Chris Mortensen reports what some want to hear.


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bestfightstory":onqx47h0 said:
theENGLISHseahawk":onqx47h0 said:

You can't have five starting quarterbacks in two and a quarter seasons and expect to be a contender. Carroll needs to make a decision and stick to it.

BUT you CAN have 4???? Are we just now on the threshold?

Who said you can have four? I'm quoting the number that exists, not saying we've now reached the tipping point. Clearly you can't have a carousel at QB for two and a half years and expect to win more football games than you lose.


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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Largent80":efut7c6y said:
Here is a challenge for everyone so concerned about QB and want to assign all the blame on him.

Actually watch his supporting cast today...YOU KNOW?...The people he has to depend on to keep the other team from trying to stop him.

Start with the middle of the O-Line, then work out from there. Watch his receivers, are they coming back to the ball to help him out if he has to run, and can/will they hold onto the ball when it is thrown their way.......?

Rob, stop being reasonable! It's .Net - where a problem can only be one thing or another. Our offensive struggles are exclusively on Wilson, it can't be that our interior pass blocking sucks and that our WRs would be buried on the depth chart on most other good teams rosters. It can't be that we don't have any offensive players outside of Lynch that scare defenses. It can't be the chicken sh*t play calling.



Wilson is struggling. No question. But a lot of those around him are struggling too, including his coaches.


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Sep 4, 2010
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FlyingGreg":uamzab6i said:
And for all you so excited to see Flynn, just remember a few things: He didn't do squat in the pre-season, has not thrown the ball much at all the last few months with his elbow, he has the same lack of true targets to throw to as Wilson does, and Bevell is still the play caller.

Anyone expecting Flynn to ride in on a white horse and throw for 300 yds is going to be very, very disappointed.

Wilson just called. He wants to know how you made him taller in your avi.


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Feb 27, 2007
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I like what I hear from Moon, Kitna and others but I am seeing a potentially very special season being wasted if a change is *not* made. I'll root for whoever is out there and I am as excited as anybody about Wilson but there needs to be a sense of urgency about this thing.

If Wilson is half the kid people claim he is, he would understand a benching and it would not harm his development one bit. If he is struggling at the half, I hope to see what we have in Flynn. We know what we currently have in Wilson.


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FlyingGreg":2kmjfwqn said:
amill87":2kmjfwqn said:
FlyingGreg":2kmjfwqn said:
And for all you so excited to see Flynn, just remember a few things: He didn't do squat in the pre-season, has not thrown the ball much at all the last few months with his elbow, he has the same lack of true targets to throw to as Wilson does, and Bevell is still the play caller.

Anyone expecting Flynn to ride in on a white horse and throw for 300 yds is going to be very, very disappointed.


And if he does? Will you say it's because his line protected better, the receivers ran better routes, and Bevell called a better game?

Noone expects Flynn to throw for 300 yards (even though in one game he has thrown for more yards and TDs than Wilson has in his career) but hoping for a QB that can step up in the pocket, not make the receivers jump to catch balls, and hit wide open guys really isn't too much....

NO ... I'll give him credit if he does. I just don't think it's going to be like flicking a switch - Flynn was check down Charlie in the pre-season. He just looked....blah.

You do know that Wilson has been check down charlie so far right?

oh and how did the preseason work out for Kolb? Saying "Flynn was blah in preseason, so that is relevant to him in the regular season but when he actually played in the regular season, it isn't" is just lazy.


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FlyingGreg":1b5iuohq said:
amill87":1b5iuohq said:
FlyingGreg":1b5iuohq said:
And for all you so excited to see Flynn, just remember a few things: He didn't do squat in the pre-season, has not thrown the ball much at all the last few months with his elbow, he has the same lack of true targets to throw to as Wilson does, and Bevell is still the play caller.

Anyone expecting Flynn to ride in on a white horse and throw for 300 yds is going to be very, very disappointed.


And if he does? Will you say it's because his line protected better, the receivers ran better routes, and Bevell called a better game?

Noone expects Flynn to throw for 300 yards (even though in one game he has thrown for more yards and TDs than Wilson has in his career) but hoping for a QB that can step up in the pocket, not make the receivers jump to catch balls, and hit wide open guys really isn't too much....

NO ... I'll give him credit if he does. I just don't think it's going to be like flicking a switch - Flynn was check down Charlie in the pre-season. He just looked....blah.

Yeah, I've heard the same tired story of how great Flynn was in all two of his NFL starts. The problem that people conveniently leave out is he was throwing to Greg Jennings, Jordy Nelson, Donald Driver, Randall Cobb, and Jermichael Finley. Doesn't exactly match up with our talent at WR/TE, does it? For all that budding All Pro buzz he built terrorizing the vaunted Lions defense in that game last season, it sure didn't translate to much demand on the free agent market, did it? Teams realize he was set-up for success in Green Bay way more than he would be anywhere else. That could all change, of course. Just how I see it now.

And if we switch to Flynn, any cohesion developing whatsoever goes out the window and it's a re-start. I thought it was an odd decision to start Wilson to begin with, but once you put him out there I feel you have to let him endure the growing pains.

But no, if they do switch I'll support Flynn. I just think people should temper expectations.
But the opposite is true too. People get tired of the same old story of how Flynn was blah in the preseason. But guess what? Regular season games are more meaningful indicators than preseason games.

and if Green Bay is SO da bomb stock full of talent, why'd we beat them? Finally, the talent level is across the board in the NFL. That's why we say Any Given Sunday. So saying he did that with Green Bay is BS imo. He's got talent to throw to here as well.

Don't expect a 300 yard game. Just expect an adequate day with some 3rd down conversions, some misses, maybe even a pick or two, but longer, more sustained drives.


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Feb 27, 2007
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FlyingGreg":2ex2huop said:
Wilson is struggling. No question. But a lot of those around him are struggling too, including his coaches.

Nicely put Greg. Why we are consistently going empty back sets on 3rd and 3 yet sending power formations out there on 2nd and 8 is troubling.


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Sep 16, 2011
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Naples, FL
This really makes for an interesting day and season.RW should be able to step up if he is the player we all think he is,and on the other side Matt Flynn should be ready to play and make a statement that is what he was brought here for and has been groomed in Green Bay for.


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Tacoma, WA
Well, whatevz if it happens, it happens and I hope it works out. I hope for Wilson's sake though he can do it because this could be his last chance (aside from injury) to start again if Flynn plays well. If Flynn looks like trash then Pete would have dug himself a really really deep hole.


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Feb 28, 2007
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bestfightstory":1h2360nz said:

Not sure I believe C Mortenson but I want whoever is on the field to play well. To play better than Wilson has been thus far this year.

Let it be Wilson. That's fine with me and I will be cheering as loudly as any of you.

If not, get him out of there, please. I don't want to suffer the learning curve at the expense of wins.

I will no longer comment on any QB related threads. BFS speaks for me.


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Colorado Springs, Colorado
amill87":2m0zzxvo said:
You do know that Wilson has been check down charlie so far right?

oh and how did the preseason work out for Kolb? Saying "Flynn was blah in preseason, so that is relevant to him in the regular season but when he actually played in the regular season, it isn't" is just lazy.

It's ok, I won't keep you from re-watching those Flynn highlights from last season. He is the man! Again, you don't acknowledge the reality of the play makers Flynn had in Green Bay. Why?


So if *both* have been check down Charlie's, could that mean the bigger issues (as I've said 1000 times) might be the WR's? Hmmmm.....

No it's not lazy, you are missing the point. I'll slow it down for you: Carroll made the decision based more on what he saw in the pre-season games. Which QB looked far more exciting in the pre-season? Please take the Flynn bumper sticker off before you answer, because it was way beyond obvious who it is. Are there mitigating factors for that? Sure...Wilson played against mostly 2nd and 3rd stringers, no scheming, etc. I get that. But remember, I'm stating why I think Wilson was named the starter - as we have rehashed endlessly in here.

In that light, the pre-season performance IS relevant.

Look, I know everyone is frustrated by the offense. I am as well. But you have to look at the big picture - it's not JUST the QB. Now THAT is being lazy. Some of it is the WRs, some of it is the conservative play calling, some is the interior pass blocking. All of it needs to come together for this offense to stop laying turds. We've seen flashes of it at times this season (Wilson's ability to move the ball late in the game to get in position, the beautiful TD throws to McCoy and Tate).

I will say -- if Wilson struggles today, I want to see Flynn. We can't keep donating games to science and hoping defense, the running game and special teams pull it out. We need much, much more from the offense. If Flynn is the answer, then I'll ride his bandwagon too. I'm not one of these fans that picks a player ahead of the team. I supported T Jack last season when he played, even though U knew we could do better.

But I'll just go on record and say if Flynn comes in, I'm not expecting instant change in the offense because I think a lot of other things needs to be fixed.


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Sep 7, 2010
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Would Flynn be able to convert in the Run, Run, Pass (7+) scenario any better than wilson? Its just so predictable, and a terrible situation for the QB. Sounds like changing just to change.

It would definitely take me by surprise if Wilson got pulled in the middle of the game.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Vancouver, Wa
VHawk":1a0680z6 said:
This really makes for an interesting day and season.RW should be able to step up if he is the player we all think he is,and on the other side Matt Flynn should be ready to play and make a statement that is what he was brought here for and has been groomed in Green Bay for.

no you watch, IF Flynn comes in and has a great game it will be because "the defense didn't scheme for him" :stirthepot:


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Mar 14, 2012
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If Russell struggles and Pete puts in Flynn and he only struggles further, I will want this to be Pete's last season. That would not sit well with me.

The Radish

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Spokane, Wa.
m0ng0":27rgxoi8 said:
Largent80":27rgxoi8 said:
Watch his receivers, are they coming back to the ball to help him out if he has to run, and can/will they hold onto the ball when it is thrown their way.......?

I think you just touched on a part of the bigger problem as the receivers don't know if they should finish their routes or look to start blocking as they have no idea what he is going to do with the ball once he starts moving, as the season goes on I am hoping they start to develop a little more chemistry. It is definitely a 2 way street in that regard.

With Flynn they know to finish their routes as Matt is not very mobile and has a quicker release.

That's bs mongo. All receivers are supposed to finish their routes and come back to help their QB when he's in trouble.



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Sep 18, 2011
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Vancouver, Wa
The Radish":2km8fz8v said:
m0ng0":2km8fz8v said:
Largent80":2km8fz8v said:
Watch his receivers, are they coming back to the ball to help him out if he has to run, and can/will they hold onto the ball when it is thrown their way.......?

I think you just touched on a part of the bigger problem as the receivers don't know if they should finish their routes or look to start blocking as they have no idea what he is going to do with the ball once he starts moving, as the season goes on I am hoping they start to develop a little more chemistry. It is definitely a 2 way street in that regard.

With Flynn they know to finish their routes as Matt is not very mobile and has a quicker release.

That's bs mongo. All receivers are supposed to finish their routes and come back to help their QB when he's in trouble.


not if he is already running before the play develops :D


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Seahawk Sailor":1c2uamc6 said:
Hey, at least this season we can afford to throw Flynn in there and blow a game to prove a point, if that's what it comes to.

At least you have dropped the pretense of objectivity when it comes to our QBs.

Tech Worlds

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theENGLISHseahawk":5v9xv219 said:
bestfightstory":5v9xv219 said:
theENGLISHseahawk":5v9xv219 said:

You can't have five starting quarterbacks in two and a quarter seasons and expect to be a contender. Carroll needs to make a decision and stick to it.

BUT you CAN have 4???? Are we just now on the threshold?

Who said you can have four? I'm quoting the number that exists, not saying we've now reached the tipping point. Clearly you can't have a carousel at QB for two and a half years and expect to win more football games than you lose.

No. you MUST have that carousel at QB until you are convinced that you have settled on the right guy. Wilson has not proven to Carroll that he is that guy.

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