Drew Lock is NOT Josh Allen


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Oct 1, 2010
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It's fair to point out that Lock has had better coaching over his career than Allen did until the pros. It's not like Lock had any consistency in Denver though with a change in OC, a defensive head coach who did not want a developmental QB, and covid protocols.

Besides, there are innumerable reasons why people can improve beyond simply coaching quality. Sometimes failing is a wake up call, or it takes a change of scenery, or a change in personal relations, or maybe just a different approach that resonates better.

Odds are that things will never fully click for Lock which is why he was a small piece of a much larger deal. However, writing him off at this point as a 'finished product' should have you second guessing your own biases.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
It's fair to point out that Lock has had better coaching over his career than Allen did until the pros. It's not like Lock had any consistency in Denver though with a change in OC, a defensive head coach who did not want a developmental QB, and covid protocols.

Besides, there are innumerable reasons why people can improve beyond simply coaching quality. Sometimes failing is a wake up call, or it takes a change of scenery, or a change in personal relations, or maybe just a different approach that resonates better.

Odds are that things will never fully click for Lock which is why he was a small piece of a much larger deal. However, writing him off at this point as a 'finished product' should have you second guessing your own biases.
We would like Lock to have a breakthrough here, but we can't count on that. Let's take Lock with all his strengths and weaknesses, and see how he will fit our system, or how we could amend our system to work with Lock?

Our offense system is based on:
Pete's balanced attack, strong running game, resulting in QB making less throws.
Waldron's system based on WCO/Shanagan/McVay,

PeteBall should help Lock some, so key would be if Waldron could make his system adapt to Lock's strengths and weaknesses. We will find out after this season if Waldron is indeed a wizard or just a wrong hire.


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Mar 19, 2022
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It's fair to point out that Lock has had better coaching over his career than Allen did until the pros. It's not like Lock had any consistency in Denver though with a change in OC, a defensive head coach who did not want a developmental QB, and covid protocols.

Besides, there are innumerable reasons why people can improve beyond simply coaching quality. Sometimes failing is a wake up call, or it takes a change of scenery, or a change in personal relations, or maybe just a different approach that resonates better.

Odds are that things will never fully click for Lock which is why he was a small piece of a much larger deal. However, writing him off at this point as a 'finished product' should have you second guessing your own biases.

This is why I posted what I did....Please keep in mind, I am lifelong MIZZOU Fan...I LOVE Drew Lock...rooted for him the whole way...still am rooting for him.

....i can't emphasize enough just how many high level snaps Drew Lock has had at QB since he was born. And how much coaching. And all the coaches say the same thing..."he just needs BETTER coaching" "He just needs to develop a raport with his recievers".

He's had coaching and had plenty of practice both team directed and self directed with his targets. Everywhere he's been and every team he's ever been on. I'd be happy to point out articles from newspapers, websites etc YEAR BY YEAR where they litterally say the same things about this all the way back to high school.

My bias is FOR Drew Lock...I would like to see him do well. I think he can do well. ...You need to have reasonable expectations about what that means. He will do just fine...he'll look GOOD....If you just put him in an offense that allows him to do the things that he's already good at....and have NO expectation that he'll ever be any better at the things he's not so good at. Again..this is FINE. You CAN win with Drew Lock at QB given the right offense and right talent around him. He's not a Sam Darnold. If he were in this years QB draft class at WORST, he'd be the 2nd best prospect..and might be the top guy.

Play action passing. bootlegs to his right. LINEAR ROUTES. and take some deep shots...he's got a very good deep ball. Don't ask him to run timing stuff. Understand what you have. Adjust your expectations to that. If you think he's ever going to be more than what he is....what his scouting reports all said he'd be....then you'll be disappointed. He is what his scoutring report says...and that's a good but not great QB with limitations. Period. I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do in Seattle because I think Pete will put him in the most optimal offense to succeed and excel with the skills and talent he has.

It's the best fit for him.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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This is why I posted what I did....Please keep in mind, I am lifelong MIZZOU Fan...I LOVE Drew Lock...rooted for him the whole way...still am rooting for him.

....i can't emphasize enough just how many high level snaps Drew Lock has had at QB since he was born. And how much coaching. And all the coaches say the same thing..."he just needs BETTER coaching" "He just needs to develop a raport with his recievers".

He's had coaching and had plenty of practice both team directed and self directed with his targets. Everywhere he's been and every team he's ever been on. I'd be happy to point out articles from newspapers, websites etc YEAR BY YEAR where they litterally say the same things about this all the way back to high school.

My bias is FOR Drew Lock...I would like to see him do well. I think he can do well. ...You need to have reasonable expectations about what that means. He will do just fine...he'll look GOOD....If you just put him in an offense that allows him to do the things that he's already good at....and have NO expectation that he'll ever be any better at the things he's not so good at. Again..this is FINE. You CAN win with Drew Lock at QB given the right offense and right talent around him. He's not a Sam Darnold. If he were in this years QB draft class at WORST, he'd be the 2nd best prospect..and might be the top guy.

Play action passing. bootlegs to his right. LINEAR ROUTES. and take some deep shots...he's got a very good deep ball. Don't ask him to run timing stuff. Understand what you have. Adjust your expectations to that. If you think he's ever going to be more than what he is....what his scouting reports all said he'd be....then you'll be disappointed. He is what his scoutring report says...and that's a good but not great QB with limitations. Period. I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do in Seattle because I think Pete will put him in the most optimal offense to succeed and excel with the skills and talent he has.

It's the best fit for him.
Thanks for taking time to post your thoughts. It's great to have incites from someone who has followed a players career. Drew Lock has come to the right place at exactly the right time. I'm looking forward to Lock making the best of his second chance opportunity with the Seahawks.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Thanks for taking time to post your thoughts. It's great to have incites from someone who has followed a players career. Drew Lock has come to the right place at exactly the right time. I'm looking forward to Lock making the best of his second chance opportunity with the Seahawks.
I have, slowly, come to have same conclusion. Lock may be a perfect Peteball QB, or PeteBall was made for Lock, depends on your perspective. For that to happen, Waldron's mustn't get cute, and RBs must excel, like how Penny rocked towards the end of season.


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Mar 10, 2022
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How is this "trolling"? I gave an assesment of the differences in the two QB's that Lock and Allen are...then elaborated about what Lock is, what he does well and what he doesn't do well...I am not here to incite any hostilities or to piss in anyones cornflakes here. ...furthermore...as a Chiefs fan.....of what value is trolling the Seahawks? ...I happily admit to trolling and cajoling Broncos fans .....by the way, if you aren't already there, alot of the old Orangemane folks are now on Orangehuddle....you should check it out. ...anyhow..I didn't show up here to troll....I am interested in Lock as a Kansas Citian and MIZZOU fan and wanted to chime in.

Furthermore...if you were on the Mane during that draft year...I was all over that place BEFORE HE WAS DRAFTED....giving this exact same assesment.
Great post! I think some comparisons are less about skillset, and more about how Allen was viewed as a bit of a bust over his first two years before things clicked for him, and that its not impossible for that to be the case with Lock if he's in the right situation.

Allen is an incredible talent. Wish we had him. What Lock might be is yet to be seen. Not certain the book on him is as complete yet as some of the doomsayers claim.
Exactly, what people forget is, Josh Allen wasn’t Josh Allen his first couple years


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Mar 22, 2022
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I remember when Kurt Warner was a bum arena league backup


Feb 7, 2015
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Florence, Oregon
I’ll go out on a limb and say that if Pete Carroll truly believes that Drew has the makings of an Elite NFL QB, that the Denver Bronco’s never got onboard with, or invested in his talent or potential coming out of College into the League, like other 1st Round QB’s receive, especially when a team intends to groom them as a franchise prospect.

It could be that the Broncos, looked past Lock and instead went all in with Flaco, in their ongoing obsession and frenzy to get back in the hunt.

Much like what is evidenced by their most recent act of desperation making a play to bring Russell Wilson in as their next man up, to rescue their team, and return them to their former glory, when Flaco didn’t pan out like they hoped.

It appears that the entire time Drew Lock was in Denver, he was regarded as excess baggage, lost in the Broncos baggage claim area, for the last 3 seasons, with no real plans, much less thoughts of using him as a viable solution.

I know with all the knocks on Drew Lock, coming into Seattle, I had to stop and remind myself that Pete Carroll had saw something in this guy when he was expected to go in the 1st round of the draft, and while it was a long shot that year, that the Seahawks would have any chance at drafting Drew, the fact that the Seahawks did have Drew on their wish list of prospects, and would have pulled the trigger, were he still available when their 1st pick of the Draft came around.

If that is all true, and Pete wasn’t just shucking us to hype up our recent acquisition of him in the Wilson trade, and Pete truly thought he saw something in Drew back then, something that convinced him that Drew might be a potential replacement for Russell Wilson, we’re the unthinkable ever happen. That is a hell of a compliment to Drew, given that Pete had to believe that a QB like Drew could have been standing in the wings, properly groomed and developed with the attention a potential premier QB was due them, ready to assume the role of a starting QB for the Seattle Seahawks had his fate played out differently.

I’ve always been a damn fatalist, in that as a general rule I reject the notions that things happen by chance. I do believe that there is method to the apparent madness in the world around us.

Is it a complete coincidence that the QB Pete had targeted in a draft 3 years ago, as a potential replacement for Russell Wilson, having recently arrived on Seattle’s doorstep? Just when Russell decided he’d better get going while the going was still good, and before everyone figured out that he was shot, and that his best years were behind him, believing that he could still fool one more team for a mega payday before it was too late.

I can’t help but reflect on when Russell 1st arrived in Seattle as a 3rd round draft pick, and no one thought he was going to roll out as our starter in his Rookie season, or become the mega star QB that he became. So now we have a 1st Round Draft pick, suiting up to potentially become our starting QB, and almost no one can consider that he might succeed.

Pete knows exactly what kind of QB his team needs to be a top contender in their division. On the off chance Pete’s not just blowing smoke up our collective asses, and he really does believe that Drew Lock is the guy for the job, why would we doubt him, this is the same Pete Carroll that ignored and rejected all the naysayers when he told his Rookie, Russell Wilson, that he had the starting position.

If after things get underway and it appears that Drew Lock has won his competition for the starting QB, I vote we quit second guessing a man who has forgotten more about the game of football than most will ever know, and get behind him for a change.

Can you imagine a Seahawks season where there weren’t the usual suspect setting their character assassination sights on Pete Carroll at every opportunity, real or imagined, and we all actually got behind him and our Seahawks team?

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen that. Let me think, uhm I think it was a few years back when we were winning division titles and going to Super Bowls, correct me if I’m mistaken. There’s an applicable saying, “if you can’t lead, then follow, if you can’t follow, then get the hell out of the way and let those who can do.

You serve no purpose in the scheme of things if all you do is create chaos, and run interference. If you claim to be a fan, then be one. Find someway to support your team and fellow fans. I’m not saying you shouldn’t share you’re opinions or suggestions, I am saying you need to pause and ask yourself what your motives are before you do. If your offering constructive criticisms please do, if your just looking to criticize, offering no solutions and with no other objectives than to
Demean and belittle, then you may want to keep it to yourself, or risk being viewed as anything but a 12 or a fan.

Just my thoughts, they are not likely shared by all.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Hi. i'm new to your site here. I'm a Chiefs and MIZZOU fan from Kansas City. I spend alot of time at Orangehuddle.com...it's a Denver Broncos board.

I've been reading up on some of your thoughts here about Lock. Something that has come up a few times that I wanted to address here, is that some of you are mistakenly comparing Lock to Josh Allen. They are absolutely NOT the same guy. The argument for Lock being like Allen is similar build and skill set. Furthermore, Locks stats compare somewhat favorably to Allens during the same stage of development for both guys.

Here is why those comparisons are wrong.

When Josh Allen was finishing up college and was a prospect heading to his draft day in 2018, he had only been playing organized football for a short time. He was in a very small town, playing with a very limited set of other players and other teams. He went to a small JUCO with limited talent around him, limited coaching around him and limited competition. When he got to Wyoming, he was still very raw, still not surrounded by high end talent and was playing against competition that was also not all that great. Allen had not been exposed to high level coaching, had not been around high level players...and his stats reflected that. The whole premise around Allen coming out...was that he did have bad numbers, but his testing, arm, speed, brain....were all super awesome. The idea was that since he hadn't been playing high level football and had only played it for a relatively short amount of time...that there was immense potential to be tapped into once you got him pro coaching and surrounded him with NFL caliber athletes.

Taking that idea another step further....you have to also look at the Bills roster once Allen was drafted. It was BAD. The entire line he played with his rookie year, was OUT OF FOOTBALL in two years time or less for most. The were no notable skill positon players except LeSean McCoy, and by then he was a shadow of his former self. The Recievers were that started that year were also out of football in short order. Basically Allen came to a roster of garbage. It wasn't that much better his second year, and finally they had churned it enough his 3rd year that he had legit NFL players around him. So...he had ALOT of development and coaching that needed to happen AND he had to start that off with a bad roster.

So..to sum it up for Allen....super tools guy that didn't have much experience or good coaching, that had ALOT...A TON of room to grow if you could get him good coaching and better talent.

That is NOT the Same as Drew Lock....

Lock is the son of a guy who played O line at MIZZOU. He is from the KC burbs. Lock has been playing high level, organized football in a large city with high level coaching since he was a child. He started 4 years at Lee's Summit, MO High...a large class school..and was recieving paid, high end, private QB coaching from at least his Junior year there. He started all 4 years at MIZZOU..an SEC school with other players, some of whom also play in the NFL. He got coaching from some coaches who had been NFL coaches...and he played against high level competition, many of whom also play in the NFL today. It is possible...likely even, that no NFL QB playing or who has ever played, has taken more snaps from childhood, to his draft day, than Drew Lock. His scouting reports coming out of MIZ....were the easiest QB evaluations ever...they all said exactly the same thing about him...and they've all been exactly spot on so far. Lock has a strong arm...makes some really good throws at times..he does have some mobility.....he's pretty good on the run, but NOT to the level of an Allen or Mahomes. He is much better rolling to his right than left. Lock is a GOOD thrower when the routes are linear...straigt line type routes..goes, seams....slants. He SUCKS when there is a timing element involved....he is a see it, throw it QB. And what I mean by that is...let's say the route is 7 yards and then a cut in, or out...or a curl. To execute that where you get the most out of that play, the QB should be throwin the ball in anticipation of the target cutting. Lock NEVER does this...never has. He won't throw a ball until the target has made the cut and has taken a step or 2. This allows the defender to recover and break on the ball. This results in incompletions, interceptoins...or in cases wher the ball is completed..it negates chances for more yards after catch because the defender has arrived to contest things. .....For confirmation of this....just go look at Jerry Juedy...that guy is really good at getting separation with a quick cut....he had ZERO TDs this past year...and underwhelmed. Locks doesn't have the skilset to maximize a talent like Juedy. He can't do it...and he's never ever going to.

As far as what this means for Seattle...it's not bad. Lock is at his best running play action and throwing linear routes. Seattle, with their offense, and what you have at WR...is a good fit for what Lock does best. It would seem to me that the FO/Coaches in Seattle probably really do see a QB they might be able to play with and win if they can get the right mix of players and an offense suited to his skills.

Lock got NO SUPPORT in Denver.

Prior to the 2019 Draft, Denver had just hired Vic Fangio. They (Fangio and Elway, the GM at the time) made it publicly clear the plan was for Fangio to get the D playing at a high level..they would go and get a veteran QB to run a ball control...don't screw it up...don't turn it over offense. They went out and traded for Joe Flacco. They then publicly proclaimed..before that draft..they would not be taking a QB in round 1. That was the year Kyler Murray went 1/1...Daniel Jones went 6. There had been speculation that Denver would maybe take Lock in round 1. ..again, after obtaining Flacco...they said they were not going QB in round 1. ...they in fact did not take a QB in round 1. However, Elway liked Lock and when he fallen to pick 42, Elway traded up to draft him...considering him to great a value to pass up. Fangio NEVER WANTED him...didn't want anything to do with him...and always wanted to just run the D and let the OC and veteran QB handle the O.

Flacco sucked..then got hurt. Lock got to play some and was decent. Lock played most of the next year...in an offense with a bad line...and NOT taylored to his strengths...for a coach who was NOT adept at developing a QB...who didn't want a young QB...and who was not hired to handle any of that. By Vic Fangios 3rd year....he was more or less given an ultimatum to win or else....and he wasn't going to try and save his job with a QB he never wanted..who he still wasn't interested in developing...and who he didn't trust. They traded for Teddy Bridgeater and while many think Lock outplayed Teddy in camp and the preseason...Fangio rolled with Teddy. Elway...gave up the GM role last year....he was the one guy left in the building in Locks corner. New GM...and new Coach...not invested in Lock or tied to him...ready to move on...and are with Wilson.

If ever there was a QB who still might be able to salvage a career after 3 disappointing years....it's Drew Lock. Just remember that he is what his scouting report says he is....and set your expectations accordingly. Get the kid a decent line and running game...and run a bunch of linear routes. You may not be in as bad a shape as some think.

Good luck! Beat DENVER!
Great post! Thanks for stopping by and giving us an unbiased report.

I do think that we should give Lock a good shot at winning the QB position. But I don't want to dwell on it. Give him a good share of the preseason snaps and if he looks decent, let him start a half dozen or so regular season games. But I don't want to spend a year or two deciding if he's going to be our QBOTF. There's only X number of game snaps available for QB's, and I don't want to waste them on a project that didn't bear any fruit in his previous stint.
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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022
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I’ll go out on a limb and say that if Pete Carroll truly believes that Drew has the makings of an Elite NFL QB, that the Denver Bronco’s never got onboard with, or invested in his talent or potential coming out of College into the League, like other 1st Round QB’s receive, especially when a team intends to groom them as a franchise prospect.

It could be that the Broncos, looked past Lock and instead went all in with Flaco, in their ongoing obsession and frenzy to get back in the hunt.

Much like what is evidenced by their most recent act of desperation making a play to bring Russell Wilson in as their next man up, to rescue their team, and return them to their former glory, when Flaco didn’t pan out like they hoped.

It appears that the entire time Drew Lock was in Denver, he was regarded as excess baggage, lost in the Broncos baggage claim area, for the last 3 seasons, with no real plans, much less thoughts of using him as a viable solution.

I know with all the knocks on Drew Lock, coming into Seattle, I had to stop and remind myself that Pete Carroll had saw something in this guy when he was expected to go in the 1st round of the draft, and while it was a long shot that year, that the Seahawks would have any chance at drafting Drew, the fact that the Seahawks did have Drew on their wish list of prospects, and would have pulled the trigger, were he still available when their 1st pick of the Draft came around.

If that is all true, and Pete wasn’t just shucking us to hype up our recent acquisition of him in the Wilson trade, and Pete truly thought he saw something in Drew back then, something that convinced him that Drew might be a potential replacement for Russell Wilson, we’re the unthinkable ever happen. That is a hell of a compliment to Drew, given that Pete had to believe that a QB like Drew could have been standing in the wings, properly groomed and developed with the attention a potential premier QB was due them, ready to assume the role of a starting QB for the Seattle Seahawks had his fate played out differently.

I’ve always been a damn fatalist, in that as a general rule I reject the notions that things happen by chance. I do believe that there is method to the apparent madness in the world around us.

Is it a complete coincidence that the QB Pete had targeted in a draft 3 years ago, as a potential replacement for Russell Wilson, having recently arrived on Seattle’s doorstep? Just when Russell decided he’d better get going while the going was still good, and before everyone figured out that he was shot, and that his best years were behind him, believing that he could still fool one more team for a mega payday before it was too late.

I can’t help but reflect on when Russell 1st arrived in Seattle as a 3rd round draft pick, and no one thought he was going to roll out as our starter in his Rookie season, or become the mega star QB that he became. So now we have a 1st Round Draft pick, suiting up to potentially become our starting QB, and almost no one can consider that he might succeed.

Pete knows exactly what kind of QB his team needs to be a top contender in their division. On the off chance Pete’s not just blowing smoke up our collective asses, and he really does believe that Drew Lock is the guy for the job, why would we doubt him, this is the same Pete Carroll that ignored and rejected all the naysayers when he told his Rookie, Russell Wilson, that he had the starting position.

If after things get underway and it appears that Drew Lock has won his competition for the starting QB, I vote we quit second guessing a man who has forgotten more about the game of football than most will ever know, and get behind him for a change.

Can you imagine a Seahawks season where there weren’t the usual suspect setting their character assassination sights on Pete Carroll at every opportunity, real or imagined, and we all actually got behind him and our Seahawks team?

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen that. Let me think, uhm I think it was a few years back when we were winning division titles and going to Super Bowls, correct me if I’m mistaken. There’s an applicable saying, “if you can’t lead, then follow, if you can’t follow, then get the hell out of the way and let those who can do.

You serve no purpose in the scheme of things if all you do is create chaos, and run interference. If you claim to be a fan, then be one. Find someway to support your team and fellow fans. I’m not saying you shouldn’t share you’re opinions or suggestions, I am saying you need to pause and ask yourself what your motives are before you do. If your offering constructive criticisms please do, if your just looking to criticize, offering no solutions and with no other objectives than to
Demean and belittle, then you may want to keep it to yourself, or risk being viewed as anything but a 12 or a fan.

Just my thoughts, they are not likely shared by all.
Elway doesn’t believe in starting rookies. It’s why they signed Flacco.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Pete knows exactly what kind of QB his team needs to be a top contender in their division. On the off chance Pete’s not just blowing smoke up our collective asses, and he really does believe that Drew Lock is the guy for the job, why would we doubt him, this is the same Pete Carroll that ignored and rejected all the naysayers when he told his Rookie, Russell Wilson, that he had the starting position.
Pete Carroll is not a quarterback whisperer. Next to Russell, who could be described as a blind squirrel finding a nut every once in awhile, name a good quarterback at any level that Pete coached up. Matt Leinart? Mark Sanchez? Do you remember, like I do, the post game interview in 2011 when an enthusiastic Pete Carroll drooled over Tavaris Jackson by saying "We're going to build around Tavaris!"

Pete is one of the best defensive minded coaches of the past 30 years, but he doesn't have that great of a track record when it comes to quarterbacks. That's one of the reasons why Russell is no longer here, because Pete simply isn't a good quarterback's coach. He's like Lou Pinella was with pitchers.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2022
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Lock sure can be a poor man's Josh Allen given the right system and weapons. Chemistry takes time so he needs reps but I like the intangibles


New member
Mar 19, 2022
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Elway doesn’t believe in starting rookies. It’s why they signed Flacco.
...this isn't correct...

In 2019, Denver hired Vic Fangio as their Head Coach. Fangio has been a D coordinator for a long long time. It was well publicized at the time of his hiring that he would get the D in tip top shape again, and they PLANNED to go get a vet QB to be a caretaker for an offense that was supposed to just not lose the game. Flacco was Fangios hand picked selection. Denver traded for him. This was BEFORE the draft.

Some important points here.

IF .....IF your team is about to go draft a 1st round franchise QB...Vic Fangio is NOT THE GUY you hire for that. ...again...at the time he was Hired..Elway and Fangio were out here talking, letting everyone know what the plan was....Play tough D...get a vet QB to run an O that didn't need to win games...it just had to not lose them. THAT WAS THEIR PLAN. Fangio is the right guy if this your plan.

Before the draft, Fangio and Elway both went on record stating they were 100 percent not taking a QB in round 1. They didn't. Some people forget Drew was picked in round 2. After the draft, Elway explaned the pick....Denver traded up to pick 42 to select Lock in round 2. Elway said Lock was too much of a draft value to pass up when he fell that far. He maintained it was Flaccos job, that Lock wouldn't see the field in year 1 and probalby not year 2 either...the plan was Flacco, with OLD MAN, D COORDINATOR head coach.

I will point out AGAIN....in the onlly HC job 63 yr old Vic Fangio was ever going to have...he was NOT interested in rookie, project QB's...that's not what he is suited to coach. He is not who your hire if that is the route you want to go.

It has since come out that Fangio never liked Lock...never wanted Lock...and was NEVER going to play Lock or do anything to develop Lock...he didn't have time and he wasn't the right kind of coach to do that job anyhow.

Lock was always going to be a bit of a project....for reasons I laid out in my initial post....but the reason Seahawks fans ought to be at least a little optimistic about him is he literally went someplace where he NEVER had a chance from the beginning.

If he was in this draft..he'd be talked about as a potential round 1 pick because he does have an arm, he is mobile, and he has good size.

It is entirely possible that being WANTED and supported, he can become something good. He didn't even come close to getting a fair shake in Denver....

Own The West

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2016
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Pete Carroll is not a quarterback whisperer. Next to Russell, who could be described as a blind squirrel finding a nut every once in awhile, name a good quarterback at any level that Pete coached up. Matt Leinart? Mark Sanchez? Do you remember, like I do, the post game interview in 2011 when an enthusiastic Pete Carroll drooled over Tavaris Jackson by saying "We're going to build around Tavaris!"

Pete is one of the best defensive minded coaches of the past 30 years, but he doesn't have that great of a track record when it comes to quarterbacks. That's one of the reasons why Russell is no longer here, because Pete simply isn't a good quarterback's coach. He's like Lou Pinella was with pitchers.
Keep in mind what Carroll accomplished with Leinart and Sanchez too. He doesn't need to be a quarterback whisperer. He only needs a point guard to distribute the ball.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022
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...this isn't correct...

In 2019, Denver hired Vic Fangio as their Head Coach. Fangio has been a D coordinator for a long long time. It was well publicized at the time of his hiring that he would get the D in tip top shape again, and they PLANNED to go get a vet QB to be a caretaker for an offense that was supposed to just not lose the game. Flacco was Fangios hand picked selection. Denver traded for him. This was BEFORE the draft.

Some important points here.

IF .....IF your team is about to go draft a 1st round franchise QB...Vic Fangio is NOT THE GUY you hire for that. ...again...at the time he was Hired..Elway and Fangio were out here talking, letting everyone know what the plan was....Play tough D...get a vet QB to run an O that didn't need to win games...it just had to not lose them. THAT WAS THEIR PLAN. Fangio is the right guy if this your plan.

Before the draft, Fangio and Elway both went on record stating they were 100 percent not taking a QB in round 1. They didn't. Some people forget Drew was picked in round 2. After the draft, Elway explaned the pick....Denver traded up to pick 42 to select Lock in round 2. Elway said Lock was too much of a draft value to pass up when he fell that far. He maintained it was Flaccos job, that Lock wouldn't see the field in year 1 and probalby not year 2 either...the plan was Flacco, with OLD MAN, D COORDINATOR head coach.

I will point out AGAIN....in the onlly HC job 63 yr old Vic Fangio was ever going to have...he was NOT interested in rookie, project QB's...that's not what he is suited to coach. He is not who your hire if that is the route you want to go.

It has since come out that Fangio never liked Lock...never wanted Lock...and was NEVER going to play Lock or do anything to develop Lock...he didn't have time and he wasn't the right kind of coach to do that job anyhow.

Lock was always going to be a bit of a project....for reasons I laid out in my initial post....but the reason Seahawks fans ought to be at least a little optimistic about him is he literally went someplace where he NEVER had a chance from the beginning.

If he was in this draft..he'd be talked about as a potential round 1 pick because he does have an arm, he is mobile, and he has good size.

It is entirely possible that being WANTED and supported, he can become something good. He didn't even come close to getting a fair shake in Denver....
Lock wasn’t drafted in the first. Also as everyone knew,Flacco was a bridge QB. The plan all along was for Flacco to play year one and for Lock to take over after. Elway has publicly stated that he wishes they had done that with him when he was drafted.
BTW, trolling the mane didn’t make you, a KC fan, an expert on all things Broncos.
I’ll give you credit, your method of trolling is constant.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2022
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Lock wasn’t drafted in the first. Also as everyone knew,Flacco was a bridge QB. The plan all along was for Flacco to play year one and for Lock to take over after. Elway has publicly stated that he wishes they had done that with him when he was drafted.
BTW, trolling the mane didn’t make you, a KC fan, an expert on all things Broncos.
I’ll give you credit, your method of trolling is consistent.


New member
Mar 19, 2022
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Lock wasn’t drafted in the first. Also as everyone knew,Flacco was a bridge QB. The plan all along was for Flacco to play year one and for Lock to take over after. Elway has publicly stated that he wishes they had done that with him when he was drafted.
BTW, trolling the mane didn’t make you, a KC fan, an expert on all things Broncos.
I’ll give you credit, your method of trolling is constant.
Flacco wasn't a bridge...he was the main man...He was signed BEFORE THE DRAFT...the Broncos hired Fangio...not a QB developer! There was no way to know before the draft if they'd even be getting a QB! Elway was quoted at the time of the trade for Flacco..We are getting a QB in his prime! .....and right after trading for him...when the only cap hit they had was simply his salary...they picked up his option! This was not a BRIDGE. ....how dense are you? ELWAY and FANGIO publicly stated all this..I'm not some insider....there was no cryptic language to figure out...this was their plan...and they said it was.....

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