Random thoughts on the Denver preseason game


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Spokane, Wa
kearly":198cm0nl said:
DavidSeven":198cm0nl said:
That being said, I thought Pryor's decision to throw that ball on the subsequent play was terrible. Threw it inside to a sea of orange jerseys. Accuracy wasn't too bad on the throw, but you're just asking for trouble by throwing it there in the first place.

On 3rd and goal with the game being on the line I am okay with it, especially since it should have been caught for a TD. Any throw when up against the sideline is going to be a white knuckle throw. I think in that situation with 4th down looming, if you see a chance for a game winner you take it.

I agree, the drop on the previous play was even worse, even if the throw was slightly off. I thought it was a good illustration of nerves and pressure determining clutch play.
he repl

Watching the replay, it appeared one of our guys was open crossing the same way as Pryor was scrambling. The receiver should of caught it anyway. Oh well. The qb with the worlds largest head has his REVENGE...


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King Dog":35f40v7g said:
My biggest disappointments were Scruggs and Mayowa. I've heard so much about them in the off-season regarding their weight gain, added muscle etc.... I built them up in my head more than I should have. Both look like depth at best to me after one preseason game.

This was mine as well. Really wanted to see Scruggs be a nasty, 310lb monster and it just didn't materialize. He seemed slow off the snap and didn't stand out against their backups.

The Radish

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Spokane, Wa.
I almost always agree with Kip but on Pryor I must disagree.

I think he's an also ran every time. The one thing I noticed was his rolling out exactly the same way every time and then clearly when he gets out by the sideline it becomes obvious he hasn't a frickin clue what he was/needs to do. It all looks like a surprise to him.

Easy for teams to defense him as he does everything the same every time. Its like "oh shit I have to run", then when he runs out of room to run he is screwed because he can't gain any yards running and didn't think to look for an open receiver before then.

He gets a D or less from me. Then as crummy as we played he pisses away the win with a crummy throw to a wide open receiver.



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Florence, Oregon
I'm going to agree to disagree and agree in some aspects of the game.

The Good:

Cassius Marsh - He's going to be a beast at defensive end. His ability to get off blocks and track the ball was extremely good, especially for a 260 lb guy that was being used as an interior lineman. Denver was getting some nice runs on the left side of our defense in the 2nd half, but they were shut down running to the right side of our defense and Marsh's ability to disrupt the backfield and control the LOS was a major reason for that. He exhibited a great first step, great ball tracking and got to the QB on a repeated basis as a DT. I want to see what he can do from the defensive end position and I'm not too worried about his broken tackle on Osweiler. Osweiler broke a few tackles, so he may be better at avoiding tackles and staying on his feet than some give him credit for.

AJ Jefferson - Where did this guy come from and is his ankle going to be a major setback? Outstanding performance from this kid. Either stuck on his man and didn't have the ball thrown his way or he gave enough space to bait the QB into a throw and closed on the ball to make the play. Love this kid's ability to locate the ball and close on it. Hope his ankle isn't a major setback. I want to see how he fares against starters.

Paul Richardson - Not worried that we didn't use him a lot as a deep threat in this game. We already know he's a deep threat. We needed to find out if he could run the routes and make the catches in the short to intermediate passing game. He did well at that and didn't have any drops. I now have a lot more confidence in his ability to play X or slot efficiently as an every down receiver.

Brock Coyle - Great instincts, great ball tracking skills, good speed and agility, and a good hitter. Also a factor on special teams. I'm comfortable with him as a backup, but I would like to see him improve on wrapping up and clamping down on the tackles a little more. Hits well, but he doesn't stick on some tackles because he doesn't get a good wrap. Not sure if it's technique or if it's just because he has short arms. Could be a little of both.

Bronson - Looks like a really solid between the tackle runner, but hands are obviously a concern and I'm skeptical of him as a pass blocker. Looked more explosive and quick than Ware, but looks smallish and the drop made me cringe. Ware looks less explosive, but I do like the fact that he seems to power between the tackles for positive yards when he carries the ball and he doesn't seem to go down easily off first contact. Shows decent balance, which is an area Michael and Turbin have been struggling with.


O-Line - The young guys have a lot of work to do. Denver's defense was getting in the backfield way too much, some due to missed assignments, some due to our young guys not being quick enough off the snap to get a good block on their man and getting physically beat. All in all - not horrible because it's about what I'd expect from a preseason offensive line, but these guys need to get quicker off the snap and develop better awareness of their assignments. Hate to indict a player, but Isles did not look like he belonged on the field... Sloppy, weak at the point of attack and he looks out of shape.

Turbin and Michael - Spent too much time trying to beat the defense to the outside and getting tackled at the LOS vs. running with balance, being physical and taking a crease for a 4-5 yard gain. Both of these guys need to develop better balance and be more willing to take the tough gains in the creases vs. trying to beat a defense to the outside with their speed. They both appear to shy away from contact vs. lowering their pad level and running between the blocks. Michael and Turbin both need to show more physicality or we're going to have a real hard decision when Lynch's contract comes up.

Jackson & Pryor - Not horrible, but I did see both of them throwing off their back foot too much for my liking and not stepping into their throws when they had the space to step into a throw. Just bad footwork inside the pocket in general. Also don't like seeing Pryor get as deep on the scramble as he does. Seems like he runs 10 yards backwards on the scramble before he starts running forward. He needs to shorten up how far he drops on the scramble and move more laterally, so he's not trying to make up 15 yards to get back to the LOS when he gets outside the pocket. I like the arm strength of our QBs and the deep ball accuracy, but both of these guys could be a lot better if they settle down and step into their throws more.


Tharold Simon - I can only shake my head... What were you thinking? Breno and Tate were integral players on this team, but they were also the two most penalized players on this team. They're no longer with the team. That should be something to consider before you do something boneheaded like taking a swipe at another player after the play is dead, regardless of what the player did or said. Keep your composure at all times.

Our backup Defensive line - Outside of Marsh, our backups on the D-Line were just uninspiring to me. They just didn't seem to get much push, disrupt the backfield or control the line of scrimmage that well. We seemed to lose gap control along the left side of our defensive line a lot, looked slow in pursuit, didn't close on the ball well. The play of our backup defensive line needs to get more explosive.

Secondary - minus Sherman, who wasn't targeted at all - our starting safeties and AJ Jefferson; Most of the guys in our secondary were giving up way too much cushion and they weren't closing on the ball well. They were allowing receivers to catch and weren't closing fast enough to prevent the receivers from gaining YAC. They weren't closing on the RBs and they weren't sticking on their tackles. Overall... Most of the young guys in our secondary really need to tighten up in coverage and do a better job of sticking on the wrap. The number of broken tackles and/or missed tackles was a bit concerning.

Tight Ends - When Cooper Helfet looks like the most explosive Tight End on our roster.... Ouch... I'm really hoping Miller and Willson kick it up a notch. They just didn't seem to create any separation on their routes and the run blocking seemed soft on the edges. I hope this was just a 1st preseason game type of deal where they're trying not to go all out and risk injuring themselves or we have problems at the TE position.


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kearly":1ao5b49f said:
The 33 yard extra points are an eyesore. What a stupid experiment. You know what the NFL didn't need? More games decided by things like extra points and officiating.

Why should any form of scoring be completely automatic? Either remove extra point kicks and make TDs worth 7, or move them back even farther, IMO. I think it'd be interesting if they were 45-yard attempts.


May 16, 2014
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Totally agree about the 33 yard extra points, I hope that goes away. Btw, did anybody see NFL Network's Red zone Toyota advertisements on the field? Atrocious!!

What are the Mariners feeding Dustin Ackley these days??

Coyle looked good but tonight showed just how much we miss Wagner, Irvin, Smith and even Toomer. I highly doubt Denver would've been able to run the ball as well if a few of those guys were healthy tonight.

Denver WR's were open a lot (especially D.Thomas) because the seahawks weren't playing as much press coverage as normal. Also, without Kam stalking the middle of the field, Denver WR's could roam around and get open without fear of getting destroyed.

With the exception of the fumble, I was happy with what I saw from Michael especially since he hadn't had any game action in almost a year. He was the most explosive looking of all the RB's tonight and made some nice catches out of the backfield. I was also curious about how is blocking would hold up and from all accounts he did fine in that area as well.

Really surprised you weren't happy with Marsh. Considering this was his first game as a rookie I thought he made some nice plays and stood out. Marsh is definitely undersized as a DT, but he's just not a DT he's a hybrid DE/DT like Bennett. I think Quinn is going to play him more at DE this year and he'll get better and better as the year goes on. He beat Denver's scrubs? Well, yeah it's preseason!

Britt wasn't a disaster because Von Miller wasn't suited up against him, if he was, we would've saw what happened to Carp a few years ago happen to Britt as well. Bailey got blown up by Ware pretty frequently, which was disappointing.

I was also disappointed in the 2nd string pass rush, especially Mayowa. Considering Scruggs is coming off major surgery and this was his first game back I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. What Adrian Peterson did a few years ago just isn't normal, people aren't supposed to dominate after a major surgery that quickly.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
kpak76":fnyhg5is said:
kearly":fnyhg5is said:
DavidSeven":fnyhg5is said:
That being said, I thought Pryor's decision to throw that ball on the subsequent play was terrible. Threw it inside to a sea of orange jerseys. Accuracy wasn't too bad on the throw, but you're just asking for trouble by throwing it there in the first place.

On 3rd and goal with the game being on the line I am okay with it, especially since it should have been caught for a TD. Any throw when up against the sideline is going to be a white knuckle throw. I think in that situation with 4th down looming, if you see a chance for a game winner you take it.

I agree, the drop on the previous play was even worse, even if the throw was slightly off. I thought it was a good illustration of nerves and pressure determining clutch play.

The last pass by TP was not an accurate throw. It was a little behind the reciever which gave the defender a chance to tip the pass. Then we all know what happened at the end. I personally think TP did enough stuff to warrant a roster spot and maybe we only go into the season with 5 WR's. TP added something that even RW cant add and thats game changing speed from the QB position. Like I mentioned on a previous thread, if for anything you can keep him for the scout team to simulate Kaep.

He cannot go to the practice team, and I would not keep him at the expense of a WR. He did not show me enough to warrant it, and he is an FA next year. I do not like him a tall, he also telegraphs his passes and take a while to get rid of the ball once he starts his motion. He is still a project that we really cannot afford to take the time with, when we have a franchise QB, and very good backup already.


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Irvine, California
To everyone who's overreacting: Pete Carroll: "We're surviving. We're surviving right now. We've got guys playing in the 2nd team that have been here like three days"


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Florence, Oregon
The Radish":1qymzo3b said:
I almost always agree with Kip but on Pryor I must disagree.

I think he's an also ran every time. The one thing I noticed was his rolling out exactly the same way every time and then clearly when he gets out by the sideline it becomes obvious he hasn't a frickin clue what he was/needs to do. It all looks like a surprise to him.

Easy for teams to defense him as he doesn't everything the same every time. Its like "oh shit I have to run", then when he runs out of room to run he is screwed because he can't gain any yards running and didn't think to look for an open receiver before then.

He gets a D or less from me. Then as crummy as we played he pisses away the win with a crummy throw to a wide open receiver.

I do agree that Pryor seems to quit looking downfield when he gets outside the pocket and he gets waaayyy to deep in the backfield when he starts to scramble. He has the physical ability to extend a play, but he doesn't have the awareness to take advantage of extending the play because he quits looking downfield. This may be due to lack of playbook knowledge or just a general tendency to shorten his vision to his immediate surrounding vs. being aware of the whole field when he scrambles. Love his arm, his accuracy and his physical ability, but he has to up his football IQ.

I have to disagree with the crummy throw to a wide open receiver. Lockette was far from wide open. Matter of fact... He was in double coverage on that last throw. The throw was a nice accurate throw that hit Lockette in the hands. The thing that's more discerning to me is the fact that Pryor made the throw at all. We had another down and Lockette was way covered... throw the ball away.

Attyla the Hawk

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Mar 11, 2013
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My quick thoughts:

1. Lots of tape on new guys in camp to chew on. Many of these guys have a chance to stick. I'm ok with putting them into the fire and looking bad, so long as we see improvement through the process. Against a very quality opponent starting virtually all of their starters and having an axe to grind to boot -- I felt like Seattle's 2nd teamers really weathered that adversity well.

2. Michael needs to keep his footing. It's not just on Denver's field. He falls down constantly at the VMAC too. He needs to learn how to widen his base like Lynch and keep his feet moving. It robs him of cutting ability (one of Marshawn's greatest assets) and his ability to keep his feet after contact for extra power yards.

3. Turbin does nothing for me. I want to really like him. But he just doesn't have it if he's counted on for a start.

4. I expect Coyle to supplant Farwell this year. Last year, it seemed we were going back and forth between cutting MRob and Farwell. I think this year we have depth capable of elevating to that backup MLB/ST role.

5. I didn't expect a win tonight. I just felt like Denver would be saltier and 'needed' this win more than we did. This seemed manifest in the number of starters participating for both teams.

6. So glad there were no injuries. As it is, I'd just rather Wilson not play in these games at all when we're putting 2nd string guys against other teams' starters. It's begging for trouble. Seattle's flippant attitude toward keeping Wilson off the turf is like watching your kid play with knives. He is 'almost' the franchise. I don't want us to have to realize just how much by trying to win without him.

7. I liked the WR/TE play. Even though Willson and Miller didn't produce much, they got open. That pass to Miller was just poor. Wilson was not accurate and put far too much pace on it. I think he'd concede that too. Allen made a nice adjustment to a seam pass thrown to the outside shoulder (nicely by Pryor). He is a guy I'm watching closely as he could be depth from nowhere that we like to cultivate.

The WR cuts are going to be tough I think. We look like we have 8 guys that could all safely make this club. Nine if Norwood is in play. If we lose some bodies, I think we'll be just fine. Some NFL teams are going to add some of the guys on our cut list to their active squads.

8. Kind of glad we got some sour result. Particularly this early. The team needs to purge some of the SB hangover. And doing so while collecting a good body of work on what to improve with our depth guys is a good way to do it. Add in the fact that we avoided injuries and I see this result as a success. I expect the next two games to be crisper. I hope to see more solid play from our depth guys.

The Radish

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Spokane, Wa.
firebee":3ad5qoe1 said:
The Radish":3ad5qoe1 said:
I almost always agree with Kip but on Pryor I must disagree.

I think he's an also ran every time. The one thing I noticed was his rolling out exactly the same way every time and then clearly when he gets out by the sideline it becomes obvious he hasn't a frickin clue what he was/needs to do. It all looks like a surprise to him.

Easy for teams to defense him as he doesn't everything the same every time. Its like "oh shit I have to run", then when he runs out of room to run he is screwed because he can't gain any yards running and didn't think to look for an open receiver before then.

He gets a D or less from me. Then as crummy as we played he pisses away the win with a crummy throw to a wide open receiver.

I do agree that Pryor seems to quit looking downfield when he gets outside the pocket and he gets waaayyy to deep in the backfield when he starts to scramble. He has the physical ability to extend a play, but he doesn't have the awareness to take advantage of extending the play because he quits looking downfield. This may be due to lack of playbook knowledge or just a general tendency to shorten his vision to his immediate surrounding vs. being aware of the whole field when he scrambles. Love his arm, his accuracy and his physical ability, but he has to up his football IQ.

I have to disagree with the crummy throw to a wide open receiver. Lockette was far from wide open. Matter of fact... He was in double coverage on that last throw. The throw was a nice accurate throw that hit Lockette in the hands. The thing that's more discerning to me is the fact that Pryor made the throw at all. We had another down and Lockette was way covered... throw the ball away.

Hey Bee. I was talking about the play before when he missed a wide open receiver.



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Apr 30, 2009
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Lake Tapps, WA
I took very little from that game. Other than you just can't expect results from a field of 2s and 3s. I rarely take anything from any preseason game.

It just looked like PC was trying to get everyone some snaps. It appears that Denver believes that playing physical is just getting a lot of penalties. I saw the replay with the Denver coverage. Pretty funny stuff in that JLynch was praising them for bullying the bully as if it meant something, when really there was just a lot of penalties.


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Laloosh":9hn8pii0 said:
King Dog":9hn8pii0 said:
My biggest disappointments were Scruggs and Mayowa. I've heard so much about them in the off-season regarding their weight gain, added muscle etc.... I built them up in my head more than I should have. Both look like depth at best to me after one preseason game.

This was mine as well. Really wanted to see Scruggs be a nasty, 310lb monster and it just didn't materialize. He seemed slow off the snap and didn't stand out against their backups.

I wanted to see more out of Scruggs, too, but I kept reminding myself that this was really his first game action in a year and a half. In hindsight, I think it would have been surprising to see him impress right out of the gate. I'm hoping he works himself back up to game speed and becomes a valuable part of the D-line rotation by Week 1.


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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
I think what I took away from the game was that our depth is still going to be pretty good and our rookies are as raw as expected. It seemed to me that many of Seattle's 2's played against Denver's 1's and held their own if didn't dominate, then our 3's against their 2's, and so on. Since we'll go "2" deep at every position (22 players x 2) with an extra 6 bonus players, I don't worry much about the 3 group. Most of them will be cut (though I'm sure they'll still be picked up by other teams.). Not that it isn't fun to have someone to get excited about. (Allen Bradford, anyone?)

Even then, I think they were told to work on a number of things whereas you got the feeling Denver just really really wanted to win. (Resorting to cheap shots and multiple drives with 'better' players to do so. I feel like Denver's focus on Seattle is really going to hurt them this year. I bet they lose their second game of the season since they'll be so concerned with Week 3 at Century Link.) This does hurt our evaluation, too, even as it leads to the next paragraph.

We have seen where our 2013 and 2014 players need to improve, which will help the coaching staff get them there. Player development of the raw material is huge, as has been our rallying cry for Caroll's excellence. We know too much what to expect, and it seems as if people believe backups will suddenly get there so that the entire team consists of Super Bowl starters rather than just quality depth.


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Nov 17, 2009
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Just like they said with the Arizona Cardinals beating us at home last year. It might actually be a blessing in disguise. This way we are to be more aware of them and be sure to beat them at home I believe in week 3 of the regular season. I would much rather lose to them in the preseason.


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Sep 16, 2012
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Me like:
1. Paul Richardson: He looks relaxed and ran some good routes.

2. Christine Michael: I take notice when he has the ball...and I'm sure Denver also noticed him more than Turbin. The chop block is a mental error. The fumble was a well-placed helmet. It feels like he is really jacked up because he didn't get any playing time last year. I expect him to get better with more regular season reps; mistakes are to be expected.

3. Kiero Small: He's a thumper. Hard-nosed lead blocks, I saw. Though DC also had a nice lead block on CM's long run in the redzone. Kiero vs DC is a tough choice for me. Too bad Kiero dropped that ball on the flat. To me, Kerio looks like a more natural fullback than DC.

4. Brock Coyle: Probably the guy who helped himself the most this game. Really good instincts.

Me no like:
1. Turbin: No comment.

2. ET3 returning punts.

3. Long extra points. Sigh.

4. All the laundry being thrown on passing plays is getting ridiculous.

5. Jeremy Lane taunting foul. Dude, take the advice your twitter name suggests, @StayingInMyLane.

6. Tharold Simon ejection. Really? Good luck making the roster without providing any gametape.

Me Hope:
1. Phil Bate's legs are ok. He took a awkward hit at the end of the end-around play. Oh yeah...and why are we calling end-arounds during preseason again?

2. AJ Jefferson has only a minor injury: Nice pick. Looks like his ankle got tweaked when he was tackled?

Marsh looks like Seth Rogen.

QnEcxvT7bNESTHtVJVSxnuh2pAf3BYA7LbvNtxEeEVf 0KHgBQ THdurO qvz59f1VwvHsUqno1cNxTF7wVyRskbUnCxc3 JErvRY


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Sep 18, 2011
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Vancouver, Wa
HunnyBadger":1uzmiqjb said:
3. Kiero Small: He's a thumper. Hard-nosed lead blocks, I saw. Though DC also had a nice lead block on CM's long run in the redzone. Kiero vs DC is a tough choice for me. Too bad Kiero dropped that ball on the flat. To me, Kerio looks like a more natural fullback than DC.

I really liked what I saw from him besides the drop, I hope this bowling ball sticks!


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Apr 11, 2010
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The Radish":2oiyxx2s said:
I almost always agree with Kip but on Pryor I must disagree.

I think he's an also ran every time. The one thing I noticed was his rolling out exactly the same way every time and then clearly when he gets out by the sideline it becomes obvious he hasn't a frickin clue what he was/needs to do. It all looks like a surprise to him.

Easy for teams to defense him as he does everything the same every time. Its like "oh shit I have to run", then when he runs out of room to run he is screwed because he can't gain any yards running and didn't think to look for an open receiver before then.

He gets a D or less from me. Then as crummy as we played he pisses away the win with a crummy throw to a wide open receiver.

LOL, so you're saying that you think that Wilson is a safe bet to keeping his job as the starting QB?
Pryor was indeed very predictable, and easy to herd, and normally that wouldn't have been much of a big deal, except it was Denver's 2nd teamers that were herding him out of making many decent plays.
Just needs to a bunch study on game film of himself, and start breaking a few bad habits.
It's pretty sad too, because he has all the tools and athleticism to be a pretty good Quarterback, not too sure that he has enough in the top drawer to get him to an acceptable level, even as a backup.


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Jul 31, 2011
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Not that it is a huge surprise, but Baldwin looked like he is really going to flourish in the Golden Tate role to me.