Poll- Pete Carroll: Great motivator, great coach, both?

Poll- Pete Carroll: Great motivator, great coach, both?

  • Great motivator

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Great coach

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Great motivator and great coach

    Votes: 49 62.8%

  • Total voters


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Aug 16, 2009
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To me this tough because I certainly think he's a great motivator and he's done tremendous things with this team but his x's and o's is what I question. Also his devotion to not make changes on his coaches when they clearly are underperforming is a head scratcher.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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seabowl":hwuta1cd said:
To me this tough because I certainly think he's a great motivator and he's done tremendous things with this team but his x's and o's is what I question. Also his devotion to not make changes on his coaches when they clearly are underperforming is a head scratcher.

A lot of coaches are loyal... right or wrong. It's because of some other coaches loyalty they are where they are.

Also... it's not easy to just fire and replace coordinators. And if you do it, you're taking a tremendous risk it implodes.

Not suggesting it shouldn't be done, it's just not as easy as some want to believe.


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Jan 6, 2014
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If he wasn't a great motivator he'd be one of the worst coaches in the NFL. Come at me, what ever, but it's true.

Does he call plays at all? I'm not sure? We have an O and D coordinator and I've never heard about Carroll being in charge of calling either.

His decision making is awful and his clock management is even worse. Look at Belichick, part of what makes him so great other than cheating is he's fantastic at clock management. He will not waste time taking timeouts immediately and if he has the ball with 1 minute left in the first half he will be aggressive like he should and score points instead of just being fine with going in to a half.

He also has no backbone as far as holding players and coaches accountable. He is all rah rah but will never have the courage to bench a player or getting in there face, never ever seen him go after a player he is too afraid of an argument. He's the main reason the LOB got away from him and blew up the locker room, he didn't control it.


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Jan 6, 2014
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I want to give an example of clock management. If a team is at our 15 yard line with 1:30 left in the half and all our time outs left he will let the other teams run plays and run the clock till they score however that may be and we will just go in to the half.

What he should be doing is burning his time outs, at least 2 of them(good to save 1) while the other team is the on the field. After change of possession the Seahawks will have 1:10 with maybe 1 time out left. That is plenty of time to go down and score a FG or maybe a TD if the team has enough urgency. It doesn't matter if we are tied or up by 21, you play aggressive and try to squeeze out more points when the other team gives you a chance. He's way too complacent.


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May 1, 2009
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calinator":19ihxv96 said:
If he wasn't a great motivator he'd be one of the worst coaches in the NFL. Come at me, what ever, but it's true.

Does he call plays at all? I'm not sure? We have an O and D coordinator and I've never heard about Carroll being in charge of calling either.

His decision making is awful and his clock management is even worse. Look at Belichick, part of what makes him so great other than cheating is he's fantastic at clock management. He will not waste time taking timeouts immediately and if he has the ball with 1 minute left in the first half he will be aggressive like he should and score points instead of just being fine with going in to a half.

He also has no backbone as far as holding players and coaches accountable. He is all rah rah but will never have the courage to bench a player or getting in there face, never ever seen him go after a player he is too afraid of an argument. He's the main reason the LOB got away from him and blew up the locker room, he didn't control it.
Without Pete there is no LOB by the way. I find it interesting that you want to take out the motivating the players part in order to say he sucks. Isn't motivating the players the most important part? Are there areas he could improve? Sure.
8 Winning seasons in a row and people want him gone - I just don't get it.


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Jan 6, 2014
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iigakusei":2qoxyo1a said:
calinator":2qoxyo1a said:
If he wasn't a great motivator he'd be one of the worst coaches in the NFL. Come at me, what ever, but it's true.

Does he call plays at all? I'm not sure? We have an O and D coordinator and I've never heard about Carroll being in charge of calling either.

His decision making is awful and his clock management is even worse. Look at Belichick, part of what makes him so great other than cheating is he's fantastic at clock management. He will not waste time taking timeouts immediately and if he has the ball with 1 minute left in the first half he will be aggressive like he should and score points instead of just being fine with going in to a half.

He also has no backbone as far as holding players and coaches accountable. He is all rah rah but will never have the courage to bench a player or getting in there face, never ever seen him go after a player he is too afraid of an argument. He's the main reason the LOB got away from him and blew up the locker room, he didn't control it.
Without Pete there is no LOB by the way. I find it interesting that you want to take out the motivating the players part in order to say he sucks. Isn't motivating the players the most important part? Are there areas he could improve? Sure.
8 Winning seasons in a row and people want him gone - I just don't get it.

Over all he's good because of the motivating and getting his team pumped. It outweighs his other deficiencies but they are infuriating. He brought the LOB together and players like Baldwin but he's not the GM and this topic isn't about signing players it's about coaching and by the way the players we've brought in recently since his head start have been abysmal at least the drafting.

Every time I get pissed at the tv because he makes a bad decision I have to remind myself he's good because he is a great motivator. It's just frustrating because his problems are easy to fix. He needs someone by his side to help him with things like clock management.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I've been criticizing Pete's X's and O's and schemes for 4-5 years now, so no for me he's strictly just a great motivator and elite organizational manager/president. No one can deny Pete's processes and the way he goes about running a football team. One of the greatest of all time on that front.

But coach on the field? No, not for a while now. IMO he could help his cause by giving up more control to his coordinators and Russell for the gameplanning and on field situational playcalling..............which IMO is where Pete has issues.


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Nov 5, 2017
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Great motivator, good coach. He was once great but the rules of the game have changed and his philosophy has not.


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2011
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BOTH, obviously. You don't accidentally win games in the NFL.


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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I want some of the detractors to ponder on this for awhile....Pete Carroll gets the Seahawks their FIRST EVER Lombardi, and goes back the following year to challenge Billycheat & the Patriots for another WITH CABLE & BEVELL ON BOARD!!
Yes he had one of the best Defenses in NFL history (an outstanding group that he and John Schneider put together ), and Marshawn Lynch ( another Pete Carroll & John Schneider gig ).
He & John went out on a limb and Drafted a TOO SHORT for the NFL Russell Wilson, which in turn, opened the floodgates for other QBs that likely never would have had been given a chance to prove that they can excel.
After the Coaches in the rest of the League (that were reluctant to take the chance) that Big Balls Pete & John did, some lost their jobs the following year.
LOB--> GONE, ...….Bennett --> GONE,...…Marshawn Lynch --> GONE, AND YET, Pete keeps winning...EVEN IN OBVIOUS REBUILDING MODE !!!
He's a damned good, , no -> GREAT<-Head Coach.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
He might frustrate me, but the results speak for themselves. But I guess if you ever criticize anything about him, you're a "hater"
He's a damn good coach, I just feel like he should adjust a little more and not be so stubborn. He's not the only coach who is set in his ways, and it IS ok to criticize a coach. Shoot, he criticizes HIMSELF often.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Great Organizer of a team, great motivator, great teacher, good schemer, situationally on game day he lacks through thought and can be knee jerk, challenge flags and icing kickers or some situational play calls he dictates.


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Nov 21, 2016
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calinator":3tte9mva said:
He also has no backbone as far as holding players and coaches accountable. He is all rah rah but will never have the courage to bench a player or getting in there face, never ever seen him go after a player he is too afraid of an argument. He's the main reason the LOB got away from him and blew up the locker room, he didn't control it.

I would submit the exact opposite, that he has tremendous backbone because he will not throw his guys under the bus -- unlike some weak coaches who will try and shift blame to others to spare themselves. They are the real cowards.

His style is never ever going to be to get into players' faces. That's just not who Pete is, and it never will be. He is true to his philosophy, being upbeat and encouraging. Suggesting he change that is simply absurd. It's like telling him to change his DNA.

That said, he is human, and will lose his temper once in a while -- but not at his crew. His interaction with Mike Bellotti years ago was classic, worth another view...



Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
No need for me to overthink this. He's both. That doesn't mean he's exempt of criticism...There has yet to be a Seahawks HC I haven't criticized and PC is certainly not exempt, but looking at the entire picture?

Yep, both.


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Nov 21, 2016
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FlyingGreg":1c5jt3pa said:
Chukarhawk":1c5jt3pa said:
BOTH, obviously. You don't accidentally win games in the NFL.

Or does the TALENT win them?

The Cleveland Browns are loaded with talent and they're 2-5. Their HC is unqualified. Do the math.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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I think Carroll is a decent motivator with the youngest players ...college age players... that's what he did best... a college coach. The older vets ; especially players that come in through trades etc. ; I don't think the rah-rah crap works with them. I feel that with the insane money these players make that they need a hard-ass HC ; that won't hesitate to get in their grills or bench them or send them down the road . There is no fear factor with Carroll .


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
You have no idea what goes on in that locker room and/or what the players truly think about Pete.
They respect him, and it's obvious. The ones who didn't...….magically got shipped off.
Players historically LOVE playing for Pete. You don't have to scream in a guy's face to get your point across. It's 2019, not 1975. He allows players to be who they are, in fact he embraces it. Not many coaches do that. It has worked for him for DECADES, College AND in the NFL. And if you actually think that he doesn't lay down the law when it's needed, you're sadly mistaken.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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xray":26oag6ij said:
I think Carroll is a decent motivator with the youngest players ...college age players... that's what he did best... a college coach. The older vets ; especially players that come in through trades etc. ; I don't think the rah-rah crap works with them. I feel that with the insane money these players make that they need a hard-ass HC ; that won't hesitate to get in their grills or bench them or send them down the road . There is no fear factor with Carroll .

There's more than one way to win, as Pete's shown over the past 30 years of winning SB's and college national championships.

It's an antiquated and archaic opinion to think the only way to coach football anymore is being a Bill Parcells type that uses fear and negative reinforcement to get the best out of your players.

btw, the reason we get guys like Clowney to come here is EXACTLY because of the player friendly culture and environment that Pete has built here. It's why most trade rumors involve Seattle, the entire league has taken notice that this is a great place to play.