Props to the .NET veterans!


Active member
Apr 30, 2009
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Been around here since 2000 I think. That's what my name would indicate, and it has never changed. Started at the old .com board, I recall there was a bit of a rivalry between the two boards (myself and others would come over here and antagonize people) for a brief time. I've been banned a few times and have ruffled many feathers over the years with my reactionary, vulgar, combative and arrogant nature.

Being a Seahawks fan over a decade ago was a lonely experience. It was always nice to log on and talk with people who were just as fanatical about the team as you were.

There have been a lot of regulars at this board that have left, and a lot of Hawks fans I've encountered on the numerous boards I've posted at over the years that I have no idea what happened to them. I don't know of any of the other former .Com people remember this guy, I don't know if he ever posted here, but there was a poster named "Marty" who was so utterly relentlessly optimistic, no matter what, the guy even talked smack cheerfully. After every game, win or lose, the post always ended the same, "Still love my Hawks!" He was a perfect foil for my youthful fury. No idea what happened to him.

To all who've came and went and came again, enjoy this. Cheers.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Oroville CA.
chris98251":24lfijfo said:
Signed up on then Fanstop days, then the Scout days and then purgatory with the Rogue site in protest of Scout and then here.

So many freinds and great people have come and gone over the years, but so many still here and passionette.

I won't say we are owed anything, but for all of you that have been waiting and saddle up to your computer to check out whats going on at .Net over the many years, thanks for being here to lesson the heartache on bad days, and share the elation on good days.

I pray for a game that allows the Seattle Seahawks to play their game, if they can we will all be having the biggest damn group internet hug and high fives on record!
Joined in 04 if I remember right, went threw a divorce had no access for a while 3 years ago but I am back


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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Dallas, Tejas
05??? cant remember now. Met the hippy from the Valley and the wunderkid future pro scout for a game once in B'ham. Good times, good people.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Seahawk2k was a real pain in the ass for rivals back in the .COM days, and some of our own fans as well, you didn't bring uneducated or unresearched comments near or around him without being called on it, the smack shack would be considered a Religous Sanctuary compared to the early days.


New member
May 8, 2009
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The Radish":3lacdauo said:
I just joined last week,,,,,,,wait.........

I think the one many of you have forgotten was the Fanstop sites every NFL team had. That's how I found this place and boy did we bash in those days. Then Todd started this thing, which became Seahawks98 and the band played on.

Whatsyurprob was the guy that kept screaming "there is no such thing as a Seahawk!", and Ravenhawk and yours truly were the ones that kept him screaming. lol

I used my name for a long time, then a long ago posters said "now don't get pithy leth" and a new username was born. I was Pithy Radish for many years. Then when we left the outlaw site, left Scout, and came home again I went to just The Radish. They guy that made that comment to me was Walrus4 none other than Trent Dilfer's Father in law who later became Schoolmarn and then left us completely.

Probably about my best friends from this site are Hawkstorian and Buckethead.(tho Todd, Mark, Matt and many others are right up there) Both class acts. Hawkstorian makes a point to keep in touch with me on a regular basis. And a newer fan morgulon1 has become a good friend, he even came to the hospital and sat with us waiting for surgery results.

By the way how many of you know what a Pithy Radish actually is without using your goggles?

I miss many of the old gang, one of the ones I miss the most is Kitsapguy, Bruce I know you are around and you are missed. It had been so long since I'd seen him I didn't recognize him at Temple Billiards one of our last games. Boy was I embarrassed at that and we spent a couple of hours together and I truly enjoyed them. And Barbraann, Secret Sqirrel (Dave I think of you every morning when I go with peanuts for our own squirrels. Newer posters like FalconGoggles & his wife who has shared their lives with me from the last few years in his ongoing Air Force Career. Lets hope I can see him make Wing Commander at least.

Kidhawk & I were both friends with Cheinhill/ibchawk, he was really a great guy. Some of the people that came to our Seahawks Training Camp partys are still around. It was great to see the KixKahns at the Swinging Doors. I am working on a once a year thing for the Spokane members, I hope we can get that together for more people next fall.

Its been a long and wonderful ride. Now retired and with foot problems so I can barely walk around a store this place is kind of a lifeline for me. Last winter I got to meet Anguish and hope to get to meet him again someday. The ones of you I've met face to face I say thank you it was great. The ones I've only met behind the keyboards I say thank you it was great.

I am really dazzled and pleased with the numbers of women we are gaining. Knowledgeable fans like KCHawkgirl, TalonHawk, and that sis gal from USC (lol sorry Deb) only make our site stronger. There are many new ones coming on board like that BlitzenBird who has a gal pal she is getting registered.

Its me that should be thanking you. And how many of you actually have an emoticon named after you? I have no idea who did that, but thank you.

And no Andrea, I most certainly am not forgetting our best looking Seahawkgal. :th2thumbs:



Raider JON you little weasel,,,you still owe me a sponge bath. (Kitsapguy will back me up on this)

Isn't a pithy radish a turnip that spent too must time in the sun? My god, been here so long I forget. Sorry you are now a gimpy OLD COOT Les.


Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
This has been my favorite website since 2001. I started out just posting on the old .NET poll message board. Took me about a year to switch over to the main forum.

I'm addicted and I love you guys.

Go Hawks!