Why 49er fans hate Pete Carroll

-The Glove-

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HawksFTW":m19xcn3j said:
H4WKSF4N":m19xcn3j said:
hedgehawk":m19xcn3j said:
49er fans would love Carroll if he was their coach, just as we would love Harbaugh if he was ours. We'd call Pete a cheat and they would call Harbaugh a whiny douche.

No... I would be embarrassed to have Harbaugh as hawks coach. I appreciate a coach's enthusiasm to a certain point but the constant whining has to be embarrassing for anyone around or related to Harbaugh.

Yep. Mora was crucified around here for his antics, and isnt/wasnt a 10th of the spoiled shit that Harbaugh acts like on and off the field.
Mora also sucked


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John_Redcorn":2j725moe said:
And since u guys care... Kaep does have a stupid ass personal style in a lot of 49ers fans view. Harb is understandbly viewed as a jerk to a lot of us... It just doesnt matter.

Good for you Redcorn that the personality of the coach representing your team and your city doesn't matter. For us, it does. And when Carroll wins Sunday and wins the Superbowl in February, it will be that much sweeter. Contrary to some opinions, you don't have to be an unrepentant jerk to be successful in the NFL.


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Jul 26, 2013
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Ad Hawk":1dzpgffa said:
John_Redcorn":1dzpgffa said:
I just dont see why the other matters. I only care about results and lets say the 49ers win

If that were truly all you cared about, then the rules would also be irrelevant; winning could come at any cost. True fans love teams when they win, but not ONLY because, when, or if they win. They love the character of a team, the personalities involved, and the rapport that does indeed developed with a winning team.

You lose something from the fan experience if you can't stand a certain aspect of the team or game. Seeing your coach on the sideline acting like a 2-year old when things don't go his way is a stain on on otherwise strong and respected team.

Pete isn't an embarrassment. Jim is.

It matters, and you know it. 8)
No it doesnt matter and im not aware of Jims complaining equating to him trying cheat. As far as I know Jim has followed the rules.

Sure. If my coach was a known cheater then Id be more 'meh' about em but this isnt a political position - his job is to take his multi mill to bill company and compete with 32 others...


Dec 3, 2009
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John_Redcorn":bdidgupb said:
Yea... His winning record and consecutive division wins are embarassing. Who cares about if a guy can coach you just prefee someone with a likeable face and nice personality.

Who cares if he may be the best developer of qbs in the game - i dont like his FACE.

I just dont see why the other matters. I only care about results and lets say the 49ers win -- how many of you would be consoled by saying "well shucks, at least petes a nice guy, look at him handle the presser so well after a hard loss to that douchey douche"

I have my own life and people I actually know and deal with personally - as long as Harbs keeps giving.me the sundays hes given me, I couldnt care less about his antics or personality etc - and why would I?

And since u guys care... Kaep does have a stupid ass personal style in a lot of 49ers fans view. Harb is understandbly viewed as a jerk to a lot of us... It just doesnt matter.

Have to agree here….
Carroll was a stand-up guy and a good coach in NY and NE, but the loses cost him both jobs.

Belichick was a jerk in Cleveland and is still a jerk in NE; loses cost him one job, wins makes him the longest tendered coach in the NFL.

At this level there’s only one thing that matters and to quote another personality jerk, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”.

That said I’d much rather listen to or watch someone that takes his media obligations as seriously as his does his coaching responsibilities….


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Over There
LOL at the guy in the video whose complaint is that Pete "celebrates like a child." So both coaches are actually kids, but Pete is the kid who's excited to be at the party and makes sure everyone has a good time and Jim is the kid scowling because he didn't get the piece of cake he wanted. And he didn't get it now.

John_Redcorn":3dzou3rd said:
Ad Hawk":3dzou3rd said:
John_Redcorn":3dzou3rd said:
I just dont see why the other matters. I only care about results and lets say the 49ers win

If that were truly all you cared about, then the rules would also be irrelevant; winning could come at any cost. True fans love teams when they win, but not ONLY because, when, or if they win. They love the character of a team, the personalities involved, and the rapport that does indeed developed with a winning team.

You lose something from the fan experience if you can't stand a certain aspect of the team or game. Seeing your coach on the sideline acting like a 2-year old when things don't go his way is a stain on on otherwise strong and respected team.

Pete isn't an embarrassment. Jim is.

It matters, and you know it. 8)
No it doesnt matter and im not aware of Jims complaining equating to him trying cheat. As far as I know Jim has followed the rules.

Sure. If my coach was a known cheater then Id be more 'meh' about em but this isnt a political position - his job is to take his multi mill to bill company and compete with 32 others...

Ad did not say your coach cheated. There is no insinuation that complaining equates to cheating. The point that you missed or ignored is that there is more to the fan experience than just winning. If a team wins, but does so unethically, immorally, or unsportsmanlike, the victory is less satisfying, or tainted, even hollow. That's not a universal law, but a standard held by many here.

It sounds like you are saying that the tantrums, the flailing, the throwing things, the wild gesturing, the loud vocal complaining, the whining to the league about other teams being too physical, all of that is insignificant when considering 13- and 11-win seasons. That's fine. You are entitled to that.

Wins buy a lot of leeway for jerky behavior. If and when the 9ers start losing, the immaturity and lack of self-control will become less tolerable. And don't pretend like this is just Seahawk fans. Your coach's reputation as an insufferable prick has been confirmed by other coaches and a significant percentage of media people.


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Jan 5, 2013
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I became seriously interested in football in the recent years, and have been introduced to both Pete Carroll and Jim Harbaugh, the Niners being the first team I followed. After seeing both coaches, and being fans of both teams, I would rather have Pete Carroll as my coach. I didn't know the coaches reputations before I was introduced to them as NFL head coaches, and so my view is mostly clean of bias, I believe.

Jim Harbaugh is incredibly successful with the talent that he inherited and acquired, and putting the pieces in the right place for the team to be successful.
With that said, I feel that Jim Harbaugh keeps his players on the outside looking in on many issues, he's not so much a player coach as a shrewd businessman.
And he hates to lose. His arguing and tantrum throwing with the officials makes it look like he feels entitled to all calls going his way, always. Remember last year against the vikings, he somehow weaseled his way into calling a challenge he did not have left, acquired a timeout, used the newly acquired timeout again. This was a game with replacement refs, and Harbaugh seemed to be brow beating the refs into getting his way.

As for Pete, I don't understand the hate on him at all. It almost seems that Niner fans hear Jim Harbaugh being called a whiny douche from not just Seattle fans, but other teams fans as well, and wanted to retaliate with hate for Pete. It seems that his demeanor is the thing that pisses people off the most, which is just a silly reason, considering us as fans see probably a fraction of the person that the coach actually is. His philosophy, and involvement in things in life that aren't football is might be what I like about Pete Carroll the most. He strongly believes in bettering the community, and this seems to have reflected on the players. His coaching style of focusing on mental health is amazing to me as well, in a business dominated by ultra-macho attitudes and cold business decisions, Pete cares about his players in a way that I just don't think Harbaugh does.

Side note: Why do people have such an issue with how much PC celebrates? Niner falls call this behavior "child-like", but why? PC invests his self, his livelihood, and his legacy into this Seattle team. His fortune and success is so directly tied to the team. Is there any logical reason that he shouldn't celebrate when he is winning? Just doesn't make sense to me...


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Mar 5, 2007
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hedgehawk":30sdpm47 said:
49er fans would love Carroll if he was their coach, just as we would love Harbaugh if he was ours. We'd call Pete a cheat and they would call Harbaugh a whiny douche.

For the 49ers bandwagon trolls that haven't seen this yet... enjoy...



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Jan 5, 2013
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I just dont see why the other matters. I only care about results and lets say the 49ers win -- how many of you would be consoled by saying "well shucks, at least petes a nice guy, look at him handle the presser so well after a hard loss to that douchey douche"

I have my own life and people I actually know and deal with personally - as long as Harbs keeps giving.me the sundays hes given me, I couldnt care less about his antics or personality etc - and why would I?

And since u guys care... Kaep does have a stupid ass personal style in a lot of 49ers fans view. Harb is understandbly viewed as a jerk to a lot of us... It just doesnt matter.

Funny thing. You don't really have too much control over what your face looks like. I mean, you do with plastic surgery... but...
You DO have control over your personality, your character.

I don't know about anybody else, but I'm tired of turning on the TV and seeing assholes and rooting for them, supporting them.
Part of what captivates me as a fan of the Hawks, is that they are people that I can actually admire. People that I want to root for, intuitively.
Sports is so much more than just about winning. It's culture, its a show of character, it's about making statements.


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Mar 5, 2007
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49er fans that claim that Seahawks fans would tolerate Jim Harbaugh if he was our coach are at the best delusional.

Two pieces of evidence... Jim Mora was routinely lambasted by Seahawks fans and the media for being a douche. He was our head coach, no one liked him, we rooted for the Seahawks and told each other what a douche we had for a head coach. Most of us were impatiently waiting for the season to end so he could be fired. At one point it looked like he was staying and I was seriously considering dropping my season tickets in protest, as were other friends of mine, and in fact had already contacted our season ticket rep asking who to send a letter to about this... were just about to go online with a social media campaign to try to pressure the organization to do something about Mora, and then he was fired. All good.

So the idea that we'd just blindly follow our HC is not borne out by history.

Hell along the same lines the legend Mike Holmgren most of us thought he was a great head coach but a terrible personnel and front office guy. We discussed that for months, over the period of probably a year and a half. Did we support him? Sure, as a head coach, but we all wanted him out of the front office when his draft picks busted so hard... again, as fans we evaluated the needs of the ORGANIZATION and the TEAM and compared that to what a person brought to the table.

Pete got a lot of slack when he came here precisely because he's a good human being. He did coach a rival Pac-10 team, and there were some questions and issues about that, but through events where he met Seahawks fans and worked with the local media, it was clear that we were going somewhere good, it was just going to take a while, and at the very least we had a head coach we could be proud of who respected the game, our players, our team, the fans, the city. Frankly I'd take that and a bunch of losses over winning with a douche, and I think a lot of Seahawks fans would agree with me -- of course, we'd all end up wanting his head, because there are coaches out there who are good men, good role models, who can win football games, but that's what we'd be looking for, not an arrogant jerk who wants to win at all costs.

Dick Johnson

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Aug 23, 2013
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Funny, I've never hated Carroll. I just feel he is a mediocre nfl coach, and his career record displays it. If Seattle fans don't like Harbaugh, I couldn't care less. The niners have had nice coaches; marioochi, jerk coaches; Nolan, crazy coaches; singletary, idiot coaches; Ericsson, game changing and unorthodox coaches; Walsh, and coaches who just won; seifert. What ever category Harbaugh is in, is irrelevant to me. The guy has gone the the NFC title game two years in a row. If seahawk fans, or all fans in general can't stand him, who cares? I'd rather have a jerk coach who is hated than a lovable coach who who has an average nfl record.


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Aug 20, 2013
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I totally understand why someone who isn't a 9ers fan would find Harbaugh whiny and obnoxius. I'm being fully serious.

That said though, I think almost every fan of every winning team is willing to excuse things from their coach that come off quite differently to non-fans.

Just by way of example, the .gif below gets put up a lot here, and Hawks fans really like it and think it's awesome. I'm not trying to convince anyone otherwise, but to any non-Hawks fan, this .gif makes Carroll look like an idiotic, smugtard, buffoon. The same stuff you guys love about Carroll (because he's your guy) other fans loathe about Carroll (because they have no allegiance to him). The same is of course true of Harbaugh.



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Jul 26, 2013
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HawkAroundTheClock":135562ia said:
LOL at the guy in the video whose complaint is that Pete "celebrates like a child." So both coaches are actually kids, but Pete is the kid who's excited to be at the party and makes sure everyone has a good time and Jim is the kid scowling because he didn't get the piece of cake he wanted. And he didn't get it now.

John_Redcorn":135562ia said:
Ad Hawk":135562ia said:
John_Redcorn":135562ia said:
I just dont see why the other matters. I only care about results and lets say the 49ers win

If that were truly all you cared about, then the rules would also be irrelevant; winning could come at any cost. True fans love teams when they win, but not ONLY because, when, or if they win. They love the character of a team, the personalities involved, and the rapport that does indeed developed with a winning team.

You lose something from the fan experience if you can't stand a certain aspect of the team or game. Seeing your coach on the sideline acting like a 2-year old when things don't go his way is a stain on on otherwise strong and respected team.

Pete isn't an embarrassment. Jim is.

It matters, and you know it. 8)
No it doesnt matter and im not aware of Jims complaining equating to him trying cheat. As far as I know Jim has followed the rules.

Sure. If my coach was a known cheater then Id be more 'meh' about em but this isnt a political position - his job is to take his multi mill to bill company and compete with 32 others...

Ad did not say your coach cheated. There is no insinuation that complaining equates to cheating. The point that you missed or ignored is that there is more to the fan experience than just winning. If a team wins, but does so unethically, immorally, or unsportsmanlike, the victory is less satisfying, or tainted, even hollow. That's not a universal law, but a standard held by many here.

It sounds like you are saying that the tantrums, the flailing, the throwing things, the wild gesturing, the loud vocal complaining, the whining to the league about other teams being too physical, all of that is insignificant when considering 13- and 11-win seasons. That's fine. You are entitled to that.

Wins buy a lot of leeway for jerky behavior. If and when the 9ers start losing, the immaturity and lack of self-control will become less tolerable. And don't pretend like this is just Seahawk fans. Your coach's reputation as an insufferable prick has been confirmed by other coaches and a significant percentage of media people.

I just follow results. When sing was in town acting like a fool it didnt matter to me. What mattered was he didnt know how to coach. If he was giving us a winning product as fans my experience would have been better - not whether or not he mooned players or all that.

I think the hoody is grade-A jackass personally but completeky disregard it because he can coach. None if us know these guys on a personal level anyways. Pete seems cool but does get liquored up and scream at his wife? Who knows... I just judge coaching ability.


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He was no different as a player. Remember when the fool broke his hand punching Jim Kelly in the face ? He has some serious anger issues IMO. He bullies the press and is condescending to everyone. His former players do not seem to be all that fond of him which seems to speak volumes.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Well, for the record I don't hate Carroll. I liked him when he was the 49ers DC and was sad to see him go.

I do think that what happened at USC is a little fishy, but I don't have any problems with the man.


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Dec 18, 2012
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Happypuppy":3awjajbp said:
He was no different as a player. Remember when the fooled broke his hand punching Jim Kelly in the face ? He has some serious anger issues IMO. He bullies the press and is condescending to everyone. His former players do not seem to be all that fond of him which seems to speak volumes.

SOME of his former players aren't fond of him.

Important distinction. Others loved him. Some tried to reunite with him in the NFL (Josh Johnson, Owen Marecic).

Look...Jim is Jim. Ultra competitive. Hot head. Its important to note tho that he is very protective of his players and they appreciate that.


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Aug 20, 2013
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Marvin49":wzks77ix said:
Well, for the record I don't hate Carroll. I liked him when he was the 49ers DC and was sad to see him go.

I do think that what happened at USC is a little fishy, but I don't have any problems with the man.

Oh yeah, just for clarification, I don't even remotely hate Carroll either. I think he's smug and the USC exit smelled to high heaven, but I don't even really dislike him, and think he has done a really good job up in Seattle. That said though, I think overall Hawks fans hate Harbaugh and Kaepernick (or krapperdink, or whatever :) ) much, much, much more than 9ers fans dislike Carroll and Wilson (who I actually like a lot). It's definitely a quite big and quite mutual rivalry, but it does seem to be a little bit more personal for Hawks fans than for 9ers fans overall, IMO.

(cue the people chiming in saying it's just because Harbaugh and Kaepernick really are spawns of the devil ;) )


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Sep 9, 2013
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LOL if this board is a microcosm of the city, Seattle must be the most pious place west of Mecca.

I've been a diehard sports fan for over 20 years, and I can only think of a handful of coaches I've hated beyond superficial sports reasons (e.g. Dave Bliss, the former Baylor basketball coach he tried to sully the reputation of a deceased player by painting him as a drug dealer so as to avoid sanctions).

I keep seeing Jim Mora's name brought up. Would people on here have been calling for his firing if he was winning 12 games a year? What if Pete Carroll was stuck on 7 or 8-win seasons? At the end of the day it's about wins and losses.

I couldn't care less about Harbaugh's sideline antics. He wins. By the way his sideline behavior isn't unusual. Coaches are hotheads. There are countless examples of this at every level of football for time immemorial. So long as Harbaugh doesn't pull a Woody Hayes, I'm good. Heck, Mike Nolan and Mike Singletary were good guys. They couldn't win.

I would have trouble rooting for someone like Ben Roethlisberger, Jerramy Stevens, Leonard Little, etc... But a surly coach who yells a lot? Couldn't care less.

BTW I hate Pete Carroll for superficial reasons. The "rah-rah" attitude comes off cheesy to me. Full disclosure: I'm a Bruin. :D


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North Pole, Alaska
Shadyhawk182":3jk3pzjl said:
At least a cheat implies doing something so good that something has to be up. There is no redeemable qualities of a whiney douche.

Sure there is! It's called "Bad Lip Reading." :lol:


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Dec 18, 2012
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Popeyejones":csfyjexb said:
Marvin49":csfyjexb said:
Well, for the record I don't hate Carroll. I liked him when he was the 49ers DC and was sad to see him go.

I do think that what happened at USC is a little fishy, but I don't have any problems with the man.

Oh yeah, just for clarification, I don't even remotely hate Carroll either. I think he's smug and the USC exit smelled to high heaven, but I don't even really dislike him, and think he has done a really good job up in Seattle. That said though, I think overall Hawks fans hate Harbaugh and Kaepernick (or krapperdink, or whatever :) ) much, much, much more than 9ers fans dislike Carroll and Wilson (who I actually like a lot). It's definitely a quite big and quite mutual rivalry, but it does seem to be a little bit more personal for Hawks fans than for 9ers fans overall, IMO.

(cue the people chiming in saying it's just because Harbaugh and Kaepernick really are spawns of the devil ;) )

TOTALLY agree on that.

To me it seems Niner fans kinda have fun with it but there is legitimate HATE for the 49ers. Dunno why.