Dear Pete: I no longer enjoy the team you put on the field.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Seymour":12m55qhy said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Bennett saying wife stopped him from holding out sound more like a joke. Chancellor was the one who was no show. Bennett has played hard for us every game.


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Nov 16, 2015
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rcaido":3fxz7you said:
Seymour":3fxz7you said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Bennett saying wife stopped him from holding out sound more like a joke. Chancellor was the one who was no show. Bennett has played hard for us every game.

OK. :lol:

Don't read this then.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Seymour":16cr4y8p said:
Correct. But not "others". I only said you and 1 other were.

So... "others" by definition.

And nothing on your inability to see your inane contradictions or moving the goalposts to suit your "Dear Pete" letter?

Got it...


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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Uncle Si":p9hw9iwg said:
Seymour":p9hw9iwg said:
Correct. But not "others". I only said you and 1 other were.

So... "others" by definition.

And nothing on your inability to see your inane contradictions or moving the goalposts to suit your "Dear Pete" letter?

Got it...

I made a mistake on that post and edited it after i realized one other I said missed the point.

I apologize for leaving "others" in there. Better?

Now, why don't you just spit out what EXACTLY is this contradiction for those of us not getting that part (me). It would be so much easier to address than this dance you love to go though. :|


New member
Jan 14, 2017
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rcaido":s64j6ni5 said:
Seymour":s64j6ni5 said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Bennett saying wife stopped him from holding out sound more like a joke. Chancellor was the one who was no show. Bennett has played hard for us every game.

Showing his true colors again by attacking the Seahawks players, an obsessive ritual for some.

And when did Sheldon Richardson "whine about Wagner getting his sacks"? LOL.

The coaches and players have acknowledged that Richardson is doing great work in opening up opportunities for other players. I don't know how that could be considered "whining," unless you view it from the distorted perspective of a perpetual complainer with a whiny agenda against the Seahawks' players and coaches.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2014
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Seymour":16u2r7gu said:
rcaido":16u2r7gu said:
Seymour":16u2r7gu said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Bennett saying wife stopped him from holding out sound more like a joke. Chancellor was the one who was no show. Bennett has played hard for us every game.

OK. :lol:

Don't read this then.

He might hold out...Did he hold out? Nope

Has Bennett missed any games due to contract? Nope

I would say majority had no problems with Bennett in 2015...

Would you say more people have issues with Bennett in 2017 for whatever "reasons" besides football? Yes


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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rcaido":2pm1e59q said:
Seymour":2pm1e59q said:
rcaido":2pm1e59q said:
Seymour":2pm1e59q said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Bennett saying wife stopped him from holding out sound more like a joke. Chancellor was the one who was no show. Bennett has played hard for us every game.

OK. :lol:

Don't read this then.

He might hold out...Did he hold out? Nope

Has Bennett missed any games due to contract? Nope

I would say majority had no problems with Bennett in 2015...

Would you say more people have issues with Bennett in 2017 for whatever "reasons" besides football? Yes

You are reading too much into my comment. All I said was many players are fighting for the contract and the $$, and not "beating their brains out" just for the fans.

The quote was to show examples of recent players that put the contract first. I really don't have an issue with that, it's their job and it is a short career. That is not to say I may not have issue with how they make it known though.

The constant is the team (Logo) the owner and the city they represent. The players and even coaches come and go, and if they tarnish the logo during their stay I think fans have a right to call that out.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Seymour":25a1cmc7 said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Never once said that. I'm implying these players have produced for this team for YEARS, and after 1 game/lack luster season you want to kick them to the curb.

Which is EXACTLY why they SHOULD hold out for more money, because people like you love them when they're spectacular, but quickly want to cut or trade a player because we're not 10-3.


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Nov 16, 2015
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BuffaloHawk":32nmnf3l said:
Seymour":32nmnf3l said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Never once said that. I'm implying these players have produced for this team for YEARS, and after 1 game/lack luster season you want to kick them to the curb.

Which is EXACTLY why they SHOULD hold out for more money, because people like you love them when they're spectacular, but quickly want to cut or trade a player because we're not 10-3.

I know you didn't. You jumped into a comment that was a reply to someone that did.




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Mar 3, 2007
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Seymour":9jav4k2v said:
BuffaloHawk":9jav4k2v said:
Seymour":9jav4k2v said:
Many of the "family" are fighting for the contract, not just us. Look no further than Richardson whining about Wagner getting his sacks for recent proof of this.

Look no further then Bennett whining about his contract, wanting to holding out (wife stopped him and said no), and more money every chance he got prior to latest contract for more.

Playing this "they're beating their brains out for you and you called them a name" card is getting quite comical in here though.

Never once said that. I'm implying these players have produced for this team for YEARS, and after 1 game/lack luster season you want to kick them to the curb.

Which is EXACTLY why they SHOULD hold out for more money, because people like you love them when they're spectacular, but quickly want to cut or trade a player because we're not 10-3.

I know you didn't. You jumped into a comment that was a reply to someone that did.



I think in the end....

Watch the game. Be entertained. Hopefully no injuries. Go Hawks.

Uncle Si

Active member
Mar 3, 2007
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Seymour":262bi08j said:
Uncle Si":262bi08j said:
Seymour":262bi08j said:
Correct. But not "others". I only said you and 1 other were.

So... "others" by definition.

And nothing on your inability to see your inane contradictions or moving the goalposts to suit your "Dear Pete" letter?

Got it...

I made a mistake on that post and edited it after i realized one other I said missed the point.

I apologize for leaving "others" in there. Better?

Now, why don't you just spit out what EXACTLY is this contradiction for those of us not getting that part (me). It would be so much easier to address than this dance you love to go though. :|

I’ve already done that Seymour. It’s frustrating that your self reflection here involves baiting attempts. It’s fristrating because I enjoy your posts and general perspective. The “dance” as you call it is like watching you dig a hole. You need a ladder but ask for a shovel.

You criticize the players for their actions, their motives, their behavior and their mindset as some affront to your sensibilities of what an athlete should be then disparage the hard work they do. That’s a contradiction. It’s more, but this is the main forum so I’ll keave it at that.

Let’s refocus.. I’m disappointed in the product on the field. But not the players. I believe they are being poorly coached and directed. This is the result. And we see it across the NFL.


Active member
Nov 16, 2015
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Uncle Si":1efnjyo2 said:
Seymour":1efnjyo2 said:
Uncle Si":1efnjyo2 said:
Seymour":1efnjyo2 said:
Correct. But not "others". I only said you and 1 other were.

So... "others" by definition.

And nothing on your inability to see your inane contradictions or moving the goalposts to suit your "Dear Pete" letter?

Got it...

I made a mistake on that post and edited it after i realized one other I said missed the point.

I apologize for leaving "others" in there. Better?

Now, why don't you just spit out what EXACTLY is this contradiction for those of us not getting that part (me). It would be so much easier to address than this dance you love to go though. :|

I’ve already done that Seymour. It’s frustrating that your self reflection here involves baiting attempts. It’s fristrating because I enjoy your posts and general perspective. The “dance” as you call it is like watching you dig a hole. You need a ladder but ask for a shovel.

You criticize the players for their actions, their motives, their behavior and their mindset as some affront to your sensibilities of what an athlete should be then disparage the hard work they do. That’s a contradiction. It’s more, but this is the main forum so I’ll keave it at that.

Let’s refocus.. I’m disappointed in the product on the field. But not the players. I believe they are being poorly coached and directed. This is the result. And we see it across the NFL.

Well then, thanks for the backhoe when I asked for a shovel.

If I am critical of lets take Ifedi for instance. I bitch about penalties, same mistakes for 2 years, whiffing, over rated by staff, ect., am I really blaming him only (as you imply) or coaching or both? How many friggen times do I have to call out Cable as the root of all these problems, and Pete for the root of all his ridiculous penalties year after year before YOU realize I'm calling them all out? And what does "working hard" have to do with it? Is it the exact same thing to work hard trying to escape from prison as it is at making a legit living? NO. There are many instances where working hard is not a valid excuse for doing the right thing.

You are way off base here IMO (and others too--read the other posts), I disagree that is anything close to hypocritical.


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Sep 27, 2009
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I was disheartened early on when we kept the same OL formula with the same results. When we were healthy and dropping games we should have won I was pissed at Pete.

Then they put Pocic in (who does struggle but isn't hopeless like Ifedi) and ponied up for Brown who is AWESOME.

Took them longer than it should have but now o feel they've learned they must pay 1 or 2 OL so my main gripe was gone.

Add to that we are competing in games after the entire LOB is out and I've been a pretty happy camper. When Sherman and Kam went out I thought we might be toast but happily we don't seem to be yet.

They've gone from underperforming to over performing IMO and thus I'm enjoying it more.


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Mar 7, 2012
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It's funny how you hear, "You would be happy if we had won", as if someone thinks it makes them sound clever. Not clever. Very very very dumb and obviously true, in fact.

SIMPLE FACT: All things are judged by their results. In science, we call this pragmatism. The end result of something is the means by which you judge it.

OF COURSE people would be happy if we had won, and criticism would be minimized. That's how it works. Would anyone call Belichick a genius if the Patriots had never won a SuperBowl? Of course not. Would Brady be in the GOAT conversation if they never won? Of course not. Unless you were simply trying to be contrarian or dumb.

The fact that the Seahawks lost is why people are not enjoying watching what is on the field. Of course. Why would I not enjoy watching a win? I had a blast at the Eagles game, but the Jags game made me feel sick to my stomach.

I understand what the OP is saying, and I've been feeling that way as well for the last couple seasons. I'm sick of watching our team do the same damn things over and over and over, even though it's not working. We've been riding on a great defense for years, and now that we have so many injuries, our season is over. People can sit here and call me a bad fan, or say you never know what happens, but that's all BS. We aren't playing in a Superbowl this year. Period. I'd be surprised if we get a single playoff win, because our offense is terrible and now that our defense is injured, we are mediocre at best.


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Apr 28, 2012
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Dear Pete,

I love the fight this team has. Ignore the whiners.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
So people are whiners if they point out anything negative, like the team acting like 5 year old poor sports when they lose? Got it :2thumbs:

idle Eric

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Jan 18, 2017
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Seymour":32zoltte said:
Uncle Si":32zoltte said:
Seymour":32zoltte said:
Uncle Si":32zoltte said:
So... "others" by definition.

And nothing on your inability to see your inane contradictions or moving the goalposts to suit your "Dear Pete" letter?

Got it...

I made a mistake on that post and edited it after i realized one other I said missed the point.

I apologize for leaving "others" in there. Better?

Now, why don't you just spit out what EXACTLY is this contradiction for those of us not getting that part (me). It would be so much easier to address than this dance you love to go though. :|

I’ve already done that Seymour. It’s frustrating that your self reflection here involves baiting attempts. It’s fristrating because I enjoy your posts and general perspective. The “dance” as you call it is like watching you dig a hole. You need a ladder but ask for a shovel.

You criticize the players for their actions, their motives, their behavior and their mindset as some affront to your sensibilities of what an athlete should be then disparage the hard work they do. That’s a contradiction. It’s more, but this is the main forum so I’ll keave it at that.

Let’s refocus.. I’m disappointed in the product on the field. But not the players. I believe they are being poorly coached and directed. This is the result. And we see it across the NFL.

Well then, thanks for the backhoe when I asked for a shovel.

If I am critical of lets take Ifedi for instance. I bitch about penalties, same mistakes for 2 years, whiffing, over rated by staff, ect., am I really blaming him only (as you imply) or coaching or both? How many friggen times do I have to call out Cable as the root of all these problems, and Pete for the root of all his ridiculous penalties year after year before YOU realize I'm calling them all out? And what does "working hard" have to do with it? Is it the exact same thing to work hard trying to escape from prison as it is at making a legit living? NO. There are many instances where working hard is not a valid excuse for doing the right thing.

You are way off base here IMO (and others too--read the other posts), I disagree that is anything close to hypocritical.

Put perfectly .
I think it's time to stop this though . As you said a number of posts ago - he just doesn't get it.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Seymour":2lzpkhzg said:
Uncle Si":2lzpkhzg said:
Seymour":2lzpkhzg said:
Uncle Si":2lzpkhzg said:
So... "others" by definition.

And nothing on your inability to see your inane contradictions or moving the goalposts to suit your "Dear Pete" letter?

Got it...

I made a mistake on that post and edited it after i realized one other I said missed the point.

I apologize for leaving "others" in there. Better?

Now, why don't you just spit out what EXACTLY is this contradiction for those of us not getting that part (me). It would be so much easier to address than this dance you love to go though. :|

I’ve already done that Seymour. It’s frustrating that your self reflection here involves baiting attempts. It’s fristrating because I enjoy your posts and general perspective. The “dance” as you call it is like watching you dig a hole. You need a ladder but ask for a shovel.

You criticize the players for their actions, their motives, their behavior and their mindset as some affront to your sensibilities of what an athlete should be then disparage the hard work they do. That’s a contradiction. It’s more, but this is the main forum so I’ll keave it at that.

Let’s refocus.. I’m disappointed in the product on the field. But not the players. I believe they are being poorly coached and directed. This is the result. And we see it across the NFL.

Well then, thanks for the backhoe when I asked for a shovel.

If I am critical of lets take Ifedi for instance. I bitch about penalties, same mistakes for 2 years, whiffing, over rated by staff, ect., am I really blaming him only (as you imply) or coaching or both? How many friggen times do I have to call out Cable as the root of all these problems, and Pete for the root of all his ridiculous penalties year after year before YOU realize I'm calling them all out? And what does "working hard" have to do with it? Is it the exact same thing to work hard trying to escape from prison as it is at making a legit living? NO. There are many instances where working hard is not a valid excuse for doing the right thing.

You are way off base here IMO (and others too--read the other posts), I disagree that is anything close to hypocritical.

You’ve called out their intelligence. Their heart. Their commitment. And then play off like they’re family. That’s hypocritical. You don’t grasp the dichotomy

Ifedi And his penalties suck. There’s a distinction between calling him out for sucking and Bennett as a whiney spoiled brat because he went after the jag center.

I offered distribction. You didn’t until now.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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idle Eric":149ageai said:
Seymour":149ageai said:
Uncle Si":149ageai said:
Seymour":149ageai said:
I made a mistake on that post and edited it after i realized one other I said missed the point.

I apologize for leaving "others" in there. Better?

Now, why don't you just spit out what EXACTLY is this contradiction for those of us not getting that part (me). It would be so much easier to address than this dance you love to go though. :|

I’ve already done that Seymour. It’s frustrating that your self reflection here involves baiting attempts. It’s fristrating because I enjoy your posts and general perspective. The “dance” as you call it is like watching you dig a hole. You need a ladder but ask for a shovel.

You criticize the players for their actions, their motives, their behavior and their mindset as some affront to your sensibilities of what an athlete should be then disparage the hard work they do. That’s a contradiction. It’s more, but this is the main forum so I’ll keave it at that.

Let’s refocus.. I’m disappointed in the product on the field. But not the players. I believe they are being poorly coached and directed. This is the result. And we see it across the NFL.

Well then, thanks for the backhoe when I asked for a shovel.

If I am critical of lets take Ifedi for instance. I bitch about penalties, same mistakes for 2 years, whiffing, over rated by staff, ect., am I really blaming him only (as you imply) or coaching or both? How many friggen times do I have to call out Cable as the root of all these problems, and Pete for the root of all his ridiculous penalties year after year before YOU realize I'm calling them all out? And what does "working hard" have to do with it? Is it the exact same thing to work hard trying to escape from prison as it is at making a legit living? NO. There are many instances where working hard is not a valid excuse for doing the right thing.

You are way off base here IMO (and others too--read the other posts), I disagree that is anything close to hypocritical.

Put perfectly .
I think it's time to stop this though . As you said a number of posts ago - he just doesn't get it.

Way to hang on.

Don’t let go of his shirt

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