Why do so many USC fans hate Pete Carroll?


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Rocket":1762yylb said:
People make up ugly names for people they don't like or people they resent for one reason or another.
For most it started in kindergarten and flourished in grade school. Old habits die hard.

Most Americans seem to be haters. The higher up someone gets, the more everyone wants to see them fall. Instead of getting fired and burned to the ground, Pete saw the writing on the wall and jumped ship to a NFL franchise that paid him really good money, then he righted the ship and is enjoying success pretty quickly. If you disliked Pete, or were jealous, or whatever....that's really gotta get under your skin.

And for your 2nd post Kearly, I totally agree, and was going to comment something similar. If USC had found a good coach to take over after Pete left, a lot of the angst and anger would already be gone.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I've heard sc fans have a problem with him, because he had a photo taken with a short lady with short hair. Then she posted it all over fight on, before finding her way to .net.


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Jan 13, 2010
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Houston Suburbs
If you're referring to me, I've actually never posted my pic at a USC forum before. So there! :p

There were some vocal people, particularly in the media, making statements about Pete abandoning ship, etc. I still see that at times, including recently after the Oregon stuff with Chip. But as far as I can tell, they're in the minority.


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Apr 11, 2010
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fenderbender123":3nnypm76 said:
Actually it's both USC and non-USC fans...they seem to think Carroll is this guy who left USC in shambles and jumped shipped. This is so factually wrong.

USC was awful before Pete arrived. He brought the program back. Although one of his national titles was stripped, he got the school another one...and the only they've had since then and since 1978. Not only did he get the titles, but he played in 5 Rose Bowls...winning 4 of them. This brought the program back onto the map by generating a lot of publicity and allowing them to compete nationally for top-tier recruits. Pete should be saying "you're welcome".

Sorry but it just makes me cringe to hear people say how much they hate him...focusing on only the bad instead of weighing the good against the bad can make people so ungrateful. This just irks me cause I see this crap posted all over other NFL boards.
Why you ask?, because you can't fix stupid.
It's like voluntary retardation for the majority of them.
There are a slew of them who don't know how to have an original thought, so they collaborate with idiots to form an opinion (kind of like a bunch of the 49rs fans)
Must be something in the water down there, eh? :49ersmall:


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Sep 27, 2009
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Perfectly fine for USC to hate on Pete if in fact a lot of them do. It has zero impact on the kick-ass job Pete's done so far for us in the NFL. Not something that'll keep me up at night, and Pete's legacy will be secure if he continues his good works and caps his career off with a Lombardi, with the BIG assist from our man Schneids.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Every USC fan/alumni I know of loves Pete. He won one BCS national championship and finished very high in most other years. Brought in a couple Heisman winners and reestablished USC as a dominate power.

The guy they hate is Lane Kiffen. There was talk of buying him out at the end of last season, but it looks like they will give him one more year. Some of the interviews by Matt Barkley, Woods, and TJ McDonald hinted that the reasons for sub par performance was due to coaching staff and play calling. All three of these guys would have been drafted much higher if more success and they are none to happy about that.

Apparently, T.J. McDonald is tearing it up at Rams camp and looks to start day 1.

The Radish

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The thing that has always surprised me is they didn't fix their hate on the person who deserves it the most, Reggie Bush.

At least he didn't bring down the entire program like Billy Joe did the Huskys. Tho living in Eastern Washington and being more of a Cougar fan even we thought the NCAA was way to harsh on the Huskys and Don James.

I wish Don James had stayed and guided them through those next 2-3 years because I think he could have kept the worst of the down years from happening. I am still put out that he left the team in anger at a time when they needed him most. All Husky fans should remember and revere the years of the "James Gang", even I know they were special.



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Mar 17, 2010
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I don't think most USC fans hate Pete. Some might the whole "Cheaty Petey" thing.

I don't blame Pete for leaving it had been rumored for a long time and he is getting $7 million a year and the job he really always wanted which is NFL head coach.

Most fans know it's Reggie's fault that the program got hit so hard and the way they stonewalled the investigation is why the punishment was so bad from the NCAA.

Pete is the reason USC is relevant again and was the head coach of some of the most entertaining and flat out awesome college football teams that I have had the pleasure to watch.

It's the cherry on top that he then went to my favorite NFL team and has duplicated the feat which is something that I had my doubts about but Pete has proven me wrong.


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Mar 6, 2010
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Trojan fans should not be mad at Pete. They should be mad at Paul Allen. Paul was determined to bring Pete to Seattle and gave Pete an opportunity that was just too good to turn down. This is exactly how it went down

Love Paul, Love Pete


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Apr 30, 2009
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I live in Los Angeles and people still love Pete Carroll. When people find out I'm from Seattle and a Seahawks fan they always tell me how much Pete meant to them and wish him luck.

Only a few bitter but vocal minority hate him.


May 1, 2009
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Vancouver, WA
From what I heard when Pete was at USC at the height of their success, he always expressed a desire to return to the NFL but only under the right situation.


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Portland, OR
sc85sis":w73qb50m said:
If you're referring to me, I've actually never posted my pic at a USC forum before. So there! :p

There were some vocal people, particularly in the media, making statements about Pete abandoning ship, etc. I still see that at times, including recently after the Oregon stuff with Chip. But as far as I can tell, they're in the minority.

Along those same lines, I don't think anyone begrudged Kelly going to the NFL, (Most of us wanted him to make up his mind, though.) and I think most Ducks fans will take at least a passing interest in seeing how he does with the Eagles this year. I know he's now 'the' enemy, but I am rooting for the Eagles to win the NFC East before getting destroyed at Century Link (if it comes to that.) So I can't see why USC fans would feel any different about Pete.