Sherman backing Newton..

Cary Kollins

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253hawk":23rzg594 said:
Cary Kollins":23rzg594 said:
Err, maybe you should check your facts.

Indy was up by three, Cam drove the Panthers for a FG (which wouldn't have been needed if Ginn caught a layup TD), then Luck threw an INT which set up the game winning FG.

That was the first time a team had ever won in overtime after being down three points.

Sorry, OT wins don't count as comebacks in stats. They only count as game-winning drives. Hey, I don't make the rules.



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ivotuk":e5g4xdvi said:
The funny part of the interview is this (subconscious message to his team mates?)

"This is a kid's game. Unless he's cursing or putting the middle finger up (M. Lynch) or pulling his pants down (D. Baldwin) or doing things like that, then I don't get what they're saying."

No. No it's not.


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Seymour":1eqqyt56 said:":1eqqyt56 said:
The guy has the most yards from scrimmage in the history of the league in first 5 years, what more does he half to do?

Start acting like he belongs there would be a good start.

God forbid the guy has fun playing a game.



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Houston Suburbs
I don't have a problem with Cam celebrating TDs. I don't have a problem with Cam celebrating a first down if it's an important one (late in the game with the score close and the first down keeps a critical drive going). It does bother me that he celebrates pretty much EVERY first down. It's excessive and screams, "look at ME!" instead of focusing on the team.

Dude is an athletic freak of nature who overall has shown increasing maturity and skill in his on-field play. He deserves props for that. But sometimes he still comes off as a self-centered jerk.

Yes, Richard does too--or used to do so. He hasn't done much of the showboating stuff in the last year.

Sgt. Largent

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Largent80":10h5f9wi said:
Russell Wilson would never do these things that make Newton hated. Nor would Steve Largent. Just score on you and flip the ball to the official. It's called CLASS.

No Wilson just does super corny and weird stuff that makes everyone laugh at him behind his back.

Btw, did all you guys who are critical of how Cam acts say the same stuff when Sherman's ranting and raving to whoever will listen? Or Baldwin dropping F bombs in front of reporters and pooping footballs in front of a billion people? Or Lynch grabbing his crotch jumping into endzones? Are these things pure class?

We can criticize guys like Greg Hardy, he's a piece of crap..........but to criticize a good dude, who EVERYONE says is a good dude, good guy, helps his community for just having fun? I don't get that. Seems like sour grapes to me up in here.


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The Tex-ASS
Sgt. Largent":2iennglx said:
Largent80":2iennglx said:
Russell Wilson would never do these things that make Newton hated. Nor would Steve Largent. Just score on you and flip the ball to the official. It's called CLASS.

No Wilson just does super corny and weird stuff that makes everyone laugh at him behind his back.

Like WHAT?


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Cam Newton is actually starting to grow on me a little. He's maturing on and off the field. I think people still hold a grudge against the young Cam that entered the league, that was brash, egotistical and self-centered on and off the field. He's definitely become a lot more responsible and a better role model off the field and he's just enjoying the game on the field. Of course... His relationship with Braylon Beam probably influences my opinion of him a little since his uncle is a card trading buddy of mine on facebook... and the fact that I've sent Braylon cards too.

Sgt. Largent

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Largent80":1uy3eewj said:
Sgt. Largent":1uy3eewj said:
Largent80":1uy3eewj said:
Russell Wilson would never do these things that make Newton hated. Nor would Steve Largent. Just score on you and flip the ball to the official. It's called CLASS.

No Wilson just does super corny and weird stuff that makes everyone laugh at him behind his back.

Like WHAT?

Really? We're going here?

Just last week he googled romantic sayings to quote to Ciarra online, and everyone lol'd and made jokes out of him for the entire week.

The Batman pic, the Mexico pic, the I'm ur grandpa in Hawaii wearing white tennis shoes pic, the I'm Neo from the Matrix pic.

This can't be news that Wilson is corny as hell and comes off weird online.


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Cary Kollins":juyp7hk1 said:
How is that trolling? So sensitive geez.

It has everything to do with his point, which may have been relevant in 2012.

Like I said before, you Panther fans that come here have an inferiority complex, and you feel the need to justify Newton's talent. Shouldn't you be on your own forum soaking up all the SB excitement instead of being on here trying to plea your case for All Star Cam Newton?

Also, you guys still have to win on Sunday for Newton to have achieved anything. Remember that!


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Spokane, WA
I really have no issue with cam.

The feeling I get from most of the other twelves who don't like him basically boils down to being sour grapes that we lost.

It's natural to be envious of those who beat you. Quite frankly, I'm jealous of the Panthers being there. We've been there the past two, and most of our newer fans aren't used to this change.

Cam does come across as cocky, arrogant, etc. But he backs it up this year. His team is 15-1, and he's the mvp.

I say let's just enjoy the superbowl, may the best team win, and next season when Carolina comes to Seattle we will be ready for them.


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So why is disliking Kaepernick any different from disliking Cam Newton?


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Steve2222":2fwgm8ik said:
So why is disliking Kaepernick any different from disliking Cam Newton?

The dislike of kaepernick I feel comes from when he came in halfway through the 2012 season, no other team besides us and the Ravens could touch him, which led to our arms race that offseason. That 2013 season everyone in the national media was saying how kaepernick is better than wilson, which was also frustrating.

By the time our paths inevitably crossed in that nfccg, we all knew that the 49ers were our main concern that could stop us from getting there. The dislike of keapernick was an extension of our dislike of Harbaugh too.

Imo, even tho we all know now he's not a very good quarterback, it was simply the paranoid feelings of the "what if we lose to him? How can we possibly lose to this guy who can barely throw?"


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Apr 24, 2014
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0":38o0dxao said:
I think I am really starting to like this guy.....

I didn't care for his super in your face bravado he displayed in that Erin Andrews interview years ago, but he has calmed down alot since then it seems.

The bravado this years Panthers team has makes the 2013 Seahawks look like choir boys. At least our QB doesn't have to wear women's pants to get attention.


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Jerhawk":252szagd said:
Steve2222":252szagd said:
So why is disliking Kaepernick any different from disliking Cam Newton?

The dislike of kaepernick I feel comes from when he came in halfway through the 2012 season, no other team besides us and the Ravens could touch him, which led to our arms race that offseason. That 2013 season everyone in the national media was saying how kaepernick is better than wilson, which was also frustrating.

By the time our paths inevitably crossed in that nfccg, we all knew that the 49ers were our main concern that could stop us from getting there. The dislike of keapernick was an extension of our dislike of Harbaugh too.

Imo, even tho we all know now he's not a very good quarterback, it was simply the paranoid feelings of the "what if we lose to him? How can we possibly lose to this guy who can barely throw?"

So some similarities...

- Quite a few people think Newton is better than Wilson
- The Panthers are now our main threat
- Both Kap (was when he was still lighting up the league) and Newton are showboats and come across on the field as cocky.

Let me ask you this. Do you think Cowboys fans liked Steve Young and Jerry Rice in the 90s and do you think 49er fans liked Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin?

I mean does anybody really dislike Kap anymore? Probably not because he's irrelevant now.


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Spokane, WA
Steve2222":usj044jb said:
Jerhawk":usj044jb said:
Steve2222":usj044jb said:
So why is disliking Kaepernick any different from disliking Cam Newton?

The dislike of kaepernick I feel comes from when he came in halfway through the 2012 season, no other team besides us and the Ravens could touch him, which led to our arms race that offseason. That 2013 season everyone in the national media was saying how kaepernick is better than wilson, which was also frustrating.

By the time our paths inevitably crossed in that nfccg, we all knew that the 49ers were our main concern that could stop us from getting there. The dislike of keapernick was an extension of our dislike of Harbaugh too.

Imo, even tho we all know now he's not a very good quarterback, it was simply the paranoid feelings of the "what if we lose to him? How can we possibly lose to this guy who can barely throw?"

So some similarities...

- Quite a few people think Newton is better than Wilson
- The Panthers are now our main threat
- Both Kap (was when he was still lighting up the league) and Newton are showboats and come across on the field as cocky.

Let me ask you this. Do you think Cowboys fans liked Steve Young and Jerry Rice in the 90s and do you think 49er fans liked Troy Aikman and Michael Irvin?

I mean does anybody really dislike Kap anymore? Probably not because he's irrelevant now.

Great point with the 49ers/cowboys rivalry of the '90s. It's just natural for one fanbase to dislike players from another successful team because they're viewed as a threat. As something standing in their way of historical greatness.

I can't really speak to what those feelings would've been like because I would've only been a baby lol but I'd be willing to bet there was a general dislike from the opposing fanbase. But deep down beneath all of that, there has to be respect. You love your team and will do anything to defend the guys that represent your team, but when you see another team having similar success, you can't help but dislike them and their players to an extent.

Only time will tell if cam will be a fluke like kaepernick or a legitimate threat to whatever dynasty our team is trying to achieve.

I'll just say that I understand why the majority of our fanbase dislikes cam. But it's not for the nitpick reasons I've been reading concerning is bravado and attitude. I think that us twelves are concerned the Panthers can potentially close the door on our championship hopes going forward


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I respect Cams game and I think going into 2016 him and Wilson will be the top 2 QBs. Cam has no doubt arrived. And I'll be cheering against him the whole way. And hopefully Panthers fans will be rooting against Wilson. It's what makes a rivalry great.

How boring would our short lived 49ers rivalry have been if we would have been congratulating 49er fans in the event they beat the Ravens in the Super Bowl?

It's dislike. Not hate. Huge difference.


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12thbrah":5ebh9twq said:
The bravado this years Panthers team has makes the 2013 Seahawks look like choir boys. At least our QB doesn't have to wear women's pants to get attention.

720x405 R1243 NFL Wilson D


Not sure that's a bridge worth crossing.


Mar 13, 2013
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Cary Kollins":10yq5oxp said:
KiwiHawk":10yq5oxp said:
Cary Kollins":10yq5oxp said:
What if I told you Cam led the NFL in fourth quarter and overtime comebacks?
I've always hated the comeback stat. If a guy is so bloody awesome, why isn't his team leading instead of coming back all the time?

Cam has reason to be cocky because his team did well. They won 7 games by 10 or more points. That's not eeking out wins in the final seconds. Carolina had the highest net points in the league. Good on them - not just Cam of course; they also have a good defense.

We have the best defense in league history and our guys are cocky, too. They earn it.

Sherm got plenty of stick for being cocky until people realised how good our defense really is - now he's just colourful. Except to our rivals. To our rivals, he's a cocky bastard.

Cam plays for a rival team. He may be colourful to some but to us he's a cocky bastard.

I agree it can be a dumb stat, but it blows up that idiot playing the 2012 "Cam sulking with a towel" card.

Stay classy. So, its a dumb stat, but that dumb stat proves your point? I wonder what that says about your "point"? 2012? I saw him do it in the very game we were playing him in this years playoffs. The more we scored, the closer we got to our ill-fated comeback attempt, the more reserved he got, the more he was shown with a discouraged look, away by himself on the bench. Is it less apparent then it was in 2012? Probably, congrats to him for the improvement. My response to your "point" is that he must have had a pretty good team surrounding him to cover for his temper tantrums as he grew to the player he is now. Many quarterbacks aren't so lucky. I have no doubt if Cam had been drafted like by a team like Cleveland, his attitude would have been his downfall a long time ago, physical gifts aside. I think that is the difference between him and Russell. Russell has the ability to will his team to a win with his positive approach, while Cam needs a positive approach set for him.


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For all intents and purposes I could easily see why people could dislike players like Wilson, Watt, and Tebow. They all have insufferable personalities.


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Probably only Piston fans like Bill Lambeer or Rick Mahorn. That is how fans roll. Cam came into the league with the desire to become an Icon. He got a ton of flak about that statement but if his career arch continues, maybe he reaches that plateau? He most likely was looking at how the NBA seemed to be LeBron's for the taking or how MJ is a demi-god to many that follow the sport.

Love him, hate him or indifferent, Cam Newton has set himself up to be in the next round of great QBs discussion. He, Rodgers and Luck probably will be the holy trinity for most of the talking heads. Will be interesting to see how his career plays out. I think he gets the first Lombardi this coming weekend. Maybe football fate snatches the prize from him but looking from the outside it seems he has a bright future ahead.

That has to make his fans happy. And his detractors a little disappointed. I think all you young whipper-snappers are showboats, so get off my lawn!