. But the weekly visits to Children's shows he is committed to helping others. People can say what they want but to spend time with kids at Children's knowing full well that if the child is at that hospital for long term care the child is in a serious predicament and may pass away at any time. To meet with and get to know our children while knowing this, takes real courage. If a child passes, he feels it, doesn't matter if it's his child. I know I couldn't deal with this, how many posters could? If RW hadn't met this little girl, how many would know she passed away? How many would ask why? How many would donate money toresearch the reason for her passing so that this doesn't shatter another family's world tomorrow?

Good on you RW, and keep it up. Keep the media involved, this will bring more attention to Children's Hospital as well as research money for curing the diseases that cause these children to be there in the first place.

No parent should bury their children. My cousins wife works at the hospital, my nephew spent a month there and my kids have both been there during their younger years. When your kid is really sick, Children's is the best place for them. They are a world class organization and need the coverage they get by RW being there.


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Roy Wa.
It's his charity, his publicity brings in donations to help these kids and cure some, I see nothing wrong with any of that. The kids and that Hospital need every ounce of help they can get.

Rest in peace Ailynn


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Jan 20, 2013
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The angels gather
and the trumpet sings
a special little girl has just got her wings

Russell Wilson sleeps and sheds a tear
and his goddaughter told him not to fear

I see the light in a special way
and you all must know I'm now ok.

Rest in peace little angel


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Jun 23, 2014
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Russell started this whole thing when he was a rookie, and at that time no one knew who he was besides just another no name NFL player.

At the time he didn't mention about visiting the kids every week, and the nurse and others doubted that he would kept on doing it. Once Wilson was more in the spotlight, the nurses started bringing in media attention to it. It's not like Wilson went out and said "look at me!".

Well Wilson is on his 4th year, and he hasn't miss a beat. People say he's fake or being disingenuous yet even with his celebrity status he is still seeing the kids. He could of easily stopped it after his rookie year and no one would bat an eye, he could of easily stopped it after getting his huge contract, but still he goes. He has a busy busy schedule but yet he is there. People can say he has a fake persona, but when it comes to those kids, he's real with it.

It's great that he's bringing some smiles to the kids there. They need something to smile about even for a brief moment. His celebrity status like most mention help bring in attention to the Children's hospital, they need whatever help they can get.

Some people are just looking to hate on a guy just because the guy is too damn nice.

R.I.P. Ailynn


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Good point theincrediblesok. I was going to point out to Seesurfer that it wasn't Wilson who started pointing out to the media that he was visiting these kids. Wilson has said some things that may have some, like me, roll their eyes but this effort seems pretty legit to me. His motives (perceived or real) doesn't matter to those who he visits.

They just get a chance to not think about what they have to fight or those that love them have to watch them suffer through.

Unless I can do better, I would just tip my hat to his efforts and look at the good they provide. The world is cynical enough that we always think there are ulterior motives. On the Children's Hospital visits, he has my support and admiration, no matter what the reason is that he does it.

I thought Seesurfer was deep into the Browns and pining for Holmgren for how he was done dirty by the Seahawks. Or am I mistaken?


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seesurfers":1plqbnn8 said:
I know some people get tired of some of the stuff Wilson does/says, but stuff like this shows what a great person he really is by bringing hope to these kids and their families.

Nobody is tired of what Wilson does. We all wish he would do even more. Many people in position to help do many wonderful things for people of less fortune. I just wonder why Wilson is the only one that feels the need to let all of us know every single time he does something good. Can't he just let the deed alone be good enough. Why tell the world everytime he does something good. It comes across as if he's doing it more for the attention then to actually help. I'll bet you many NFL players helped people this week. Why is Russel the only one screaming "look at me"? That is what is annoying. Do more good Russell. Tell us about it less.

Let's say for one second that the only reason Russell does good things is for the attention. Who cares? He is still doing good and that matters to the people it benefits. I can't believe you're ragging on a guy for how he does good. What a stupid post.


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Sammamish, WA
Wilson could literally save some people from drowning, and they would still talk junk to him as he's pulling them out of the water.