I cried for Pete and my wife is mad


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Jul 22, 2013
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Surfing somewhere
It is not BS. We were together for 7 years and she broke up with me while my twin sister was on her deathbed, 2 days before she passed away, because I was crying and couldn't compose myself. She then became a multimillionaire a few years later and got herself a younger man. No part of my story is made up.

"I'm guessing you're single."
Yes I am single. I haven't been with another woman since the last one broke up with me for crying about my dying sister.
If that's really the reason she left you you're better off without her.


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May 15, 2023
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Depends what you're crying about. If you're crying over something truly vulnerable and she loves you, she may love you even more because you are in touch with your emotions and you've shown her that you can be vulnerable with her. Toxic Masculinity attracts Toxic Females that prove each others narratives correct.
This is false. This is the kind of BS poison that was given to young men.
Women do not want men who are in touch with their emotions. Women often say what they think society wants them to say, and society wants them to say that it is good for men to be in touch with their emotions, but that is not how women *actually* feel. It is a huge turnoff for them to see a man acting emotionally. Subconsciously they reach the conclusion that when *they* are acting emotionally the man won't be able to lead by acting rationally. Women want to be the only ones acting emotionally.

Never cry in front of your woman.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2023
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This is false. This is the kind of BS poison that was given to young men.
Women do not want men who are in touch with their emotions. Women often say what they think society wants them to say, and society wants them to say that it is good for men to be in touch with their emotions, but that is not how women *actually* feel. It is a huge turnoff for them to see a man acting emotionally. Subconsciously they reach the conclusion that when *they* are acting emotionally the man won't be able to lead by acting rationally. Women want to be the only ones acting emotionally.

Never cry in front of your woman.
Wise words. Now this is someone who understands women.


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Sep 23, 2011
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There is nothing Toxic about masculinity. That phrase was concocted by a bunch of low testosterone beta males and crazy left wing feminists. That said I've been married 27 years, while not often, I have cried in front of my wife, and she despises weak men with a burning passion. Not a deal killer when you are a badass. :)


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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This is false. This is the kind of BS poison that was given to young men.
Women do not want men who are in touch with their emotions. Women often say what they think society wants them to say, and society wants them to say that it is good for men to be in touch with their emotions, but that is not how women *actually* feel. It is a huge turnoff for them to see a man acting emotionally. Subconsciously they reach the conclusion that when *they* are acting emotionally the man won't be able to lead by acting rationally. Women want to be the only ones acting emotionally.

Never cry in front of your woman.
Spot on in regards to the majority of women. But women aren't all the same. There's plenty of women that think crying is a sign of strength in men.

I'm not judging the rationality of either belief, and I AM NOT making any comments regarding women and rationality.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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I gotta say, Welshers, I hope you are able to separate your personal life emotions over NFL business decisions…

Cause the NFL, no matter what your team is, will always make business decisions, and there’s not a single poster on .NET that should carry their emotions and have it dictated on the basis of what an NFL team does.

Chin up, Welshers!

Football continues and life goes on, man!


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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Do you have anything to add other than baseless insults? What do you disagree with? Any non-trollish point of view?

I have actually read the red pill literature. It was actually quite interesting, I don't firmly believe it as a baseline for all humanity, but I do see how it can be very applicable for certain humans as well as play itself out.

I think bottom line is...the world is not red or blue (politics or pill), it's not black or white. There are exceptions to everything. For every person who is selfish, there is another person who is completely giving.

I actually spend a lot of time understanding all sides to a lot of equations to better understand what people are seeing and to formulate my own perception of the world. How is that for added discussion?

Do I believe men should be traditionally masculine? absolutely. Do I believe many women claim to want things that don't actually attract them...absolutely. Do I believe men should never cry in front of their woman? absolutely not. Do I believe that men should be in touch with their emotions? absolutely. Do I believe that men should be able to accept and control their emotions, absolutely. Do I believe that there are many women who do know what they want and are actually attracted to said things, absolutely. And do I believe there are plenty of situations and scenarios to prove me completely wrong and correct for all the above...100% absolutely.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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What is Red Pill literature?

This is one I read called "The Rational Male" by Rollo Tomassi. There's quite a few others out there. Basically discusses Hypergamy, a lot of what people are quoting above word for word "toxic masculinity created by feminists and leftists" etc. Now whether or not people actually read any literature on it or are just quoting stuff they saw on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram reels is another story. But I do highly recommend the book to get an overall perspective on this mindset/belief of society. The idea being you unplug from the "matrix" with the red pill as you're now enlightened how society has tried to destroy what a "man" is. Honestly there is some decent stuff to think about in there, but I also think a lot of people weaponize it to a completely one eye blind truth. It's worth reading and whether or not you jump into it fully, take parts of it, or are completely disgusted by it. It is still quite interesting. I read it initially disgusted but still eye opened. I come back to it with the perception I have now especially after running into quite a few people who have "taken the red pill" and refer to all other "non-believers" as "blue pill" "betas". My 2 cents, give it a read/listen and live your life your way. :)


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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I have actually read the red pill literature. It was actually quite interesting, I don't firmly believe it as a baseline for all humanity, but I do see how it can be very applicable for certain humans as well as play itself out.

I think bottom line is...the world is not red or blue (politics or pill), it's not black or white. There are exceptions to everything. For every person who is selfish, there is another person who is completely giving.

I actually spend a lot of time understanding all sides to a lot of equations to better understand what people are seeing and to formulate my own perception of the world. How is that for added discussion?

Do I believe men should be traditionally masculine? absolutely. Do I believe many women claim to want things that don't actually attract them...absolutely. Do I believe men should never cry in front of their woman? absolutely not. Do I believe that men should be in touch with their emotions? absolutely. Do I believe that men should be able to accept and control their emotions, absolutely. Do I believe that there are many women who do know what they want and are actually attracted to said things, absolutely. And do I believe there are plenty of situations and scenarios to prove me completely wrong and correct for all the above...100% absolutely.
Sounds about right. People are different and assigning characteristics to all members of a group based on inherent traits is foolish.

Our views match pretty closely. I also came to my views through observation, not literature. I thought the whole pill thing was about red or blue and black or white, but I thought it was about living in a bubble vs searching for truth and nihilism vs hope. I Googled it and learned something new today. Thanks!


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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This is one I read called "The Rational Male" by Rollo Tomassi. There's quite a few others out there. Basically discusses Hypergamy, a lot of what people are quoting above word for word "toxic masculinity created by feminists and leftists" etc. Now whether or not people actually read any literature on it or are just quoting stuff they saw on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram reels is another story. But I do highly recommend the book to get an overall perspective on this mindset/belief of society. The idea being you unplug from the "matrix" with the red pill as you're now enlightened how society has tried to destroy what a "man" is. Honestly there is some decent stuff to think about in there, but I also think a lot of people weaponize it to a completely one eye blind truth. It's worth reading and whether or not you jump into it fully, take parts of it, or are completely disgusted by it. It is still quite interesting. I read it initially disgusted but still eye opened. I come back to it with the perception I have now especially after running into quite a few people who have "taken the red pill" and refer to all other "non-believers" as "blue pill" "betas". My 2 cents, give it a read/listen and live your life your way. :)
I don't read those types of books. Mostly non-fiction with occasional scifi/fantasy.

I've heard the term 'toxic masculinity' increasingly over the past few years in movies and TV and even in news show panels. Never knew where it came from. Everything I've heard makes it seem an illogical talking point.

What I have noticed is that those who use the term are usually coming from one of the fringes. Unfortunately, it seems modern visual media caters to left wackjobs and right wackjobs. My consumption of visual media has steadily declined for the past two decades. That will change if they ever decide to focus on normies instead of radicals.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2009
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Toxic in the sociological context to me always meant a trait or set of traits with the ability to cause division, depends on context for me, just because a term has been gutted of any real value and may have come from modern populist University campuses doesn't mean it wasn't perhaps rooted in young people trying to put words to our shouting and division.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2009
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My best suggestion would be to destroy something while cleaning.

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