This is ours


Active member
Feb 9, 2010
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What I love about this team is that it is truly ours. This does not feel like we took another teams philosophy or style. We didn't take another teams coach or GM. We took a guy who did not have any great success as a NFL head coach from the college ranks and let him instill their own way of doing things. He was dogged out by most people as having a personality that would not work with pro players. But he did it. That's aa wrap.
Pete and John have said from the get go that they want to show what cooperation and mutual respect can do in building a team. This is the culmination.
Even though John came from the Ron wolf tree JS did things his own way also. I think JS worked in tandem with PC in finding exacly the players that fit the system, as well as having the ability to change the system for players with extremely talented niches; players that dont fit the mold, players that are overlooked and under appreciated. Players like Kam, Sherman, Wilson, maxwell, Willson, KJ, Browner, Mrob, Coleman.
This team is ours and uniquely Seattle. Not pretenders, not copy cats. We set the standard now. Teams will copy us!
It just feels good that we did it our way!!!!
I'm in!