2020 Defense could be Legendary


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Throughout Carroll's career, Carroll has not seemed very concerned about whether he telegraphs his intentions or the other team knows what he is going to do tactically or strategically.

Even now, where this is harder to overcome - he seems ok with doing it.

But our willingness to show what we are doing, refuse to adjust, and never really scheme to take advantage of the weaknesses of the opponent are all amazingly short-sighted.

It only works because Russ wins enough games despite his coaches that they feel no need to change.

So I have very little hope that we will change anything despite for the horrific results so far.

The big challenge with having tremendous success by adhering rigidly to a philosophy and playstyle, is that when things change you tend to double-down on those same things. But now they no longer work. (Look at Buddy Ryan with the 46 defense, as an example). The best example is how Pete coached this team for years as if we had a bottom-rung starter when we had a HOF QB.

Pete will continue to trust his people and expect that we can out physical the other team. That will not work and we will find out at the end of the year, having posted the worst defense in the history of the NFL. This defense will be famous and perhaps indeed legendary, but for all the wrong reasons.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2010
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corner of 30th & plum
Well well, our defense isn't so funny as it use to be now is it.

Who had the for site into how good our defense was going to be. I'll tell you it was me ! Maybe not Legendary yet, but they haven't hit there stride yet.

After the next two games and how they molest the whole state of N.Y. You'll see. LEGENDARY !