Why do people go crazy for the Seahawks?


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Dec 28, 2014
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This is something I have tried to figure out for many years, and I just don't understand it.

Why are people so crazy and passionate about the Seahawks? They dress in seahawks gear at home and social events. They constantly talk about them everywhere they go. They paint their cars and garages and other things with the seahawks logo. They yell and scream so loud at the stadium so loud it sets sound records. They sit outside the stadium holding signs when the game isn't even going. In general it often seems like the Seahawks are the simply the most important thing in so many peoples lives. Seems so many people spend more time and effort supporting the Seahawks than anything else in their lives.

But why?

One of the most confusing things for me is most Seahawks fans are from the area, which most likely indicates the majority of people didn't actually make an unbiased, well thought out choice, but rather arbitrarily chose them as the best team ever based solely on them being the closest team geographically, or by simply having a cattle following the herd mentality. If that's the case, why are people so insanely passionate about a team they likely chose as their favorite just because everyone else did? Why not look at all teams objectively and say they each have strengths and weaknesses, and be happy watching the game no matter who wins, rather than just automatically hating the other team?

I just don't get it. Can anyone explain?


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Apr 8, 2014
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In the basement of Reynholm Industries
mxguy":504dsxh2 said:
This is something I have tried to figure out for many years, and I just don't understand it.

Why are people so crazy and passionate about the Seahawks? They dress in seahawks gear at home and social events. They constantly talk about them everywhere they go. They paint their cars and garages and other things with the seahawks logo. They yell and scream so loud at the stadium so loud it sets sound records. They sit outside the stadium holding signs when the game isn't even going. In general it often seems like the Seahawks are the simply the most important thing in so many peoples lives. Seems so many people spend more time and effort supporting the Seahawks than anything else in their lives.

But why?

One of the most confusing things for me is most Seahawks fans are from the area, which most likely indicates the majority of people didn't actually make an unbiased, well thought out choice, but rather arbitrarily chose them as the best team ever based solely on them being the closest team geographically, or by simply having a cattle following the herd mentality. If that's the case, why are people so insanely passionate about a team they likely chose as their favorite just because everyone else did? Why not look at all teams objectively and say they each have strengths and weaknesses, and be happy watching the game no matter who wins, rather than just automatically hating the other team?

I just don't get it. Can anyone explain?

Ban this clown.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
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Fandom is very tribal. Stop with the pseudo-psychology.


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Oct 13, 2009
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New Joisey
You wouldn't understand it, even if it was explained to you, with color by numbers, or in baby words.

Now off with you.


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Apr 30, 2009
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mxguy":1dvftneg said:
This is something I have tried to figure out for many years, and I just don't understand it.

Why are people so crazy and passionate about the Seahawks? They dress in seahawks gear at home and social events. They constantly talk about them everywhere they go. They paint their cars and garages and other things with the seahawks logo. They yell and scream so loud at the stadium so loud it sets sound records. They sit outside the stadium holding signs when the game isn't even going. In general it often seems like the Seahawks are the simply the most important thing in so many peoples lives. Seems so many people spend more time and effort supporting the Seahawks than anything else in their lives.

But why?

One of the most confusing things for me is most Seahawks fans are from the area, which most likely indicates the majority of people didn't actually make an unbiased, well thought out choice, but rather arbitrarily chose them as the best team ever based solely on them being the closest team geographically, or by simply having a cattle following the herd mentality. If that's the case, why are people so insanely passionate about a team they likely chose as their favorite just because everyone else did? Why not look at all teams objectively and say they each have strengths and weaknesses, and be happy watching the game no matter who wins, rather than just automatically hating the other team?

I just don't get it. Can anyone explain?



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May 1, 2009
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Portland, OR
Because you're one of those idiots who thinks sports in general is stupid under the mistaken belief that it somehow makes you special and significant?


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Mar 4, 2007
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If you get it, you get it. If you don't get it, you don't and you never will.


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May 8, 2009
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mxguy":2qh9l5gl said:
This is something I have tried to figure out for many years, and I just don't understand it.

Why are people so crazy and passionate about the Seahawks? They dress in seahawks gear at home and social events. They constantly talk about them everywhere they go. They paint their cars and garages and other things with the seahawks logo. They yell and scream so loud at the stadium so loud it sets sound records. They sit outside the stadium holding signs when the game isn't even going. In general it often seems like the Seahawks are the simply the most important thing in so many peoples lives. Seems so many people spend more time and effort supporting the Seahawks than anything else in their lives.

But why?

One of the most confusing things for me is most Seahawks fans are from the area, which most likely indicates the majority of people didn't actually make an unbiased, well thought out choice, but rather arbitrarily chose them as the best team ever based solely on them being the closest team geographically, or by simply having a cattle following the herd mentality. If that's the case, why are people so insanely passionate about a team they likely chose as their favorite just because everyone else did? Why not look at all teams objectively and say they each have strengths and weaknesses, and be happy watching the game no matter who wins, rather than just automatically hating the other team?

I just don't get it. Can anyone explain?

Well, since you used you're first post on this forum to question why we do what we do, would it be fair for us to question why you felt compelled to ask in the first place? (or are you correlating the responses so you can pass psych 101?)


Active member
Sep 28, 2009
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Omaha, NE
What a horribly stupid post. If you base your fandom on whoever is good, you're doing it wrong. I was born in the Gorge, and have watched the Hawks since then. It happens. These men represent where I am from, and the 12 will go to war with them every time. It doesn't matter why, does it?


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May 6, 2009
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mxguy":2anecu8f said:
This is something I have tried to figure out for many years, and I just don't understand it.

Why are people so crazy and passionate about the Seahawks? They dress in seahawks gear at home and social events. They constantly talk about them everywhere they go. They paint their cars and garages and other things with the seahawks logo. They yell and scream so loud at the stadium so loud it sets sound records. They sit outside the stadium holding signs when the game isn't even going. In general it often seems like the Seahawks are the simply the most important thing in so many peoples lives. Seems so many people spend more time and effort supporting the Seahawks than anything else in their lives.

But why?

One of the most confusing things for me is most Seahawks fans are from the area, which most likely indicates the majority of people didn't actually make an unbiased, well thought out choice, but rather arbitrarily chose them as the best team ever based solely on them being the closest team geographically, or by simply having a cattle following the herd mentality. If that's the case, why are people so insanely passionate about a team they likely chose as their favorite just because everyone else did? Why not look at all teams objectively and say they each have strengths and weaknesses, and be happy watching the game no matter who wins, rather than just automatically hating the other team?

I just don't get it. Can anyone explain?

It was the paraquat going around back in the 70's.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
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Guys chill. It's a really good question and here's why: Hawk fans are above and beyond. It's a legit question to wonder why we're so much louder, so much more into our team. Even the Hawks noticed. Remember RCR where they came back on the bus after losing to Atlanta and the players said "this is the reception we get after a LOSS?" Remember how the streets were crowded cheering the team on as they left town to go play?

This is a legitimate question and you should treat the poster with respect.

I'll tell you why sir:

When we got our team, it was back when new franchises truly sucked. Everyone was happy, didn't have high expectations, but were thrilled to see our team play. And what did we see? Jim Zorn fighting for his ife and making incredible plays (much like Russell Wilson today) against all odds. We saw a team that would perfect the razzle dazzle play in order to pull a win out of their hats they had no business winning.

In short, we saw a TEAM that played like Marshawn Lynch does today. A team that despite lack of talent across the board played with HEART. They played to win every week. And they pulled off some great wins too. Efren Herrerra caught a TD pass. Zorn connected to Largent.

How could you NOT love these guys?

They deserved to win it all.

And that desire to see our Hawks win it all, coupled with our love of a team that inspired us all with their dogged determination to do whatever it took to win despite their limitations grew as the years went by. The children of the Seahawks fans became Hawk fans just as loyal and rabid as their parents were. And now THEIR kids are Hawk fans too.

And we spread out across America, bringing with it our undying love of our team, even when they sucked in the 90's. So when Holmgren turned the Hawks into winners, others across the country remembered their friend, their neighbor, that guy in the checkout line who still wore his Hawk jersey proudly even when they were underdogs or went 2-14 and they cheered for the Hawks too and so joined the family of 12's.

And that's what we are, even when we fight each other on this board. A family of 12's.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
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Sports are more fun if you have a team to root for and the hometown team (if you have one) is usually a pretty good option. Many people in your area will share the same preference and it's a lot easier to attend games in your hometown than halfway across the country. The local media will cover your team more heavily and the team and players will be involved in your community. Team success is also good for the region as additional playoff games and Super Bowls can provide financial stimulus to local hotels, restaurants and transportation.

If you don't have a hometown or don't like the hometown team then the Seahawks are currently a pretty great NFL team to root for. The owner is passionate about winning but doesn't micromanage the front office, Seattle is one of the best places to see an NFL game, the fan base is enthusiastic and friendly, and you probably won't get stabbed in the parking lot.


Apr 30, 2009
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Great first post, it really made me think. Sorry guys I'm out, it all became clear to me.

On second thought I'm In! What a crazy question.


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Jul 27, 2013
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KARAVARUS":1lkv8o76 said:
What a horribly stupid post. If you base your fandom on whoever is good, you're doing it wrong. I was born in the Gorge, and have watched the Hawks since then. It happens. These men represent where I am from, and the 12 will go to war with them every time. It doesn't matter why, does it?
I actually know people born here, that are Chiefs fans just because they like Joe Montana when we sucked, and then when Montana went to KC.............
I give him a ton of crap for growing up HERE, and not being a Hawks fan.
I also have a few lady friends from HS that married people from New England and Phoenix.
So now they think they can root for BOTH teams. Ugh.