I think I figured out what's wrong.


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Nov 19, 2015
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New players on offensive line learning the position and learning to play as a cohesive unit at the same time.
A line that can't figure out who to block.
A line that doesn't have the physical ability to block if they figure out who to block.
A line that resorts to holding because of issues.
A quarterback with no time to throw who has issues seeing over offensive line.
A quarterback that is getting sacked at a record rate.
A quarterback who rarely throws to a receiver that isn't wide open unless it's downfield.
A tight end that is being used uncreatively and is often double covered.
A tight end that is learning to block.
A running back that has lost a step and is getting to the point of no return for backs (29-30)
An even older running back as his backup and 3rd down back.
A fast but inexperienced rookie running back.
An excellent #2 wide receiver who is playing as a #1.
Some inexperienced fast wide receivers who are short.
Some experienced wide receivers who aren't that good.
A defensive line that lost its best run stoppers over years (Bryant, Clemons)
A defensive lineman that jumps offsides every other play.
A defense that commits stupid penalties.
A defensive line that Isnt generating as good of a pass rush with just 4 as years past requiring extra defenders taken out of covering receivers to blitz.
A defensive tackle and linebacker constantly complaining about getting paid.
A safety and heart of defense holding out.
A corner who has lost a step who was never a blazer to begin with.
A rent a corner on the other side.
A free safety with a hurt shoulder.
A lack of depth on defense.
A new defensive coordinator who's job is to keep doing what we were doing.
Running simple offensive and defensive schemes that the rest of the league has figured out.
Having a why fix it if we've gotten to the Super Bowl mantra.
Trading away 1st round picks for players that are not worth it.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2012
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That is your first post? Welcome to .Net. People have very little time to read long posts. I am sure you are frustrated as a fan for Seahawks not winning as much. I dont think the problem is on the long list of things you mentioned. We have had some of these problems every year, this year it bled more into the season than last.


New member
Jul 8, 2015
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Wow, I guess that list just about sums it up, doesn't it....lol


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May 1, 2009
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You all wanted Unger and Carpenter gone. You got what you wanted.


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Dec 30, 2010
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MontanaHawk05":2wa4ainv said:
You all wanted Unger and Carpenter gone. You got what you wanted.

Players too good to let go, not good enough to pay. It's a conundrum of roster management and that the OL was the proverbial whipping boy for this idea is showing.

It's also appalling that there is a collective longing for previous incarnations of this Oline when at the time, there was a longing for a line even half as good as 2005.


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Nov 16, 2015
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A well thought out first post, and most issues I would agree with. Keep in mind though, many of those issues were present when we went to back to back SB's. So those at least I'd put off the list for now and focus on what has changed this year. I'd personally start with Oline and #2 DB and I believe many of the other issues will magically no longer be a concern. From there I believe they need to address locker room differences and weed out those that are no longer all in. If I had to choose one coach to upgrade it would be Cable 1 and Bevell 2, but IMO they are damn close because even with a new O coordinator he will be limited doing what Pete wants them doing.

Northern Hawk

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Nov 19, 2015
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IMO the issue for this team is much simpler than people think. Going to the super bowl takes a lot out of players mentally and physically. Add that with the fact that they went to 2 straight and the way they lost it last year not to mention it was a fight to get back there with the comeback they had to make late last year. This is a team that is just drained. Not to mention it seems to me that Lynch's rumblings of retirement may have pushed the FO to think about transitioning this team into a passing offense. I don't think this is a sky is falling situation so much as a transition. They'll be back


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Dec 10, 2009
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Welcome to .net.

I will say, the thing I like about this post is that it points out the MANY issues surrounding this team. I think too often we want to point our finger to ONE and ONLY ONE issue with the team and that, often times, is not the case.

I think the superbowl hangover excuse and the "players get paid" thing need to slide into the sewer drain where they belong. Look, this is a business. Players get paid all the time, including endorsement deals. Do they then go in the tank? I would argue rarely. For every Albert Hainsworth there is probably 100 other instances of players working hard to get back to the big game.

Our O Coordinator needs to work to get plays on the field suited to situation and play to the strength of the players on the field at the time. With that said, at the end of the day, it's the players on the field that have to punt, pass, kick, catch, in order to get the job done and that's just not happening right now. You want to point to the problem, look no further than the 53 on the field. I think there's not one player that is without blame (outside of Avril, Bennett, KJ Wright, and Haushka).