A few observations from the game...


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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Kearse does all the little stuff right, but yeah, he's not great at getting separation. Kearse is a super-smart football player who has a chemistry with Russ in that they see the same thing on a play, where Russ knows what Kearse will do.

Kearse got the big contract, IMO, because 1) That's how the Seahawks honestly value his overall contributions; and 2) as a reward for making some of the biggest plays in franchise history, and as a Front Office statement that the team takes care of and rewards their players who walk the walk, set an example in buying in, and make plays when the chips are down. Remember how, when Kearse first came up from the practice squad, the whole rest of the team was applauding the team's decision to move Kearse up, saying how totally deserved it was?

That said, this could be the year Kearse gets beaten out and cut. I think it's 50-50 that happens. If that does happen, I'd expect we resign him within a few weeks if nobody else picks him up.

I think it depends more on what Kasen Williams' overall game looks like, not just his catching, but his blocking and contribution to every play, and his special teams play. If they cut Kearse, to me it says the team believes Kasen's development is far enough along in those other areas.