Reaction from Fan Who Attended the game (to skin fans)


Apr 3, 2012
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Humboldt County, California ... class-acts

To the other 1% who called me General Tso's Chicken, told me to go back to China, and took my hat and threw's all good. My friends and other redskins fans put you in your place. I suffered through the first quarter til the last tick and I told every Seahawks fan at the end of the game to stay sane and classy because this is just the start. Go Hawks!

I saw a post here a few days ago, from a redskin fan saying how they hate us, because the way they were treated by hawk fans, at Seattle home games.

Well hawk fans were treated horribly at this game, and even after this guy dealt with that abuse, he understood that those incidents didn't speak for all redskins fans, just as you guys should understand that a few drunk idiots at a game, shouldn't effect your judgement on the entire fanbase


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Spokane, Wa
Yes this is true. There are plenty of classy fans out there who arent an embarrasment to their city,Riggo is one.


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Jan 4, 2013
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I go to the Cardinals game against the Hawks every season down here in AZ. A few seasons ago I took my cousin when he was 12 years old, we were sitting in the upper levels, and as we were walking to our seats, not saying a damn word to anyone, some drunk Cards fan (probably had a cowboys tattoo) got in my cousins face and shoved him down the stairs, lucky i was able to catch him before any harm could come. Usually I dont encounter any trash unless they take shots at us losing the sonics. I dont hold this against the Cards fans as a whole, but its something that everyone has to deal with, especially coming into an opposing teams Stadium. People just need to understand that your in thier house, that shit happens, you gotta brush it off and be the bigger man/woman.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Los Angeles, CA
I always wonder why one would go to an away game anyway. You're asking for a verbal assault anytime you attend another stadium and wear your Hawks gear. And what if we lose? I was once offered free tickets to a Hawks games in NY against the Jets and respectively declined. We got spanked by 30 points that day if I remember. One of the better choices I ever made. Would have been miserable not only hearing it from the fans but also just seeing 60,000 fans in ecstasy over beating us down.


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Dec 31, 2012
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I attended the game as well, decked out in Hawks gear. We all marched in from the tailgate meetup through the parking lot w/ the 12 man flag raised high. That was amazing, just seeing all the Skins fans, looking at us like "wow, why cant we do that".

Some father had his 7/8 year old son talk trash to me/boo me when I was walking to the tailgate before the game. Before the game I didnt feel threatened, just booing and good spirited trash talking.

In the stadium the guy a few seats down kept talking trash, mainly saying "heeeeey 29", bla bla bla. I was wearing obviously a Thomas jersey. I think his friend finally moved him when I made a comment to all the Skins fans around me about he represents all of them and looks like an ass.

At halftime in the restroom (being one of the only Hawks fans in there) I was jeered ALOT. Lots of ALFRED MORRIS chants. Finally while I was handling my business at the stall they started talking heavy trash specifically to me (remind you the restroom is PACKED). One dude kept pushing me on my shoulder talking trash while I was pissing, then another Skins dude told him to "chill it, were not Philly fans". LOL

All in all, fairly good environment. Favorite moment was leaving, watching them sulk and be sad. Going down 14-0 was hard on us, they were all over us. But hey, the game is 4 quarters.

Go Hawks!


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Mar 3, 2007
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Get pushed in the pisser? You turn and confront that man... and fill his shoes with pee. Works great.


I went to the last Hawks/Texans game down here at Reliant a few years ago with my son. Believe it or not, we had ZERO issue with any Texans fans, and we were actually complimented on the jerseys we were wearing at the time. In fact, we were decked-out full-body and just short of face paint.

One dude in the stands near us actually bought us both a beer the moment the game was out of hand and the Texans were sure to win. A very cool gesture which I returned by removing my Hawks sideline hat and tossing it to him as a sign of good will (I own over 40 hawks hats). Surprisingly, he removed his Texans hat and installed the Hawks hat, then tossed me his Texans hat. Pretty much all of the folks sitting around us who saw it wanted to trade for my jersey, which I politely declined (a home Largent)

Reading all these posts talking about abuse at visiting stadiums has me scratching my head. I suppose folks down here are waaayyy more laid back than in other cities, and my heart goes out to those who have been abused.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
HoustonHawk82":3f3spd18 said:
I went to the last Hawks/Texans game down here at Reliant a few years ago with my son. Believe it or not, we had ZERO issue with any Texans fans, and we were actually complimented on the jerseys we were wearing at the time. In fact, we were decked-out full-body and just short of face paint.

One dude in the stands near us actually bought us both a beer the moment the game was out of hand and the Texans were sure to win. A very cool gesture which I returned by removing my Hawks sideline hat and tossing it to him as a sign of good will (I own over 40 hawks hats). Surprisingly, he removed his Texans hat and installed the Hawks hat, then tossed me his Texans hat. Pretty much all of the folks sitting around us who saw it wanted to trade for my jersey, which I politely declined (a home Largent)

Reading all these posts talking about abuse at visiting stadiums has me scratching my head. I suppose folks down here are waaayyy more laid back than in other cities, and my heart goes out to those who have been abused.
Yeah but this is the Texans' fanbase man. That place sounded like a morgue yesterday.


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Mar 7, 2010
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Monroeville, PA
kmedic":1l2xmw7q said:
I always wonder why one would go to an away game anyway. You're asking for a verbal assault anytime you attend another stadium and wear your Hawks gear.

Because I live over 2,000 miles from Seattle and would otherwise rarely get to see my team play in person. I have made it Seattle exactly once (and I was surrounded by Redskins fans for that one!).

The VAST majority of fans I encounter at game are perfectly pleasant or just give me some good-natured ribbing, which I return in kind. I cheer for my team, I don't use profanity or talk trash without serious provocation and I'm never drunk. I'm also a fairly large fellow and formerly looked somewhat physically intimidating to those who didn't know me well back in the day.

The worst thing that ever happened was that a guy tried to push me over a row of bleachers in Detroit in '96, and his girlfriend SERIOUSLY laid into him for that one. She apologized for his behavior when he would not.

Aside from that, a drunk guy in Cleveland stuck his middle finger about 6 inches from my face in Cleveland in '07. After a snappy comeback from me, security threw him out. We had some drunks in Indy in '97 make comments on my fiance's weight, which I turned around with comments on their intellect and breeding. It's great having a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent!

And yes, most of the games I have been to were losses; by my count I'm 6-10. It's part of the game. Face it, we just haven't been a great road team. Stuff happens, but that's the price you pay to represent. It's part of being True Blue when you live out here with the yinzers.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
Interesting conversation. I have been to many soccer games across Europe in very hostile situations. The difference is you sit as a group, you move across town and bars as a group and you don't walk alone in team gear....

Not sure if I would take my son or go myself to many cities in the away teams clothing. Everything is so black and white today you can't have a different political opinion without being an idiot, you can't cheer for the other team and be respected as a fan of the game - don't know if the upside is worth the downside. Maybe I got old :)


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May 30, 2009
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Kenmore, WA
A cousin's friend flew out to this game. In the 1st quarter a lady tried to punch him and she got evicted and after the Earl Thomas interception a couple fans pushed him and they got evicted. He didn't do anything but cheer for his team but in the end he said he was good since the hawks came out with the win!


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Dec 25, 2012
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Chandler, AZ
HawksFan83":2425jkhi said:
I go to the Cardinals game against the Hawks every season down here in AZ. A few seasons ago I took my cousin when he was 12 years old, we were sitting in the upper levels, and as we were walking to our seats, not saying a damn word to anyone, some drunk Cards fan (probably had a cowboys tattoo) got in my cousins face and shoved him down the stairs, lucky i was able to catch him before any harm could come. Usually I dont encounter any trash unless they take shots at us losing the sonics. I dont hold this against the Cards fans as a whole, but its something that everyone has to deal with, especially coming into an opposing teams Stadium. People just need to understand that your in thier house, that shit happens, you gotta brush it off and be the bigger man/woman.

Yeah as I have to live down here in Arizona and deal with their supporters, I can say that it isn't all of their fans. There are just a share of knuckleheads like in any fan base that act idiotic like that. Plus, they lived with being outnumbered by so many opposing away fans in sun devil stadium acting like arrogant fools for so long easily beating their Cardinals that it can get to people some times.

I don't care where I see the Seahawks be it up in Seattle or away from home in any stadium. I always try to act in a classy manner. Fun filled trash talking is part of the game but going over the top and getting physical over a game is idiotic.


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Oct 29, 2011
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I've never had anything but friendly ribbing at away games and I've never been concerned about my safety. However, I grew up in England and travelled extensively in the UK and Europe watching soccer and I can honestly say that I don't think I'll ever come close to the level of hostility I've seen at soccer matches in an NFL stadium.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
HawksFan83":8y9ue7dv said:
I go to the Cardinals game against the Hawks every season down here in AZ. A few seasons ago I took my cousin when he was 12 years old, we were sitting in the upper levels, and as we were walking to our seats, not saying a damn word to anyone, some drunk Cards fan (probably had a cowboys tattoo) got in my cousins face and shoved him down the stairs, lucky i was able to catch him before any harm could come. Usually I dont encounter any trash unless they take shots at us losing the sonics. I dont hold this against the Cards fans as a whole, but its something that everyone has to deal with, especially coming into an opposing teams Stadium. People just need to understand that your in thier house, that shit happens, you gotta brush it off and be the bigger man/woman.

I hope you had that person ejected. Trying to push someone down stairs is straight up assault.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Wow, I've been to one away game and that was at the Murph sitting in the home side at San Diego around '87 '88. Believe it or don't it was more congenial than the home Packers game sitting in visitors side this year :shock:


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Aug 4, 2011
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Well unfortunately, they all get lumped in to me.

I had the worst experience at FedEx field yesterday, I expected some ribbing, name calling, some good nature jabs... Not my wife being shoved repeatedly by the two people behind her, and half of a section making death threats, screaming like drunk retards who had no logical sense, several fans holding their drunk friends back because someone wants to try and hit me because Wilson just got a first down? Seriously? These are fellow human beings? It got worse in the third quarter as they fell behind, and then went away as they flooded out of the stadium in the 4th

Frankly I have no compassion left, I live in Virginia now and with these douche monkeys. Ill stay inside this week as I hope it rains feces and other nasty body purges onto Landover Maryland and surrounding areas.

Stay Classy DC... You fit right in with your politicians