Rob Staton/Top Billin’ drama


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Jan 28, 2011
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Anyone who spends even 5 minutes looking at Murph's comment section would see how fragile this dude is and his constant homophobic comments(which he tried with Rob too) are goofy. Are you really going to justify the homophobic remarks or threatening Rob with violence in a private message? I think a couple of dudes on this forum don't like Rob and it caused others to follow suit. Again, goofy.
TB and Rob both suffer from the same disease of loving the smell of their own farts, but TB can throw on film and actually break it down whereas we've seen Rob outright avoid that over and over.

All Rob does is talk high-level overviews of prospects. When people who obviously know more than him chime in, he gets sassy and blocks them. This happens time and time and time again. He's a joke on Seahawks twitter, he doesn't post here anymore because he didn't like criticism, and he makes a big show of talking down to people in his captive comment section on his website (or deleting the comment outright).

They're literally the same person in different bodies, with different styles.

I don't care that you love him and do this every time he gets criticized.

Also, I didn't justify any of that whatsoever in my comment. Take that strawman and build a Rob statue with it, homie.


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Jan 28, 2011
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He is constantly trying to fight strangers on the internet.....which usually means he can't fight and he needs an outlet to tell himself he can. He's a clown.
If you cannot acknowledge that this is a signature move of BOTH Rob and TB, then you're not an objective authority on the topic. Just that simple. There are probably hundreds of instances of Rob doing the same thing. He's practically famous for it.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
They both want clicks and people to subscribe to their channel. Billin' is just clearly more knowledgeable, and he's actually pretty funny if people just learn to laugh a little. At least he breaks film down and knows his stuff. He's pretty damn good at it too. And he throws some comedy in to it, oh the horror.


Jan 3, 2013
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TB and Rob both suffer from the same disease of loving the smell of their own farts, but TB can throw on film and actually break it down whereas we've seen Rob outright avoid that over and over.

All Rob does is talk high-level overviews of prospects. When people who obviously know more than him chime in, he gets sassy and blocks them. This happens time and time and time again. He's a joke on Seahawks twitter, he doesn't post here anymore because he didn't like criticism, and he makes a big show of talking down to people in his captive comment section on his website (or deleting the comment outright).

They're literally the same person in different bodies, with different styles.

I don't care that you love him and do this every time he gets criticized.

Also, I didn't justify any of that whatsoever in my comment. Take that strawman and build a Rob statue with it, homie.
He's more right than "seahawks twitter" is and I think they have a problem with it but I'm different, I don't care what Seahawks twitter tells me to think or believe. I judge based on what I see and he's usually fairly decent and has great Seahawks content.

And you did justify it. You said Rob started it and defended TB's response.....that's exactly what it is. But you do you "homie"


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Jan 28, 2020
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Rob had a niche for a bit. But draft content has greatly expanded since he started his blog, and you can now get national and local draft content from people with experience in the sport; making Rob's site largely redundant. Seahawks-wise, Matty Brown, Griff, Bump, and Corbin all really understand the sport and manage to deliver content without seeming as insecure.

When your niche gets bitten into by people with more knowledge and experience, sometimes you have to find a new niche. For the draft blogger that new niche appears to be humorless curmudgeon who has never conceded a point and who cultivated a cult-like comment section free of dissent that happens to be the most dower low T unhappy place on the internet for Seahawks fans.

Every corner of Seahawks internet takes on their own personality: this place, all about range - some highly articulate smart people to some absolute wackos and idiots; FieldGulls comment section and Reddit - quick witted, sense of humor; Twitter - civil war; Matty and Griffin - intellectual, all ball, no drama; Draft Blog - attracts the unhappy.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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He's more right than "seahawks twitter" is and I think they have a problem with it but I'm different, I don't care what Seahawks twitter tells me to think or believe. I judge based on what I see and he's usually fairly decent and has great Seahawks content.

And you did justify it. You said Rob started it and defended TB's response.....that's exactly what it is. But you do you "homie"
Saying that Rob started the beef is not the same as defending the content of Top Billin's response. Stretch Armstrong over here with the reach.
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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Off topic, does anyone know the income potential for these youtubers? Rob has 5.7k followers, TB has 115k followers. Can someone make enough out of google's revenue share or whatever they call it, to do it full time and live in relative comfort?
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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Yeah this is dead wrong. He hightlighted Lucas and Whoolen before the draft last year and every year has done a pretty good job. Everyone is wrong most of the time on this stuff but he probably gets more Seahawks related stuff right than anyone else. Murph has misses just like the OBI one as well so to single him out for missing on a prospect is wild to me. Pete and John miss fairly often too, we hold them to the same standard. Murph laughed and argued with every Seahawks fan who said Seattle isn't taking Carter. How did that turn out for him?

Anyone who spends even 5 minutes looking at Murph's comment section would see how fragile this dude is and his constant homophobic comments(which he tried with Rob too) are goofy. Are you really going to justify the homophobic remarks or threatening Rob with violence in a private message? I think a couple of dudes on this forum don't like Rob and it caused others to follow suit. Again, goofy.

It's too bad too because TB does have great contest if he could just get over himself.
I think TB has that street talkin' tough guy persona going, no sure a designed online thing or that's just everyday him, or it's an over compensating thing. Whatever it may be, I don't particularly enjoy that, as I find it unnecessary, and takes away from talking football.

As for Rob, I hope he works a bit harder to improve himself, and take Sean Desai as role model? Desai played may be 2 years of highschool ball, no college ball. Then went on to get bunch of non-football oriented post graduate degrees. I would therefore speculate that Desai learned most of his football knowledge by watching and studying, not from his playing. If Rob is determine to be a full time youtuber and make a fortune on commenting football, perhaps he could go volunteer in some high school football programs and learn the basic, or some assist in jr college etc.,


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
I feel like Rib doubled down on the A-holeness. First calling out other channels to try to elevate his own ( he should try to develop his own football knowledge instead) and then by posting Top Bs DM. Granted TOP B was a little immature, but Rob punked out completely in wasting time posting the whole message and narrating back. I feel like he exposed himself a bit for who he is. Little depth. Thin skinned. And capitalizing on a viewer base that tunes in assuming he knows what he's talking about when more often than not, he's just parroting popular opinion or being a contrarian for 'cool contrarians sake.

It's funny to hear Rob say that TOP B was living off of pandering to fans. I've never seen it that way. I get tired of his delivery at times, but the dude knows football and usually has some decent insight.

Rob on the other hand? I find the guy speaks in 'way over-confident' absolutes based on the either prevailing media trends, or some 'angle' he seems intent on wanting to be recognized for. I've found him to be just another talking head who uses his seeming certainty on subjects to sound informed.

I agree with what somebody else said. My attention span with Rob has been reduced to a few minutes to see whether he actually has something new to say. With TB - I usually tune in for quite a bit longer simply for the way he breaks down plays and the insight he provides.

I'll give TOP B a pass for stooping too low. Rob? Don't need to listen to him ever again. Respect - lost.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
The almighty Rob Staton is mad about something. We better stop everything. He loves him some him. He makes statements as if they are FACTS. And then gets butt hurt if ANYONE dare call out the great Rob Staton. Yawn.
At least Top Billin' backs his claims up with actual film study. All Rob does is spout his opinion then talk to people like they are beneath him if they dare question him.

Team Top Billin' here.

Somebody with life to waste should put together a youtube vid of Rob and all of the wrong takes he's had that he chastised fans for questioning. The dude acts as if he's a God. I find him to be a lazy fan/influencer who gets by on a Brit accent that makes him wayyyyy sound smarter than he actually is.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Top Billin comment gems to two different posters below, on his Mike Morris video...

One viewer asked TB a football question, TB then insults him and Seahawks fans in general (not the first time)

The second one is TB replying to a poster who suggested TB use his knowledge to teach instead of insult fans, that insulting fans could potentially limit his growth.
In part of his profane response TB rants about "wyte" people in general, and randomly includes an unsolicited rant about how he's living the "lifestyles of the rich and famous" life.

So it's not too hard to see how TB and Rob Slaton could have a dust-up over differences of opinion.

This particular video had a hilarious graphic of Seattle's new 3-6 defense, with six Edge players on the field. Most hilarious Seahawks thing I've seen in a while!

VESa JG2VYyH4BjET UW9spAs48 c k c0x00ffffff no rj

Top Billin'

5 days ago

I don't need some internet commenters guessing on what some team he doesn't work for will run. All I asked was for something concrete coming from Coach Carroll. Every team runs a hybrid front. No team runs a pure 3-4 on every down anymore like it's 1973, bro. You guys be trying to talk football jargon to a cat who 115,000 people subbed to to hear talk football. You guys gotta stop the madness.

VESa JG2VYyH4BjET UW9spAs48 c k c0x00ffffff no rj

Top Billin'

3 days ago (edited)

Dumb ass, I make full-time income! I make really good money from this channel and have a bunch of sponsors, too. You're a fucktard who thinks you know shit you will never be successful with. I don't strive to a have million subs as my genre doesn't do a million subs, moron. It's technical football analysis for a few teams. You old ass wyte ppl think you're so smart, but you're actually dumb as shit. You've convinced yourself that 100K subs isn't full-time income?!?! Bwhahahahahahahahqhahahhaha. The only person "triggered" is you, going around reading my ****** video comments and worrying about what I have to say. You're a lonely goofball who need to start your own channel and see how unsuccessful you will be. I'm doing damn GREAT with this YT platform. 5-Bed, 4-Bath, 3 acres, In-ground Swimming Pool driving a Porsche and an Audi A7 - ALL FROM FOOTBALL ANALYSIS. How about you stop being a nosey wyte guy thinking I give a shit what you think and mind your own business and hit "don't recommend channel?" You old wytes want to control everything, and it pains you that I can roast your funny looking ass and get paid while doing it. Deal with it and simply leave.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
200 GAME, SET, MATCH. Though the "whyte" thing is really dumb and not really needed. But whatevz. He served Staton, so he's cool in my book.
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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2010
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This TB guy won't earn a full-time if his sponsors start reading those comments.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert

Somebody with life to waste should put together a youtube vid of Rob and all of the wrong takes he's had that he chastised fans for questioning. The dude acts as if he's a God. I find him to be a lazy fan/influencer who gets by on a Brit accent that makes him wayyyyy sound smarter than he actually is.
You and @Maelstrom787 could start your own Seahawks youtube channels :)


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Rob doesn't have a grasp on Xs/Os type of content. He never has. He's solely a trends guy in terms of what Seattle will do at draft time, and has been stunningly wrong over the years on a ton of stuff.

He presents as the expert on every situation, but his content is nothing groundbreaking. Top Billin' is basically the same guy, but he actually knows what he's seeing on film whereas Rob has never shown that proficiency, going back to his days posting here.

Kinda like the time he was hawking Obi Melifonwu despite the guy clearly not being interested in playing or tackling on film, but all he could or would look at was the measurables.

Rob started the beef, too. Let's not act like he didn't.
You're a good shit, Malestrom. But I got to speak up on behalf of Rob again.

1) Staton readily admits he isn't an Xs and Os guy. Often, in fact. So your second point is simply untrue.
2) This doesn't preclude being good at talent evaluation. Plenty of scouts and evaluators aren't Xs and Os people either.
3) He was pretty succesful at reverse-engineering the explosive/physical traits that the Hawks preferred for a lot of years. He definitely hawked Melifonwu, and he's since owned that he was way off.
4) He was spot on about Jalen Carter, in spite of almost every major mock believing he'd go to Seattle. And he was dead wrong about QBs, and he's owned it.
5) Rob absolutely started the beef. But there is a weird anti-intellectual thing in sports journalism (or the expectation for sports journalism) wherein people are either labled homers or haters. And a shocking percentage of Hawks fans fall into this, and won't tolerate any criticism of the team, even if it's honest and well reasoned. YouTube (or maybe Twitter) seems to be one of the strongest examples of this.

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