Seahawks VERY ALIVE in the Wild Card Race


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
toffee":18qk44ne said:
hawker84":18qk44ne said:
toffee":18qk44ne said:
Rat":18qk44ne said:
If we make the playoffs, it sure won't be "stumbling in". It would probably mean winning at least 7 of our last 9 games.

You so not getting it, to most of dot net: if the Hawks make it into the playoff, it's either 'luck" or "stumpling" in. And if we lost in the playoff, it's "predictable", since we are coach by no e other than Pete Carroll.

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If you and others think this seahawk team is a contender this season, then I don't know what to tell you. Hope I'm wrong, will gladly eat a plate full of crow, and whatever else, but I'm not wrong. Nor have I been wrong about Pete all these years. This team is is not a contender this season, and Pete Carroll is not a good Head Coach.

I'll go even further. We will never sniff a conference title until three things happen.
1. We get a real offensive line
2. We get a real defensive line, specifically interior.
3. We get a new head coach.
Nice rebuttal, totally took all the wind out of trying to make the playoff this season as it would would destroy the chance to fire Pete.
but you forgot to end your argument with "Fire Pete Now".

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Would that somehow make you feel better? I'm here to help...


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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On firing Pete:
I would love for Pete to be fired.
Not sure Pete is firing himself, so it seems a pipe dream.

On beating the Jags as a sign this team might make the playoffs:
Beating the Jags isn't exactly a great indicator that things are fixed moving forward.
Admittedly, Losing would have been worse.

If we can play an endless procession of Lions, Jags, and even Bears can we make the playoffs? Maybe. Near any other schedule? Doubtful.

But even if we make the wild card, aren't we just going to get bounced as we run Collins and Homer into stacked boxes for the 1st half? Of course we will.

The bar for making the playoffs has been lowered over the years as more teams are admitted as wild cards. So that is good news. But planning for any kind of playoff run seems to make no sense given our playoff history the past 5 years.

Still on the fence as to whether we even make the playoffs. But you never know.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
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The Negative Nancy’s have taken over this message board.

It was a fun game to watch. I’m a little worried about Duane Brown but I’ve got very few complaints.

Looks like the defense is starting to build some confidence. It is a relatively young group.

I wish we could have flipped a couple of those overtime games. We’ve got a big hole to dig out of. Pete Carroll looks like he’s got the ship upright. We’ll see if RW can take us the rest of the way.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2011
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I'm in. Considering almost every year, we fans are complaining about the slow starts and still get to enjoy playoff football, how is this year really any different?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
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I appreciate your posts as well, Welshers. It may seem like this place only welcomes negative opinions but I suspect that's due to a vocal minority working overtime to push their agendas.

Also nice to see a good rebuttal from James that actually makes an argument. That's a nice change of pace from the posters who throw around the same unsubstantiated opinions as often as they can like we're all in elementary school recess.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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You know all the people I saw in tents near the stadium twice last week are "VERY ALIVE" too...I mean I guess I'd rather be alive than dead. Oh and I'm pretty sure one of those "Very alive" people broke into my car on Monday too....they didn't get anything but hey thanks for all the broken glass on my kid's car seat and of course the nice windy and wet drive back home on I-90.

Btw I'm probably in the pessimist stand now, dont get me wrong I was VERY RAH RAH Pete RW the first few years but as we went through OC after OC thinking we'd see slight modifications to the team where it was lacking and suddenly those modifications were never made (or made for a very short time and then back to what we know as 'Pete Ball') and with similar season ending results the last 3-4 years. Let's not pretend that others like myself are just jumping to conclusions after 3 games, it's been several years of seeing what would be small adjustments that just need to be made, never being made. I mean I would LOVE for Pete to stay, and just keep his hands off the offensive scheme and just see what Waldron can do.

Btw while watching the Jags game when the team attempted to punch through the goal line three straight teams to no avail. It was cool to see them go for it on fourth with Geno, but had that not worked out...what were most of you thinking up to that point? I know I was in the stands looking at a stacked box that the team was trying to run through three times consecutively thinking did they not learn from the saints game? Judging by the chatter around me during that time at the game, although I may seem to be the vocal minority here, I don't think you all realize it's not the vocal minority at the games.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Hey, hope springs eternal.

If you think beating the Jags means anything? I salute the optimism.

Maybe you are right.

Certainly losing to the Jags would have mean something. Something terrible.

So at least we are not worse.

But I am not sure it means we are any better. Just not as bad as the Jags, Lions, or Bears.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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oldhawkfan":3p0ypv12 said:
I'm in. Considering almost every year, we fans are complaining about the slow starts and still get to enjoy playoff football, how is this year really any different?

What other years have we started 2-5, lost our QB for a significant stretch of the season and still made the playoffs?

Yes, it's different, and not good different. Desperate different.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
HawkNuts":1xg8l5jd said:
The Negative Nancy’s have taken over this message board.

It was a fun game to watch. I’m a little worried about Duane Brown but I’ve got very few complaints.

Looks like the defense is starting to build some confidence. It is a relatively young group.

I wish we could have flipped a couple of those overtime games. We’ve got a big hole to dig out of. Pete Carroll looks like he’s got the ship upright. We’ll see if RW can take us the rest of the way.

Why is pointing out obvious deficiencies on this team negative? Why is calling out poor game plans and in game coaching negative? Why is calling out bonehead drive killing/extending penalties negative? Why is calling poor clock management and terrible use of time outs week after week, year after year negative? Why is being sick and tired of waiting until the 4th qrt for your coaching staff to make adjustments and hoping our QB can engineer another miraculous game winning drive negative? Somebody please clear this up for me, because I am obviously confused... I mean the list goes on and on. What because we get bounced early from the playoffs every year, we're supposed to be fine with all that?

Sorry if it's not a rebuilding year, it's at least conference title game and above or bust for me. And if we're not reaching thise goals due to coaching or personnel, then those problems need addressed and handled. Again please tell me how that attitude is being a negative nancy...


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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hawker84":1mtkohlz said:
HawkNuts":1mtkohlz said:
The Negative Nancy’s have taken over this message board.

It was a fun game to watch. I’m a little worried about Duane Brown but I’ve got very few complaints.

Looks like the defense is starting to build some confidence. It is a relatively young group.

I wish we could have flipped a couple of those overtime games. We’ve got a big hole to dig out of. Pete Carroll looks like he’s got the ship upright. We’ll see if RW can take us the rest of the way.

Why is pointing out obvious deficiencies on this team negative? Why is calling out poor game plans and in game coaching negative? Why is calling out bonehead drive killing/extending penalties negative? Why is calling poor clock management and terrible use of time outs week after week, year after year negative? Why is being sick and tired of waiting until the 4th qrt for your coaching staff to make adjustments and hoping our QB can engineer another miraculous game winning drive negative? Somebody please clear this up for me, because I am obviously confused... I mean the list goes on and on. What because we get bounced early from the playoffs every year, we're supposed to be fine with all that?

Sorry if it's not a rebuilding year, it's at least conference title game and above or bust for me. And if we're not reaching thise goals due to coaching or personnel, then those problems need addressed and handled. Again please tell me how that attitude is being a negative nancy...

What's funny is the age group of people who post on forums would be the age group of people that would make comments like "see this is what happens when we hand out participation trophies!". Yet for some reasons fans of our team who are not accepting of every little thing they say and who want to see improvement and excellence from our teams are considered negative? If you're not improving your dying. The NFL is a business and the businesses that stay on top are the ones that are constantly adapting to their changing environment to stay on top (or get back there).


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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
Jville":2mrinti1 said:

......................... posted this for our nerdy friends

Pete always does less with more, it's his MO. This is nothing new.

Mad Dog

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Aug 11, 2015
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A_Biased_Fan":39svq9nf said:
If Russell comes back after the bye and we somehow manage to upset Green Bay, then we're in business. Until then, I'll keep the expectations low.

That's kind of where I am. I've seen nothing out of Geno to suggest he can beat good teams. We need Wilson back and not a gimpy version who's "gutting it out" while barely being able to hold a football.

Secondly we still have a host of very good teams in our path including the Ram, Cards x 2, Green Bay. Need to go at least 50:50 in those and then win every other game to have a chance.

And we have no tiebreakers right now against decent teams.

I'm just going game by game but generally counting this as a 2017 year. No RB's and a crap kicker is every bit as bad as relying on Geno Smith for half a season.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Pete did what he was supposed to do. Beat the hapless team.

A larger concern is that we still made some big mistakes that a better team would have hurt us because of.

But we did win, which is better than losing to a hapless team.

The only thing that will be a sign we can be any kind of playoff anything is to do these 3 things:

1 - beat at least a .500 team

2 - beat a playoff team

3 - actually reach the playoffs


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
TwistedHusky":17oirl4k said:
Pete did what he was supposed to do. Beat the hapless team.

A larger concern is that we still made some big mistakes that a better team would have hurt us because of.

But we did win, which is better than losing to a hapless team.

The only thing that will be a sign we can be any kind of playoff anything is to do these 3 things:

1 - beat at least a .500 team

2 - beat a playoff team

3 - actually reach the playoffs

Do all that without being gifted the wins.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2013
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hawker84":vpjhkegv said:
HawkNuts":vpjhkegv said:
The Negative Nancy’s have taken over this message board.

It was a fun game to watch. I’m a little worried about Duane Brown but I’ve got very few complaints.

Looks like the defense is starting to build some confidence. It is a relatively young group.

I wish we could have flipped a couple of those overtime games. We’ve got a big hole to dig out of. Pete Carroll looks like he’s got the ship upright. We’ll see if RW can take us the rest of the way.

Why is pointing out obvious deficiencies on this team negative? Why is calling out poor game plans and in game coaching negative? Why is calling out bonehead drive killing/extending penalties negative? Why is calling poor clock management and terrible use of time outs week after week, year after year negative? Why is being sick and tired of waiting until the 4th qrt for your coaching staff to make adjustments and hoping our QB can engineer another miraculous game winning drive negative? Somebody please clear this up for me, because I am obviously confused... I mean the list goes on and on. What because we get bounced early from the playoffs every year, we're supposed to be fine with all that?

Sorry if it's not a rebuilding year, it's at least conference title game and above or bust for me. And if we're not reaching thise goals due to coaching or personnel, then those problems need addressed and handled. Again please tell me how that attitude is being a negative nancy...

Most fans who are involved enough to be on a message board can see the deficiencies. We don’t need them pointed out constantly.

The other issue is that the folks who point them out know football but not enough to break down why these things are actually happening. Some folks dwell on deficiencies. Some coaches do this Belichik/Parcells made nice careers out of it. Thankfully Pete Carroll isn’t that type of coach.

I find the people who focus on the negative each week are the same ones who dislike PC the most.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Gifted wins? You mean like the Cards winning a game on a missed FG?
Chances are slim at this point, but they are NOT out of it. Until they are eliminated, it's not over.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Welshers":3o2ropho said:
1 & 1/2 games back from the last WC right now. Let's assume the Saints and Cardinals/Rams get the first 2 spots. Competing for the last WC spot we are very much alive. The tiebreaker situation isn't as bad as people are saying. We don't have the tiebreaker vs Minny, but it's very conceivable they don't finish well. Tough schedule left for them.

We still play Bears, Texans, Lions, Washington and 49ers again. All very winnable. Win all those and win one of the GB, LA, or 2 AZ games and the Seahawks can have a 9-8 season. Very conceivable to get the last wild card. Things could go even better than that as well. This team is very live. Get in and anything can happen. Don't throw in the towel yet.

Fool's gold. We might make the playoffs, but all it will do is perpetuate this illusion that we're actually a SB contender when the truth is that we're a long ways from that level. I'd almost rather lose out and give ourselves a cold slap in the face than I would make the playoffs only to be one and done.

The fact that we're that close to making the playoffs highlights just how absurd the current format is.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Who said they were a Super Bowl contender? The thread is about making the Wild Card.
But, I guess that makes him a "fool"
dot negative in a nutshell. We MUST shoot down everything!!! Seahawks suck!!! You'd almost rather lose???

Thanks for proving my point about this site. Great morning laugh though.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
SoulfishHawk":2ikqgmbo said:
Who said they were a Super Bowl contender? The thread is about making the Wild Card.
But, I guess that makes him a "fool"
dot negative in a nutshell. We MUST shoot down everything!!! Seahawks suck!!!

The statement about not throwing in the towel. Since winning the SB is the ultimate goal, saying 'not to throw in the towel' means to me that we still have a viable chance of winning it all.

Our making the playoffs with this team would be like having a couple drinks too many and having it affect your judgement, sobering up in the morning only to realize that she's coyote ugly and having to bite your arm off to get away without waking up that 2am princess you thought was so smoking hot the night before.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
See it how you want. I highly doubt you would be unhappy if they somehow turn this around and get in. But as usual, someone will assume that others are happy with just making the playoffs. No, they are not.