Good game, feeling kicked in the 'nads


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Dec 6, 2015
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This one is going to take some time to get over.

Maybe I'm a little salty as so many Hawks fans on this board were very confident they were going to put up 30, 40 points and that they just were not worried about the Vikings due to the results of the last game. I think I am more salty as this isn't about Seahawks or their fans, but the last 30 secs and end result is just classic Viking'esque, like Lucy pulling out the football on Charlie Brown. We have a lengthy history of having our hearts ripped out out of our chests. Drew Pearson pushing off. 1998's choke job w/ Anderson. The BountyGate of 2009 with Favre putting the dagger into our chests. The 2003 season - starting 6-0 and leading the NFCN the whole year until Week 17 when the Cardinals get some flukey TD with :00 left to knock us out of the playoffs. But out of all of them, this one might feel the worst.

It was a chance to prove we had bucked this curse - historically we hadn't won in Chicago in a long time, we hadn't beaten GB in Lambeau since Favre left, we hadn't won NFCN since 2009, we hadn't played well on nationally televised games and it was nice to see us reversing these trends .... to beat NY Giants on Sunday night & beat the Packers in their house and take the NFCN back ... it felt like hey maybe things are finally changing. We had a chance today to prove that while we don't have an elite QB who impresses with stats on paper or deep sexy bombs, he's a gritty kid who keeps getting better and finds ways to win, even if it's ugly. To prove that we are assembling an elite defense of our own, with a HC who can scheme & stop the best offense's in the biggest games.

But noooooooooo .... instead we get a kick in the 'nads. Then said 'nads get drawn & quartered for the rest of the NFL to see, topped off with gasoline and a torch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the optimists that thinks we're turning this around. Lots of young players especially on defense - Kendricks, Barr, Hunter, FLoyd, Griffen, Rhodes, Smith, heck even Trae Waynes made a few nice plays. But still, hard to shake that sickly feeling. I feel that Seattle is the best team in the NFL right now, but today .... the Vikings were just a little better, and it's hard not to feel like Seattle just got lucky in the end with a missed chip shot FG after Teddy drove for what should have been a game winning FG. But the Vikes couldn't get the job done, and that's what hurts. This fanbase is so tortured and so overdue, but until we get our SB it's just another season ending in heartache watching someone else advance while we are left to wonder .... when do we get ours?

I do hope Seattle goes all the way and beats the crap out of every team and wins the SB, if nothing else for the respect that maybe we were the only team that went toe to toe with you.

Good luck rest of the season, just do not allow the Packers to sniff the SB!


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Jul 8, 2015
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We were lucky. You guys are good fans, it was fun reading all your posts this week.


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Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
SFVikeFan":ch9123h1 said:
This one is going to take some time to get over.

Maybe I'm a little salty as so many Hawks fans on this board were very confident they were going to put up 30, 40 points and that they just were not worried about the Vikings due to the results of the last game. I think I am more salty as this isn't about Seahawks or their fans, but the last 30 secs and end result is just classic Viking'esque, like Lucy pulling out the football on Charlie Brown. We have a lengthy history of having our hearts ripped out out of our chests. Drew Pearson pushing off. 1998's choke job w/ Anderson. The BountyGate of 2009 with Favre putting the dagger into our chests. The 2003 season - starting 6-0 and leading the NFCN the whole year until Week 17 when the Cardinals get some flukey TD with :00 left to knock us out of the playoffs. But out of all of them, this one might feel the worst.

It was a chance to prove we had bucked this curse - historically we hadn't won in Chicago in a long time, we hadn't beaten GB in Lambeau since Favre left, we hadn't won NFCN since 2009, we hadn't played well on nationally televised games and it was nice to see us reversing these trends .... to beat NY Giants on Sunday night & beat the Packers in their house and take the NFCN back ... it felt like hey maybe things are finally changing. We had a chance today to prove that while we don't have an elite QB who impresses with stats on paper or deep sexy bombs, he's a gritty kid who keeps getting better and finds ways to win, even if it's ugly. To prove that we are assembling an elite defense of our own, with a HC who can scheme & stop the best offense's in the biggest games.

But noooooooooo .... instead we get a kick in the 'nads. Then said 'nads get drawn & quartered for the rest of the NFL to see, topped off with gasoline and a torch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the optimists that thinks we're turning this around. Lots of young players especially on defense - Kendricks, Barr, Hunter, FLoyd, Griffen, Rhodes, Smith, heck even Trae Waynes made a few nice plays. But still, hard to shake that sickly feeling. I feel that Seattle is the best team in the NFL right now, but today .... the Vikings were just a little better and Seattle just got lucky in the end with a missed chip shot FG after Teddy drove for what should have been a game winning FG. But they couldn't get the job done, and that's what hurts. This fanbase is so tortured and so overdue, but until we get our SB it's just another season ending in heartache watching someone else advance while we are left to wonder .... when do we get ours?

I do hope Seattle goes all the way and beats the crap out of every team and wins the SB, if nothing else for the respect that maybe we were the only team that went toe to toe with you.

Good luck rest of the season, just do not allow the Packers to sniff the SB!

Just about every NFL fan that has been around for a bit has been in your shoes.

It hurts. Bad.

The elation, the ups and downs are what make sports a joy....and frustrating to watch.

Vikes played hard today, especially on defense. That was a slugfest in awful conditions.

Good Luck.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Those of us that have been around a while know that feeling. Being a Hawks fan was torturous most of my life.

The Vikes have a bright future, but improvement in Teddy's mechanics wouldnt hurt. He has both a vulnerable wind up and low release point. Tipped passes had an impact today.

Come back and visit when the wounds are healed.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2010
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East Oly
I felt like my nuts were in a vice for most of the game. Once he missed the kick and my jewels were finally released, I was full of so much joy and relief that I nearly cried.

I'm glad to be on this side on this game. Being on the losing side would put me in a terrible mood for days or weeks.


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Jun 21, 2014
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...didn't love it.

You guys will be scary next year...glad we aren't playing you in the regular season, but hope to be back in Minnesota in Feb 2017.


Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
SFVikeFan":30fiqx7h said:
This one is going to take some time to get over.

Maybe I'm a little salty as so many Hawks fans on this board were very confident they were going to put up 30, 40 points and that they just were not worried about the Vikings due to the results of the last game. I think I am more salty as this isn't about Seahawks or their fans, but the last 30 secs and end result is just classic Viking'esque, like Lucy pulling out the football on Charlie Brown. We have a lengthy history of having our hearts ripped out out of our chests. Drew Pearson pushing off. 1998's choke job w/ Anderson. The BountyGate of 2009 with Favre putting the dagger into our chests. The 2003 season - starting 6-0 and leading the NFCN the whole year until Week 17 when the Cardinals get some flukey TD with :00 left to knock us out of the playoffs. But out of all of them, this one might feel the worst.

It was a chance to prove we had bucked this curse - historically we hadn't won in Chicago in a long time, we hadn't beaten GB in Lambeau since Favre left, we hadn't won NFCN since 2009, we hadn't played well on nationally televised games and it was nice to see us reversing these trends .... to beat NY Giants on Sunday night & beat the Packers in their house and take the NFCN back ... it felt like hey maybe things are finally changing. We had a chance today to prove that while we don't have an elite QB who impresses with stats on paper or deep sexy bombs, he's a gritty kid who keeps getting better and finds ways to win, even if it's ugly. To prove that we are assembling an elite defense of our own, with a HC who can scheme & stop the best offense's in the biggest games.

But noooooooooo .... instead we get a kick in the 'nads. Then said 'nads get drawn & quartered for the rest of the NFL to see, topped off with gasoline and a torch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the optimists that thinks we're turning this around. Lots of young players especially on defense - Kendricks, Barr, Hunter, FLoyd, Griffen, Rhodes, Smith, heck even Trae Waynes made a few nice plays. But still, hard to shake that sickly feeling. I feel that Seattle is the best team in the NFL right now, but today .... the Vikings were just a little better, and it's hard not to feel like Seattle just got lucky in the end with a missed chip shot FG after Teddy drove for what should have been a game winning FG. But the Vikes couldn't get the job done, and that's what hurts. This fanbase is so tortured and so overdue, but until we get our SB it's just another season ending in heartache watching someone else advance while we are left to wonder .... when do we get ours?

I do hope Seattle goes all the way and beats the crap out of every team and wins the SB, if nothing else for the respect that maybe we were the only team that went toe to toe with you.

Good luck rest of the season, just do not allow the Packers to sniff the SB!
Thanks for coming back and not making excuses. I know that's a hard thing to do. Taking nothing away from you team's defensive effort, -3 degrees was the great equalizer. I think you have the right HC, and you have a young and up coming team, good luck if the future unless you are playing Seattle. 8)


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Dec 21, 2011
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Feel for you man. We also hope the Hawks get it together and take the Lombardi trophy home this year. Your team has nothing to be ashamed of. They played well in the nasty weather and have a bright future. I know losing on a missed FG sucks, but look on the bright side, it was up to your kicker to put this game away. That's a 50 / 50 proposition. I as well as the 20 people watching the game with us had already envisioned the season ending. It was that close.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
We have been there. We suffered a long time before this current version of the team finally pushed down the walls.

You have a good team. You need some help on offense but you are like we were in 2012, knocking on the door.

I respect the Vikings a lot.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Bay Area, CA
I genuinely felt bad for the Vikings fans after this game. Losses like this hurt so much, it is truly painful. You guys have a good young team and you'll be back in the playoffs next year.


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Mar 7, 2010
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Aiken , SC
Was really impressed with your D today. Your coach knows what he's doing. Wouldn't expect anything less from a Parcells student.


Oct 2, 2012
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I think most of the things in your post were indeed proven today.

I thought we were out executed and, at times, out coached. The Vikes looked the part; they'll be right back in it next season.


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2014
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You guys are solid. I knew we wanted the skins and not Minnesota, and man that was close.

I think though bridgewater won't ever carry a team past the divisionals. Maybe I'm wrong, but everything i see in him tells me he is approaching ceiling. With the Panthers and hawks to contend with for some time, plus green bay somewhat improving the defense, i just don't see your defense being able to do EVERYTHING. Even though our defense gets nearly all of the credit, and haters just say Wilson is a manager, the fact is as you saw today, he makes plays all the time that make the difference. Bridgewater just makes safe, basic throws IMO. If Bridgewater ever puts on a ring, I'll be the first to start a thread here to eat crow. But I'm pretty confident he is incapable.

With AP aging, i think you guys have quite a problem on your hands too in the replacement category. Asiata?. Eh, whatever. I rode him in fantasy a little last year but i just don't see that getting you guys past green bay either.

So I'm kinda taking the other side as these guys. I think your future is a little darker than most. We would have hit on a touchdown or two in normal weather, but russ was a second slow and under throwing. So all in all it could have been a twenty something to 12 game.

Four field goals with playoffs version AP doesn't tell me you guys are ready to do squat.

But your D played the cards perfectly today.


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Dec 22, 2013
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Dallas, TX
SFVikeFan":1kne2p7x said:
This one is going to take some time to get over.

Maybe I'm a little salty as so many Hawks fans on this board were very confident they were going to put up 30, 40 points and that they just were not worried about the Vikings due to the results of the last game. I think I am more salty as this isn't about Seahawks or their fans, but the last 30 secs and end result is just classic Viking'esque, like Lucy pulling out the football on Charlie Brown. We have a lengthy history of having our hearts ripped out out of our chests. Drew Pearson pushing off. 1998's choke job w/ Anderson. The BountyGate of 2009 with Favre putting the dagger into our chests. The 2003 season - starting 6-0 and leading the NFCN the whole year until Week 17 when the Cardinals get some flukey TD with :00 left to knock us out of the playoffs. But out of all of them, this one might feel the worst.

It was a chance to prove we had bucked this curse - historically we hadn't won in Chicago in a long time, we hadn't beaten GB in Lambeau since Favre left, we hadn't won NFCN since 2009, we hadn't played well on nationally televised games and it was nice to see us reversing these trends .... to beat NY Giants on Sunday night & beat the Packers in their house and take the NFCN back ... it felt like hey maybe things are finally changing. We had a chance today to prove that while we don't have an elite QB who impresses with stats on paper or deep sexy bombs, he's a gritty kid who keeps getting better and finds ways to win, even if it's ugly. To prove that we are assembling an elite defense of our own, with a HC who can scheme & stop the best offense's in the biggest games.

But noooooooooo .... instead we get a kick in the 'nads. Then said 'nads get drawn & quartered for the rest of the NFL to see, topped off with gasoline and a torch.

Don't get me wrong, I'm one of the optimists that thinks we're turning this around. Lots of young players especially on defense - Kendricks, Barr, Hunter, FLoyd, Griffen, Rhodes, Smith, heck even Trae Waynes made a few nice plays. But still, hard to shake that sickly feeling. I feel that Seattle is the best team in the NFL right now, but today .... the Vikings were just a little better, and it's hard not to feel like Seattle just got lucky in the end with a missed chip shot FG after Teddy drove for what should have been a game winning FG. But the Vikes couldn't get the job done, and that's what hurts. This fanbase is so tortured and so overdue, but until we get our SB it's just another season ending in heartache watching someone else advance while we are left to wonder .... when do we get ours?

I do hope Seattle goes all the way and beats the crap out of every team and wins the SB, if nothing else for the respect that maybe we were the only team that went toe to toe with you.

Good luck rest of the season, just do not allow the Packers to sniff the SB!

I might be tempted to feel a little bad for you, except...

**WARNING - Seahawks fans need not click the link**


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Mar 4, 2007
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Puyallup, WA USA
HawkFan72":2ep9py7l said:
I genuinely felt bad for the Vikings fans after this game. Losses like this hurt so much, it is truly painful. You guys have a good young team and you'll be back in the playoffs next year.

.........not necessarily.


New member
Sep 11, 2012
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I said earlier in the week that the Vikings game worried me more than any of the others and that I thought the 'Hawks would go all the way if they just won this one.

One of the more sarcastic posters here thought that was ridiculous...


Sep 7, 2013
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I'll eat crow that I saw this game getting more out of hand. Just didn't think the cold would have such a HUGE impact on the offense like that.

I could root for the Vikings. They play a similar style, great coaching, and players that I don't want to strangle (unlike our next opponent).

Congrats to the Vikings on the Division Championship and they will be tough next year. I have a feeling they'll be there again next year.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Besides 2006 and the recent success of this team, It has pretty much been torture since I was 12 years old in 1982. There were personal victories in loses but that was all. If we were to lose that game today I would have rallied in support for My Dad to watch his team advance. Them Vikes are about to come in to good days ahead for sure. They look like a team on the rise should. Growing pains are par for the course.

Seahawk Sailor

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California via Negros Occidental, Philippines
It was funny, I was confident all this week, and as soon as the game started I got a really bad feeling in my stomach. I mean, like knowing we were going to lose the game when the clock still read 15:00 in the first quarter. Feeling lasted all game.

We should have put the game away late and couldn't. Got extremely lucky with the Tony Romo-esque patented Ray Finkle play. Still feel a bit kicked in the nuts myself over that game, win or not.

Vikings have a great team; a lot better a team than I expected this year. Looks like they're on the upswing, and they'll likely be back next year even better. Take it from fans of the 2012 Seahawks, where we played a close game, had victory in our grasp, only to see it evaporate in the last 30 second of the game: things will go up from here.