Carroll Out As Head Coach


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Jan 9, 2011
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Cedar Rapids, IA
Saving grace? You mean CAPTAIN BLIGH is now in charge? You call that "saving grace?" Really? Carroll HIRED the guy. Pete Carroll gave the unknown Schneider his shot back when Paul Allen put this all together. But now it appears that Schneider has been whispering sweet nothings to sister Jody, which means Carroll is out and Schneider is in charge. This is not good news. This will not end well. Trust me. Any 49er fan who knows his or her salt will tell you that this is a REALLY BAD IDEA. We saw this play out ten years ago. It wasn't good.

Here's what is going to happen. Schneider is going to make the call on a new coach. Jim Harbaugh won't come in without full control, and Schneider isn't about to give that up. Which means Seattle is going to hire some young kid. Schneider, in the meantime, will navigate Good Ship Seahawks into a hurricane. He will now have full control of all future drafts, which will fail. Badly fail. Three years from now, after sister Jody has either sold the team or decided to keep it, she is going to realize the mistake she made. Schneider and the coach he hired will be booted after the Seahawks manage to put together three consecutive losing seasons.

At that point, every Seahawks fan on this board will come to realize that sister Jody made a massive mistake. But, it will already be too late. I feel for any Seahawks fan who thinks this is a "good idea." It's not. This type of arrangement rarely works anymore.
Any Seahawk fan laughing at this and not recognizing that this is a very true possibility is being very naive.


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Jan 17, 2015
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Pete Carroll's very first press conference was reposted on YouTube yesterday.
He talked of positivity and identifying the unique qualities of each player and amplifying them. And he promised success with this formula.

And you know what? He was true to his word and won a Superbowl with that formula. And for the most part, winning seasons. Something rare and unique in the NFL.

JS needs to look into his soul, put ego aside, and find that new coach that will emulate Pete Carroll's qualities as a human. And has the coaching chops; no small feat.

I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but we'll see very shortly if this team builds on the past success, or fails miserably.


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May 10, 2009
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May 2, 2009
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I find it extremely funny that now we have the Carroll die hards telling us that John is going to fail. At least, for Carroll, we had 10 years of history to base our opinion. Now we have people coming out of the woodwork saying that John was basically a stooge and therefore he is going to fail.
Well, we gave Carroll 10 years to succeed, are you going to give John any time at all?
I personally think that John, not having to defer to Pete’s whims, will knock it out of the park. But even if he does not, as i said in another thread, at least we are trying.
Pete fell victim to his own way of doing things. I understand being nice and i for one do not wish to hire an asshole as our new head coach, but at some point the always compete has to “override” the niceness, no? Otherwise you get what the hawks had, an undisciplined underperforming team.


Dec 26, 2012
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Why is this clown allowed to post on a SEAHAWK board.

Probably because there are a number of members who post on the 49ER board. The Seattle Seahawks thread on the 49er Webzone, established in 2016, has blown past 1,000 pages. Many of those pages come from members who have come to gloat, cast shame or simply have a good time. But, that's just my guess.
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Dec 26, 2012
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See, statements like that make me lose all respect for your takes. His power play? You know jack squat like the rest of us how this all plays out but to make such a negative, emphatic statement smells of rivalry speak.

You may be correct about the rivalry-speak statement. You are also correct with the thinking that, as a 49er fan, I vastly enjoyed the way Kyle Shanahan just stuck it to the Seahawks over the past two seasons. 5-0. Smells great, baby.

At the same time, AROS, I think you would be the first to admit that rivalries between two really good NFL franchises is a good thing. As much as 49er fans hated Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson, we privately respected them. There were some years in recent memory where all 49er fans thought we were finally going to be competitive, until we got foot-stomped by Pete Carroll's team. Privately, we fumed. There was nothing we could do. It was back to the drawing board time.

Rivalries are no fun when one of the rivals falls into a pit. That's like beating a dead horse. I am honest with my comment that I think Jody Allen has made a big mistake. But, time will tell.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
You may be correct about the rivalry-speak statement. You are also correct with the thinking that, as a 49er fan, I vastly enjoyed the way Kyle Shanahan just stuck it to the Seahawks over the past two seasons. 5-0. Smells great, baby.

At the same time, AROS, I think you would be the first to admit that rivalries between two really good NFL franchises is a good thing. As much as 49er fans hated Pete Carroll and Russell Wilson, we privately respected them. There were some years in recent memory where all 49er fans thought we were finally going to be competitive, until we got foot-stomped by Pete Carroll's team. Privately, we fumed. There was nothing we could do. It was back to the drawing board time.

Rivalries are no fun when one of the rivals falls into a pit. That's like beating a dead horse. I am honest with my comment that I think Jody Allen has made a big mistake. But, time will tell.
IMO the problem that most of us had with your comments was your analogy with the situation the Niners were facing in Harbaugh's last season with that of Pete and our GM. Harbaugh and Ballke's feud was well documented while there is no evidence whatsoever that there was "power play" by John Schneider to have Pete removed, to the contrary, there's tons of evidence of the exact opposite. I don't think that Pete would be blowing kisses towards Schneider if there was an acrimonious relationship between the two as there was between Harbaugh and Ballke.

That's why a lot of posters viewed your comments as trollish. They were complete fiction, worse than an Oliver Stone movie.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Apparently neither do you. He was never accused of cheating by the NCAA.

USC did such a $h1t job of PR on the sanctions. Gets tiring when people claim things like Pete was paying guys when that was never even claimed by the NCAA.
What you say is true. Pete was never accused of cheating by the NCAA.

But that doesn't mean he was completely clean. Pete ignored the obvious, times when these poor black kids start showing up to practice in these tricked out cars that cost 10 times more than what they or their parents could afford instead of asking them where they got the car. He was the piano player in the whorehouse, merrily going about his business completely ignorant of the adultery going on upstairs.

That's one of the reasons why I was against the hire way back in 2010, that he took the Hawks job for all the wrong reasons, that he was getting out of Dodge before the hammer dropped at USC.


Can I get a hoyyaaa
Sep 8, 2021
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I vastly enjoyed the way Kyle Shanahan just stuck it to the Seahawks over the past two seasons. 5-0. Smells great, baby.

I am honest with my comment that I think Jody Allen has made a big mistake. But, time will tell.
You say you enjoyed the way Shanahan stuck it to the Carroll-coached Seahawks over the past two seasons and then say you think Jody made a big mistake getting rid of the head coach that Shanahan stuck it to...

It sounds like you only think it's a big mistake because you wanted Shanahan to keep sticking it to Carroll's team.


The winds of change, they are blowing.


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Nov 18, 2013
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He deserved another year. LOB didnt happen overnight, and wasnt luck, and all the great talent we got on both sides of the ball currently, wasnt luck. He was clearly in the process of buldijg something else great, but here we are. With you twats. This next decade you spoiled delusional little shts deserve shtty coaches, and players that dont want to play in seattle. Ban me about my confrontational post. Who gives a fk. Goodbye to a great coach..


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
He deserved another year. LOB didnt happen overnight, and wasnt luck, and all the great talent we got on both sides of the ball currently, wasnt luck. He was clearly in the process of buldijg something else great, but here we are. With you twats. This next decade you spoiled delusional little shts deserve shtty coaches, and players that dont want to play in seattle. Ban me about my confrontational post. Who gives a fk. Goodbye to a great coach..
He doesn't. Here's why.

The team has been a pretender for a decade.

I'm all about giving coaches time to figure things out after winning a title. But not a decade which is a lifetime in the NFL. Especially, when I have nothing of substance to point to currently.
-They don't tackle,
-they're undisciplined,
-the coach admitted multiple times throughout the year that he didn't have them ready to play.
-Scheme/Philosophy is insane, behind the times.
-Makes go for it trades that never pan out.
-Stooge DCs for 8 years.

The arguement of, he won a Superbowl that one time over 10 years ago, doesn't fly.

What is he doing well right now, that folks can point to that can lead to being a contender?

It was well past time. The Seahawks did him a favor. He was beginning to overstay his welcome, and was about to become the villain if he had stayed longer.


Well-known member
May 10, 2009
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Perception is everything. There are always multiple angles from which you can view things. If you view them from the angle of winning games you see one thing. If you view them from the angle of building a team you see another. If you view them from the angle of contending for championships you see yet another.

No angle is any more right, or wrong than another. They just produce different views.


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
This type of revisionism needs to be shouted down and ridiculed to the strongest extent deemed allowable by forum guidelines.

We're not accepting serious discourse here if we're not immediately pointing out poisonous falsifications of the past.
While that posters posts can have a tendency to be toxic, this particular post is well within reasonable discourse.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
Probably because there are a number of members who post on the 49ER board. The Seattle Seahawks thread on the 49er Webzone, established in 2016, has blown past 1,000 pages. Many of those pages come from members who have come to gloat, cast shame or simply have a good time. But, that's just my guess.
Won't see me there... only as a guest when you lose in the watch the shitshow. If you beat T Swift in the last game.. congrats not an easy feat...


Active member
Aug 18, 2012
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Apparently neither do you. He was never accused of cheating by the NCAA.

USC did such a $h1t job of PR on the sanctions. Gets tiring when people claim things like Pete was paying guys when that was never even claimed by the NCAA.
You can play the naive semantics game all you want. Calling harbaugh a cheater over sign stealing is LAUGHABLE in comparison to usc basically getting the death penalty under Pete’s tenure 😭😭


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Mar 3, 2007
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Anonymity at work.
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