Kristjan Sokoli moving to guard


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I strongly suspect that Glowinski is being groomed for Sweezy's job in 2016. But it's good to know that he's getting some looks at tackle.


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SmokinHawk":l82h0g9v said:
Something tells me the Hawks won't be able to get this guy stashed on the practice squad. I expect him to be one of the 9-10 linemen we keep.
If Soloki makes the PS, imo, there's no way that another team is going to sign him to their 53-man roster.

He's a major project... only we do such things.


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kearly":2tz1euol said:
I always thought it was a lot to ask of a foreign born defensive tackle with zero OL experience to convert to center immediately. Guard is much more reasonable, and as was pointed out already, the team started Unger at guard before switching him back to center later.

This now means that Seattle basically drafted 3 guards this year. But whatever, it wasn't like Seattle banked on going 3/3 with those picks anyway, so I don't see much harm in overloading one spot.

That's my take on this move as well. I couldn't agree more.


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Could this mean they aren't happy with Poole? I haven't heard anything about him since the draft, maybe the Hawks rather have Sokoli on the roster as the back up LG than Poole?

As a Center he was 100% guaranteed to not make the roster, he was fourth in line and didn't show promise of moving up anytime soon. In my book this looks like a smart move.


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SmokinHawk":26nb3nau said:
Something tells me the Hawks won't be able to get this guy stashed on the practice squad. I expect him to be one of the 9-10 linemen we keep.

I think he's a perfect candidate for the PS. Any team taking him would have to believe he can contribute. He isn't going to play in 2015. Ideal to get him on the PS and work on his craft.

Attyla the Hawk

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kearly":j0utpjai said:
I strongly suspect that Glowinski is being groomed for Sweezy's job in 2016. But it's good to know that he's getting some looks at tackle.

I saw him exactly for this purpose (possible Sweezy successor) before the draft. I didn't expect we'd be able to resign both Bailey and Sweezy next year -- assuming we'd resign Wilson and Wagner. With the deals they got now, I definitely believe we'll lose one next year to FA.

I also agree, that putting Sokoli at both C and LG makes sense. Short term, seems he'd be better suited at G, since there is a lot required of the OC mentally. Things that only experience will really allow him to thrive with.

Like all our interior OL, we have them compete at multiple positions. Never thought he'd be immune to that. I would fully expect him to be a project level prospect and understanding how he fits from the versatility aspect is going to be crucial in evaluating how he stacks up with all of our guys (active and projects).


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Vancouver, WA
I wouldn't put too much into this. He may very well move back to the center position at some point and maybe even this TC. Going from DL to OL is difficult, but DL to C with no experience is enormously difficult. He's probably not going to challenge the other 3 this year, but in the mean time you get him a lot of reps and give him a shot to compete at G.

Be reasonable. It's not always one extreme or the other. It's almost always NOT that way, actually.


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Vancouver, WA
kearly":3cmdyrow said:
I always thought it was a lot to ask of a foreign born defensive tackle with zero OL experience to convert to center immediately. Guard is much more reasonable, and as was pointed out already, the team started Unger at guard before switching him back to center later.

This now means that Seattle basically drafted 3 guards this year. But whatever, it wasn't like Seattle banked on going 3/3 with those picks anyway, so I don't see much harm in overloading one spot.
lol. There's that word....reasonable.


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Jul 21, 2011
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I kind of look at Sweezy and Sokoli as very similar pieces. Not just from the switch of positions standpoint, but their size and abilities, too. I hope they aren't looking at Sok as a replacement, but more as a bookend so to speak. Almost identical size, extremely quick and fast, very strong with a bit of attitude mixed in. I've always loved having OL who brought a bit of nasty to the offense and it would seem that scheme wise, it is ideal to have identical parts on each side of the line in order to avoid habits in play calling. Maybe someone with more OL knowledge could elaborate on that a little.

Count me as one who is glad to see Sok move, at least for the time being. Maybe this allows Glowinski to slide to C in the future.


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Two words... Tom Cable... enough said :thirishdrinkers:


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grizbob":375ysvjf said:
Two words... Tom Cable... enough said :thirishdrinkers:
Tom Cable hasn't really improved our offensive line.

If anything Cable is the Bevell of offensive line coaches


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bjornanderson21":tgh9ex0e said:
grizbob":tgh9ex0e said:
Two words... Tom Cable... enough said :thirishdrinkers:
Tom Cable hasn't really improved our offensive line.

If anything Cable is the Bevell of offensive line coaches

Calling BS, it's my opinion if we didn't have Cable and his plug and play philosophy we wouldn't have a Super Bowl under our belt or a 2nd shot at it. :17:


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Jul 21, 2011
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bjornanderson21":16i87f7c said:
grizbob":16i87f7c said:
Two words... Tom Cable... enough said :thirishdrinkers:
Tom Cable hasn't really improved our offensive line.

If anything Cable is the Bevell of offensive line coaches



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Apr 17, 2012
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bjornanderson21":1aut36hk said:
grizbob":1aut36hk said:
Two words... Tom Cable... enough said :thirishdrinkers:
Tom Cable hasn't really improved our offensive line.

If anything Cable is the Bevell of offensive line coaches

While I find I agree with you on a number of things, I think you're looking at the wrong things on this one.
Cable has had to try to make chicken salad out of chicken poop, and he's damn near done it.


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Sep 17, 2009
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How does Cable escape significant blame for our O-line troubles? It has consistently been the teams weak point since he has been here and it's not like we haven't invested capital in it. Okung (prior to Cable draft) and Carp first rounders, Unger and Britt 2nd rounders, Moffit 3rd round, and then quite a few later round guys that I think it's fair to assume Cable had a ton of input on picking. He also almost certainly had a huge amount of input in bringing in Gallery who was a big contract bust.

Maybe I'm just not that aware of the rest of the league, but do most teams invest more in the O-line than the Seahawks? My first thought is no. I think Cable has had at least an average amount of resources to build this line and frankly, it hasn't been good yet. And I'm aware that sometimes Wilson makes their job more difficult, but most of the time it's them making his job more difficult imo. As far as the run game, they've been maybe a tad above average run blockers, but barely. Lynch breaking so many tackles behind or at the line of scrimmage has really masked a ton of missed assignments.


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Feb 5, 2015
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bjornanderson21":17rnpez2 said:
grizbob":17rnpez2 said:
Two words... Tom Cable... enough said :thirishdrinkers:
Tom Cable hasn't really improved our offensive line.

If anything Cable is the Bevell of offensive line coaches
And together, Bev and Cable form an innovative team that has helped the Hawks reach the last two Super Bowls. I want to see these two working together for a very long time.

Ad Hawk

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Sep 6, 2011
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Siouxhawk":2xmfx93y said:
bjornanderson21":2xmfx93y said:
grizbob":2xmfx93y said:
Two words... Tom Cable... enough said :thirishdrinkers:
Tom Cable hasn't really improved our offensive line.

If anything Cable is the Bevell of offensive line coaches
And together, Bev and Cable form an innovative team that has helped the Hawks reach the last two Super Bowls. I want to see these two working together for a very long time.


Pete knows what he wants in coordinators and he's got them. All the "grass is greener" moaning around here is quite pathetic. To this point, nobody has suggested who would actually be a better fit in Pete's system.

Attyla the Hawk

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Mar 11, 2013
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BlueOne":2ntut8hl said:
How does Cable escape significant blame for our O-line troubles? It has consistently been the teams weak point since he has been here and it's not like we haven't invested capital in it.

BlueOne":2ntut8hl said:
Maybe I'm just not that aware of the rest of the league, but do most teams invest more in the O-line than the Seahawks? My first thought is no.

I'll start with the salary paid perspective:

Seattle ranks 31st in salary paid to it's offensive line in the NFL. The bottom 6 are:

32: Det 12.5m
31: Sea 14.3m
30: Buf 17.1m
29: KC 17.8m
28: TB: 19.2m
27: Chi: 19.9m

Those are the only teams that pay under 20m on their OL position group. Obviously Seattle is WAY under the norm, and if they replace Okung, they'll be 32nd next year at roughly HALF the combined salary of the 31st team in OL pay.

Obviously we haven't used UFA at all to spike the position group, except to sign street free agents (Gallery, Giacomini, Winston etc.)

That leaves the draft. Since 2011 I'll limit to the top 4 rounds. I'll just include the top 6, since they should be rookie laden.

Buf: 1st (0), 2nd (2), 3rd (1), 4th (1)
Chi: 1st (2), 2nd (0), 3rd (1), 4th (0)
Det: 1st (2), 2nd (0), 3rd (2), 4th (0)
KC: 1st (1), 2nd (3), 3rd (1), 4th (0)
Sea: 1st (1), 2nd (1), 3rd (1), 4th (2)
TB: 1st (0), 2nd (1), 3rd (0), 4th (0)

Really TB stands out here. We selected 5 total picks in the Cable era. Tying for most. Buffalo has spent roughly the same capital if one were to use 'the chart' Detroit and Chicago spent WAY more in capital than Seattle despite having one fewer selection in this range.

TB has entirely neglected it's OL although that's partially due to the fact they used UFA to add talent and are just this year getting out from under some mega deal whiffs.

Honestly, if we use either actual cash, or weighted draft position by use of the chart -- Seattle has barely invested in the line at all relative to the league. And whatever investments we've made by draft have basically been allowed to walk out the door. Even going forward, it's pretty easy to see that Seattle will be in the bottom 3 of salary committed to the position group for the next couple years at least. Since it's very possible both Okung and Sweezy are each allowed to depart for cap reasons.

I'd also point out the obvious, that the 2011 draft skews our outward understanding of Seattle having invested in the OL. But what is most often forgotten, is in that offseason, Seattle was horribly depleted in the OL group. Not even having enough camp bodies to fill our 9 man final roster. We were obliged to dip heavy into the OL pool out of sheer necessity -- without the ability to bolster the unit with UFA journeymen since we were in a cap cutting rebuild.

On the other hand, we don't know the immediate scenarios by which all other teams selected their OL early either. Ultimately, Seattle definitely hasn't invested in OL by way of Salary. And of those least invested teams -- Seattle is fairly significantly behind all but two of them in terms of draft investment. Those other two generally are annual locks for top 5 overall picks.

Seattle is currently competing for championships, while doing so with an investment level in the OL that is amongst the dregs and mediocre of the league. The reality is, Seattle is financing all of these big second deals to impact players elsewhere on the team on the backs of Cable's labors. And that reliance on turning draft day turds into gold is going to steepen over the next two years. His work is absolutely essential to the current model for our roster.

I can easily see Seattle getting down into the 9m to 12m range for the entire OL group in terms of salary for 2016.

Lords of Scythia

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Sep 19, 2011
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Cable scouted Sweezy as defensive player, then got him in the 7th round and converted him into a stalwart starter. That's an effective move-up of two or three rounds to get that value. Now he's doing it with Nowak and Sokoli. These guys could potientially be great in the ZBS, and we're getting them with low picks. COACH CABLE'S A FUGGIN GENIUS, YA'LL.

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