KJ Wright on the Circle of Life & becoming Best We Can Be


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Mar 3, 2007
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“It’s just fun to re-start something and just rebuild with new guys,” Wright told reporters. “For me to be in a position to show my leadership abilities, to show the guys how to play the game, because there’s a lot of guys that haven’t played a lot of football. For me to be in the position I have, going on eight years, it feels good to share my knowledge, share my experience, my scars with these guys. So me and Bobby (Wagner) are just running the show, showing guys how it’s supposed to be done and just keeping the standard going.”

Wright is the senior-most player in the group of 11 linebackers currently on the roster. Asked if it’s awkward to coach up younger talent knowing they’ll eventually push for his starting role, Wright said he embraces the role of teacher.

“I’m gonna share everything that I’ve got,” Wright said. “It’s the circle of life.”



Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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In the past, there were some who objected to extending KJ Wright out of fear that there wouldn't be enough cap room to extend what were perceived to be more valued players in the mind of those who objected. I think the tweet below is a reminder that there is more to a player's value than what we fans are exposed to distant visual and audio impressions from a very limited sample of games. It's wise for those of us on the outside looking in to appreciate that the reasons for KJ's past contract extension is as big and important as ever.


Carroll's actual praise of KJ can be found in the Pete Carroll archived interview. What is of value here, for those interested, is to hear what Pete Carroll's program is about in the words of a player. The KJ interview posted above provides some pretty good insight into that from the perspective of a valued player and leader.

EDIT: Today is a special day to acknowledge the efforts of all fathers who strive to help their sons and daughters become the very best they can become. I wish each and every one of you all the very best in your endeavor.