Ernie Davis


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Just watched the biography of Ernie Davis, what a great story and young man. Can you imagine if he had not died what legacy he would have left as a Professional. Having him and Jim Brown playing in the same backfield would have been almost unfair to the rest of the league.

Have to give credit to the Cleveland Browns and Art Modell, retiring his jersey when he never played a down because of the type of person he was. Allowing him to suit up and take the field that first season because he was such a great human being and had worked so hard to get there only to have his dream taken from him by Luekemia.

I miss the times when the person was bigger then the game and being just a player.

So many tragic instances have happened where guys like this have died and were such inspirational people but remembered as athletes.

Just a thought of where perspectives and how much bigger people can be then the game, but bring our attention through there athletic acheivements to how humbleing and real the world is at the same time.


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May 10, 2012
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United Kingdom
I'd have liked to have seen that. I watched The Express a few years back and aside from the Hollywood fiction (I think the biggest fuss was because the WVU fans were supposedly not racist towards the black players), I found it to be very inspirational, and may have shed a tear or two.

It certainly puts the game into perspective, even for something that happened a while ago. It's just sad that it takes these kind of stories (loss of life, career threatening injuries/diseases) to do that.

To think about it and similar stories immediately softens a loss (to say, Atlanta) and makes me grateful that we've been able to watch some truly gifted players perform on our team (and the whole of football) for the past few months, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

And yeh, him and Brown would have torn it up! Such a tragedy he was not able to fulfill his future.