Russell Wilson is Elite | I'm Putting the Nail in the Coffin

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Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
OrangeGravy":36ns7vc8 said:
TwistedHusky":36ns7vc8 said:
When you are paying your QB 30M a year, you create holes in the team. (We are not paying him this, but we will have to)

You have lesser players at certain, often still key, positions.

Your 30M QB is supposed to be good enough to make up for that.

The problem is that is really hard to do. Aaron Rodgers screwed the Packers by assuring that they could not pay a defense and if they lucked into a great defensive player - they were sure to lose him as soon as FA appeared. Because a giant chunk of the money had to go to the QB.

We are not that bad off right now. But all the excuses people have made for Wilson are gone. He needs to win playoff games like elite QBs do. It won't be enough to constantly fling up moon shots, 3 and out, then have the defense repeatedly shut the door and then eventually have one of those moonshots hit. You won't just be able to hang around for 3 quarters and then suddenly start producing in the 4th - he is going to have to be the one that drives us for TDs against a good team with likely a good defense. That is how the playoffs work.

There won't be any room for excuses. And there should not need to be, he has shown he is more than capable of being great in stretches. We just need that stretch to hit during the playoffs.

Elite QBs do this. QBs on the tier just below that, do a decent job but there is always some reason they could not take that next jump. I have always contended that Wilson is in the 5-7 range, which I am happy for. Can he make the next jump and be a guy that wins us playoff games in spite of not having the all-everything defense he is used to? Now that he has one of the best running games in NFL, can he take advantage of that to beat teams with better records when it counts most?

All the reasons people gave for why he shouldn't be expected to produce CONSISTENTLY like the other elite QBs are gone - he needs to produce playoff wins outside of the wildcard games when HE is the lead horse. He has not done that since Lynch left. But he had no line and terrible coordinators. Now that is changed, so the results need to change too.

Which QBs do this outside of Brady in the playoffs every year? All those other elite QBs don't even make the playoffs every year and they don't make deep runs in the playoffs carrying their team every year and the years they have to carry their team that heavily, they usually end up missing the playoffs like 7-9 Brees years. They might do it for 1 season, but they aren't consistently single handedly carrying their teams deep into the playoffs every year.

I think my biggest takeaway from this thread is that people (it's probably the same for every fan base) grossly over estimate what other good QBs actually do from game to game and from series to series while underestimating what their team's good QB does. I'm not a Wilson is the best in the league guy, but outside of Brady, none of these other guys are doing anything more than him as far as winning games is concerned. The only thing he ever lags in for the most part is yards and attempts.

True. I have already diagnosed them earlier in the thread.

They are suffering from "Franchise Quarterback Syndrome".

They watch every Wilson snap with hyper critique, and only watch the highlights of the other QBs. Their lens is completely distorted, and unrealistic. They are out of touch, and have not done enough study on the other Elite Quarterbacks to get a proper baseline.

You have dudes complaining about Wilson's downfield accuracy in this thread as an example. Which would be like complaining about Steph Curry's 3 point shooting. Insane.

Twisted's post is complaining about Wilson needing to win more. Wilson is the only QB in NFL history to have a winning season every year their first 7 seasons. Wilson is the only one. Also Wilson is the winningest QB ever through 7 seasons as well. Out of touch.

Here is what fans of other teams think of Wilson:

-Hoticewater- (CAR)

"Rus’s passes look like a simulation of a perfectly balanced ball rotating in ideal conditions. Every time.You know those little helicopter seeds you used to throw up in the air as a kid? That’s what Cam’s look like."

-xixi90- (OAK)

"That throw to Lockett was one of the best of the season. and then he immediately followed up with that throw to Baldwin to ice the game. He's an MVP caliber player and so much fun to watch"

-skipyy1- (SD)

"Russell Wilson won't win MVP but the [ish] he did today is absolutely jaw dropping. His ceiling is as high as anyone's in the league. Absolutely insane performance."

-jeric13xd- (CHI)

"His consistency is amazing. Even when he had a [ish] o-line, he produced like this. He’s pulled magic out of his ass every damn time. Just an amazing player."

-Clovdyx- (NE)

"Wilson in the 4th quarter is the best quarterback I've ever seen. I'm not sure it's close."

-lmHavoc- (NE)

"Wilson is ridiculous. He's been playing MVP caliber football for several years now. He's going to be the #1 QB in the NFL once Brady/Brees/Rodgers have retired. Only active QB who even deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as those 3."

-thumbsofkolo- (KC)

"I have been saying this for years as a chiefs fan and will say it again tonight. Russell Wilson deserves to either be in the MVP conversation every year or win it."

-PunchBro- (CHI)
"Too bad we can’t watch Mahomes vs Wilson every damn year"


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Dec 26, 2014
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I wonder what RWs record is against “Top offenses”. I don’t have time to look up the stats...... however, my lazy assumption is that it seems like he beats them quite often.

Mad Dog

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Aug 11, 2015
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Sox-n-Hawks":nriqxhjv said:
I wonder what RWs record is against “Top offenses”. I don’t have time to look up the stats...... however, my lazy assumption is that it seems like he beats them quite often.

Winning record for 7 straight seasons. He's beaten a lot of teams. And put him in Clink on Prime Time in the 4th Quarter and you get one of the best QB's the world has ever seen.


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Dec 26, 2014
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Mad Dog":24h0447r said:
Sox-n-Hawks":24h0447r said:
I wonder what RWs record is against “Top offenses”. I don’t have time to look up the stats...... however, my lazy assumption is that it seems like he beats them quite often.

Winning record for 7 straight seasons. He's beaten a lot of teams. And put him in Clink on Prime Time in the 4th Quarter and you get one of the best QB's the world has ever seen.



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Dec 6, 2015
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Mad Dog":3kqaeg6c said:
Sox-n-Hawks":3kqaeg6c said:
I wonder what RWs record is against “Top offenses”. I don’t have time to look up the stats...... however, my lazy assumption is that it seems like he beats them quite often.

Winning record for 7 straight seasons. He's beaten a lot of teams. And put him in Clink on Prime Time in the 4th Quarter and you get one of the best QB's the world has ever seen.



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Dec 30, 2010
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brimsalabim":1glwk8ue said:
chris98251":1glwk8ue said:
Just wish he could throw a decent deep ball, needs more arm strength to get it 70 yards in the air and 70 yards deep and a Air Traffic control coordinator to redirect Airplane traffic during games.
He can’t do it consistently on the road. Those domes screw up the trajectory.

ATC Radar can't get inside the dome, obviously.


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Dec 11, 2016
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SlickRick":1kbxvgiv said:
Mad Dog":1kbxvgiv said:
Sox-n-Hawks":1kbxvgiv said:
I wonder what RWs record is against “Top offenses”. I don’t have time to look up the stats...... however, my lazy assumption is that it seems like he beats them quite often.

Winning record for 7 straight seasons. He's beaten a lot of teams. And put him in Clink on Prime Time in the 4th Quarter and you get one of the best QB's the world has ever seen.

I believe he has a pretty solid record against other "good" QBs, so I assume it would follow the same trend against good offenses.


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Nov 16, 2015
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They only come out on dark days when their flames appear to them to be brighter.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2017
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In the same.way the people who say russ sucks as a qb is sad, so is this passive aggressive thread. Both are bad and do nothing to discussions.

If people want to break down Russ faults and stuff with opinions or he say he is perfect and say why then thats fine. However, its always passive aggressive threads or posts with trolling in it.

Russ is a Top 5 QB and he does have faults. Russ also has the qualities you need as a QB. He is very good at way more things then negative but with him fans have no middle ground. Its either A) He isnt elite and ill take Rick Mirer or B)He is jesus. Then we get all the name calling and crying.

Can we enjoy the damn win that clinched the playoffs for the 6th time in last 9 years?


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
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I think both sides of this discussion or lack of should buy each other a present and call it a day.


Well-known member
Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
Do we need another one of these, the other thread is like 18 pages now.


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Dec 26, 2014
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chris98251":14xy907l said:
Do we need another one of these, the other thread is like 18 pages now.

Agreed! We have a definitive Russ thread

Lords of Scythia

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Sep 19, 2011
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Said the same thing about Montana, who also dropped to the third.

GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Apr 30, 2009
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Grand Rapids, MI
It was a legitimate concern during the pre-draft process. Good on Russ for being able to overcome it. No QB has quite done what he has.


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Oct 19, 2014
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Covington WA
I think with Russell's new found ability ability to stay in the pocket and move up instead of moving out (many thanks to oaces Solari and Shot) he is become a compete QB in the mold of Drew Brees. I don't think he was ever too short but now his game is much more complete and he can put the dagger opponents is every way possible.


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Dec 2, 2012
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"Russell can't see over his O-Line". I have always laughed at this comment.
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